Resolution 1999-389 98 P::30L11T!0~j 1:0. 39- 389 A PESOLUTION :iRDr:RIUG I\NG C,'\LLHIG f'JR THE ELESTIOIJ or HE11BERS TO THE: BOAPD or ;;UPE.?VI:O?~ OF LEL"' CCM:11.iI:ITY DSVSLOFI.1EtlT J:STRICi B: Q~ALItIED ZLEC70RS, 70 2E H~LD BY rJ..PEP 8!\Li:.OT on HOVEHBER 16, l:lJ;', 1\:3 :3ET F'J?TE ::1 3t:';::0:l 1'j().006, FL']i'.IDl\ :;:-j'.TUTE:J, i-.S i-.t~S:;:::::. >2':e~ ~~..;,:"~:'<:' ~I is": r i (:' :~r; l'j ComI"'l'..lrt i t'j ::1": i:!-iF.? r.;..;;, W,)S establi!h~1 hy ?~l~ rJo. 42,:-1. Flr,,:'ir'::r1 r,.'j7:1ir:i~',".rrl~..iVr: r:orjJ;, r.."/ '.~. r. ~ >:'1 Ldflrj .Jnd :I'jr.)",',';''': :., r:'; ,:: ~~ :, (: :: appr....I..'{;':J '-J~ ~lat~r r\rJj'..:'j:r;J;_Ci:'/ ':"-,:r..~i!';:;;'':':JJ .-.....:....:,'; ["'J:'7, ..-J:,' . [i/ :J:-li forrr. Com...nu:",.i'_'/ :':':.~..".T:'~'-.';,~ ui~~r :.';':, !\,-:". ,-~ . ).~ I, :.'If ....::' ~'d;, Florid,) Statut,:s, 'J,> ::~,:,:-,'..:~-j, ~:",d Pt.;l-: .;:-r: I : .1'. ., J:':'_; -;;HE?:':;"3, as 0'..l::in~d in See': 10:', l'::~" ~:.l" ')::: rl,-, ;;Lr1'.:.utes, ::-:'~~,,:,'.;;.:t'/ De'/clr::;.r.::-,r:~;:' ~':s..r:r:: " .-': .,:>Jri :,000 as a::-.e",-jg'J, " acres in a:~-i :'Ius:' ":::~c': ;.',~mbers rJf tr,,= Beard of 3UP<?Ivi.:.,r:.rs by qualifi~d ~10~~~~~ ~~~<?[ ~ minimu~ of SIX y~a~: ~~d i& ~h0rc ~rc at :"?d:'3t ::~J"-i '~'.:.1~~~-':'{:--! ~lf~ctGr~ lr, ,1 'ji.':i~ri':'. 'iiHE?S!\S, '.:.~r; a~<:-3 s~r'J~d by "'110 ~:.sl"_!,,~"'": .:.:'~ 'Jpr::::')y.ir;;.1t'~1'J 1,538 ~~r~3; 6~~ 'i;HEPEA:-;, ":~l~ :',t;;p,:,:,,-;[ 0: qualifir~r: ,-:ll?::t(";.:::5 r;;,s !"0r1ch0d and now exce~1s 2~O ~e~b~r2; ~nd r-..,.r'l: ill ,. ..-....;.., .. ~". . J ',:." ~ .' ': .. _ r:~ ,': : ~ . ...... - "' . ~. ,',:: ~~:' :./',. , existenc~ !~~ ~~.r'~ ...:. :~ '/,..j: ' . I : ~ ' j ",; "..~. p ~ . ~ ".:~:::.:-' ~. r',. ;""":!,,r'... ';." "::.'f'! r ':: ~{, I ~; ';,:'-d . ,". : ;; :r:o be ..i:~~ ~y.r,_r.:.r;? WhOSf: t'_,=::::-.:O: fl.:i','r, '<-:F, " :' electec1 tj q';al~fi~~ ~20~tcr:i, P';~~;'.Jrl:'~._ .. ..',c. I~O.006. 'J~~C'n~i:!d ; Florid~1 3" '-j~ ......,"" . , J;-'H: WH::,?,E;',:'::', t:H; =~r.a=:'j :)t r;vJr.:/ C;CiT'::,_'..5S;'~:,<::::;-:~ (Jf Collier :~''; , :a lis thf.' g~.:=-,-::-: 'j 1 =- 1,.-.:.':' i'je', ,'" County, -"';'-1:"1'.: ;,:;:--....... :-. special r''='rJ'~t: [:.l~~,>t. ';:'; :tion ~(,r ':rJ~ '-'~'-~r.-': l~:, . '- ;'r::":'.r.i'~:r:.s to thi~ Board r,f SU~:'l"r'/is~):z t~)! :"el'i r:offi.'1",unit'f ;-,~'Jel';r>:':,'''';,'~ Jistri.::t by quali:: .