Resolution 1999-435 ('()1 :X'I'Y. I,'I.()I(11)A...Xl :'I'11()RIZIX~ i A 7?, I)ltI:I~RI~AI, ~)1: ('~)RRI,.~' 1 FA( '11 I'I'IES IMI'A('T FItltS. I.IBI(ARY SYS'I'I.,M IXII'A('T FI..I..S. I(I~('RI{A'I'I~)~AI, F,,X('II,II'IFS IXII'AI'T FItItS, i<~),,XI) IXII'.X~'I I'IMI'R~UtX~'Y MId)I('AI. Sl.,l~x'l~'l<S I~11'A~'I' FItItS FA~ '11.11'11:S SYS'I I..XI IXII'A{"I I:l'l<S I:{)R ~}Nl' II{11'SI ('(~X'$'IRI~("I'I{I) I~' S('()I'I ~X' I'RI('I' A'I dillS6'~ SI'Rt.I..I. ( iA'l 1'. l{S I,,VI ES, ~ '~ ~1.1.I ER { '{ }1 :NFY, I' I.~ )RII }..X. For Cl'e;dix'c ;red i[m,~x;uis c I~l'opU';1111s Io ;~ssisl in [he pmx islon ~t' suc11 pn~visi~ms in Ihc ('~11ic[' ('ou]tlx (~n~xxlh Xhm;t~cnlcnl I'hm. including: ,~b.icctivc 1.S. polic) I.~.2. poIic~ I S.3, p,,iicF' 1.5.4. p~dtc~ 1.5.~.pohc? I I.n.3: ob. jcclixc 2.1. p~dicF 2 1 ~. p~dicy 2.1.2. p~dick 2.1.;~. p~dicF XVIII~1~EAN. ('~11icr (',~unlv h;~s received I'undmg pm'su;ml Parmership f'm~z';m~ set l~]'lh in ~cclion 4211.~)117 Sq. s.~Lt[-, Florid;L St,11tllcS Administmlive ('ode: ol'Collicr C'otmtv ]1111~acl I~'cs: and XVIII~I~E,.XS. ~Coll ~'. Price is scckin~ ;~ 77, dcl~'n';d ol'imp;Lcl ~VII!{ItI.:..XS, ScntL ~V. Price will conslrl]cl ;i three I~ I~cdm~m~ Lmit 4110 (~th Ntrccl. ~. E. in (ioldcn (huc l~sl;tlcs. ('~dlicr ('oUnlV. I:l~rid;~: which Eighty Six 'l'hoL~n;md Five I lLmd~'cd Fiiix l)~dhn's tS~f~.~iI.~llI). XVIII~I~I~AN, ~c~11 X~'. Price submilled I~ Ihc ol'l~cc ~1' lt~c I louslng I)clmrlmcnl an ..Xl'lbnhd~lc Ih,usm~ ..Xppl~c;uion d~ucd NcpIcmhc~ I~cp:~rl~I~cn~: and Ordin;mcc N~. XN-~)7. ;~s ~llncndcd; Sccli-n 3,II4 of linc Parks :red l~cc~c~lhmal ()nlhmncc X'o. 91-71, ~s amended: ;red SccIiOll S.iIj oJ' die I'.duv;~lnm;d I'aclhl~c~ I( A! Iiqloxving rcl~r'c~cnlalmnx IlliItlC I~V SCroll W. I'ricc: A. The I)~cIlin~ t'nil shall hc ~wncd by ;~ Illsl-thnc Ironic Inlx el'. m~mlhlv p;~ymCnl I~ imrcha~c lhc Illlil IllJISl J~C willfin Suidclincs csmhlisllcd in Ihc ..~l~pcndicc~ Io fi~c rcspccl~x'c Imp;~cl Fcc ( h'dm;mcc~ 'Fhc t),.vcllin~ I :nil ~h;fil hc fiw t hm~cxlc;id ~,l' Ihc o~ nor eellille;lie ol'ocCup:mcy [s isst]cd. ,N'¢)W. '111I<I~EI:OI41';, lie Fl' IIl-~,R¢)l,\'l'~l) IIY '1'111< ('O.%i511SSI()XI'~I~,S ()1: ('O1,1.11']~, ('¢)ILNTY, I"I,III~.ID.A, TIIAT: 1. I1¢~,\1(I) I' ) I,' house which shall he conhlructcd ('oilier County, l:1orida. dcfc~ral sJ?~cd hx gC~)tl .