Resolution 1999-473 DO 1999-006I~,F. SOIA?I'I()N NO. 99 - ,173 A I~,l!SOLUT1ON AMI:.ND1NG DF. VI.;I.OPML:NT ()IU)EP, N(). 95-1, AS /\MF. NDIiD. }:OP, Tt}E I'}.~I.}('AN .MAP, Sll I)F. VF.I.OI'MENI' OF RF. GIONAI. IMPA('T BY PI~,()VII)IN(; F()R: SI:'CTION ONE. :\MI:'NDING TIIF, FINI)IN(.iS ()}: F,.\('T SECTION TO REFI.I!CT ,'\N [NCP, I:.ASI'~ IN ()VI!P, AI.I. :\('I*,I!AGE. A DI-TCP, F. AS}:. IN TIlE AMOUNTS OF SQt;AP, I-~ }:()OTAGF~ ATTRIBUTA}:~I,[~ TO RF. TAII, AND MI!DICAL O[:F}CE USI:.S AND N[;M}tER P,I-~S}I)ENT}A}, UN}TS. AN INCRI-TAS[:~ IN T}}}:. :\MOt'NTS {)F .S¢)[JARIi FOOTA(iE A'I'I'P',II/UTAI~L[:, I() ¢'OMMERCIAI, USES. NUMB['~I~ OF 1IOI,L:S OF GOI.F AND :\.\fOUNT OF A('RIS\(il:. ATTP, IBI IT..\ttI.F. T() ('ONSI!P, VATION ARI-~:\S AND I)I..I,IFI'I()N {)1: '11}E ('I~I.TURA}, FACILITY AND :\MF. NIMN(} Till! P}.AN: SECT}ON T\VO. F}N'D}NGN OF }:A('T' .$1!CT}ON '['11RtSl-:. ('f)NC'I.IJSIONS OF I..,\\V; AN[) .qF.¢"I'IflN Ft)UR. [(F}:I'X'T (')I: PRF, VI()IYSI.Y ISNt;}il) ()P,D}SR. TRANSM ITT:\I. '}'(') I)I!PARTMI-NT ('()N}MUN}TY AI:}:A}RN :\NI) f51:FI!('TIV}! I3.,\TE \VtlF. RI!,,\S. \VC'N Communities. Inc.. (herein "W('N") filed tm November 3~. 19')3. with the ('otmtv of ('oilier an ,.\pplicalion Ibr I)cxclopmcnl ..Xplmwal {Ai)..'x) or' a [)cxcMpmcnt of Rcgio~al hn;ipcl II)RI) kmmn as Pelican Marsh Colllllltlllily ill ;LCCOId;111CC with Section 380.06. Iqt,'itla .Slatttws: arid kVl I[~I{IS,.[S. l}lC Board of f'otmtv ('ommissioncrs of ('oilier t'mmty. Fh~rida approved Developmorn Order 95-1 (the "I)c~clopmcnt ()rdcr" lbr the Pelican M:u'sh ('ommunily I)RI on January 24. 1995: and Dcvelopmcnl ()rtlcr 95-5 by Resolution No. 95-555. amcmling l)cvclolm,cnt ()rtlcr '.;5-1. on September 2h. 1~1')5. to change the lCgll] dcscriplion ol'l]lc Pelican Mar: h ('olnlllUllilv: alltt WItIiRIi..XS. tl~c Board of ('otully ('onnnlssiollcrs of Collier 4',rarity. Florida approved Development ()rdcr ')9-2 by Resolution No. 9')-234. amending [)cx ch~l,mCnl ()rdcr 95-1 {*~1 Nlay 1 I. 1999. to make certain revision:< and W} tERI!AS. W(*I Communities. a limilcd parlncrship (hcrcinal~cr "W( 'I"L lilt successor it1 interest to W('N. tlcsirt. s l,* make certain rcvisiol~s to the p',;m oI' dcvclopmcnl a~ld Dcvclopmcnl Order fi,r the Pelican Marsh Commtmilv and Io make cc~ain changes to the development approvcd I~crcin; aml WI II/RIiAS. WCI. Ilmmg]l its amhorizcd agcnl, has 1ilcd its applicatitm itlld notification of a proposed chm~uc Io Dcvelopmcnl ()rdcr 95-1. as amcndcd, ~hich is allached hereto and incoqmratcd by rcl~rcncc hcrcin as ISxhibit "A": and 17P WJIERF. AS. tile Board of County Commissioners, as the govcmiH~ body oF uninco~ora~cd area t~f (.'oilier County, Florida, with jurisdiction pt,rsuant to Section Florida .¥&;lttlc.