Resolution 1997-225 RE:;ULUTION 91 - 2?~ 16A RESOLUTIO,," Of TIn: BOARD OF COU~TY COMMiSSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. APPROVlr'1G Tl-fE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH NORTH NAPLES FIRE CONTROL 'ND RESCUE DISTRICT FOR USE OF AN OFFICE WITHIN TilE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING FOR THE OPERATI07'l OF A FIRE CODE ENFORCE\!ENT OFFICE, WHEREAS, North Naples Fire Control and R..~scue District, created. under Chapter 61-2032, L.1.w:; cf Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Dislrict" desires to IClsc;J nine (9) :001 by thirteen (\3) foot off1cc within Development Services loc-<lted at 20RR North f I,)rseshoc Drive, t'-<aples, Florida 3410-1, o\\ned by Collier County, a political subdivision of the 51;]tc of Florida, hcrcii'laHcr refern:d to as "Count~" for Ilse as a fire code cnforcancnt office WHEREAS, the Lease Agreement ("Leasc") t<:no shall be for three (3) years, with three (3) automatic rmewals of three (3) yc.l.fS each Hie Lea>:,,; pfP\'idcs for the County and thc District to tcmlinate the l.case, y.ith or without cause, by providing the other fl;;Tly wil,h a thirty (30) d,l~' written notice to the nddrc$sc.'i provided in the Lease WHEREAS, the Boord of COUllt) Com:nlssicncrs is sn\isficd [hOlt this property is required for the District's use and is not nceded for Cou~ty p\:rpo:.es: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. thO! L The Board of County Commissioners docs approve the attached Lease Agreement bctwcx:n Collier County, a politicaJ subdivision of the Stale of Florida, ::nd North Naples Fire Ccnlrol and Rescue District, created under Chapter 6 i -2032, La.\\s of Florid.l 2. The Chainnan of the Board of Cout\{~ Commissioners of Collier County. Florida, is hereby authorized to execute the attached Lease Agrccmenl This Resolution adopted this '.. d.1vof " -;,/' /..-/ ---_. - -- . -~-------- / 1997 after motion. second and majority vole. ATTEST: DATED: 5~':;:'~':" BOARD OF COUNTY COM\!lSSIONERS COl.LiER COUNTY, FLORIDA DWlGfIT E. BROCK, Cicek ? )::lk-w~~ I~i",--- / / ..... ,Dc ty Clerk // // ";d"" / /- //'~.,.7'.r/ ///'/_.'/" RY_L<i/::.Jfi,~",,/ /I/((P ..- T{\lOTHY V HANCOCK, Chairman Appro,'Cd as to form and legal sufficiency: tl d-. 1-) vk~- Heidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney 2