Resolution 1999-436 V,'IIF:PII.:.\.N. ( '.111¢~ ( '(Ulllt.v h~l', I'O.'(~111/t'd ;Iftd ;lllu'rHpl~.'d h);Id,Jl~',~ the hick ,,r Ct'q;lilYL' 1111d Iltllo~;111~t' J~ltl~[ill}l~ III ;1~1~1 III Ih~' ~111~1~11~11 I~[ ~11~'~1 htlll~111~ b~ iflChh{ifl~ ohjccl~c 15. I~,,hcF 1.52. p,)hc~ Ifi..K i~fi~') I 5.4. p, dlc) i 5 ~. I~oh~v I ~ ~,. ,,t,w,h~,' I (,. lh ~: ~d~lccil~c 2 1. i~(,hcy 2 ] I. p,d~c)2.12. p-h%' 2 } ~. p(dic:. 2 I ~. ;red p,,h,'~ 2 [ (,~q the' Ih,~.:m' flhc "l)*vclhnp 1:1111"1 ;ll I(,dfl 22'"] .,~cnuc. N I'. I J.ltlcn (k~fc I'*h~l¢* m (',,Ih.'r ('*.m[~, J )u'Jl;irl II1¢111; ;111d WII~:IIFt,XS. ill ;ICC~ld;IllL'L' ~11J1 Nccllm~ .~11,J I~J' IJl~' ('¢r~t'cll~,md J';Ic~hll~', Jlllp;l~'l J L'~' No. 01-71. ;,, ;lll~C~l(]L'd: ;red ScCh,)l~ .~l)~ ,d' IJl~' I dtw;ll~(~n;~J J';t~'thhus Nv~I~'H) JH~p;ict J'~'c -I- N( )~,V. '11 I I'~ I~ IL I"¢ ) I'~ I'[. I~1'[ IT I~ I'[~()I.VICI) II'~ IIIE ('().\I311.";b';I()SICI'~, ()1: ('¢)1,1.11C1,: ('()l .'~'l"~', I"I.()RII) ~,. I IIA'l: ATFIiS'I': -3- EXIIIIHT "A" I,E(;AI, I)ES('RI I"i'I()N .I()R(;E ANi) A31,.~,NI):'~ ,XlA!,¥1'INI.~Z RI.~SI!)EN('!.~ Till.! liAS'I 75' ()I: Till! F. AST 15~}' ()F TRA('T 8,1. ¢ ;()I.I)I'~N UNIT 71...\('£'()I~,I)ING T()'I'11E I'I.,,VI' TI II".I~,F.()F. ,,\S I,',1!('¢ )I~,I)F.I)IX I'1 ,.VI II()OK .~. I',,\(;1! 7. OF 'I ItF. I'I qll,l(' RI!('I}RI)$ ()1: F()I.I.II!P, ('(~1 ;X'l V. FI .()R I I),,\. -4- ('5'¢,~1c I"= I0') I O~/v 71/ ~r 75'0r ~e 84 2569804 OR: 2622 PG: 0463 CLERK 70 T[ffE BOARD?3CDRDED In [he OF?ICL~L R~CORD~ of COLH~ COUNTer. A(;RE~IE3"I' FOR ~5'~, I)EFERI~..kl. ()F ('()I.I,II{R ('()['.~"1'~' I.~i1' k('T This Aurccmcnt liar ~hc 77,, I)clL'rrul t~l' Imp~c~ l.'ccx cnk'rcd into ;l~tl~> ('ounly. Floridm hcrcin;~licr rcl~n'ccl Io ;~s "('()1 ;X'I'Y" ;red .h,r~c M. X1:~rlinc/ ~,~t Xl:n'lincx. herein:tiler rolL'trod Io ns W I T X I< S $ l< T II: XVtII~RIf..XS. ('~llicr ('ounlv ()rdin'.mcc X~,. ~'}-52. Ihc ('on'cclnm:~l I.",~c~I~cs Inq~ucl l'cc: Ordimmcc: Collier ('tmnlv ()rdhmncc X~t~. 0U-SO. lhc Collier ('ounlv Pro'ks :m~l 14ccrc:nhm~d I::tcilitics Inlp:tc'l l:cc ()rdimUlCC: ('~llicr ('~mntx' ()rdin:mcc X'o. 9~l-.l~}; the (',,llicr Emcr,&cnc>' Xlcdic~d Services Svslcm Imp',~cl I"cc ()ntin:mcc: (',~llicr ('~mntk ~h'din:mcc ~)2-22. :rs urnended. Ihc ('~llicr ('ounlx' I~x~d lmp:~cl I:cc (Irdinm~'c: :red linc <',,flier ()rdin:mcc ~o. '}2-SS. ',~s mncmlcd. Ihc (',dlicr t'~,unlv l~,luc:nhm:~l I.