Resolution 1997-248 8 RESOLUTION NO. ~7.~~ A RESOLUTION SETTI:"G THE D:\ TE. TIME AND PLM'!' FOR THE PUBLIC HE,IRING ON THE PREI.IMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL (NON-AD V,\LOREM ASSESSMENTS) FOR THE N,\PLES PARK AREA DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS .VlUNICIPAL SEI{V1CE ~ENErlT IJ"IIT. WHEREAS. the Board of County Cummis:;ioncrs on July 18. 1995 adollted Collier County Ordinance No. 95.44, amending Ordinance No. 86-:17, by providing the proccd'Jfc for the levy and collection of the special assessments \vilhin the N<1plcs Park Area Drainage lmflrovcmcnt Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit; and \VHEREAS, the: Board of County Commissioners on July! 6, J 996 adopted Resolution No. 96- J 11 creating the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Municipal Sc;-,'icc Benefit Unit and provides for the COSlS orlhc slomm'atcr drainage improvements to be paid from special assessments to be levied against the hcnefiteu properties within the Unit; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on July 16, 1996 adopted Resolution No. 96- 3 J 2 initiating a program for the purpose of providing stoml\vater drainage improvements within the Naples Park Area Drainage ln1rrovem~nts Municip,1i Service Benefit Unit; and WHEREAS, on September 3, 19<)() the Board of County Ctlmmissioncrs held a public hearing on the tentative assessments and adorted Resolution No. 96-402 approving the plans, spcclficalions, estimated costs and tentative assessment roll for the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Municipal Service Benefit Unit; and \VHEREAS, the stom1\valcr drainage improvements have been constnlcted in accordance with thl~ plans and specifications; anJ WHEREAS, Collier County OrJinance No. 86-37, as amcnded. and Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, require a public hearing to be helJ to adopt the preliminary assessment roll (non-ad valorem assessments) against the benefited properties and for the purposes of utilizing the uniform method of collecting the non~ad valorem assessments. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN fY. FLORIDA. tha!; Section Q.n,e:, This Resolution is JdOplCd pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.0 I, Florida Statutes, Section 197.3()32. Florida Statutes, Collier County Ordinance No. 86-]7, as :lnlended, and other applicable provisions of law. Section Two. It is hereby found and determined thaI the special assessment district created known as "Naples Park Area Drain:lge Improvements Special Assessment District" is necessary for funding the stormwaler drainage improvements constructed \....ithin the District. Section Three A public hearing before the Board orCollnty Commissioners on the preliminary assessment roll (non-ad valorem assessment roll) of the tolal project costs for the construction of the stormwatcr drainage improvements within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Special B 1 "l'or ,',_.4 .~..-- '.:" "., . ,'.;....1.' '('1/" ". ~l:!{'~j:'~;;'~'~}i';il -i.:.' ;: ,..,"~' ,\.t'.1 ';: ~.~.J . '.',' ... T~: \:\',~;::.~'t::' 1~rl. ~.~~~ ;~)~i.~J.' :~: ~:r;::'ihtf~:...! "~.i!, ;;.J~..:,l ~.,. \.!Jl: -.'; 'J\ ~\ ;~: H':-~: r '\~',~~)". ~.1.l 'IJ!. r'..."c.....'J.,.! ~ of; ., irI: '.. .'-i'L.~J'J-: -.:), .',.t '.''..If.;.. "I....~' }?,! /\~~:~r(~~1\.:2~;~~: .;yJ~ " .\,'. ;:o,~~~'.., "'1 ~l~lr'ir .'''1,r.',\,1...,c, '.. t:!/i~~ \I'{;;~,.,t:, ~,;....~: ;~~ .l,.,."l"..f ,"/,,_"( :?;.~... . '(';"l:\.'>~~'~"'\':'. ".., ,." i' 'l \, ~ .., r-!'ii'::' t ..t'I:/~~"'\' "j',1" .... .,.. .;?>!;~l'f:~:":f:_!}_:.:~'~.~',;: ~~, :\r:~::~ ~<~:.t~,:~,:;'.f)i:,~:. J'l'~"l'j ./."....:.t-" ..,>, .. (:~:;\!':~;!"{: (t-~:'?: r::.r'Jtl"'i.','.I? ,I;, :1 ..,\ .,' " ,~!, ;.-' '. ;:~;l~(j ,/;,\.~~'i:.!.'./,:' >:\"z . ."~~. ;1..~,.':k:;::-~, .',,,,.1"'-'1 ""r .,,'. ,'r~.-. ~~,~~\:~': ':';:~;t~::i:;;::~~:<:' '..:r:. "'. '. 10, . '~1 ~.'. 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'. ,>, . :\~~Ltt'j.:.'~: >\.:1;- ;'.'-l" I ;~,' ~ !'}11~i~:,;',: 8 8-1-' Assessment District and as 10 the lola\ assessment cost between the CounLy and c8ch property owner orland within the Naples PJrk Area Drainage lmpr,wclllcnls Special Assessment District shall he held on June 24. 1997. at ():()O ^.~'l.. Collier COllnty Bo;]rd or County COlllmissioners' Chambers. Collier County Government Center. Adminislra:\On BuilJing. Third Floor. .1.101 Fast Tallliami Trail. Naples. Florida 34112. The Board OfCOllllty Commissioners \\1111 hear objections orthc c,wncrs of the properties within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Special Assessment District or other penions interested therein. to the adoption orthc rrcliminary asseSSment roll (non-ad valorem asscssm~nt roll). The Clerk shall keep a record in which shall be inscribed, at the request of any person, firm or corporJtioll having or claiming to have any interest in any lot or parcel of land wilhin the District, the name and post office address of such person, fiml or corporation. together with the brief description or designation of such lot or parcel. The C1crk 5h311 C3use the notice of such puhlic hearing to be published one lime in the ;\'3p\CS Daily 0'e\\'s, a ne\"'"spapcr published in Collier County and circulating in the District. not1css than t\\.cnly (~O) days prior 10 SJid date oflhe hearing. Notice of such public hearing to consider the adoption oflh' preliminary assessment roll (norhld ....alorem assessment roll) shall also be mailed by first cl3ss mail to all the proreny owners all the preliminary assessment roll (non-ad valorem assessment roll) althe address provided for on said roll. Section Four. 1\otice of such hearing shall he in suhstantially the fol1o\ving fom1: i'i 0 T I <::....E Notice is hereby given that the Goard of County Commissioners ofCol1icr County. FloriJ3, will meet on June 24, 1997, Jt9:0(} A.M. 111 the Board ofCollnty Commissioners Chambers. Collier County Govemment Center. Administration Building. Third Floor. 3301 East TamiJrlli Trail. Naples, Florida 34112, for [he purpose of hearing objections, ifany. orall interested persons to the adoption of the prelirninar;, assessment roll (non-ad \"3lorem assessment roll) allocating the total project costs for the construction of [he stomlwater drainage improvements within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Special Assessment District which compriscs and includes those lands described as follows and depicted on Exhihit "/\" attached hereto and incolvoratct:! herein: All those certain lJnds lying \vithin por1ions ofSeclions 28 and 33. Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. ~ll1d heing further described as follows. all of; Unit No.1. Nap1cs Park as recorded in Plat Book 1. Page 1 O() and; Subdivision of Block I, Unit No.1, Naples Park, JS recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 5 and; Replat ofUlocks 4 & 5, Unit No. I, Narles Park, as recorded in Plat Beak 4. Page CJ and: Unit No.2, Naples Park JS recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 107 and: Unit No.3, Naples Park as recorded in PIal Book ], Page 5 and: Unit No.4, Naples Park as recorded in PIal Dook 3, PJge 7 ,1110: Unit No.5, Naples Park as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 14 and; Unit No.6, Naples Park as rccarued in Plat Book 3. Page 15 and; 2 ':i'~~.,-:,;. ,".l"" :" ."I~':'~ 11.:-' '~.'~' o1".f '.' . .t~ 1 ' i ~ , . /' -'", ",., !,'~ ,~~.(,.,~,~<!~:'.~/~ .;;.: :.;;;..' fttr! :!l~{;:~;?~~'(~ ~\,., ~t 'Ill,j.-'~ ,.. ~,{,:.~" < ~'C'I'1 :'. 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' .: '.:( "11 L' :, " - ~ ~"''''~'T-~;'. ,..... j':" '., ''": . ~ ;t~:':,~'1'1,:~+ >\~'t~/~ ":W''':'''''(:l'l:'' .,}'.. "..:.'~'. ::r,....;Yi1.' 1.."t~.,I/:..t~., ".:".J!'k.r.'u~";.t;..,,'.. "t" .'I~ll' ..... .' t ;r..:;,oi 'I J~~:<-<l:",:~ ( ,.':' r !\'j' 1-' ~ '. t ' I. ...."..'.~ . ..;,;:....., .1,~.::('. ;;">:~ :':i:" l~.I..'\\:!I:T.. }h~llf<'i: pt...T~t'..,.,.~,.'" ';'.1- ~~.':i!.,::l;'I:...f:y.l.!.;.., ":'0>". ,1- '1.l"1"f''-'"'' .~-h:i}:;\~'il;':if ,..,'.<1 if.' .,.,,-:-;,,. ~~i~~~i t,:'."'.:l r'.~..' '."}'" 'j ,\,,1:/:\1 l ~.'~.~.7~;};' , ~ ,r i'" " i- ':-, ~ .,<.11'/''<::' ': ~ : ;"i' 1'[1.':> " .~:.~.);/.':;. ;~"..~; :};! .:,J~;:T ';; ," .' ~I. l:"~ ~i"II, . it. ~( , ,'. ;> .' .;.' :5.t!z,.