Resolution 1998-388 ,', 16C 5 RESOI.UTION NO. 98~8_ RESOLlJTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. APPROVING TIlE CONVEYANCE IlY COLLIER COUNTY OF THE MARCO RACQUET CENTER; JANE HITLER PARK: FRA:'\'K MACKLE PARK: LEIGH PLUMMER PARK; WII>1'ERBERRY PARK: TRACT "C" PARK: TRACT "0" PARK TO TIlE CITY OF ~IARCO ISLAND, FLORIOA. WHEREAS. the municipality known as the City or~Jarco Island. FJoritla "'il5 incorporated upon favorahle referendum "Olc August 28. 1997; and WHEREAS, the City of Marco Island, by and through its City Council has applied lo lhe Board of County Commissioners on August 4. J998 for the conveyance of several County-owned parks located wilhin the jurisdielional boundaries oflhe City of Marco Island; and WHEREAS, <he Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida has determined that it is in the best interests of the County and its relations with the City of Marco Island to com'cy said rarksit~ to the City of Marco J.sland (or nominal value upon, conditions that said parksitl:s shall be operated. administered rind mair~(aincd by the CIty of ~farco Island as puhlic pOJrkslrccrc~llionaJ area.'i with equal access and use for all County residents: and WHEREAS. on Augusl 4,11)<)8, pursuant to Sections 125.fJI and 125.38, Florida Statutes. the Board of County Commissioners dctennined that County ownership of s.lid parksites is not nceded for County purposes and that conveyance of said parksites to the City of Marco Island is sali,'ilactory for the requirements of park and recreational use for all the rcsidcnls of Collie- County. :'\'OW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COU:\TY Cm1.\lISSIO:'\'ERS OF COLLIER COUr\TY. FLORIDA, lhal: I. The Boun.! of County Commissioners for the nominal price often dollars (SIO.lX)) per parcel hcrchy 41pproves the conveyance 10 the City of Marco Island the following named parksitcs located within lhe eurrenl jurisdictional boundaries of the Cily of Marco Island: The Marco Raequel Center, Jane Hiller Parle; Frank Mackie Park; Leij,ih Plummer Park; Wimerherry P'lfk: Traet "C" Park: Tract "0" Parle. more panicularly described in the statutory deeds allaehed hcrL'to. 2. The Chainnan of the Board of County Commissioners of Collicr Counly, Florida is hcrehy authorized (0 execute the allilched statutory deeds. This Resolution adopted this ~ U.1y of / -r ~.",I.J'L( , 1998. al1er motion. .' second and majority \'otc. DATED: DWIGIIT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COU:'\'TY COW,,!JSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~~~,~ ~~ BA ,\RA B. BERR ,Chai a 1:.'/jt// . < ~r '/)1, ~tt,. ..... "0' '. ~ ' .,....1'1.S $I;r.d ~...rt: (J)' . . Approved ~~ io form and Icg4l1 sufficiency ~~&lh'~Jf David C. Weigel . Count y A nomey h,"", n:"~"'""n(","'f).l'M"II"(-Il,."r!loI.-uJI'I,r'Id