~'. is authorized and empowered lo consider proposed changes to the I'clican Marsh Community I)RI. l)cvclopmcHt Order 95-1. as amended: and WI I[~REA%. ti~o ('oilier ('ounlv Board o1' ('ountv ('ommisv;io,cFs I~ ~s passed ()rdiH:mce the I'UD zoning lbr lhu Pelican ,Marsh ('ommunitv previously appr~,ved iH ()talin;race No. 97- 79: and WltERIL,XS, on iW~~t.~/~ . 199% the Board of('oumy ('ommissioncrs. at a public hearing in accordance with Ncclion 3~0.~ 6. l"1orid,~ .%mm'.~. having considered WCI's application :red notice of proposed changes ~o lhe l'clican Marsh Uommtmily Developmenl Order 95-~. as amended. and lhc record made al said hearing. and having consJdcrcd the rccord oF lhc documcnlary and oral evidcHc'c presented to the ('oilier C'ounty Planning ('()minisshin: and report and recommcndalion o~' lhc ('ollic':' ('otmtv Planning Commission: lhc rep~FI and rccommeml,lions of the ('oilier ('otmty Plarmml~ Slaff :red Advisory Boards: the report and recommcndationsofthc Southwest F}orida Regional Planning ('mmeil, the Board oF ('ounty ('ommissioners o[' ('oilier ('mmty hereby approves fie ~bllowing Peltcan Marsh C'ommunily Dcvclopmcnt Order amcmlmenls. NOW. TIII!REFORE. 13E IT RESOIh'ED BY 'I'I~E H()ARI) 0~: ('OUN'I'Y ('OMMISSIONERS ()F ('OI.I.IER COUNTY, FLORII)A TIIAT: SECTION ONE: AMI,;NI).MEN'I'STO I)EVEI.OPMENTORI)ERANI)M..XSTEI~ PI.AN A. Paragraph 4 office Findings ol'Facl Scclion of Development Order 95.1. as amended (ResohHion 95-71. as amended,. for the Pelican Marsh ('ommuuit5 IH~I is hurcbv amended to road as follHws: ~. The applicant proposes linc dcvclopmeHl of the Pelican Mar~h (.'ommuHily consisling o~"~ 2213:~: acr~a~ictcd in the Master Plan. Mal~"t t3." auachcd as Exhibil I)." Pelican Marsh includcs 80 acres of"activit'/ ccn:er" .so which will coilrain the IblIowing laHd uses: up to 2~ 3gl./OH sqHarc feet oF gross floor arca ((}FAI of rclail commercial usu: up to ~:9~? sq.arc Ibct of GFA of mcdical office use; ~~: ~ ~ ~ : '' ~ : "2 ~ ~ ' ~ ~- . and 450 hotel morns. The Pelican Marsh UOnmltmity will contain a maximum of~) ~{2 residential dxxclling (some of x~hich is within an VP&I. casemerit); 114.2 aCFCS of open sp~cc: and acro sc}1ool she. Words ~t44~44---t-.,~,.r4~t,~ are delere~]. ','/ord~ ~;n~der] iried a,-c. acicJeJ. l?P Exlfihh ":V', (Map "ill", ,Master Plan} of Development ()rdcr the Pclic;m Marsh Community DRI. as amended by Dcvctopmcnt Order 99-2. is hcrchy amcndcd by rcplacing said Map "111". Maslcr Plan, ~ ith EXilibit "I)". ncw Map "IIY'. Mastcr [)Jail. attached hereto and incorporated Ilerc'ill bv rel~'rcnce. rollcoting lilt alllelldCd locations off file approved Jalld rises. SE(;TIONT\V(): I.'INI)IN(;S{)I.'F:\(71' ,,\. Thc approved kind LISL:S within Ihc' I>,.'lican ,Marsh I)RI arc dc'p~clcd (ul .Map "l i3". ,M;lstcr l'km. v. hich is lnarkcd [?,:hihh "i)". ;lllacJl,Jd IlcrctI~ ;tlld in,:(~lj'~t~ratc'd by reference hcrcin. B. The applicalicu~ is in accordance ',,. ilh .qcclion 380.