Resolution 1999-476RESOLUTION99- 476 A RESOI.UTION ORDERING AND CALLING A REFERENDUM EI.ECTION TO BE fIELD ON MARCtl 14, 2000, WIT!fIN COLLIER COUNTY TO DETERMINE BY STRAW BALLOT IF TIlE QUALIFIED ELECTORS APPROVE CONTINUING ~' THE ADDITIONAL ONE PERCENT TOURIST DEVEI.OPMENT TAX. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Collier County Ordinance No. 92- 60, which levied and imposed a two percent tourist development tax; and Wt[EREAS. the Board of County Commissioners adopted Collier County Ordinance No. 95- 56, which levied and imposed an additional one percent tourist development tax to fired beach renourishmcnt: and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to determine by straw ballot if a majority vote ot' the qualified voters of ('~filicr County voting in a referendum election approves the continuing levy of the additional one percent tourist development tax to fired beach renoufishmcnt and pass and lake maintenance authorized by Section 125.0104, FlorMa Statutes; and WHEREAS. the Board of County Commissioners of Collicr County, Florida, finds it to be in the best interests of the citizens &Collier County to call a referendum election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE l'l'~ RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: ~. REFERENDUM ELECTION CALLED. A straw ballot referendum election be and is hereby ordered and called to be held on March 14, 2000 for the purpose of' submitting Io the qualified electors of Collier County the question of whether the levy of an additional one percent tourist development tax shall continue. ~. PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE. The persons entitled to vote in the straw ballot referendum election shall be all the qualified electors residing within Collier County, Florida. SECTION THREE. BALLOT AND ELECTION OFFICIALS. The election shall be held within Collier County as a county-wide election. The straxv ballot referendum election shall be conducted by election otY~cials appointed by the Supervisor of Elections pursuant to applicable general law. t8A1 SECTION FOUR. FORM OF TIlE BALLOT. A. The ballot to bc used in said referendum election shall be in substantially the following form: OFFICIAL BALLOT STRAW BALLOT REFERENDUM ELECTION ON CONTINUATION OF THE ADDITIONAL ONE PERCENT TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX Shall the existing additional one percent tourist development tax continue to be levied upon short-term rentals in Collier County to fund beach renourishment and pass and lake maintenance pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 92-60. as amended, and authorized by Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes. FOR the continuation of the additional One Cent Tourist Development Tax AGAINST the continuation of the additional One Cent Tourist Dcvelopment Tax B. The Supervisor of Elections shall include on all ballots such instructions to voters as are necessary. ,~,~]10~FJX~. NOTICE OF ELECTION. The Clerk of this Board shall publish a notice of the referendum election in the Naples Daily News. a newspaper of general circulation pt,blished in Collier County, Florida. There shall be at least thirty (30) days notice of said election. with publication to be made at least twice, one in the fifth week and one in the third week prior to the week in which the referendum election is to be held. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ELECTION BY STRAW BALLOT NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN, that a straw ballot referendum election will be held on March 14, 2000, in Collier County, Florida, to determine if the qualified electors residing xvithin Collier County approve lhc continuation of the existing additional one percent tourist development tax to fund beach rcnourishment and other tourism-related uses as authorized by Section 125.0104. Florida Statutes. The election shall be conducted by election officials appointed by the Supervisor of Elections pursuant to applicable general law. All qualified electors residing within Collier county may vote in said referendum election. Absentee voting may be permitted upon compliance with applicable This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. f,d'."D '%9~IGI~T E. BROCK, Clerk sigAature BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, Chairwoman Approved As To Form and Legal Sufficiency: Heidi F.~sh~ton ..... Assistant County Attomey h:hg/hfa,"gO Re~ -Referendum Addmortal I"/, Iouts~l Der I a,~