~cililics Sx>lcm Inqx~cl I:cc ()rdJIlilIlCC~ ~Is Ihcv Illll)' }1C I'llrlhcr ~llllCildCd I'l'Om Ihllc h~ ll~llc hcl'cil~;~l'Icr c~llccl~k :rs "Italy:tel [:co (IrdJn:mcc". impvide I~r ~s :~ix ors o1' imp:tel l~'cs I~r nc~x ,~x~ ncl ,,,', ~q~cd WtII~RKAS. ()W~t~R h:~s ~q~l~licd l~r :~ T?. dcl~'rn~l ~I' impucl l~'cx :~h ~cqu~rcd I~v Ihc Impanel Fcc ()rdin:mcc. u c~i~>' ~I' ~i~I :q~plJc~l~m ~ ~ I~lc in lhc ~llicc ,~l' I~mht~ WIIERILAS. Ihc ("ounlv ..~dminislnm~r ~r hb dcsi,~ncc h',~h rcvic~kcd ~hc dclL'rrul ol' iraputt IUcs ~s csl~hli~hcd in linc Impnc~ I"cc ~ )rdimmcc: nn,.I projccI ~s cli~ihlc lbr :m impz~cl I~c dcl~'rn~l. OR: 2622 PG: 0464 16 2 \VI II~I~l:...\S. lhc ('()1 :N'I'Y appr~wu'd a 75%, dcl~'rral of WIIt~RI{,.X~. lhc Inllmcl t:e~ ()rdJnance requires lhal II1u NOW. TI II~RI~FC)RI~. in consJdcralhm of Ille Ibrc~oJllg l'u'cilaln. Ihc p;u'llcs c~x cnanl ;Uld a~rcc as lblloxv~: RI~('I'I:XI.S 1N('()RI'()I4A'I'I~!). lhe fi~rduolnu rccihlln ;He Iluc ;Hid ~,tu'cl .Uld nh;ll bc {ncorp~ralcd by rclk'rcncc hercm. 2. I,I{(iAI, I)I{S('RIPTI()N. 'lhc Ic?l dCSCl'iplum (~flhc th~clling tm~[ Ilhc "l)~cll~ng I'nil"~ ;111d .silt.., phlll is ;ifillobed hcl'clo ils I.~xhibil "A" alld IllC~l'}~lltlt.t[ hv i'cl'Cl'CllCC lieruin. ]hkXl. ()WNIiR agrees th'al the l)~clling ['illl shill] I'Clll;1111 ils afl;,rdaJ~Jc 11OllSlng and shall bc oJ'l~'rcd lbr sa}c in accordalice x~ilJl lilt Shllldilrds 5cI I'oI111 in IJlc appendices Io the Impact Fee ()rdinance Ibr a period of liflccn {15) vcilrs COllllllCliCillg J'1'o111 I}1c dillc the ccl'liJSc/11c REPRI!SI{NTATI()NS ANI) WAI(RAN'I'11iS. ()WNI'R l'Cjll'CSClllS ,tlh] X~iII'l'ilIlIS the (}Wllt'r Illili1111iills il houschohl ~*ilh a roodtrait illCOllie ,1~ dclincd in Iht' ;ll~pcndices Io lilt Jllll)ilt-I J-co ()nli.;mcc l~tH'CllasC lhc l)~vliing I'11Jl 11111sl 1%' ~ilhlll lJlC al'h't,hlblc housillg g/iJtlclillCS eslabJisllcd in ltlC ;q~l~Vlltliccs Io IIIC llllpaCl I"cc ( 11'dlllilllCk'i ()kVllcr 15 ;i J51'sl-lJlllC holllC c. The [)xvclling t'nit shall Ik' Ilk' homcslc;id OR: 2622 PG: 0465 2 The l)~¥cllins t.!nit .~h:dl ~'¢lmdn ~t.~ ~lltbrd:d~lc hotism~ Ibr Iiliccn (I 5I x'c;~rs I~om Ihc tl~llc the ccrtiIic;~Ic Ol'~cctq~m~c)' is isst,cd Ibr thc I)~¥cllimg [ '~lil'. ()rdin~mcc. In rclu~ Ibr Ihc 77~, dcl~rr~l ot' Ihc iml¥,~'~ I~'cs ~'c,I ()~VXKR. ()~VXI~R co¥cn:mls m~d ~t~'cc~ m c~mpIX ~ith lhc ~I'lbrd~d~Ic housin~ impanel iL'c dcl~'r~':d ~lU',dilic:~li~m crilcri~ derailed i~ tl~c Imp:~cl Fcc 5. SIiI~SI~(.