~II~FllCV, [JlC J~o;IFd ~J' ('~lllllV ('t~IllIllJ~lqICI'X ilclcJ~ ;IilJllt~ll/C~ Inc J~;i) Illk'Ill Jt~ ('oilier ('~unty ot' the l~fih~ in~ inllX~Ct IL, c~ Ii~m~ the Al'l~,rd;dqc Ihm~inS I rt~s~ Fund. I:nnd (t~;I). in the Ibll~win~ amounts l~r the Sll'CCl. N. [~.. (;ohtcn (;ate The t~:Lvlncnl of iml~;Icl I*u'cs by ('oIlier ('otmlx' is sulU¢c! ~,~ lhc cxccu~m and rccord;ltiOll of ;H! ..\l'l~.~rd;ibl,,.' 11ousin.~ ,,\~.U'¢cmcnl I'ol l~;Lx'm~.'nl ~,J' ('~dJlu'l JlllJl;.ICJ J;L'L'S Jl,2JV', ~.'L'11 IJlu JlI'OJ')CI'J)' O\\ IIL'F ;111~.J CH' JIIII'CII~.ISCI ~llld JilL' ('Oilill\ J½~lS¢~.J ~.lpOI1 SHJ'I]L'JClll ¢VJdL'11C¢ pr.ovjd,,.'d bv (}',VIl~.'r. (]',\11L'i Jl;i.s d~.'lll~n.-,Ji',l~cd Illill ~l Sl. lJ'~Ol'dJ11;llJ('lll O1' lb',.' ('o!.1111'.,"s I'J~Jlls, Hlls're.'.;Is ;111d IJ~.'n J,~', JJHi[ c,..'II,Hi1 111,ql)'.dpL' h~;lli J'1'o111 J;Jr$! ..\IIHIllJC ,'X. Ji~i'J~;i.,..,L' ('Ol'l~. h~ (}V-. llL'l Ill lh'...' ;1111o1111J ~1 ','"* ~' '" ~l~ ~., 1o ol'q;lin J]11Hil¢illp 1,0, pm'¢Jl;~S¢ Ih~.' J)\\ u'Jhn.,z J '1111. This P, cs,,~luli~m :u.l.opl.,.'d ~lfiur 111,~11JOl'l, S~.C()11d ;.Ind IlJ~l orJlx \olc Id\oiHl~ n,tnlc ATTEST: D\VIGIIT F.. BR()('K. ('ic~k ,,\pprovcd ;is 1o fi~rm 1c71 snl'licJcncv: !.:X I I I FlIT ".,\" I,I.:¢;AI, I) I,:,',i(' I{ I i"i'I { ).N ,',;('(YI'T x\'. I'l,tl('l'~ I{l':~11)l':N('l't Till': ~.¥1':,~T 75' {)F 'I'IIA('T ~'(l. 42 IN f;¢ll,lll.:,\' {;,,¥1'1.: I,:,";,'1',.¥1'1':,"; I;.N'I'I' ,Nil. 71,1 AI'{'¢)IIIII~N{; 'I'll TIII.: I'I,..\T TIII.:III,:f)F Ill.:l'{)l,tl)l.:l} I.N I'I,..\T lie)fill 5, I',.\¢ ;I.: I t, { }1.' Till.', I'lilll,l{' !11 2569800 OR: 2622 PG: 0452 ,E¢,E, ~.so ..*',(;I,U'~EM!".NT I:()R 75"/;, I)I'~I:I'~I,TRAI. ()F ('()I.I,IER ('()i;N'I'Y IAI!'A('T I.'EI.~S ~_~ lq'~*) hv and hctxvccn the B~uu'd of Uotmtv (*ommi~,tmcr~ ,.~f ('~dlicr County. Florida. hereinafter rcl~rrcd as "OWNEI~." W IT N F Ortthmncc: ('oilier ('oui1Iv ()rtlinancc No. ~)')-3t), lhc ('oilier ('ounlv Pa:ks m~d Rccrcalhmal No. 92-22. as amcndol, ()rdhmncc: as they may hc I~u'lhcr amentied ]111pl'OVClllClll [)CpZlHIllCIlI~ alld WtlERIL,kN. lhc ('ounlv Adminislralor or his dcsi,?cc has rcvic~cd lhc (~WNER's :tpplicatim~ and h',t~ dclL'rral ol'impact IL'cs project as eligible lbr un impact l~c dclL'rral and OR: 2622 PG: 0453 16 , 1 \VttEREAS. lhc ('()T~.'<TY apl~rC~vcd :177,~, dcl'crral of impact 1~.'¢s Ibr OWXI{R WItERI{AS. Ihc Impact Fee Ordinmlcc rcquircs fiial the ()WNI{R cnlcr A~recmcnt wilh Ihc ('()t NOW. '1'I tlfRI~F()RE, in consklcralion of the Ibl'Cgohlg I'ccil;11S. [hc J~;11'lics cox 1. RI{CI'I'AI.S INCORI'()RATI{I). 'l'hc Ibrc?in~ recitals arc lruc and C~U'I'CCI alld shall be incoq~ormcd by rcl~rcncc herein. 