~rj "'>::'-"')r~; ::', =-~:: f(,rth i;, :71!C: ~::)~, : :<" ;J)(" !"l')rida Statut(!!i, ,\5 2.i':.er,d..'o. .1:- cond1jc':~d tj '?...e;;tl'::', officials appol:"\t~d b" , t. h'-~ Sup~~rvisor of 98 110',;, THE?,EfOP,E, BE: IT P.!:fOLVf.D f;'{ THE ~'j,\i'L r),' COUNTY CQtl.t1I.JS:'J:l::.i<.i SF' r:0:'LIE? r:o:;:rj"{, FLQP:~DA, t!ldt: SECT 10:; (J:iE:. ELgr~TIOr: CALLE:[; ,;,;,...; f";!~~r:tiC:1 :.5 ~,":r...~t.j orr"ler'10 a:-;d -:;,111ed :(; b...; r~'.:;l(J on November H --, 1999 n'; P"iP&;::- b-311o": f,-r the rl;rpr~.')'-~ (): 01~ct.ing three :T'~:Tib~rs ..') ".~,r! Bo~]rrJ 0f :":'jrJ/..!r';i~r;rs ,)f .._!'",....: :"/_,:'/ l:r...rr.rr:1..nily Dev~lorm~nl'"~ Cis..rirt, r~'1 f}lJalifl'-.:d '.!l':':~_(;=:-~, 'J:i r~j'J!,j,:d tlJr in Secticr. :j'J,r;I~, ~'jr".:irJ'l 3'>ltt.:t~::::, :JS .1~,....;,'j..1. :;r:j' :> ':i1d 11 be A.le':._:~~.: ~r...r -j r, j';;,s:- ".r.:=:-:n. ::~-3: :L... :>:-.:: . ~ ~,' {..':~.r;,j ~'.r 'l ,; year t~:r~" ~;(,';jl'". :11'".... :. ~r",:~ r:'-~ ~j~c,,:~,"j ~I'".;r .) ,j i...~,): r:r:. SEr:TrG~1 T'I~L_Q."fd,IF'iI!l(; "LInDO"1 r2JP. ,r;',:j~_~g:!:Tr~;: ldl (:,...r,d~d-1':J:;, :;n.)l1 hI) '1"ualifieJ ~l"'~-:'.' ~.; (~: . ~I(': Lii~;'.ricl, The qualifj.:.r.'; '.-I~rdl'""",,, tor c<;)njid;)te~:i .';1;,);1 t.-: 'p~ ~::r;() 'J.r:'.. on r1c:1da,/, I)-::':.....;:'J:: . , -.. : 'j~, ~~ , ~hr?'J?h ~:Ij~; r...-.:"".. j';' .j " .-J:, r;~;:.r")b0r 13, 19:;9, SEeTIG:: lH?EE.:._~E?$OUS EHTI7LS[J TO 'j()'";-:::'. Thl? r-"~r:5 ,~l!,; ,::,..~~tl'~d t,rJ V0tr.: :ho: <:"~ l~:;':. : "-,:. :;~;j 11 r0 all the quali!ied ~lcctor5 [~sidirlg within th~ ~~~ri~c~i~l b01Jndarics of the L~lj r:I'"Jmrr,unitj' D'Jv~lopr:'.I'..mt: :;:,<::trir::, .j!; ,j"']:-:'I'";ribl;rJ in t.h(-;: metes a~rJ bc~n1s l~~~l I'"lqscription ~f ~h~ ~x'~r~~: to\Jnd~ri0s 0f th~ Distr:.::, a '.::cr':" '): .,:r,it;h is ,j.~t'l';:--.<::"''': :.r~:"r::"-, ':l~~ S%~,:.bl'. "!~". Per F}r:!..;.r::!d .)'~{l'_:n:.~." ::,~."-: ~:;F0!'Ji:-;~,.:. ., ,. ;;::' r;'.. J,;.:' ,<,;1-:'-:111 (,;l'j:~c voter r"':-:::isl:''.l':..:.'y:'"1 r.'~'~k:.: (.~: r.:r':jd,':!'/, ',;','J:-J':' >, i'j".'~. SEe: 1 G~~. _F~OU j~. -I ::~'-.t~i~_~6.r.:l::?I_01.j,~, ~_:.E(:7:(~~; ,.---.- "t."..). Tt,~ ~:0:ti'~n 3~,,~! :;""; ~l~:: d "i :;".::- , c' ,. -,-', ',/ L tt-,i:1 '-he territ0ri~1 t~IJ~d3ri~~; . , . " th~ L~ly Cc~~u~i:'J C~~~~~~~erlt District as descrior::c ':':1 ";';',,:, ~'jl>,r b-j ~ ~ c)~ ....: l~::'::,:, '..:.n shall be Elec:ions p~lr.slJa:-.~. tr... 3Jpl i-:,J:)le ger.(~ral 1 a'''' , ~E=,gJC:I~'T'/r~~_~2r-l'1,,_g~_'ILiE-=_ 8h:..l;C!I...: A. 7hc p'lpr:r ball':it ,') b,-: :l:3('tj ~!". :";,Jirj ';::".:cti.