Resolution 1999-441I,tI:.S()I.L.rI'I()N NO. 99- 4 41 RI-;SOI,UTION OF Till:. I~,¢)ARI) O[: ('OIJN'I'V ('OM,'xlISSI()NF.R.'q. ('OUN'FY. FI,ORII),'\, AIJTIIORIZINCi WAIVIiR OF RE{iI()NAI. WATF. I,~ ANI)"( SEWER SYS'I'EM IMI'A('T I:EEN. RE(;IONAI. SEWER SVSI'EM IMI'At'T FliES. I,IlIRARV NYS'I'EM IMPA(q' FEES. PARKS I~MERGENCY MEI)ICAI. SI~RVI('ES IMPA('T I:EES. EDt~('ATI()NAI. FA( '11.1'1 II~N SYSTEM IMI'A('T FEES AND ('()I~RI~CTIONAI, FA('II.ITII(N IMt'A('T I-I.I..g I:~ ONE IIOtlSE TO BE ('ONS'IRIJCTEI) BV IIAIII'I'AT I:()R COI.I.IER COUNTV. IN('.. ON I.()T 24, III.()('K la. NAI'I.ES MAN()R AI)I )111( )N. CO[.I.IEI~ COUNTY. FI.OI~IDA. \VIII:.RI:.AS. ('oilier ('otmty has rco)gnizcd and altcmplcd lo mtdrcs. the lack of adequate ;red al'fi)rdal)Ic housing l~r modeyale. 1oxv. and vcry-h)xx II10)111L' 11otlSCJloJd~ 111 the ('l)klllly illlk! IJlC 11t'k'd mk)r L'l'k';lJltk' iiIld IllllOt'ali~'L' J)FO~F~HllS IO iJssisJ H1 JilL' )lroVl~l(~rl oJ' such II(~Uhlllg ~lanagcmcnl l'Jan. inchMing: olHc'cl)~c 1.4. pohcy 1.4.1; .l~lcclmvc 1.5. pohcy I ~2. p,,hc) I.~.L pohc) 15.4. policy 1.5.5. policy 1.5.6: objective 1,6. policy 1.6.3: ol~jcct)vc 2.1, p. huy 2.1.1. p.lmc~ 2.1.2. p-lmcy 2.13. p-hcy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of l)le I Iousln~ ILlcmcnl: and WI IERI(AS. Colher ('oumltv Jl;lS rccc~vcd I'HI1dlllg pursuant Io the ~l{11L' I J~11hllI~ Inmlmahvc~ I'am-lncr.hH~ I'r.gram sol J~)rtJl in ~c'clJoll 420.907 c't. seq.. Florida Sl~llulc's {111tJ ('haplet ~11-37. WI IERI{AS. in ;ICC~IFd:II1CC ~lJh ('~dhcr { '.umv { )l'{hll;111CC ~O. I).~. J l). tilL' ( 'l'11111~ I- IlltJll)r I/Ci[ [,s tl-C l'unding from [he ~l:11e ]h~using Jlllll:11ives l~m'Incrsi~ll~ JSIIII'J Jh'o~l';1111 ~VIJI~R[~AS, I laJ~i[;11 ]~)r Iltlnlanity oJ'('ollic'r ('ounly, Inc. is socking a x~;Hxcr o1' mlpacl lcc~: mid WtlEREAS. Ilabilat fi)r Ilunlanily of ('olhcr ('oLInly, Ille. will L'OlIS[FIIC[ olle {1~ fiu,;c-twdrt~om uml (lhc "Dwcllin~ UnJl") on l.ot 24. Block l-l. Naples Manor Addilion which is proposed I. sell fi~r ]:orlv-~lx I'housaml Five ]hindred Dollars ($J6.500.00): and 111iHitlltHll O1' f~ve Jlundrc~ (50[)} Jl()urs ()I'"Sx~ eat WI IEREAS, Samuel .I. I)urs~). M,I),. l)rc~idcnl of I lai~llal fi)r I [tlnl~11111~ i)J' ( '.lhcr ( 'litlilly, IllC.. subnllllcd 1o lhc OJ'fice of I lousing :red [lrl);111 hllprovcnlCnl an Afl~)rd;iblc waiver of inlpacl l~'cs l~)r Ihc construelion oJ' applicadt)n is on file in linc' J loLISlH~ ;111d I)rhan Impr.