2. [.E(b%[. [)[{SCRII'TI(3N. '['hc Ic~al description oflhcdwcllin~ uml (Ih~ "l)xvclli~]g Unit") ill]d site plan is attached hcrch~ as l{xhibil "A" mid incorporalcd by rclZ'rCllCC hcrcin. 3. TERM. OWNER agrees that the I)wclling tZnil shall remain a~ al'l~rdablc and shall be oft~rcd lbr sale in ',lCctwdal]CC xx'ill] the s:amta:'ds set l~l-th it] appendices to the Impact Fcc ()rdmancc Ibr a period of fifteen (IS) years commencing IYom fi~c date the ccrlil]catc of occupancy is issued I~,r the l)xvclling [ 'nit. REPI{I~S[{NT.,VI'I()NS ANI) W..XI~I~ANTII{S. ()WNER represents and XV;II'F%III~S a. Owner maintains a household with a moderate income as ccfincd in the appendices to the Impact Fee Ordinance and the IllOlllhlv pay~llCllts 1o purchase the Dwelling t)nit must bc xvilhin the aflbrd:tblc hottsing guidelines cslablished in ll~e appendices to the hupacl [:cc ()rdinancc; Owner is a first-lime home hub'or; c. The Dwelling t~nit shall be the [1olliestolid 0m' The [)~,vcllin~ Ih~il shall remain as al'lbrdal'dc hc, u.':,in~ lbr Iiliccn (15)yc;u's l'rom lhc date linc ccriiIicalc ol'occup',mcF is issued fi~r Ihc I)~ oiling t 2622 PG: 0454 ()\V.~ER is Ihc ok,.ncr t~l' i'ccor',.I ~1' the l)v,'cilin~ I;mt :m:l o~kcs impact ()rdin;mcc. In relu:'n lbr the 75",, delL. r,'al ,,I' lhe impact l~cs o~cd hv ()WNER. C)WNI{R COVCll:llllS and a,~rccs h~ c~mlld)' xx~h ~hc al'ti~rdahic hotlSill~ impacl IL'c tlclL'rral qu:tlilicalion cr'ilcrm tlcl;lilc, I in Ihc Impacl Fee Ordinance. AFF()R[)A[~I.I~ RI~()t:IRI'LXlI-X I. I'hc I)xxcllin~ I i1il IlltlSl ]~C housing lbr a fiIicen t l 5) year pcriott after Ihc tl;11c Inc ocrill]talc periled. linc impact IL'cs xhal hc ~mmcdimclv repaid to the waived impact tL'cs il' ~hc dxvcllin~ trail has bccn used I~r al'tbrd,d~lc continuous pcr,~d o1' fi I~ccn x cars after lhc dale lhc ccrli ticinc ~l' I.IEN. The delL'fred imp'at[ IL'cs shall bca lien uptm lhc pml~crty which lien may I~c l;~rcch~ctl upm] in lhc cxcm ol' n~m-ct~mplhmcc ~vilh lhc rcquircmcnls of lhis ,'~l'CClllCllJ. 'Ihc ('()I'NI'Y and ()WNI{R agree thai ',dl ~1' Ihc sul~ordinalc Io the I]rst tm~rl~a~c loan I~ ( and Iiliccn (15) ycars alicr the date ol'issulmcc oflhc ccrtil]calc ~l'occupancy. or tiptin payment ,~l'the delL'trod impact l'cc~. ',red upon p;~Fmcnt ol' Ihc ttcl~'rrcd impact 1 OR: 2622 PG: 0455 Ilscs. the ('()[_!.NT~' .~h;~11. ;n The cxpcllSC ol' 1he ('()LI~]"~'. rcc~u'd ;~nv documcnmthm c~'idcncin~ Ihc tcrmin;uion ot'thc lien. inch,din~. bill Ilol limited Io. ;~ rclc;~sc of lien. ~. I~INI)IN'(i I{FFI{('T. 