(...:1 :jhdll be in substanti~lly th~ fol10~ing form: 98 OfTICIAL BALLOT 20APG or ~UPE:RVISORS E:LECTIrnl rop, LE:LY CW:'llJllIT'l D;::VELopr~ENT DISTRICT - rrO'iEHBER 16, 1999 SE~:: ::UI4BE:R YE:AR TE:P,I~; [Vo~~ for no mOre than cne '~) 1 "lime: na~ name name name Name Name Name ~amc Nilmc f.::. -;"r:r: .;~Jp0r'::.-:"J! r..Jf El,=ctions ::ih;lll :r.~:~'..'J(: ',n c:.ll pi3per ballots su~~ i~5truc~is~s to voter~ ~3 ~re n(~~~~~ry. SECTIcr; ;;r:-:.-1?jTI(:E.OF ELEf:T:O:J. Tt:':? Cl"::f.:..If ~.hi:1 8'Ja=-d sh,)ll r,uGli~r. ,j ;1''"~'.l<;0 of tho elect.io:1 D/ r-'-3r~r ballc': in the r;c1p10S :..idily :;ew5, >'l nc,,,spaper of gerj~ra1. ::.::'.",;1.,-;::.-:;-, r~A...J':'is~)<:rj i;l c(;l.ii.~r '-;',:'~,,:, F'~"')r ide) . There ." shall be rJ: :~a~~ ~hir:y (~()i day~~ n".,~_ir:e r:f ~,1i.j "':'l-::ct.icn, ',-lith publicati0n ~~ t~ ~~~~ at l~A~t t~i:~, ~~~0 .. ~~~ ~ift~ ~00~ and once in t~le :nird w~ek prlor to the ~eek in w:lich I.he election is to be h,=lrJ. 5aid notlc~ nh~ll b~ in suhstant!~lly the fol10wing forrr.: NOTICE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR LELY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ELECTION BY PAPER BALLOT NOTICE 13 f1EPEfff GI\/EN, tholt iJrl electl:);, ~:; pdper hallot will t.e hr.:td o'"Jn :lr.l'lembr~r 1~, l~j~, ~it~i~l ~ne territorial boundaries c < 0- ~hc r:ornnunit'l r",l" "'~~j De'/elc ~::1ent. rji st. :-i':t described i:-I "Af! to ~;>';C" nemherf: t.:J ::eats 1, 3 ,:.nd 5 of the Board of SiJ~ervisors b; qualified electors, The ~lection sh~ll b~ conducted by ~lection officials appointed by th~ 3~p~~':~s~r of E18=tjcn3 pur3uan~ to ~pplicable general la',: . ".11 ".jualificd f'!lec~ars r~siding within the territcr':'i"d L-:-Jun':i,-a'i.:s of tho Lely r:c".:.unity C-";';elofA:,,.0:1t Di~trict as descrH..ed in "A" !r.;~'j v'Jte by prlp~r ballot in :::aid election. as 98 Absente~ 'l?ting may b~ permitted upon compliance wich a~plicable provisions of g~neral l~w. This R~s~lution adopted this ~'d..nI, day of ~_, 199~ aft~r ~~:iu~, second and majority vote Lavoring same. ATTEST: DwIGHT E. BHC>::-':, (":l'-.:r(. '~' , "".,.. ' " "=l. - , .'"-_~ ....:>. .... _t:::..,.",~_S..;.__ Att.it'" to eh'IMIIA'1 'I""~turf onl,. Approved as to for~ ~r:d legal suffici~~cj: ..l~'ld ~'JJ/J.' ; ~L David C. i'leig~ County Attorney h-'dda.'t)')fC1oI,lulltln\.! cl't ('I)[) dccflOfI O{\Uf'('I"o!Wln r30APD OF (':OlJ~r~Y C(1:'i:11SSI01IEHS C:OL:'IER r~GUnTY, F!,G?IOI\ / j. .,- ,/) // , /' ." / /I{a t' , :r: . " , By:_" ':~~;I//I.tJ.2L}l ~ .4V rftEu, s. I.