Resolution 1997-229 ..ur.....__......_.......-.n..........__"____.___ 8 0 1 RESOLUTION NO. 97-229 ^ RESOLUTION DECL.\i'.I:"G THAT E~lrI.OYU:S COVERED UNDER TIlE COUNTY'S SEI.I'-l'lINDED MEDICAL BENEFIT PI.A:" HAVE I'ERFOR~IED I:" AN EXCEPTIONAL ~IAN"ER A<'iD SHOULD RECEIVED BON.US COMPENSATION; I'I1OVIIlIN(; FOR E:J.IGIIlLE EMPLOYEES; lH~CI.ARI<'i(; THAT ~IONIES TO IlE DISBURSED ARE IN ACCORI1ANCE WITH ~I2S.01(1)(bb), FLORIDA STATUTf'S; AND DIRECTING STAFF AND TIlE CLERK OF COURTS TO J\lAKE TIIF: NECESSARY DISBURSEMENT OF BONUS FUNI1S. WHEREAS, on May 6, 1<)\)7, III ,lgenda ilem numher S{D)(l) the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") was infomlcd hy Support Services AdminislrJtor. Leo Oehs, Jr., that the Collier County self-funded Medical Benelit J'lan IS in such Eom! flnaTlcial condition lh<lt it is necessary to recommend measures ro rhe f:;()~rd to rdlll:c execs, funds in lhe pru~ran1: and \VHEREAS. Starf has expl;l;l1ed lh.l\ till: o;cr.l1cnl finanCial condition of the \ledlCJI Benefit Plan i.<:; due to: the existence of fcl'i cl:;lstrop!1ic claims: impkmcl1tation by the 13o;ud of an excellent managed care prr'g;-~m: and 11:1; rn]lient us'; I}f J h~~her deductible oplion by Collier COIJnt)' EmpJoy.:es covered ll!1(kr the pwg,',lrll: ~lrV] \VHEREAS, the objective o('thc ivlnllclllknel1t Plan of the Cnunty is 10 hreak eWll on an annual bas::; as opposed:o gencr;:'ling pror-It,,; and \VlfEREAS, Slafr has rccornlTio;ndcu tll;ll c<ccs:s: fllnds In lhe Pla;l he reJuced hy three measures: I) eight (8) prcmllllll holid;i)':';: 2) >l rcduc\ion of next YC;J.r's rremlUn1S; and 3) declaring an experience incenti\'(,: hOl1u~ for clnployct.'s in recognition of their efforts in the judicious U5t.: of the lknefil Pian: ~lld WHEREAS, the experiencc inccntive hOllus for en~ploycc:; rccnn1mended hy slafr is not intended and is not, in fact, a return on contrihutlons made hy individuals: and WHEREAS, ~215.425, Floridu SIO;lI[C.1, prohihits extra compensation being p>lid 10 employees; and WHEREAS, Attorney General Op1l1iol1 93-13 explains thaI ~215.425, Florida Slall/les, prohibits extra eompensCltion to he raid unless allowed under specific sta,utory authorization: and WHEREAS, ~ 125.01( I )(bb), Florida Sid/1111'S. provides that: (bb) Notwithstanding the prohihitlon against extr;l compcnsation set forth in s. 215.425, provide for all ex Ira con1pcnsatl0l1 program. inciuding a lump-sum bonus payment program. to reward o\Jtstanding employees whose performance exceeds standards, if the program provides that a hontls paymc:1t may not be included in an employee's regular base rate of pay and may not be carried forw:ml in subsequent years. and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners \vishcs to express its congratulations to Staff and all employees of the County covered hy thc program for exemplary use of the -~~ --~-~~-.- ..-.,,~~~~-_.._~..~.~ , :. i ' '~, . ..,~:t" " I, .- f1 n 1 program by providing for a premium holiday. a reduction In I\cxl year's prcmium and a one-time cash bonus to recognize exemplary employee performance in the use of the Plan, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT HESOLVED BY TilE 1l0ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU>;T"r', FLORIDA. that: 1, The Ooard of COllnty Commisc.loncrs hcrclJY lilHj:; and deci;J.n:s th;\1 €:mployces covered under the County's se:r.ftJnded MCthJI Benefi( PI;H1 have rerfumlcd in (1 manner exceeding expected standards and ~,hotJ!d rce':I",'e bOllu!> comrens:J!iotl 011 ;l one-time basis in lhe approximafe amount of$174.0n per eligihic cl11j11oyer.: 2. Employees eligih!e for ,his ('.pc-tirn(" pcrfornn:lre bonu<; ilrc those employees enrolled in the Benetit Plan as of Janu;!r)' 1, 1 ()~)(l and \1'1l1) conlil1'.1cd to be enrolled in the Benefit Plan as of May 6.1997. 3. The Board hereby speciflc;ll!y dccl:\fCS that lhis is IW( compensation prohibited under ~215.425. Florida Statl/ti's, cn a return 01, prCl1111JIll or rcimhur~;l'nlent for contributions made by employees participating in the self-funded Medical Benetit Plan, Rather, this is a one- lime performance bonus in recognition of the exemplary' and judicious use of the Medical Benefit Plan by the eligible employees which is consistellt with 9125.0 I (I )(bb), Florida StU(II{('5. 4. StatT and the Office of the Collier County Clerk of C01ll1s are hereby directed to make the necessary disbursements of bonus funds (0 eligible employees and olht:r participating constitutional agencies pursuant to this Resolution .:, I THIS RESOLUTION ADO()TED lhis _ _''-~_._'_~ day of _ />/~/' after motion. second and majority vote favoring SLll11e. . 1997. ATTEST, DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COU.n'R COUNTY, FLORIDA ,,', .' , " /. '--/0/ (," . - -- ~, // / ./' ,/ ? By. _Li~:;&:.:. ,p<fi /; ,.,..'.---__ TIMOTHr"i. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN Approved as 10 form and legal sl1rticielley ,,--- /) / . / 2. ' j;j1~ tl:C// ~jro MaI1alitft - Chief Assistant County Attorney h:Ve$olulions97\hcalt11planbonu5-rm 2 '~o..1 ,,)Wi.. -.........,-...-.---.___-Jl!!II_ ._....._-_.~-~_..._--~,-, "~'_..,"--~.""'.".~-"'~",,....~.. ':~:~.,*.:~:1f:'ll'(. ,~;t:fj .W~i!;M:!.!I.:W';~~\".l::.!;.. . ~,"" ,"J 4!'.li~:;~1\ H' ~:.' ,. ~.;;~'~..\ll~l!~ . ,,:.I~:'. 'I' .,~..;..t ..:' I "I,;: -. \ \.i,.,.,.:1';1I"......:: '.' "',.:(i.";; ii'lft..", (''lf~;t U:;J 'J;~~"/;;: f\.{l\41",\.("l.i,'-'!', ' ,;.~.fj''::'<'\:'J~''tlJ,->.. , "-"",,,\')_,1,1;'J';""'~ ' ~\))~,. .:t.," :~,~.~\'. '''J...-:.t~' ': 'i'" ...\ .'~J\fl..l"~,,.,\\,'I'" ,,' ~"~:; ('.lrt~"~:;.'" ~}~~~~l-::i.~"."~l~l!t~ .:.. ; ,~~ l<>'('! 'H ~'~;.~~I.;":'. ,..'~' "t';;o;\,': ,:~":r',,;, ~ . ',.:."~ ',~'.>V.:t1;z;';, .,;~~}?M t:~k(.l. 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