'I'hi~ A~rccmcnl xh;dl hc I~indin~ up~m Ihc p;nlic~ Io in I'ull or until lhc condilions ~cl Ibrlh in lhc Impanel I"cc ()nlin~mcc :u'c ~:ni~l]cd. In ~tl'lcr cxccnlhm ol' 1his .,~'~I'CClllCllI tlV Ihc ('h:dnn',m ~1' Ihc I{~,:ml ,,I' ('ommissioncrs. I I. I)I{I.'AI ~l.'I'. ()~VXI<I{ sh:~ll bc ~n tlcI~mll ol'lhis A~rccmcnl I I t ~vhcrc ()~ Nt:I{ ¥iohnc~ one oI'lhc ~l'lbnh~l~lc h~t~sin,S qu;~lil]cmion crilcrm in Ihc Impanel I'cc 12. RIfXllfl)It{S. Shouhl lhc ()~'NI{I{ ~I' lhc i~l'opcrl> I':~il Io c~mq~l> kk~lh Ihc lhc impanel t~cs dcl~rrcd sh~dl con~lilulc ~t lien on Ihc I)~cllin~ I;nh commcncin~ on lhc cl'lt'clivc tl:~lc oI'lhJ~ .,X~rccmcnl :red conlinuin~ unlil rcp',~id. OR: 2622 PG: in lhc Dwelling Unit o1' :ulv oxvncr. 1ussco. lOll;Ifil. morlg;tgcc. or I~lJlcl' pCl'M~ll lien tbr ~'OtlIlIV taXCS ;llld shall I:c Oll parity xx'ith the lien .1' any such Should the OWNER be in deftreit of Ibis Agrccmcnh mid Ihc tlclhult is n.l cured x~ ilhm thirlv (3i)) d;ivs allcr written notice to ()WNILR. the }%o;ird may briuu elk cnlbrcc fids Agrccmcm. In addition. lhc lien may bc Ibrccloscd or olhcrxx ~c culbrccd tl]c ('()I'N'I'V Iw action or suil in cquily ;rs Ihr tile lbrcch~stu'c ol' am, ul?gc on ~c;~l property. This remedy is ctmmlativc with ;my other right or rcmcdx ,~;~lahlc I,~ Ihc COI INTY. The Board shall be emitled Io recover all ;lllorncv's l~'cs. Incurrctl bv Board in chiN'ting Ibis ..%~rccmcnl. plus mlcrcsl al lhc ,l;dlihwv I;11c I,~1 calcul;ucd on a c;tlcnttar d;,x b,~,~ tmIil IN WI I'N'I{SN %'III{RI{()I'. lhc pmllC~ l~;~xc cxcct~lc~l ~h~ k?,ccmcm 0456 1 ()\VNI:R .SCott '~\'. PI'iCC STATL: OF ...~/'Z;.2_.__.~_..',__ ('OUN'I"~' OI:cL.?~i._Z.: ,._:: The lbregoing ifistrulnen! *,,,its ,~ckms,,,, lodged I'~,,.,Ik~c me I1~ ~ by Scoll W. Price. Itc is pc'Is~m,tily kll,~Xxu h~ utc't,r pr, duccd idcnlif]cat/on) .s idcntif]catJm~. (type OR: 2622 PG: 0457 ATTEST: D\VIGIfT E, BR()('K. ('lcrk Attest ~s to Ch~ s Ig~atur~ ~t~. legal sufticicncv / ' ~ , tteidi F./~sJltoll Id c m~pfce pl~cc OR' 2622 PG: 0458 16 , 1 !':XIIIBll' 'A' I.E(;.\I. 1)IS('RII'Ti()N %('()TT V,'. I'I{I('E I{E~II)I'~('E 'l'111! \VI{ST 75' (11,' 'I'I,~A(,' I' N(,}. 42 IN (,;()I.I)EN t L,\'I'I! 1!,',; I,,\ 11..S ['NI I' N(). 7s AC('()I,',DING '!'()'I'11I~ PI.AT TIIEREOF I~,L:('OI,ll)I!I) IN I~1.,,\'I' I{()()K 5. I',,\(;E 16 OF I'111! Pt !BI,I(' RI!('ORI)S ()F ('(')I,I,IFR ('()1 'N I'Y. FI .( )I4 I I ),,\. *** OR: 2622 PG: 0459 **