~l'f'i),:~;);}i 8 8"'1'4 Coventry Square as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page (15.6(1; together with a\1 those certain lands lying within Section 33, Township 48 So lith, Range 25 East, being bounded on the; North by the South right-of-way line of91st Avenue; South by the North right.or~way line of Vander bill Beach Road; East hy the West right-or-way line of U.S. 41, N. T;1miami Trail; West by the East right-of-way line of Vanderbilt Drive; A copy oflhc preliminary tlS5CSsmcnt roll (non-ad valorem assessment roll) for each lot or parcel ofland to be assessed is on file at the Clerk 10 Board's Ornec, Aorninistration Building, Fourth Floor, Collier County Govcmmcnt Center, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, and in the oflices of the County SIOnTIwatcr Management Department, Health and Community Services Building, Third Floor, 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naplcs. rlorida 34112, and is open to the inspection of the public. All affected property owners have a right 10 appear and be heard at the public hearing and to file written objections to the adoption of a Resolution approving the preliminary assessment roll (non-ad valorem assessment roll) \vilh (he Board within 20 days of this notice ba<;ed upon the bTfounds that it contains items which can not be propcrly assessed against property, that the computation of tile special assessment is incorrect. or there is a default or defect in the passage or character of the resolution, or the preliminary assessment (non-ad valorem assessment) is void or voidable in whole or part, or that it exceeds the power of the Board. At the completion of the hearing, the Board shall either annul or sustain or modify in whole or in part the preliminary Z1ssessment (non-ad valorem assessment) as indicated on such roll, either by confirming the preliminary assessment (non-ad valorem assessment) against any or all lots or parcels described therein or by canceling, increasing, or reducing the same, according to the spe-cial benefits \vhich the Board decides each such lot or parcel has receivcd or will receive on account of sllch improvements. The assessment so made shall be final and conclusive as to each lot or parcel a.~s{;ssed unless proper steps <.IfC takcn \vilhin twenty (20) days with a court of compctentjurisdicl.ion to secure relief. 111C Board will levy a spcci"l asscssmen\ (non-ad valorem assessment) for the total project cost of the construction of the stormwa!er drainage improvements consisting of the installation ofstonnwater pipes in thc vicinity of91 "192M AVentle North and 81h Street, rehabilitating the culverts under Vanderbilt Drivc. and an improved stoml\V:1tcr drainage outfall system into which nmoff is discharged from ..lll the lets or parceh: of property located within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Special Assessment District as described herein. The total a')ses:;ablc project costs to he levied against the benefited prDpertics within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Speclal Assessment District or lots or parcels of property otherwise specially benelited therehy and designated on the Preliminllry Assessment Roll (non-ad valorem assessment roll), less the Cou[lty's portion, is 53,074,396.90. based (In stonnwater runofT factors and squZlrc footage of each IOl or parcel of property or per unit for 3 condominiums in direct proportion to the benefits received from the conslnlCtion of the project and the stormwater runoffhurden slIch propcl1ies impose on the overall slOrmW;J!Cf JrJinagc system, ifpaid within thirty (30) clays fro111 the adoption of the Resolution by the Board of County Commissioners arproving the Preluninary I\SSCSS111cnt Roll. The tota! assessJ.h1c rroject costs to be levied againstlhe benefited propcI1ics within the Naples Park Area Drainage Improvements Special Assessment District or 10ls or parcels of property otherwise speciJ.lly benefited thereby and designated on tht; Prr:1iminary Assessment Roll (non-Jd valorem assessment roU), less the County's pOl1ion, is a to\a! amount not to exceed S5.907.44().13, based on slonnwatcr runoff factors and square footage of e,lCh lot or parcel of property or per