Resolution 1998-436 16A6 RF.SOLlITION NO. 98-~-"--_ f\ PESOLUTION 0F THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMr.,ISSIONERS PHOVUHUG FOP ^SSESSMENT nF J,IEN. FOR THE COST OF' THE ^B^TEME~lT OF' PUBLIC NUISldJCE, IN ,..CCORDANCE HITH ORDINANCE 9]-47. 'fiHE.REt\S, ,Hi pro'tid..:c::I ir. Ordinan<.:~ :;1-47, thp. dir~ct coato Qf ;}b.:ll-::f:-lCr:t of (.:t~rt.ain m:iHiJnC'!fJ, inr.:lu'Jih'J IJI"(!scribc:d adminilJtruti'I'!. C0Bt :.r,r':i.lrrr~rj r,'/ t-_fV~ ;:0ur;t/, FifJ;Jll bp. an:1'~sf1..~d ,)(~;jinHt. fJllch prop~ytJ'; and WHi~P.E!..:;, :.:-J: Cr)E'_ chi.'re!,)! 1:''"; t.he ('r;IJ:\l.'! as r.D ~ad: p~H-f_'el ~lhdll be cll!(;IJi;jted 'lnd r<e>port':d tr) th~ i~Garj of ("~-"J;.L'I r':0mmisfJionenJ, t(vJ~ther with ~ d~Hcrip~ion 0f n~i1 pnr~~l; ~n'l ~IHERE^S. ::l:;r.:r. lJrHf":Hsr;"~nt Bh,l~l h'~ .1 j~;a.l, ';:;lid flnd bi:1ding nbligl1.tion up":-' ~.h(! jJrr-,p~rt'/ ;.lg"lin:J~ '"hieh ~ad~ unLi 1 paid; and HIIEPEAS. ~"::': ,1R~lf~fJf;~'!n!_ on,) 11 h(:<::nrr:'~ -iu": and p""yable thi rty (]O) d~ya ~f~~r thn '~~iling 0f Notice 0f ~5H~R6rn~nt af~er which int~rest shal: ar..:crur; -"1:--. 'J r,1t~ (J! t.....r!l./~ perc0nt f12.0\) per ;;Innum on any unpai~ p0rricn th~r~n~. HO'd, THEREF0P:E, BE 1 T RESOL'/ED B'f THE BOARD OF rOUNTY COMt-llSSIONEPS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLCRIDI\, that: th~ property described as follows, and having been abated of a puhlic nuisance after due and prop~r notic~ th~reof to the owner of s~id property, in hereby ~~eeBsed th~ following CORts of BIICh abatement, to wit: lWlL. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~:r Dina H Sinning 173 Glendale Dr Miami Springs, FL 33166 Lot 3 Block 221 ot MArco Beach Unit FIVE. Subdivi.ion accordinq to the Plat thereof, record.d in Plat Book 6, Paqe 39-46, of the Public Record. of Collier County, Florida. $245.00 REFERENg; , 71210-018 .57210200009 .!'~'~ Cl~rk ,~~ th~ B0~~~ shall m~il ;1 ~otic'~ of aSS~SBm~nt of llcn tc :Il~ 0wn0r ~r ~wrl~rs of r_t\~ ~b0'/~ d('!J~rlh~d Ilr()pCr-t,/, and if such own~r fails to pay such <.tS5€ssment within ullrty DO) daye hereof. a certifi'}fj cop, of this R(~r,olution !lhal"i b.~ r0cord'.:.'d in the official rec:orG.'. ot C0i.lir~r County, to con.'1tit\JlJ~-l i ;~~n 'lgainst such property accor:~::1g :~o la'll, unless .'Juch dir~ctior: ,G !3!.ayed by thi5 Ooard upon appeal of the assessm~n~ of the o~ner. This Rel'Jolution adopted after motion, second and majorir:y '/ote. DATED, .\ \._;>,,_'\\ ATTItST, . DWIGHT E.. BROCK,. CLERK ~~ ~~~~~\~( BO/dW OF COUNTY COMI1ISSIONERS COI,LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY .~~,\~~.~ BARB B. Bl!:RR .'- ~ Mi.~~t o.t tr. P.';,'~:.:"'l.~ All~llatP.1) cil.1{'O FORM AND LEG!~L S JFF I C I ErV.", : I I I i '.1 nljDAV1D WeIGEL - COUNTY ATTORNEY 2403999 OR: 2487 PG: 3410 'KOIDID In omem mOIllS of (OIIJII COOn!, II I2IH/Illt 0!:1!P1 DmHII. mel, mil mPII CO/Ill 10.10 2.00 CSce 11 . 1/98 Utft: eLm 10 1RI I4l1D 1J1II0/P1CJ I!H 11<<11 1111210