Resolution 1999-475lOj RESOL UT!ON 99-475 establish ('oilier ('ounO, m' a ('OMMUNITY OF CII~IR..I( '?ER II71EREAS, the people ~![tmr connO' recognize the importance t~'honorahle character qualities based tq>on the moral standards hchl hy our Founding Fathers on which they established ii1#' nat;era itlld legill s)'.~'lcnt,' allIll IVIIERE..IS, we rec.xnizc the valid;O' of the statement hy Alexis dc T. cqueville that ".4nterica ix ,great fiecause she is good. II71en .ffmcrica ceases to he good, shc will cease to he greal,' " and WIlERE/IS, we desire to build upem our heritage and make our centnO' a place where ./anlilies tire strong. hemItS and streets are s~', etfitcation is eff~,ctive, hits;hess is productive, neighbors care tthottt one another, tlttd citizens are.free to make wise choices.fi~r their lives and film;lies: and 11't!ERE.,K~, we recognize that imlivithuds are rexponsihle.l%r their actions and that daily decisions shotthl he haxcd tq~on ~d?l'ectivc moral standards which are the hasis 0ic ttniversalD'-rect~xnized characler qua/it;es, inchtding obedience, honest)', Iruthftthtes.¥. diligence, generosiO', kimhtess. Ioyalo', trod courage; and WtlEREA& lack Olr commitmcnt and irresponsibility have resuhed in t:n increasing number oJ)rtnnily prob&mx causing personal, social, tmd.j"'mancial consequences to individual family memhe~w ttttd Io this cormO' as a whole; and I~?IEREAS, titere is a need/or more pt~sitive rtde models among our young people to help prcvcnt /ttrt'nilc rebellion and ~h'linquem3': ttnd WIIERE,.IS, i['peoplc.fitil to demonstrate positive character qualities and if they make wron,t~ moral t'hefices, the heahh, st!]cO' trod lvelJ~lre q/'the citizens art endangered, resulting in a./inancia[ hurdcn upon the lax[~a)'ers /~.' the c~sls of law et~fiJrcement: ttttd 11711:'RI;/IS, many current societal problems will he alleviated when lite citizens of this COl#11y live h), p~sitive and constructive character qualities which distingui.~'h hetty,ten right and wron,t,'; and IVIIERE..IS, teachin,~ ires;live character qualities to./uvenile delinquents has been shown Io i~rothtce c1 chan$.,e in hehavie~t', reehtcing recidivism rates; anti tI~71ERE/I& tntr schools should he a sq/[' atmosphere where character is exemplified. ttttt.~ht ttt~d.~lrelt,~thetttd. lille where/cttrttin,~ ix etlcottraged; ttt~d !171ERE..IS, encouraging empho'ees by recognizing positive character qualities has resulted in an increa.¥e in workphtcc morale, emilioyet safi, ty, and corporate prqlVtts; and II71EREAS, the emphasis q/positive character qualities in every sector t~'society can ¢ml.)~ occttr tt.¥ ittdil'ithtals commit thcmselves to exemplifying character in their personal lives and inspiring others to do the same. lOj NOW, Ti!EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B Y TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~*LllISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the people of this county pledge our commitment to character and to doing all in our power to became known as a CommtmiO' of ('haracter b)' promoting character in our schools. businesses, homes. churches, coltilt), government. media. anti community groups, anti u'e urge the leaders qf each of these ]uri~'dictiem.~ to dt~ likewise. Titis Resolution adopted on titis ~ day of/~u~.. 1999. after motion. second and majorit)' vote DI{7GI/T 1:~ 11RO('K.'~LERK Attar a; to Chalra,kn'a s~natur~ only. .4pproved a.*' to./orm anti legal sttfficic~tcy: