Resolution 1996-443 SEP ? ~ 199R RESOLUTION No. 96 - -1Q RESOLUTION SUPER1;EDING RESOLUTION 95-58'. AND ESTABLISHING THE FlOES TO BE CHARGED FOR USE OF COLLIER COUNTY SOLID WASTE FACILITIES PURSUANT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE r~o. 84.31. WHEREAS. The Board Ilf County Commissioners through County Ordinnnce No. 84.) 1 has implemented the user fee system for Slllid waste to all public and private users. NOW. mEREFORE. BI; IT RESOL YED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that SECTION 1: Resolution No. 9.5..588 is hereby superseded in its entirety. SECTION 2: The following fee schcchile is approved (ot all users of the Collier County Solid Waste facilities: Landfill Fees: All fees arc based on ccrified scale weight. per cubic yard fee, or per tire fee. No rounding. Mixed loads of biomass I:land clearing. plant trimmings and grass cuttings) and olher waste shan not be accepted. General Wastes: S2S.72/ton Special Wastes: S20.S8/ton for Construclion/Dcmolition Debris. $25.72/lon for tires cut into 8 equal pieces. S87A5/ton fOf whole tires. Car or truck tires; $4.00/lire 16" or larger size (no change from FY96). Car or truck tires; SI.OO!tire 15"or smaller size (no change from FY96). large tractor or heavy equipment tires on per ton basis only. S 13.89/ton for Biomass. $6.95/ton for processed Iliomass 2" minus in size. No charge for clean fill natcrial suitable as daily cover less than 6 inches in size. S4.12/lon for clean mateIiaJ suitable for use as backfill greater than 6 inches in size. Definitions of 50ccial Wastes' Special Waste I: DimculHo-handle material requiring pre-acceptance site preparation (examplc: asbestos, ash, powdcrs). S I 28.60/incident, plus 2 times applicablc base ralc. Special Wastc II: Wasle requiring speciall1cceplance proco1ures. but no special site preparation. Two times applicablc base rate, except sludge@lS25.72/ton for Collier County Utili lies. Special Wasle III: Wastes lhal arc prohibjt~ by law or regulation (or the landfill. but arc deposited at Landfill working area and must be removed by contractor (example: wholc tires, white goods. lead-acid ballcries) $ 10.29 per item. lOOK 000,,-,231 -)- .j '1 - ., - SEP 2 ~ 1996 Note: The punch card system supplementing the monthly residenlial yard.wastc program is ddc!ed; it has been r'~placcd by the weekly yard-waste collection TransrCT SIal ion Fees (N~* from FY96 Rates): S,U,5Ius~automobil~ and station waglJns both full.si7.e <ind compacts (less than 1/1 Ctlbic yard) SR50/cubic yardllnlcks, trailers. vans (volume rounded 10 nearest yard) (more thall '/ll:ubic yard) Car or IrJck tires S4.00/lirc 16" or lalger rim size. Car or truck tires: S 1.OO/tire IS" or sn~l1er rim size. Large tractor or heavy equipment tires ~ccepted only allandfill. RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL FEES Q..lli: ludes Collection of Recvclables) SCn1(,C Area Number One: CUlbside Backdoor Backdoor Tw celweek Q!!~~ T\\;cclwcc}s Collection Fce $ 78.03 $ 90.26 $ 11537 +Disoosal Fcc 29.27 29.27 29.27 "'Annual Fcc S 107.30 S 119.53 S 144.64 Service A rea Number Two: CUltsidc Tw~ S :10.59 1m S 109,86 Backyard Twice/week $ 107.43 2927 S 136.70 Collection Fcc +Disoosat Fcc =Annual Fcc Rccvcline: Bin Fccs. Each resid:ntial unit is provided an injrjal bin at no charge by the County. Replacement orbins due to normal wcar will be provided by the Fr.mchisce al no charge 10 the residential unit. Uru.crviccablc bins must be presented in exchange for rcpJ..ccmcnt bins. Replacement orbin. due 10 loss or negligence Oflhc residential unil, \0 toe paid for by the ell,tomer al a cost of $5.00 per bin, COMMERCIAlc COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL FEES Service Area Number One: - Mandatory multi-family recycling collection fee is S.92 per-unit per-month. Service ArUl Number Two: . Mandatory multi-family recycling collection fee is $.95 pa-unit per-month. Commercia] Disoosal Fee: See Attached Schedules (4 pages) - Attachment No. SECTION): The effective dale oflhis Resolution shall be October I, 1996. Thi~ Resolution adopt,~ this ~h day o~ r L 11996. aft~r motion. setond and ffl.1jority vot~. ATTEST: . DWlGfIT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B~7$~~~PJ? .' Approved as to {onn and legal sufficiency: Shr ~~ ~ r{r~JVr\ In Dayid C. W gel, ounry Allomcy tf V 10D< (]OO c" 2:35 -2- .j '1 SEP 2 ~ 1996 Att.chm~Dt No. I PaJ:e I or4 EFFECTIVE DATE RATE SCHEDULE FOR SERVICE AREA NO.1 10/1/96 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF COLLIER COUNTY. INC. BULK CONTAINER COMMERCIAL RATES MJE PER MONTI-I EXTRA CONTAINER SIZE FREQ. COLLECTION DISPOSAL TOTAL SERVICE PER WEEK 2 CU. YD. I $ 67.63 12.32 79.95 2 109.48 24.65 134.13 $17.43 3 1H,64 36.91 181.61 PER PICK lIP 4 :!06.6S 49.29 255.94 5 217.19 61.62 278.81 6 :!54.59 73.94 328.53 4 CU.YD. I $ 88.22 24.65 112.87 2 164.15 49.29 213.44 $34.84 3 :!l9.91 73.94 293.85 PER PICKIIP . 185.74 98.60 384.34 5 ]47.12 123.24 470.36 6 ~20.79 147.89 568.68 6 CU. YD. I $ 127.85 36.97 164.82 2 205.37 73.94 279.31 $52.26 3 317.55 110.92 428.47 PER PICKUP 4 390.59 147.89 538.48 5 ~.O3.89 184.86 688.75 6 ~,86.99 221.83 808.82 -I 8CU,YD. I $ 146.26 49.29 195.55 2 263.38 98.60 361.98 $69.67 3 372.70 147.89 520.59 PER PICK lIP 4 490.95 197.18 688.13 5 599.13 246.49 8'5.62 6 725.22 295.78 1021.00 Restart Fee: $55.95 IOO! 000". 2:3{) '1 SEP 2 4 1996 AttachmeOI No. I Paze 2 or.. EFFECTIVE DATE RATE SCIIEDULE FOR SERVICE AREA NO. I 10/1/96 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF COLLIER COUNTY.INC. BULK COMPACTOR COMMERCIAL RATES Bb TE PER MOm1l EXTRA CONTAINER SIZE FREQ. COLLECTION DISPOSAL TOTAL SERVICE PER WEEK 2CU.YD I $ 118.44 67.77 186.21 2 185.35 1ll.59 320.94 $48.24 3 306.03 203.35 509.38 PER PICKUP 4 303.64 271.13 574.77 5 305.66 338.95 644.61 6 367.05 406.71 173.76 4 cu. YD. $ 213,JJ 1ll.59 348.92 2 386.42 271.13 657.55 $74.09 1 525.n 406.71 932.63 PER PICI:UP 4 66lJ7 sn.JO 1207.67 5 804.92 617.83 1482.75 6 944,39 813.42 1757.81 6 CU.YD I $ 311.63 203.35 514.98 2 455.41 406.71 862.12 $111.12 3 733.48 610.07 1143.55 PER PICKUP 4 860.49 813.42 1673.91 5 1151.95 1016.77 2168.72 6 1369.60 1220.11 2589.73 '. 8 CU.YD. I $ 342.79 271.13 611,92 2 584.84 542.30 1127.14 $1l6.97 3 826.92 811.42 1640.34 PER PICI:UP 4 1069.02 1084,55 2153.57 5 III 1.06 1ll5.72 2666.78 6 1553.17 1626.84 3180.01 RcstlI1 Fcc: $55.95 100i 000 'J' 2:37 '1 - -- Attachment No. I Page J of" SEP 2 ~ 1996 EfFECTIVE DATE 10/1/96 HATE SCHEDULE fOR SERVICE AREA NO, I jVASTE MANAGEMENT 0.' COLLIER COUNTY,INC. ROL~OfF SERVICE. REGULAR COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 0YlPMENT S@ !1QtIT1fi.Y EOUlPME>(j' CH~.l'm> HAUL CHARGE 20 CUBIC Y AnD $ 83. 92/CONT AINER $83.92.IJ4.26/LOAD. 30 CUBIC YARDS $ 95.IIICONTAINER $83.92 - 134.26>1.0AD' 40 CUBIC YARDS $1 06.30/CO~rrAINER $83.92 - 134.26>1.0AD' COMPACTOR VARIES W1TIl EQUIPMENT $195.81>1.0AD Varies depending on distance (roUl disposal site. Roll-ofT rates do nOI include disposal charges. ReinSUlI~menl charge for suspended scnricc due to non~payment ~ $55.95 per suspension. Recreational vehicle parks. mobile home parks and mobile home subdivisions that COntract 10 receive: curbside service shall pay the commen:iaJ standard container rate multiplied by the number of rented or individually-owncd recreational vehicles or mobile homes within such parkes) or subdivisions. 100\ aDO "" 238 '1 ., SEP 2 ~ 1996 Attachment No. 1 Page 4 0(4 EFFECTIVE DATE RA TE SCHEDULE FOR SERVICE AREA NO.2 10/1/96 IMMOKALEE DISPOSAL SERVICE COMPANY BULK CONTAINER COMMER(;IAL RATES BArn PER MOi'mj EXTRA CONT A/NOR SIZE FREQ. COLLECTION DISPOSAL TOTAL SER VICE PER WEEK 2CUYD. I $ 50.35 12.32 62.67 2 9&.46 24.65 123.11 SI7.43 3 123.08 36.97 160.05 PER PICKUP 4 151.04 49.29 200.)3 5 173.42 61.62 2JS.04 6 190.20 73.94 264.14 4 CU,YO. I S 7&.33 24.65 102.9& 2 145.46 49.29 194.7.5 S34.84 3 206.9& 73.94 2&0.92 PER PICKUP 4 262.91 9&.60 361.51 5 313.26 123.24 436.50 6 358.02 147,89 505.91 6 cu. YO. I S 139.86 36.97 176.83 2 206.9& 73,94 280.92 $.52.26 3 268.51 110.92 379.43 PER PICKUP 4 324.45 147.89 472.34 5 374.80 1&4,&6 559.66 6 .119.54 221.83 641.37 'I Restart Fcc: $55.95 lOOK (Jon., '.. c:w '1