Resolution 1999-448I~F,$()I,tITION NO. (,)9- ,14 ~ A I~F.,'4()IAJTION Ri,~I.ATIN(; T()TIlE CE!)A!~ ilAMM()CK COMMUNITY I)Ir. VEI.OPMENT I)ISTRICT I~" CONSENTIN(; TO Till,.; I)ISTRICT'$ EXERCISI,~' OF ~I)ECIAI~ !'OWERS REI,ATIN(; TO PARKS ANI) RECREATION AND SECURITY. WIIEI~I,;AS, the Cedar 11ammock (/ommunity Dcvclopmcn! l)islrict was established by Collier Cottory Ordinance No. 99-~I which became ct'l~ctivc on November 24. 1999: and XVIIEI{I~AS, the lloard of Supervisors of the Cedar I lammock l)cvclopmcnt District ("District") has requested the consent ol'Collicr County to exercise certain additional special powers pursuant to Section 190.012(2). Florida Slalules: aml W!IEREAS, the l)istrict's Board of Supervisors has requested that Collier County to the exercise ol'spccial powers relaling to parks and recreation ~md security: and WI I EREAN, Collier County has reviewed the l)islrict Board of'Supervisors' request. NOW, TIIEI{El/()I{E, BE IT I{ES()I,VEI) BY TIlE I~()ARI) ()F C()UNTS* COblblISSI()NEI~S ()F C()I.I,IER C()UNTY, I/I.()RII)A, that: I. The Cedar I lammock Community l)cvelopment District is governed by the provisions of Chapter 190. Florida St;,tutes. Additionally. the l~oard of County Commissioners of Collier Courtly. Florida. hereby consents to lhe 13oard Supervisors of the Cedar I lainmock Community Development District exercising the fi~llowing special powers in ~,ccordance with Section 1~)0.()12(2). I:h}rida Statutes. Io plan. cst:fi~lish. acquire. construct or reconslruct. enlarge or extend. equip. operate and maintain mlditional systems and lhcilities Ibr: (a) Parks and l~cilitics fi)r imloor m~d ouldoor recreational. cultural and educalional uses. Security. including. but not limited to, gtmrdhouscs. l~nccs ~md gates. electronic intrusitm dcteclion systems, and patrol cars. when m~thorized by proper governmental agencies: except llmt the District may not exercise any police power. but may contract with ll~e appropriate local general purpose government agencies lbr an increased level of such scrviccs within the District boundaries. 3. Consent to exercise lhc above powers hy the l~oard of Cotmty Commissioners in no way implies that C'ollicr (.'otulty has any obligation or responsibility to ensuro that these special powers are exercised by the l)istrict nor any liability in regards m the l)istrict's exercise of Ihcse special powers. This liesoh. ion shall become eFIbctive upon an allinnativc vote ot'a County Commission at a duly noticed public hearing. PASSEl) AND A!)(~'EI) hy the Boa[d oJ' COtlilly ('ommissioncrs of ('oilier County. sfqnaturs c.n iy. Approved as to lbrm and legal sufficiency: Assistant County Attorney (;:',uscr.~'.1115'l'S Y",WI',g CI'] )AR I I.A N I,',1{ )( 'K ('DI')L,\I)1 ) I'( )\k'l':liS RES{ }3~ pd