Resolution 1996-193 l)A 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 96 193 RELATING TO PETITION FOPO-96-1 FOR A VARIA..'lCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE FLOOO ELEVATION REQUIRED BY THE fLOOD DAMAGE "REVENTION ORDINAIICE (ORDINANCE 110. 87-80) AS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE (ORDINANCE NO. 91-102). WHEREAS, the Petitioners, Ed and Sharon Dwyer, desire to allow their ~xiBting sj.ngle faoily home to remain as constructed, locat~d at 16e Cyrus street, Marco Island, Collie~ County, Florida upon property more particularily dASCribed dB sot forth in Ex}tibit "A" vhich is attached bltreto and Incorporatl.}o(j by reference herlPini -l'Ind ~, s.ai..1 Rin<Jle (Ul11y ~ ha" bean constructed at an .leva.tion ot 9.16 te<<t (JlJGVO). thus ~"sitating .QI request r~r a varia~ frOB the aini.ua base flood elevation ot 10 t_t (1IJCVtl) r"'JUir<Od by OrdtrnlIlOO II\mlx>r 87-80, as Lnoorparat~ by ret~r~nc0 into the Collier County Land .Development Cod'! (Ordinance Ho. 91-10'-); and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals has held a public h~Aring as requir9d by law; has reviewed Petition FDPO-96-1 in accordance with Subsections 18(5), (6) and (7), Ordinance NU~r 87-80, as incorporated by reference into the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance :~o. 91-102) and has made a finding that the grantj.ng of this petition complies 'With the intent and purposf~ n[ Ordinance Nunbp.r 87-80 as f0110...s: (l) The 0.84 foot reduc~ion ~ID the Flood Insurance Rate ?i{.:lP (FIR!{) 10 foot National Geodetic Vertical Datum (r~GVD) requiremp.nt 1.9 9.16 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) is the minimum variance ncc~s5ary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. (2) In passing upon tllis variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals has considered all technical evaluations -1- provided to it, all relevant factors, the standards specified in Ordinance No. 87-80, especially those contained in Subsections i8 (7) (a-n). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOhRD OF ZONING APPEALS Of COLLIER COUNTY, fln~IDA, that: Petition No. FDPO-96-1 is hereby granted subject to the follo~ing conditions: 1. The variance shall be for the reduction of the Minimum Bane Flood Elevation required by Ordinance No. 87-80 Lr2m 10 feet NGVD ~ 9.16 feet NGVD. 2. !ne Chief AdminiAtrative Official shall mail a copy of this Resolution to the Petitioner by certified mail return receipt requested and such mailing shall conntitute compliance with Section 18, (10) of Ordinance No. 87-80. 3. The granting of this variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals does not make or imply any assurances that the subject property or structures are not BUbject to flood damage. 4. The granting of this variance shall not create liability on the part of Collier County or by any officer or employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance on this variance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. 5. Upon the petition fo~ and granting of this varianc~, the petitioners assume any and all liability, including any and all damage to the subject structure or structures that result from its application. The granting of this variance has been predicated principally on the engineering data and information provided by the Petitioner and a review of same with respect to the considerations required by Ordinance No. 87-80. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number FDPO-96-1 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. -,- Commissioner Mac'Kie Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by and upon roll call the vote Commissioner ~pcock 1 3A 1 offered the foregoing was: Commissioner Mac I Kie, Commissioner Han-::ock, Corr,missioner Commissionec Matthews, and Commissioner Norris AYES: NAYS: ABSENT !\NO NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done This ;7rl day of ~/" / ../ , 1996. ,~ ~ ,.' . , ,~ .-, ATTEST DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ; .' /-/ h :.., ~~, ~-----..:_.; ... - ./ , /l '. ( , , . /?.- /) ':'~.'}f~' .~) , . '. "( , . - . APPROVED' 1.S TC FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 1Iir' ~^^-LIn ~c.bd: OEM. STUD!:N1' ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOm,EY FDPO RESOLUTION/16664 -~..~ . 1 . 1 3A 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 13, BloCK 788, Marco Beach unit 25 Replat, as recorded in Plat BOOK 12, paq.. 86-89, of the Public Records of Collier county, Florida. FDPO-96-1 EXHIBIT "A" 13A 1 uFrll~~ C JUHT '{ ,:~.,' ..... ;- .- r. ~ 97 FEB - 7 AM 10: 29 Matjorie M. Student, Esq. County Attorney's Office Administrative Buildi.ng 3301 &st Tsmiami TI1li\ Naples, Florida 33962 Dear M.s. Student: Please be advised that we accept the variance (petition FDPO-96-1), granted on April 9, 1996, for a .84 foot reduction from the requiTed 10 (tel N&tional Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) to 9.16 feet pursuant to Resolution No. 96-193. In so doing, we agree to re1e!.5e, iMemnify and hold harmless Collier County from any and all liability including any insurance matt=, damages to or claims affecting any and all structures which are the subject of the above- referenced variliIl{,.e. D-O ~- Edwar~ ) - ~J~- ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER BEFORE ME, the undersigned, authority r=onally appeared EDWARD DWYER and SHARON DWYER, who life r=onally known to me 8< Jl". 'o1d _ * N. ;rl-hl:_di9R, and executed the &x>ve of their own free "ill. SWORN Al'<'D SUBSCRIBED on this /;/'f-/'I ~ 1996. _ day of ,kLuUd.,t My Commission Expires: /;-'-1 ,j I #tZt..-L- &? ~<!~!.--<-J No~ ;>..hlV- State of Florida :< ~~<<l((ift((('((f((((((((((({({((((, ,( i'W; 0alI B. II..,,,,, . ,(t" "'-1"""".._..._. ,( "> rJ ('-No.CCjJJIIJ . _,,( -... My . N~J.~~~A ...._c.. : ,~"""'''"..."'''',,....,' '