Resolution 1998-451 .' "",.- . -v' :l6~,..~ RESOLUTION NO, 98-451 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ?RQ\~!j)ING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE r.r,,\TEME:1T OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITii ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, afi provid~d in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs o( abate~pnt of c~rt~in nuis~nces, including pr~scribed adminiatraLive r:ost l;;cur:-f:!d by th~ Coun~y, shal! be assessed ag&inst such property; and iiHEREAS, th~ cost :.h~r"!of to the CtJunty 015 to each parcel shall be calc~lated and ~~ported to the nonrd of Ca~~tl Co~m~s~ionera, together ~!,(~ ~ d~ssriptio~ of s~i~ pRrcel; and WHEREAS, such .:;l.6SeSsment shall be a legal, v;;.lid and binding obligation upon th~ propl?:rty against which m~ci'J unt.il pain; and 'I-/HEREAS, the asseSSr:1ent fihall become due and .,ayable thirty (30) days after th~ mailing of Notice of Agse~:1ment .:;t[ter whicl~ interest shall acc~u~ at a rate of tw~l'/e p~:rc'.':nt (1/..0%) p'?r annum on i'lny unpaid p~~~ior. therecf. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B'{ THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follo~s, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper not ice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following casts of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~I Gary L , Nancy C SeWArd 830 Bebout Venetia, PA 15367 Lot 11, Block 50, MARCO $245.00 BEACH,UNIT TWO, a Subdivision, accordinq to the Pl.t thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Paqe. 25 throuqh 31, of the Public Recorda of Collier County, Florid.. REFERENCE: 60522-087 '56792000003 The Cl~rk of the Board shall mail a notice of ~ssessmerlt of lien to the owner or owners of the above described F-roperty, and if such owner :nils to pay such asseS-Sffi':.'nt within thirt, DO) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recordej in the official records of Colli~r County, to constitute a lien against Guch property according [0 la~, unless such directicn is stay~d by this Board upon app~:ll of ::':-.e aSSE'ssr7".,=,,~~ of ::h..-: owner. 7~is R~solution adopt~d a(~er motion, second and majoIity vote. DATED, NOY I 01998 ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK, :CLERK Ai: G~,4/.-..,d(l. At lst:as to Cha1~an'1 SA~~~nks TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFF~CIENCY: BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY, 1--:\"'1\\(\'''~' .~"\~\l'" BARBARA B, B~RRY ,'. CHI. InMAN::..,,- , , l . ~,\. I, 2407144 OR: 2490 PG: 2380 R!CIJP~!D 1:1 orllCr.u ilCO~$ of CO~Ll11 eouln. l~ 11/11/H it ~i:OlP)( Oi'IGHT I. IiOcr, cun RIC PII 10,SO COlli! 2.00 r"~ DAVlD WEIGEL COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/98 htn: Ct!n 10!1i! BO)'~D I1TIIOllICI UH lLOOl IU1ll0