~['t~X'I' 'I'I~A~'51:I~I~. II'()~V~'I~R ~cll~ lhc l)wctlinS I:~t~ >~t~l~jccI Io imp~ct IL'c dclL'rr~l m ~ sub~C~lt~Cnl p~rctmscr or rcnlcr. lhc I)~clli~ I:nJl slmll bc s~ltl ~mlv I~ h~u~scholds mcclin~ lhc crilcrkt sol Ibrlh in Ihc Imp~cl I:cc housin~ Ibr ~ Illicon (I 5) vc:~r pcri~d ~licr Ihc dmc Ihc ccrtil~c~tlc ol' ~ccuptmc)' is issued: ',red il' lhc I)k¥cllinS ['nit cc~t~cs I~ I~c ulilixcd I~r [Ix~1 i~t~'l~c durJn~ ~uch 7. I.IK~'. The dcl~rrcd imp~ct IL'cs slxtll I~c z~ Iic~ tqm~ lhc pr~pcr~>' ~ hich lic~ m~tv I~c tbrcct~scd up~m in lhc cvc~l ~l' ~m-c~mplim~cc ~¥ilh 1he rcqt~ircmc~l~ ~l' Ihis subordinzuc m Ihc I]l'~l illorthomac Io',m Io trod Illicon (l S} )'ct~rs ~licr Ihc dmc t~l' issutmcc ~l' Ihc ccrlil~cmc ~l' occupm~c)'. or OR: 2622 PG: 0466 16A 2 l;,:cs. the ('()[;N'T'f shall. at the expense o{' the ('()I~N'TY. record ;my ncccss:u-v d,.'~CtmlClll;tlicm evidencing the tcrn]ination of'the lien. including. bin not limited to. ;~ release of lien. BINI)IN(; F. FFI:.CT. :\gi'ccmcnt ;red thclr 9. This ..\grccrncnl shall l~c binding Ul',C,n lh,.' p:u'llcs Io lhis ussi.'.dns. in the c;~sc of sale or Ir;ulsl['r I~v ,:,.ill o1' ll';c I~clling I nil. the ,,ri,.2in;tl ()\VNI']R shall l'Clllitill li;ibl¢ lbr the imp;tel I~:cs w;tivcd unlil s;~itl imp;,cl Iccp, ;~rc p;~id in tidl or until the conditions Sol tbrlh in the Imp',act Fee ()i'din:nice ,n'c ~;,nisficd. addition. this .,\grccrncnl shall run with Ihc land and shall remain ;, lien ;~?insl the 1(}. RIL('()I41)IN¢;. 'Ibis ..qgrccmcnl shall I~c recorded Iw ()WNI:R ;n ~hc expense ()WNI{R in the ()fficial Records of ('oilier ('otllllV. ]'lorlthk x~ithit~ s~xtx (r,ll) days alkcr cxccutitm t>I' this :XgI'CCllIClll hv the ('11airillinl ~1' the Bo;u'd o1' ('OtllllX Commissioners. II.I)I~F:Nt.YI~'I'. OWNl:Rshallbcindcfimhofthis:Xgrccmcntll)x~hcrc()WXl{l< lhils tn sell the I)xvclling ['nit in uccortlancc with the al'lbrd;d~]c hottsin~ sMnd;n'ds quulillc;ttion critcri;~ established in tile Impact Fcc ()rtlill;111cc ;111tl !