Resolution 1997-235 -_.._----'.'_._----_._--_.._-~-_._..,-"-'---,.. -'.,-.,--_.. - -. '. 13A 1 RESOI.UTION 9~-2J5 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE EST1\BLISHMEtJT OF A MEDICAL BUILDING CONDITIONAl. USE "~" IN THE C-l ZOI~ING D1STRIG PURSUANT TO SECTiON OF THE COLLIt:r"Z COUNTY Lf\ND DEVELOPMENT CODS FOR Pl<.OPERTY LOC1\TEO IN SECTION V, TOWNSHI? 49 SOUTH, PANGt: 25 E:rSI', COLLIER COUNTY, F'LORI!J/\. WHEREAS, the Legisldtur<2 of the State of Florida in ChiJpter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to estdblish, coordinate dnd enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the pUblic; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-1G2) which includes a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoninq of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the qrantinq of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Plannlng Commission, helng the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a pUblic hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the adV1SJbillty of Conditlorlal Use "4" of Section in a C-l zone for a medical bui].ding on the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact (Exhibit "A") that satisfactory provision and arrange~ent have been made concernlng all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection of tI,e Land Development Code for the Collier County Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have becn given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Beard having considered all matters prese~ted. NOW', THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE: BOl\RD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: The petition filed by Micllael Corlrath, representing Naples Radiologists, P,A., Profit Sharing/401K Plan with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein -1- ":...;.' ' ~>.~~~;~ ~.~t-'~:,~ t :"l'~r,..;;. ';:,;, ,,".>' 'I,'" "'"'~' '''''~ "".10' ' " "~J";' '.' i~, t~:~f;~~ltr;~rf,j\;,; ~.,.'~ .J~'K~Y~:.~.~~)~L~"~~:/-;..',~ <.~.. ,r.:, :,I~": ""r'II'lh"'};', " ;~.~:\;lt\:,:,:';,')'~.~~;(\;.':.,: :,;;,- ~,";""-''', '~.'l'''. ,..1.'..'..... ".1."'''' . '. "".' ~.' ....., ~ !~1':'~~ \'2t.'.'i ,'> 'r"'}'c"",;, . '.!;~:l '::-ri;~.::!';I,..;< ,'-:,>i~.'~':'~.'.;: :,,~ . i~":~ :~r~:{ \ \;.: :..;~; ..~~:;t,l ,~ './.;'o,'"{ ~':'~' ." ',. " ".,. i~ ,''', .....,.,.,,' ,O'i ' : .<;~f. .i,~l;: ~,{. :l>.~:":\;:: ~.c:',l";' ....Il :~ :.-, '/. I."""~" ( :~' " ~" f~~U'I' ;[Z:![~;{~lt.J,:rij;;,\~t:: ;~ ,:t.~;f'7 '/0." ~>'l~~ 'f. 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'! r ~ . .... .;',;..---" ",)"",,:,:.' ,,~, 'j...."i.', t ,'. ,./j/St d~~a\;~"~.;:;~;;' I> <r ..., l,' ..(1\ "",) .1, ''4 "..r, \1" ~S~~~/ ,:j ~~~~~k~i:};::~,~::}'~', :g ,~I,.!, ""( >",', l"""f .;~!1f: :t\~j'f~,;1KJ:t\:M~~; 'i."-,'t'':-''"I".-.)\.,;J\;~ 1 :~;fi,ffU~(t:'.~),.~t)J.~ '~,'>.;:'~'\i:i ;/;~ -: ~t~:!. '. :. -~..~: .'i;"j.', ' ';1,,:\", ; . '<'i.(:t.t:;:';.~..:\....;,:,::,:"..:" II. :"~:~'~~~:i:l./ ,~~)";.~l >~'!' ~, ,,j) " . :":i"..L;'Vh~,.,~"\~:'>;' ',',. ,,",' ~ 1 ~.,' I ..' ,",.' .:~, '.,ii";Y:,(';'.':;01.l,':,',I,{" : 13A 1 be and the same is hereby approved Eo~ Conrlitional Use "4" of Section of the C-} zonIng rl~strict for a medical center in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (ExhibLt "C") and subject to the following conditions: a. The Planning & Tec~nicAl ~~rviccs Manager may approve minor changes in the location, sIting, or height, of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by the conditional use. Expansiol1 of the uses identified and approved within this conditional use application, or major changes to the site pldn submitted as part of this application, shall require tI,e slJbmittal of a flew conditional use applicAtion, and sh~ll comply with all applicable County ordina~ces ill effect at ttle ti~e of submittal, includj,~g [Jivision 3.3, Site Development Plan Revie'.... and approval, of [tw Ccllicr County Lanci Development Code 'O!'dln~nce No. 91-102) b. The project is suLj~ct to the Goodlette-~ranl: Road Corridor Managemen::: O'ler-le'; (010); spec:i(l~ r,,>gulations as noted in Sectio~ 2.2.21 of the Land Developrnent Code. c. The applicant shall be res00flsible for the installation of arterial level ~treE'l- lightJng at: all project entrances prior to thp lSS~;dnc:~ of the Certificate of Occupancy. d. Substantial competent eVldc~ce shJll be provid~d by tile developer to the effGct that the project is designed to provide capacity arId treat~ent for historical roadway runoff. In addition, site drainage shrill not be permitted to discharge directly into any roadway drainage system. BE IT F1JRTHER RESOLVED that: ~.hlS Pesolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted 2fter mo~]on, second and majority vate. Done this /J~ dBi' Of-..l1_'7':':"'__' 1997. BOi\RD Of ZONING APP[J\LS CO:,LER COIJNTY, FLORID~. " '/. ./ B" .//.- // // ,//'//'/~.~-_.- I ; ~~_---------'-~~~ .- . I /..:J~____ T.Ir.jQTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIPJ1J\.N ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK, CLERK ~~~,I.~",(J~ AP R D AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ," fr" '~. , I v'. (~......[.: 'II .,,(1,..((" .~', MARJORuE M, STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY flCU-91-Z RESOLUTIotll r,lV -2- :,{. '-f'f.'t'.';~'l:i,..: ".....,~ \~... 'r' .\:.1 t...~~~I' 'l~,:t'<{' 1:" ~:;,.. /ll,)' , ~'.... : , . ," ;,:.. f. ,I' .}~{ .;'l,'~':... ~"tt~ r ~~\' ^ :1 ,.:;. ~..'d"I'''''\';' 1'\' ;, ' ....:. . , .:~.; '-t~""". I ..r '. ' ,\,., ~;.. .'\'r,,~,-'t.' ,-' .jl . '," }P1' .,~~~::,~~.t~f~~-h~iri .~;'~;~J\~ /~. 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