Resolution 1997-237 RESOLUTION NO. ~7._,~Z- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF LlBRAR'" SYSTEM IMPM'T fEES. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES. ROAD I.MPACT FEES. I'MERCiENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SYSTEM IMPACT FFES AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR Or-;E HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY LINDA J. RODGERS AT 1161 8" STREET N. E. NAPLES. COLLIER COUNTY. fLORIDA. WHEREAS. Collier County has recognized and attempted to address the lack ofadcqu;]!c and arrordahlc housing for moderale, low, ~md very-Io\\' income households in [he County Jnd the need for creative and innovative programs to assist in the provision of sllch housing hy including seyeral provisions in the CoIlier County Growth MJfltlgcmcnt Plan. including: objective 1.4, policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5. policy 1.5.2. policy 1.5.3. policy 1.5.4. policy 1.5.5. policy 1.5.(" objective 1.6, rolicy 1.6.3; objective 2.1. policy 2.1.1. policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5. and policy 2.1 J) of the Housing Element; and WHEREAS. Collier County has received runding pursuant to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program set rorth in Section 420.907 ~, Florida Statutes and Chapter 91~37, Florida Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, the County is authorized [0 use funding from State Housing lnitialivcs Partnership [SHIP] Program Jar waivers of Collier County impact fees; and WHEREAS. Linda 1. Rodgers is seeking a 50% waiver/50% deferral of 100% ofimpacl fees; and WHEREAS, Linda J. Rodgers will constmct aile (3) three hedroom unit (the "Dwelling Unit") at ! 161 8'" Street N. L, /'.\lples, Collier County, Florida. which is proposed to cost Eighty-Five Thollsand One Hundred Dollars ($85,100.00), and WHEREAS, the Dwelling Unit will he owned by a low income household. and WHEREAS, Linda J. Rodgers submitted to the orfice of I-lousing and Urban Impro\"ement an Affordable Housing Application dated March 4, 1997 for 16 A 1 {:.J,<j;:it:.; . ~':'.\;':r.';l~}, '~: . "1\ ,")..r"" :;.~-:;!~j'.:;~:~[ e'i:II';)(il" ~i:i~M ,./, . "~~.. 01"," ':' <,;~}.l$~l: :,!: ,J'I"'"X"i " . ""'l'" :Wltff; ;~' ~;. - ~ ,", -I ,,-,. -ft' ;:_~l,;:~ ' .~. :::"::~;';~'I,.~ . 1".1 '''1' j~i~I~::;'1 ~ ":.:f.:}-~~t~ C:', '::~ /,.,",.....,"':..t. i1i~~ t,' ",:'t. '~t r f.j.'~{,l~r~i.~~~t!'i; !.J.... ";;l'::"':"'~' ". '1'",;"", ;.\r.:l,'..........';")..t~!' li1iJ}~~tf.;rf; .iJ :.~!;: :::< b~. r:"; ~ ,''''. f "..,l~. Sl", ,"'' .."',..1".'1-' :~ j,"; J"'! ,i,l,( '(il['n{~i~~: l'.. ''''-;~\,',' . J'~i ~-.T~' "-'~qA l~:;;;;~itft:!l': ~ .. ....'..., '. ....1..,.,. . ~:~~;'e.~~;;;' "..<~{ "', 'I ,\1 J, ~;m~';~rr~: " "-.,, ',l .' i :"Y(:,"~'I.'~.' ~,.;~';< '."'" r ':";'h "'/:':,.l' Lj;:;;'::>;~!; .' ~,r",':'~ ~;";:';': .f}]';. ;i;;?i;'f, a waiver/deferral of impacl fees far the conslnlctiCln of a house at j 161 811l Street N. E.. Naples. Collier County. Florida, a copy of said application is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Department; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3.04 of the Lihrary System Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 88-07, as nn1cndcu; Section 4,05 of the Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 88-96, as amended; Section 3.04 orthe Road Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-22, as amended; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medical Services System lmpact Fcc Ordinance. Ordinance No. 91-71. as amended; and Section 3.05 l)[ the Educational Facilities System Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an ~rrlic~nt m.1Y obtnin a 50% \\';'livcr/50% dcfclTJ.l of imract fees by qualifying for:} w;'livcr; and WHEREAS, Linda J. Rodgers has qualified for a 50% \v~iver/50% deferral based uran the following representations made: A. The Dwelling Unit shall be O\vned hy a first-time home buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit shall be owned hy a household \vith a low income le\'el as that term is defined in the Appcndic-::s to the respective Impact Fcc Ordinances and the monthly payment to purchase the unit mu~t be within thc affordable housing guidelines estnblished in the Appendices to the respective ImpJ.ct Fcc Ordinances. C. The Dwelling Unit shali be the Homestead orthe owner. D. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for ftf\ccn (15) years from the date the certificate of occupancy is issued. NOW. THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED flY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of COLLiER COUNTY. fLORIDA. that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Manager to isslle an Authorization for 50% waiver/50% deferral of impact fees to Linda J. Rodgers for one (1) house which shaH be constructed at 1161 8th Street N. E.. Naples. Collier County. Florida. 2. Upon receipt by the Housing and Urban Improvement Director of an agrcement for waiver/deferral signed hy Linda J. Rodgers. or other 2 1 b A 1 GOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~/~ By; Timothy L. Hancock. Chainnan dOCllmcnt31ion acceptahle to the County AlIomcy. the Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the payment by Collier County of [he following impact fees from the Affordable Housing Tmst Fund. Fund (191). in the following amounts for the one (1) house to be built at 1161 8t~ Street N. E.. N<Jplcs, Collier COllnty. Florida by Linda J. R.odgcrs: a) Library Impact Fcc S 180.52 b) Road Impact Fcc 1,37').00 c) Parks and Recreational Fncililics Impact Fcc Regional Parks 179.00 Community Parks 399.00 <.1) EMS Impact Fcc 14..00 c) Educational Systems Impact Fcc ---1.ill.QQ TOT AL IMP ACT FEES 53.929.52 3. The payment of impact fees hy Collier County is subject to the execution and recordation of an Affordahle Housing Agreement for payment of Collier Coullty Impact Fces between the property owner and/or purchaser and the County. This Resolution adopted aner motion, second and majority ....ote favoring same. DATED: ---i~ 2" 19 'i ) .J , ArnST: . DWlGriT E. BROCK, Clerk :it~L ~~~(~ c. ft~ ( jdlf/reso/rodgcrs 3 16A 1 Linda J. Rodgers Legal Description EXH1I31T "A" LOT 1, TRACT 123, UNIT 18, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF IN PLA T BOOK 7. PAGES 7 AND 8. OF THE PUllLlC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. 4 16A 1