unit for condominiums in direct proportion to the benefits reccived from the constnlction nfthe project and the stomlWtlter runoff burden such properties impose onlhe overall stonnwatcr drainage system, if the total assessment for each lot or parcel is nol ptlid within thirty (30) days from the date of adoption of the Preliminary Assessment Roll. hut ptlid in annual installments as a non-ad valorem assessment on the rroperty tax hill over a period of liJ1cell (15) years with an interest rate orone percen! (I "10) tlhove !he long-term financing, not to exceed eight percent (8.0%) on the unpaid principal. The special assessment (non-ad Vtllorem assessment) shtlll be collected by the Collier County Tax Collector on the o\.....l1er's tld valorem ttlX bill pursuant to Section 197.3632. Florida Statutes, if the total tlSSeSS111ent per lot or parcel is not ptlid in full in the thirty (30) day period commencing with the date of adoption of the Resolution tlpproving the Preliminary Assessment Roll. Failure to pay the special asscssment (non-ad vtllorem assessment) and your property taxes will Ctluse a ttlX certificate to be sold against the property which may result in a loss oftit1c to the property. Any pcrwn who decides 10 appeal a decision of the Board will need a record orthe proceedings pertaining Iherclo and therefore may need to ensure that a vcrbtltim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the tcstimony and evidence upon \vhich lhe appeal is to be based. IlOARrJ OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COU:-<TY, FLORIDA TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN D\VICHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: 15/ Maureen Kenyon Deputy Clerk (SEAL) Section Fh"e. The Ckrk is hereby ordercd and dircclec1to spread this Resolulion in full among the minutes of this meeting for pennal1cnt record in his office. smi2n..S.i.L This Resolution shall hlXornc errccti\'e nnmt.-Jiatcly llpon its passage. 4 8 B 1 This Resolution adopted this 2 c 7" (. motion. second and majority vote. ATTEST: DWIG1fT;- BROCK. CLERK :' ..~.~.<n. ';;,/;t.4hr//h' ;),(' /../ ,- Approved as to' fonn and _--.legal sufficiency: ". ~ .... . . ,....,,~ "..-A'iiiJ;j' e;' ' David C, Weigel County Attorney 8 B 1 ...---c' day of .-!~ U .1997.aOcr BOARD OF COUNn' COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA -------7 '~,f;/ " -/ / BY---.L~2~#j//A;Xc;/c'.P--- TIMOTHY/HANCOc~K. CHAIRMAN 5 Naples Par1ols5l19f97 Naples Park Assessment Estimate anachement A T o:al Assessmenl $3,074.400 Full Payment Within 30 Days 8 Percent of Construction Per Unit Original Additional Description Unils Tolal Cosl Avg. Cost Notice CosV(Savi~ Bcachwalk 356 0.16.1. S 4,919.04 S 13.82 S 16.24 S (242) Kingswood 4 0.10% S 3,074.-40 S 753.60 S 93500 S (1G6.~Ol Pavilion Club 156 2.48% S 76,245.12 S 488.75 S 54051 S (5176) Covenlry Square 9 0.31% S 9,530.64 S 1,058.96 S 1,24667 S (187.71) Pavilion Shop 1 770% S 236.728.80 $236.728.80 $261,800.00 $ (25.071.20l Pavilion Terraces 1 051% S 15.679.44 S 15,679.44 S 17 .340.00 S (1,660,56) Naples pa/1l: Slrip 89 11.26% S 346,'77.44 S 3.889.63 S 4,58427 S (694.64) Naples Park 91 sl & 92nd Lois 142 4.04% S 124,205.76 S 877.16 S 1.03820 S {161 04) Naples Park 8lh SI. lols 103 3.57% S 109.756.08 S 1.067.33 S 1.28520 S (217.87) Naples Park Lots Balance 3.425 6987% 52.148.08J28 S 627.09 S 742.05 S (114.96) 100.00% 53.074,40000 T olal Assessment & Finance = Financing Over 15 Years $5.907.445 Description UnilS 356 4 156 9 1 1 89 142 103 3.425 8eachwalk Kingswood Pavilion Club Coventry Square Pavilion Shop Pavilion Terraces N.Jples park Strip Naples Park 91 st & 92nd Lois Naples Park 8th SI. lots Naples Pal1l. Lois Balance Sheel12 Percenl or Total 0.16% 0.10% 2.48% 0.31% 7.70% 0.51% 1126% 404% 3.57% 6987% 10000% Construction Cosl 5 9.451.91 $ 5.907.45 S 146,50-1.66 $ 18.313.08 S 454,873.35 5 30,127.98 $ 665,17843 S 238.660.82 S 210,895.83 $4,127,532.61 55.907,446.13 Per Unil Cost $ 26.55 $ 1.0476.86 $ 939.13 S 2,034.79 $454.873.35 $ 30,127.98 $ 7,473.91 $ 1,585.46 S 2,050.87 S 1.204.95 15Ycar Per year Cost S S $ S S S S S S S 1.77 98.46 62.61 135.65 30.32489 2.008.5:.'- 49826 112.36 136.72 80.33 B 1