Resolution 1999-425 I(IC~()I ,I',TI()N I~tl!g()l I IIOX;()I:'IlII~IK)ARDI)I:('()I~N'IY('I)MMI~SI()NI<Rg~)I'('IlI,IIhR {'()1 'NIY. I i.(}RII)A. Al:TIIOI~lZIN(i 'I'111~ A{'()I'ISI I'I()N BY (ill,' 1 ()R 1'1 R( 'IIAsI'. ()1' ROAI) ~41(jtI'i'-()F-WAY, SIDI~WAI.K, SI,OPI{. I' I II.H'Y, DRAIXA(;IL MAINII.NAN('I~AND I1;MP(IRARYI)RIVI~WAYRI'.S'I()I(A'III)X IX'II~Rt~SISIlh I..xSI~Mf~% l' AND OR I:EI~ SIMPI.E TITI.I~ INTI~RESTS WIII('11 141:~)1 'IRISI) FI)R '1 Ills FOI;R-I.ANIN(i ('ONSI'RI;("I I()N IMI'ROVI~MI'.N1 S I:~ )1~ I.IVIN(iSI(~N ROAD BI~TWI~I{N (iOI.I)EN (iA'FE PARKWAY AND I'IXF RIIxiI: R()AI) ('1t. N(). ()rdimmcc X,~ '~?-5~ Ihurcin ~slablishing the lgU7 (Seventh ('(HiljarcJmcll-lX L J~],111 ~ ~ls ~ld()JTlL'lJ II1 ()FLJlIhIIICC illld I'L'IalIIP~ to Ihu' l~11,lJ rolopied localinn id IJlu' tf;lllsporhlliOtl 758-19 2. The m:Ld right-of-way, sidewalk, slope, utility. drainage. maintenance and temporary dri%e~ ay restoration inlcrcsls by cascmcnl stag'or the fee simple rifle microsis acquisitions identified on l~xhibi~ "A" ;~rc Ihc mo~l feasible locations. both necessary and consistent with the proiect rctluircmcnls. order Io [~crlllil the ¢(~11~1~1C1i(}11 alld mainlcnancc of the Iranspoflation impr.vcmcnts and rcLdcd t~ciiilic~ Ibr the fimr-hming constntction improvements for [.iviIlgSIOll }~Otttl ['ark~ ay and P,~e Ridge Road. CIE No. 52. 3. I he I~.;.,1 h~ls dctCmlJngd Ill,it lh~ COll~trtlcti(ln ~111d f11~ll~lCllaflC¢ ol'thc tr;lll~pt~rt~ltl~11 if11[~1~% k'ftiCl;t% ;113d related iacililics are ilgc~Ks;lr~ Ibr a public pu~1o~c' ;111d ~ compatible ~,h die 1ollg range planning goals alld objectives ,,f the (Jrox~lh ('oilier ('otl/lly. It i~ llt'ccss;iry ;ifld if1 the best intotoNi of Collier ('ottnly f~)r the [{oard right-.f-xvay, sidewalk, slope, utility, drainage, maintenance aml temporal' dri~cxvay restoral,on JlllCrc~l~ by c;Isct11Clll and/or the lec 5illlpJC title interests idcnlilicd in l..xl.bil "A"; hereby aulhori/cd and directed to acquirc by girl or purchase 111e pc~clual. right-olCway. sidewalk. slope. ulilily. drainage. maintenance aml temporary dri~ cway initrests by cascmcnl and/or lbc simpl~ IJllc inlcrcsls on the properties idcnfilicd in I~xhihH "A". 6. 'l he ( 'hatrman of the Board is hereby aulhorizcd to excelitc Appnlinal Agrccll~u'~]ls xx ilh thu' appr,usal firml st sclcctctl f[Olll lilt list of I~11S pro-qualified by linc Board ol'( (tCtcrl1~itlCfi is Ilt'c k.~s;iry fo best serve tl~ tlecd~ of Ihc Proloci ~ll ~1 tHl~cly ;Ifld co'~t-cfl~cll~ c' Hl~lflflc'r 7. [hc Board, m accordance will1 the provisions o1' ('lispfor 125,355. Florida ~IaILiI~S, hereby lbrn~ally w;iivcs the rcqtm'cmcnl Ibr a Ibrmal. independent appraisal rcpod Ibr properly ~ here tt~e purchase price oflhc parcel (the COlllp~llSation dtlC to the propc~y owner) lhan One I lundrcd Thousand and 00/I (g) Dollars (SI~L()(X).OII). In lieu of the independent appraisal rcp.l I. slaff is hereby authorized to make purchase ol'l~rs fi~r lhc pmpcslics. which shall be predicated on "staff compensation cstinlalcs" based upon indcpcmlcnl appraisnls the d;Ll;I thcrclr.m) ~btaincd on simil;~r properties ;111d U[~011 collhldcralio[I alld appropriate 111ar~cl vahlc illiLl cost data pertinent to lhc StlbjCcl parcels. 8. t ;port the approval by the, County Attorney's Office of all documents necessary tbr the sttbj¢cl property acqtLisition, Real Property Management Dcpartmcnl slltft'is hereby directed to oITcr - Pacje 2 - inlmcdialc dehvery ~o the respective propcr~y owners of lhc fidl cnmpcnsaLmn (as cslahlishcd by the appraisnl or slafl'compcnsation cstimalcs in accordance will: the provlsi(ms ol'('hiq~lcr 125.355. Florida ~laltllCs). Jn rcltlrn ~or the immediate and proper CXCCIIIJ(III (IF IhC respective C[I~CIIICIl[S, ¢111tJ such other Ic~al documents and/or affidavits ~ Ihc County Attorney's Office deems appropriate m order m protect the rotcrests oi'll~c County; and Ihc Board hereby authorizes ~ls present ('hai~vomau and any suh~cqu.