%cmcnl l)CJl;11'1111VI11: ;111d WIII~RI~AS, in ;~ccord;mcc x~Hh ~ccIi()11 Ordinance, ()rdinancc No. 9~-09: ~L'clil)ll 3.04 o1' lilt' ~mcnded; Section 4.0~ of lhc Parks and Rccrcali()nal Facililics hllpacl Fee ()rthn;mce. ()rdln;mcc No. g0-)g, Section 3.04 of the Road Impacl Fcc ()rdmallCC, ()rdinancc No. g2-22. as anlcodcd; Sccln)n 3.05 nf lhc l:mcrgcncy Medical Services System Impact Fee Oralbronco, ()rdmancc ~'o. 91-71, as amended; Sectran 3.05 of lhc I~dtlcalionifl Facilities Syslcm hllpacl Fcc Ordm:lnc'c. ()rdinuncc No. g~-)~. ;is ~lnlcndcd; ~L. cIJ()11 ].0~ (,l' lilt' ('Ol'l'CCll()11;IJ I;uclJlHcs Impace Fee ()rdinance. ()rdin;lllcc ~o. 9g-52. ~111 ;lllplic;tnl nl;iV the I'ollowmg rq'~rcN¢lllall,,Hl~. luad¢ Iw II;fi'mal Ibr J hllll;1nlw ~H'( 'olhcl ('t~unly. hw A. 'lhc l}wclhng I~11H shall I~c sold t~ a first-tm~¢ JltH11c Imycr. IJl¢ :~jlJlt'lldlCk'h IJ) JilL' FL'SJ1L'CII~¢ JiltliBel J"vt' (]FtJJI1;II1CL'5 ;mild Jhk' Ill*~lllJlJ)' I11tlsl J~t' xx 1111111 the afl;~rdaM¢ Ill)LISIIl~ ~tlid~Jill¢$ L'~l;lbJi~Jl~d II~ JilL' Al~l%,tldlCL,~ I,~ IJ1¢ rC~J%'CIIVL' JlllllaCt J;L'L' ( )rdlll;lllCgs. 'J hc J)x~L'lllng I'nll ~J13JJ bc tile I lonlc~Icad tH'lhc Ihc I);~clhng t'ml ~hall remain al'lbrdahfc Ibr l'11'lccI1 (15I ',car, I'~om the dale lhc cCrllflC;11;' ~1' N()W '1111:RI{I'i)RI:. Ilk II RI'.N()IA'I:I) 1~5' '1 II1' B()A[~II I~1. ('()l:X I ('()t[N'I'Y. I:I.()RII):M thai: houxu ~xJlich ~JlaJl bc ciHl~lt'tlClCd ol1 l.ol 24. IHock 14 X;iplcs M;111Ol :~ddltl~H1. I 'tllJlk'l ( 't)JJJ)J~. I'lorida. Ikcs signed by Jlab~Ial Ibr Iltnnan]w of ('olhcr ('otl111}'. JilL.. alldill lhc pu~cha~cl. ~r other documcnlal~on aCCCl~labl¢ Io Ihe ('imnly :Mlorl~cy. lhe Board of ('ounlv I'olnml~oncr~ herrby aulhorJ/cx lh¢ i~aymcnl by ('olliur ('ounly of Ih¢ IbJlo~lng Impacl 'lru~ I'uml. I'und t lql I. m ~llc IoJJo~ m~ anlOUn~ hJr Ihc one t JJ h~Hl~c ll~ Jw hl'lJl Oll J ol ~4. I{1ock 14 A. I.~hr;u'y I;nl~;t,.'t I'cu ", I,M~ 5._' B. Road hnp:~cl ('. Parks lmpacl ]:co: I). I{NIS Jnq~acl Fcc [{. JLdtlCilllollaJ [:;IClIiliCs NV,tcm [nipact J'cc 1.77$ ~ (]. 5ux~ cr lml~aCl I'cc q1.575 I I. ('orrcclloll;lJ I:11ciJllleS JlllpaCl Fee - I~.'~ 'I'1 )'I'A I, IM I',A('T I:EES 57,140.34 'J'Jlt.' 11aylllt'111 oJ' illlJlaCl ft.'cs J~'.' ('oJht. r ('Otlllt.V I,i sub ecl Io lhe cxccllllOll and I~Co1'd1.111Oll of an agrck'111Clll liar ~.~.alvt2r of('oJlicr ('litlilly JlllpaCl I"ces Jlt.'l\~.t.'Cll lJlC J'~ropt'rly ~t ILL': ,111tJ or purchaser lllld l. ht.'( 'tillIllS'. II()ARI) ()F ¢'{ )I INTY ( '¢)MMISSI( >NI.RS ('OI,I.I~I~,R ('{)lINTY. I.'I,()RII)A ~ jd czNaplcs .Main...\ddili,m rc~ EXIII BIT DES('R! I'TI¢)N I.()T 2.1 {)F I{I ()('K 1..1. NAPI,I:,S MAN()R AI)I)II'I¢)N...\{ '1'() 'l'111i I'I.AT t~()()K TIII.;RI(()F. AS I~,I(('()RI)I~I) IN I'1..,\ I' I~( ){ )K 3. ,,\ I' I'..\(;l( 6,~. ()l: 'Fill.; Iq q~l.l(' FI¢ )I~,11 ).,\. ,q 2569836 OR: 2622 PG: 0553 A(;~IE~T FOR WAIVER OF ('O!,I,IER COUNTY 151PA('T FI<I.:S This Agreement I~r the Waiver of Impact Fccs c~tcrcd into thi~y of ~ between Ihc Board of Cotmir Commissioners el'Collier County, Florida. hcrcinalicr rolL'fred as "COLIN'I'Y" aml [labilal Ibr I tmnanilv of ('oilier ('otmlS'. Inc.. hcrcinalic~ "OWNER." W [T N [( S S li T WIIl!RIiAS. ('elliot ('om~tv ()rtlillancc