(16(19). ('. The dcvclopmcnl o1' Pelican Marsh ('ommunilv on 2213.~,': acrcs oFl:md shall include the land ilSCS described in the above Findings of Fact D. The requested alncndmcnt h~ the pro'. iously approved I)c'.cloplncnl ()rdcr is consislcnl x'.ilh the rcport and review of lhc Scmlhwc.'-;l Florida Rcgional I'limnin,...:, F.. :\ comprehensive review of tile iilll'~acI generaled hy Ihc ro. tucslcd amendments has bccn conducto. I I')y lhc County I)cparm~ums and linc .%(u[lhV. cst J:h,rida J.e.c~ic, naj J-'Jail]ling ('ouncil. J:. 'J'hc dc",'cJop[Ilclll is; 11o! II1 all ;itel1 dcsignalcd all /\rca o[( 'r~lical .q, lal,.2 ('OllCCrll pursuant to the provisions of .<,¢¢Ii~m 3,qO.00. I'"[.rldu ,~'ltlJt/[c.~ SECTION'I'III~,EE: (7()N(TI.USIONS()FI,AVV B. 'lhc proposed alncndnlcnt to the prcviously approved l)cvclopmcnt Order will not unreasonably interfere %vilJl thc achicvcmcm of the o}ucctivcs o1' lhc adoplod Stale l.and l)cvclopmcnt Plan apphcablc to the area. ('. The proposed :,mcmhncnt to the previously approved Dcvch',pmcnt Order is consistcn! v. ith the (.'ol Jicr Cotllll'.,' (}l'(l\vl]l NIlIIILIMCl]lCllI l'lan and the Land Development Regulations adopLod pursuanl lhcrcto. ?/or,:ts ~,~:'~:-7~-15hro*~4~ l are deleted. >;orcls tinder] ined are D. The proposcd amcndmcnt to fi~c previously approved Development Order is consistera with the State Comprchcnsivc Phm. SECTION I:()t:l~,: EI:I:ECT O1" TRANSMrI'TAI. TO I)CA AND EFF'ECTIVI-; 1)ATE. 1. F. xccpt us amended hereby, Development Order 95-5. as amcmlcd shall rum:tin in fifil Ihrcc and elfcol. binding in accordance wilh its lcrms on all parlies fi~crck). This amended [)cvclopmcnt ()rdcr sh:fil take prcccdcncc over all off,or applic:dqc previous and subscqucnt Dcx clopmcnt Ordcrs which are in conflict thcrcoE B. ('opics ol'lhis I)cvclopmcnl Order No. 99-~ , shall be Iransmiltcd immcdiatcly tl[~Oll execution to the [)cpamncnt of ('onmmnily Allhits, Bureau ,>f [.and m~d Wmcr Mana~cnlc~lt and the Stmlhx~cst Flo;ida Regional I'lamfing C'ounci[. C. This l)c~,clopmcnt Order shall lake el'feel ;is provided lay law. Ill:. IT I:l~I>,'FII[:.R RiLSOI.\'I'.'D that this D,¢s~fiulion he rccnrdcd m lhc minutes o1' this Board. This I,tcsolution adopted al'tcr motion, second illld marl)riD' vote. I)onc this ,ZQ/:~__-~._ day o[' _j~'~/~'£_.~_ ~,.,.~.t=_t:.5,_. ,' ............ . 1999. · fi'-':.'?.:,. ATTtSST: -:".."..' DWIG}IT F.. P;RO('K. ('lc~k Approved as Io Form and l.cgnl Sufficiency : ['AMF. I.A S. MA("KII!, CIIAIRWOMAN ^tt~st as tc Chatrm4n'~ $ ignatu,': only, Marjor~.c M. SItldcl~l Assistant County ,,\ Itorllcy Word,~: ~;~-~.~.-~-bh.[<~jb are. dele~c.d. Hot'ds underl ined are adoted.