-nt ('haimmn'Chainvoman, ~or the linc ofll~c Projcct, to cxccmc any instrmncms which h;l~c hccu .~plm)~ cd by Ihc ()l'ficc o[ Ihc County All~rncy ~ hich In,ly include. n~rccmcnt5. fi)r lhc ;icqulrcd uuuJ righi-or-way. sJdcwaJk, slope. illlilly. drmna~c. [llaJllJcfiallCC illltJ [cnlpnr;iry Ill IhosL' HlSlallCRs ~ hcrc n~olJalRd s~llJRIllRIllS Inily h~ ()hlaillC'iJ t'Jll Ihc "l)11rch;isc ..~rccnlClll" or "lL;isclltcnl A~rccnlcnl" illcdlallJsm. lJlc DJrcch)r of lilt Ihll)lic Works I{n~mccrin~ I)cparllllcnl. or Ills tlcsJ~ncc, J~ cJlar~cd wilJl lhc rcslmnsibilily I~r Colllplction pt' ~ ;IrJoJlS C;IIHI;LI Hllpro~ clllc111 pri)jccl~. and is hereby dclcgalcd the authorily to approve the purchase of larld interests above the ~liJt'J' compcnsatinn cstimalc or appraised value and pay normally related costs xx hen ;t is in the best interest oflhc Project. airbin Ihe pro-rala share of the iaml rights acquisilion budgin lbr the parcel bcmg acquired. only ~ hen the differcncc between the purchase price and compensation estimntc or appnnscd value is less Ihan Fifteen Thousand and {~}/l{ff} Dollars {Sl 5,{100.00} or the cu~cnl purchasing limits cstnblishcd by Ihc ('oilier ('nmlly Purchasing I)cpamllcnt; prnvidcd, I'rojccl fimding is ;tvailahlc. IO. That Ihc settlement appmvnl authority is delegated by the Iloard to Ihc cxtcnl that sHch apprt)vlds do not conflict with lhc provisions oJ'Scclion 125.355, Florida Stntutcs. I I. The ('haimmnan of the Board is hcrchy authorized Io execute Easement Agreements told I'urchnsc Agrccmcnls where lilt J;llltJ owner has agreed 1o sell Ihc required laml rigIlls to the ('nunlk ils appraised value or at that amount considered the "Administralivc Sctllcmcnt AIBOtlHI" ;is sHch term is Uucrnally used hy the adminislrati¥c agencies ,f ('oilier ('rarely. 12. Where the propc~y owner ngrccs, by "Purchase Agreement" or "ILascmcm Agrccmcnl". to convc5' a I1CCcssltr ', rotcrest in real properly to tile ('otmty, and upon the proper cxcculion hy the properly owner oi those caSCnlCllts or ~ce simple title. and stlch other legal doctlnlcllts as the OI]~cc oJ' the ('<mnty Allol iluy 111;ly require. tile }loar[I hereby atlthori/cs the l:Jnancc J)cp;irtlHcnl to iSStlC wart;mrs, payahlc h) the property owner(s) of record, in those amounts as shall be specified on a closing statement illld which shall hc based upon the appraisal or staffcompensation cslimalc ill accnrdnncc with this Resolution and the provisions of Section 125.355, Florida Sialufos. -Page 16B-19 13. All tillc Io pr,)pcrlics or mtcrcsts in propcrlics which have bccn ohlaincd in the rammer dcscrihcd ilb~)~ c shall bc dccmcd "accoled" by the Bnanl nf('nunly ( 'nmmissinncrs. as the ?vcrning body ~d'('Mlicr C'ounty. Florida. a political subdivision of the SluI~ o~ I:1orid:~. and as such. staff i~ hereby amhorizcd Io record in linc Public Records ol'('ollicr ('ounly. Florida, said casc[11c111s or l~c simple lille and ~uch other inslrumcnls as may t~ required Io rcm.vc Ihc lien of any encumbrance IY.m lhc acquired pr.pcrfic~ lhis Rc~,,luli.n adopted on Ihis?~~:~ day of ~" 199g. after IllOliOli. seCOlid and majorily volc~ A'I '1 I..% 1. I)WI{Jl I'F F., BlU ~( 'K. CI.ERK .Clerk Approved its to and leg~t sufficiency ! I Icidi F. Ashton Assistant County Attorncy - ~age 4- 168 19 LIVINGSTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AND DRAINAGE CORRIDOR E A S E E N T ,, F P L E A S E E N T EXISTING LIVINGSTON ROAD (30') ~v FPL EASEMENT ~ LiViNGSTON VILLAGE PUD WYNDEMERE EXISTING LIVINGSTON ROAD (105') GOLDEN GATE ESTATES UNIT NO. 29 GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY EXHIBIT t_.~... P~m_~ otL_