No. Og-(~'). the ('(dlicr ('~),ml', J4cl:i,~;ta] X~'illcr and/or Sewer Systems Illlpacl Fee ()[-dill;111cci Collier Cottory ()rdimmcc No. SS-(t7. Ihc Collier ('()tmty l.ibrary Nvslclll [~)lpacl Fcc Ordinance; ('oilier ('()tillIv {)r(linancc N(). O(I-30, lho Collier ('otmlv Parks and Rccrcalional Facililics Impact Fee Ordin;mcc: {'()llicr ('elllily Ordimmcc No. 91-71. as amcmlcd. the ('()11icr ('()tmtv [fmcrgcncy Nlcdical Illlpacl Fcc Ordinance: ('oilier ('otl~llX ()rtlhlallCe. No. '12-22. as il111CIIdCd. Road hnpact Fee Ordinance: ('elliot ('OlllllV ()rdimmcc No. ')2-33. as alllglltlCtl. Ihc County Educational Facilities System llllpaCl Fee ()rdillilllCc; alld ('.flier ('ouIHv ( )rdlllaIIcc No. 99-52, th0 Collicr('otmlv('o~cctional Facililies Impact Fee()rdinancc. as Ihcv may be Ih~hcr amended I?om time [o tllllC hcrcinalicr collectively rcJ~'l'l'Cd lO ils "lmpacl Ice provide fi~r kvaivcrs .f impact l~'cs lbr 11cx~ ox~ncr-occupicd ~hkclli~g unit aflbrdablc housing: ired WIIEREAS. OWNER has applied Ibr a waiver of impact I~'cs ils required by the Fee Ordinance, a copy of said application being on tile in lhe office of lieusing anti Urban { 111provclllClll; alld WtlEREAS. the County Administrator or his designee has rcvicxvcd lhc ()WNI!R's application anti has I}~tlml thai il complies xx ith lhc I'CqIliI'ClllClllS I;~l' all aflbrdablc of impact fees as cslablishcd in the Jillpact J:cc ()rtli~lmlCC: WI IEREAS. lhc impacl l~'c ~vaivcr sJlilJJ bc presented in lieu of palymcnl t,f the rcqtliSllC impact foes subjccl to satislhction of all crilcria in Ihc Impact !'co ()rdimmcc qualil~'ing Ihc project as eligible lbr an impacl I~c waiver; 5 ~1.00 1.00 16 5 OR: WIIERE.,\S. the COUNTY approved a waiver of impacl l~cs Ibr ()WNI(R cmhmtictt Rcsolution No. 90-_~/ at its regular meeting of__ WIIEREAS. the Impact Fee ()rdinancc requires Agreement with tl~c COt NOW. TI I[!lLl!FORli. in considcr'atitm oflhc lbrcgoing recitals. the pain,cs c,~x on:mr and agree its lbllows: R[!CITAI.S INCORPOR:VI'IiI). The Ibrcgoing recitals arc tr,c and cotreel and sh'all bc incorporalcd by reftronco herein. 2. LIS(JAI. I)[~5('RIPTION. The legal description of lhcthtcllin~ Unit") and silo plan are attachell hereto herein. 3. TI!RNI. ()WNI!R agrees that the [)xvclting t:nit shall remain as ;~!]~qtlitblc housing and shall be offered Ibr sale in 11ccol'tlallcc xxilh lhc sl;111dill'dS sol li*rth ~n the apl~cndlct'$ lo Ihc Impact Fee Ordinance Ibr a period of fi I~ccn (I 5} 5'tilts CtHllIllCIICiH~ lr{Hll lilt tlalc of occupancy is issued Ibr the l)wclling [:nit. RI{PRESENT:VI'I()NS ANI) W..XRR..XNTII(S. ()WNI{I{ ru'l~ru'scnls mid XXltI'I'iLIltS the £ollowing: {2. The l)wcllin,, t!ni! shall bc sold to a housch,Id xx ith a *cr~ lmx income as defined in lilt appcmldiccs Io the Impact Foe (h'dinancc and his he,' monthly payments Io pttrchasc