Resolution 1998-386 1 bA 3 RES')l.trTION '"0. 98' 3 f ;. ,', I, RESC,I.IITIOH OF TilE BOARD OF COUlITY CGI':MISS lONERS rP.O"'rc,IW:i FOR ASSr:SSMENT OF LIEU. r(jR THE COST OF THE r.!lATEMElrr OF PUBI.IC NUISAl/CE. rN ACCORDAllCE W:TH OR~INANCE 91-47. WHEREAS. ;]9 pro'lld~d 1n Ordinance !t1-47, the dlr~ct ("'osts of ab~t~m~nt ~~ ~~rtain nU18;]n~~B, Inclu~lng pr~Acrib~d administrative cost incurr~~ ~f th~ C0unty, shall be aBaen8~d ag~inBt such property; and ',ffiEP.EkS, ~~h'!' r:-:'9t uo-.~r'!of to th~ Coun~.y .).!'! f.(l 'Dr;h parc~l shall be calc'Jl..lIt~'i -lri"i r.-:-r"'Jr...~,j '.') ~h~ S"'.Hrd rA -=']lJn'.,/ "':(J~,:'Tl~!1n1.onern, together with ~ ~~R~rl~~:~~ ~! R~:,j parc~l; and 'ftHEf'E/w. ;j'.id. 'lnfj/~IH.I~~nt shaLl be a ~~aal, '/dlld (Jnd binding obllga':ir...r. lJr--:.n t~.~ pr0p'!rt'/ 3galnst which mad.e until paid; and W1tF.:?fJ\-). ..f,'" .);;n"~.rJnr.Y~nt. ohatt becom'! dlJlJ' clnd pdyable thirty ()O) days aft~r ~h~ :-'.,1111n'j of :fotlc:e of ABsesam'!nt after which lnterest shall .:),=cr'J"~ at .) r<1t~ ('.if Utelve percent 112.0\! p"~r annum on any unpaid r~rti~n fh~r~0f. NOW. THEREFORE. ~E :7 RESOI.'/ED BY TIlE B(JARD C,F C:OlJUT'{ CCYJol;ISSI0:tE?S 'JF ":'''..:..L:F.? "')':1."";"(, FLCRIDA, ".hoH. ".h'~ pr')p'~rt.y .1'1scribed a8 !oll-:r..a, <tn'l ~~'l'/~n,rJ t."':"r. .lhat-!'d of a p\Jbll(; r:'HjVt:lf..'f-~ ;jftl!r .duo::!! and prop~r- r.~~~c~ ........~r~"1~ tl'j ~r.r: o'.-n'!r of S"1.d'~r()fi~rty. J..D h~rl!by t188"!fJ8~d the fcllc,..lng ,,=")n:~'" r;.! n';ch abatement. to -..it: IINII.l LEGAL DESCRIPTION I ~ Guy J , Ruth a IaNui 788 Park Shore Dr Apt F-25 Naple.. rL 34103 All of Linda Park, except $ 340,00 Lot. 38, 38, 40, 42, 43 and 44, a Subdiyi.ion of Lot 51 of NAPLES OIlOW AND TRllClt CO'S LITTU FARMS NO.2, le.. Stat. Road riqht-of-way. aceord1nq to the plat ther.ot 1n Plat Book 4, Pa9- 19 ot the Pub11c Record. of Collier County. Florida. 8XlDma , 71217-046 '5570176000~ 1'h~ Cil':ff. ',~ t~..! !~f,:,,:'j uhall mall do oatic"'! 'Jf Iln.9~1J8m(~nt of lien to thl! t')'Ioin~r -:.r r,'..r~l!r3 rj! th<e above descrlbl!d prop~rt'l, and if such owner !al1a ':.:. VI"' ol;-:h -\SS"!'S8ment withIn ~hlrt'f /)01 days h~reof, a c~rt:'~l~d cr...Pi' '",~ ".r.~H i"r~fl'1~1Jt.1on shall b~ rl'!r:orrj~<1 In the official records ~! c~:.:':r ~0'Jn~y. to constltut~ ~ ~:~~ ~q~:""'9t such property acccrdi.:'"'.j ~':J 1.1..... ~.lnl~s5 S'.l':n directlcn ~B a':.aYl"!rl hy this Board up<'"..In app~al of th~ asse8s~~n~ ~! the cwner, ThiA~Res~lu~:.on ~dGp':.~d af:~r motion. 8e~0n~ and majority vote. DATED: ;,tr ! l ," ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCY.. ~LERY. '/ ~~' ~~/,d . ..(I';~ A~ 1+{(.1 Os JI1r.4~',:e COlI. APPROVED AS TO FORJ~ AHO LEaA~. .st:FFICIE~;':'(: tkJ I' , - I _ 1/ 'f' , &- Ib WEI'JEl. COUlITY AT70Il/lE'f BOI,RO OF COUlIT"{ ':CMMISSIONERS COLI.IER COUNTY. FLORIDA BY:_~~ ~._ BARB B. B~RR"''' CSc~ 11 ' I/H