/Icrc:tiler lhils to pay lhc i llq~;icI t~cs xx ithin 3(1 d;lvs o1' said noll-ct}nll~liallcc. or [ 2 } ;~ hcr~' ( )WX I{ R violates one ol'thc ;tflbrdablc housing qualil}citlion crilcriit ~n Ihc Imp;let I'cc Ordin:mcc lbr a period of'thirty (3f)) tlavs alicr notice oFthc x 12. RI{NII{I)1I{5. Nhm~ld lhc ()WNI~R {,1' the pr{q~crt} 15il h, c,mq~l> ',~ilh lhc qu:~lil]cati{m critc,ia ;,t ;111k lime during Ihc l]11ccn 115) vca~ pcr~{~tl or sh~mltl ()WNI~R kiolutc ;mv provisions o1' this Agreement. the impact l'ccs x~;nxcd shall paid in li~11 t,v ()WNI{II wilhin 31~ tlavs ol'said non-compli:mcc. ()WNI{R agrees that the impacl t~cs dcfcscd shall constilutc alicn on thc l)wclling Unit commencing on the clt'cctivc date of this Agreement and ctmtinuing until top;rid. OR: .2622 PG: 0467 16A 2 l{xccpl as set Ibrlh in ~cu'lion 7. such I{cn shall hc IJcn Ibr ('OLIIlIV laXCS alld shall hc on Ilal'iJy whh Should lhc ()W~ER he in dcl~mll of il~is .'~rCCIllCllt. thirw (3()) days al]t'r kVl'illcrl llotJcc Io ()~V~I{I~. lhc }~o;11'd Ill;IV hl'Jll~ civil ;IclJOll I~ Clll~l'cc lJlJs ,'~l'CCIllC111. ]11 addJtJOll. tile 1ic11 t11;1x' hc tbrcch~scd property. This rcnlcdv is cunltlJuUvc xvhiJ any olhcr ('OLfNTY. 'l'hc Board shall hc cnlhlu'd Io rccoxcr all alltu'11c~'s Ibc~. ~llcurrcd bx lhc l~oard i11 cnlbl'CJll~ Illis ,.~l'cclnc111. phis Jnlu'l'CSl caJcuJalcd on ;i oak'tatar day basis unlJl paid. IN WI'I'NIfSS WIIIERIL()F. lhc parlies hake cxcculcd this .-X~l'CClllcn[ I~r ~VaJvCl', [)cl~l'raJ t~l' InlpaCl I:ccs on lilt dale alld year l~l'Sl above xs rillcn. ST:V] E OF .....:,///Z :_,z_ , ._. I C'OUNTY OF / ~ ' J__~ ,' -5 ._ ·_ _ The lbrcgoirlg hlstrumcnt was acknowlcdgt:d I',clbrc nit this ,' "- 1999. by Jorge 5. I. Marline/. lie is pcI'stm;tlly knox,, n Io mc m' p'r,'~dtlCt'd i(lcntilication) ;is itJcr]til]cali~,m. t lypc of .'oil'J/, ·, .., , . ~'.~ . ,~iglllJltll'k.' ill' JlCl'Si, lll Taking .,\cknqv, Icd,.zmcnl 5 OR: 2622 PG: 0468 COUNTY OF The lbrc?in~ instrument was acknowlcducd before mc this // day o1'~; t_.~:zL':.~.:._. 1 999, by Amanda A. \latrine/. She ~pcrsonally km~wn to mc or produced <);~ J,/~275'.L;'C:C:(tYPe ofidcnlillcation) as idcnlillcation. '~/ -.-~-'/ - ATTEST: D\VIGIIT l!. tlR()('K. C,'lcrk lb\.Xl[![..,\ .%. NIA("KItL CI{,,\1t,t\V()Nl.,\N .Id c tlll}~t'cc rllHltt':c,' OR: 2622 PG: 0469 16A 2 EXIIIBIT IA.X;AI, I)ISCRI I'TION .I()R(;E ~1. .~!AI~,'I'INF, Z AND :\MAN!)A A. MARTINEZ I;lESIIIEN('I.; THE EAST 75' OF THE EAST 150' OF TRACT NO. 84 IN GOI.I)EN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 71. ACCORDING TO TIlE PLAT TtlI-]REOF t~,ECORDEDINPLA'FBOOK5, PAGE 7OFTHEPtJBI.IC ()F COL[.IER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA. /?oo ~-.t. ¢: ( ;c~ /,'= ,'o, ) *** 0470 2