Ihc I)wclliug t rnit shall I~c xxithin the aflbrdablc houshlg guidelines cslablishcd in Ihc apl~Cndiccs Its Ihc Impact I:cc Ordinance: 'I'hc I)wclting 13nil shall bc sold to a 15rst-timc home buyer: The l)wclling l lnit shall be the homostoad ol'{m nor: The l)wclling Unit shall remain as aflbrdahlc housing:; li~r liltcon (151 years I?om the date the ccrli ficato of occupal~Cy is issued Ibr the l)xvclling U.it: and OWNEl{ is the ox~ncr oJ' record oJ' the Dwcllin,, tlnit alltJ owes impact I~cs in the total anlotlnl of 57.14(}.34 imrsu;mt Io t}lC JillpaCt ]:CO 2 16 A 5 Ordinancc. In rclurn Ibr Ihc waiver oflhc impact f~cs owed hv ()WNHR. OWNHR covenants :red agrees to comply with the aflbrdahlc housing imp;let ii'c waix'cr qualilic;,icm criteria dcl:~ilcd i, lhc Impact I:cc ()rdina 5. SL~tlSI~QLII~N'I' 'I'RANSFIfR. 11'()WNI~R sells Ihc I)xvclling [;nit subject to impact I~c xvaivcr to a suhscqucnl Imrclmscr. the l)xxclling I'nit sh:~11 hc sold onlx ~o meeting the cri[crk~ set Ibrlh in the Impact I:cc Ordimulcc. 6. AFI:ORI)AIII_IL REOI;IRI~MI~NT. The I)xvcllin~ I',it must 1,c u1~l~/cd aflbrdablc hotming Ibr a illicon (15) ?'car period alicr the d;ltc Ihc ccrlilicatc ~t' occupancy issucd: :red if thc l)wclling Unit ccascs to hc utilized Ibr that purpose durin,S huch pcri{~d. ~hc impact lkcs shall hc immcdi:,cly rcpaid to lhc COUNTY. 7. I.IHN. The waived impact Ibcs shall hc a lien Ulmn the I)~vclling I'mt on the ct'Igctivc dale of this Agrccmcm: x~hich lien m',tv hc Ibrcch,.cd Ul~{m ~n ~hc cxcm non-compliancc with lbc rcquit'cmcnls ~1' this A,grccmcnt. 8. RI~I.ILASt~ (1t: I.II~N. Iytm salislhclorv complcluql ,~1' Ihc .~,grccmcnl requirements and fiiiccn 115) ycars ~1icr the dale o1' issuance of the certificate .f occttp:.~cy. upoll payment of Ihc waix'cd ilnpacl IUcs. the ('()[ 'N"I'¥ shall. at Ihc cxpc~sc of the ('()[ rccord allV ilcccSSilrV doctm~cnlaliml oxidtricing the lcrminalitm of Ihc lien. ~nc',tltJin[:. hut limited to. :t release of 9. BINI)IN(; ILFI:HCI'. This A,grccmcnl shall hc himli.g upon Ihc p:u'l~cs 1o Ihis Agrccmcnt and their rcspcctivc heirs. pcrson:fi representatives. succcsst,rs and assi,gns. In the case of sale or transtbr hy gili of the l)x~clI/ng I Ynil. lhc original OWNI!R shall rcm:~in liable thc impact Igcs waived until s:~id impact Ibcs arc paid in fi~11 or until the condilionh set Ibrlh the Impact Fcc Ordin:mcc arc satisfied. In :.l(lilion. this Agreement shall l'un xvilh the land and shall rcmain a lien a~ainst lhc l)xvclling I;nit until the im~x isi.ns ol'hcct~on ~ arc I{H('()RI)IN(;, This Agreement shall hcrccordcdl~x ()WXI~R ut tl~ccxpcnsc OWNER in the Oftlcial Records of Collier County. Florida, within litteen (15} days allcr cxccution oFthis Agrcclllcnl by lhc Chairm:m ol'thc Board of('o,nlv ('ommissioncrs. II. DEFAUI:I'. O\VNI£R shall bcindclh.lt ol'~his Agreement (I) M~crc ()WNI{R fails to sell the Dwelling Unit in accordance with lhc affordable hotlSill,g qualification criteria established in the Impact [:co ()rdi.:mcc and Ihcrcal'lcr Ihils to pay lhc impact Ikcs due within thirty (30) days of said non-compliance. or ~2} xvhcrc ~}WNt;R one o{' the aflbrdablc housing qualil~cation criteria in the [111pacl [:cc ()rdill:l.cc 12. RI{NII{I)IIiS. Should the ()WNliR of the property lhil to compI> qualification criteria at any time during lhc fifteen {15) vc:u' period or Mlould any provisions of this Agreement. the impact Ikcs waived shall bc pai~l ~;~ full bx thirty (3~0 days o1' said non-compliance. ()WNI~R agFCCS lh;tl l}1C ~l~lpaCl I~'CS X~alXOI shall constitutc a lien Oll the [)xx'clling [:nit COIIllllCI1CJllg OI1 Ihc cl'11'clixc ~lalc oI' thih .X?ccmcnt and continuing tbr t] I]ccn ( 15 ) years from Ihc dale of issuance of the coI ll]c;llC of repaid. Such lien shall bc supcrh)r and p;tramotml Io Ihc JnlcrcsI ~. Ihc I)~xcll~n~: OWllet, Jcsscc, leilaIll. mortgagee. or olhcr persoil cxccpl lJlc licll Ibr ( 'otHllv I;LXCx ',ultJ parity with Ihc lic. or a.v such ('o,ntv rexes. Shouhl the (}WN'I;R bc in delimit of Ibis Agrccmcnt and lhc dct~mlt is nol cm'cd withi. {jt}) days al]cr xvrJtlcn riolice Board may bring a civil aclion 1o cnlbrcc Illis agreement. In addisUrn. Ihc lien ~m~v hc tbrccloscd or ott~crwisc enforced bv Ihc ('Ot_INTY Iw aclion or suit in equity a~ Ibr the mortgage on rcal properly. This remedy is cumuIal~x c xxilh ',my olhcr righi or I'C.lCdv ;1~ aliabit to lhc COUNTY. The Board shall bc entitled lo rcc.vcr ;ill ll'cs a~M c~,sls. includ:ng altt~l'llCV~ Fccs. incurrcd lw tl~c Board in cnlbrcins this ;Igl'CClllClll. pl.s ~mcrcM ;ll Ihc sl;11iltol'v I';llC IN WI'I'NESS WIIIH~I{()I:. Ihc parlies haxc cxcculcd lhis A~rccnwnl ib~ Waixcr of Impact Fccs on lhc dale ;red >'car lirsl almvc xvnIlcn. Witnesses: - 4 - STATF. OF Fire'ida COUXTY OF Collier The Korcgoin~ instrumcn! was acknowledged bcfi~rc me this ./.,-- day t~f.x'_'} .'" t,' , . 1999 bvSamu¢lJ. Durso, M.D., PrcsidcntofHahit:u forllum:milyoF('ollicr¢'oumy. lnc. I lcispcrsonally kllowi1 1o l]lC. [NOT.\R I,\I. SEAI.} Name of :\cknowlcd~cr Typed. l'rinlcd or SlamI .....'"' "'~ ~'"'~" · DATED: 'DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk Approvcd as to Form and legal su fficicncv I teidi F. Ashton Assistan! County .,\rioracy B(),,\RI) (')F ('()1 ;N'I'Y ('()XIXIIS,'-;I()NI{RS ('01.1.11!R ('()I ~N'I'V. I:1.( )RII),\ idle/flap[cs m;.H w~r 5 OR: 2622 PG: 0558 ICXIIIBIT "A*' I,E(;A!, 1) E,";C R I I'TION I.(¥I' 24. BI.O('K 1,4. NAI'I.I!S MANOR AI)I)ITION, ,,\('( *( )I,tDIN(i TO TI IF. I'1 .AT I~;()(')K TI I I:.RF.O[:. AS RI!('(}Rl)lil) IN I'1 .:\ I' I),~ ~( )K 3. :\'1' I',,\(il{ 6S. ()F Till{ I'1'1~;I.I(' RI{('()RI)~ ()1: ('()I [.11..R t'()I'NIV FI.(')Rll ).,\. 6 *** OR: 2622 PG: 0559