~,';S' y i~, CHAr RWOI~^Jj ~"""'" ."', , ,~' ....,,. .:1-.'- ~. .;,. NOV 2 5 '997 98 EXIIIBIT "A" Legal Description for LELY CGt'U'llJlHTY DEVELOPt1F1lT DISTRICT DF,sr.rnPTIOtl: ^11 t.hat pilJ:t. uf Se-=t.lunl:; ;>1, /'/, 211, 33 ilnd 31, 'l'u...m"hi? SO r,()u~h, Ranql~ Lo Eafil. o'!ncl p,11't. of Sect.lon ,I, TIlWllilhip ~1 Suuth, RAng" 'Ii Ea~~, ~nl1lftr Count.y, rlorida, ilnd bcinq more piJ.rtlC\lL,t"ly l\r.~!.il;(ih{~d ,,~, tol1rnoJs: llcqin ,1t. I hn nOlll )..II'!St. corner of :;al<.1 ),;"" , jell ;>1\; \.hencp. illong I Ill! w~:;t linC"! of ~,aid ~;cr.:t:lon /.1\, POI'th 02"1'/'55" East lnn,lfi [p.ct tu a'polnl on the );Qum],uy oC that, l"nd dcs-=rlbed in a,n, FiooY. :,12, I'(H1C '/6:,; t.hcnr.:c i1)nng the ooundat'y uf sald land ill the rnllowlnq t.hl'p.e (.1) ckscrlbell COlltS!'!fi; 1) South (J,/ol2'OS" East. 969.(\4 fp.el; 2) tlot'lh 11'100'40" Eilnt 1'102,00 fecl; 3) tltlr\:h' :180'\'/'1'/" Wen\: 14c,li.l ~l f.eel Lo " pOlnt, on t,ne wcst lill'? oC n;\in f.ecllon L8; then,;'! 0111<1<) I.he ~I~:'.t line of ".-\.i, 11 Snr.1 lOll 20, Nort.h 02.S~'lGI' F....:;t 1\01'1.-/0 [('Pt. to I.hn uOl'\.hwcst c.:OJ:rll',. 01 :,;'Ii(1 :.~'.'t.; t: i f')n 20 iJw-l \.1.": r.o,,'.h'~r lymozl ';'.".(\('1' of llldl. litlld c1(:r;.cJ:ihr:'(l Page 1 of 6 .; ':." " , :J .~ illi{~ l. ;:U''-.ti. .'..>' .~,,, -'w' ':t.;: :i; ..'" .:~ ~ 2 5.~~ 1991",. 0, fl. !look 1211, PHge 98); thl.!nCr~ illong Ihe c,1sl:nrly lillf~ of sill.c1 1~ land in Lho following tw~ (2) described courses; 11 North 98' 20"1)')2" F.":5l )4:',51 feet; 21 North 32'20'11." We!;t 236,05 fect to a point on the W"~t line of said Section 21; thenc" "long said :~~ ,i;~ "~~ ','4>" r,-< \.Jest linc Harth 02058'09" East 181.54 feet; thence lcilving said li.ne !>ollth ))01)'52" East 24),49 feet; thence sOl:theasterly 291,20 feet il10ng the arc: of a circular curve conCilve northeasterly having iI radius of &90.00 feet through a central ill1g1f! of 7.4"10' ~()" And bei.nq sulJl:cnderl hy il c:hord which bf'i1r!; ;:;; ,,-',,;, ~ :'o\ll.h I,S'l~"17" E,~f,l. 209,01 fl.!I.!l.; lhnnr:e Sout.h !,'J'21'42" [':ilSt 121:l~,1) (l'et; lhr:l1l"~ r,,,sl.erly )(,l,(j<; reel. illon'l the arc of n circular curve concavQ northerly having il radius of 1230.00 feet :;~l :f' th:cugh a central angle nf i.6"15'22" ann brdng subtended by n chord whic:h beiHs Sout.h 7uo 11.' i.3" Easl 558. 7~, feel; thencn South ""."" .~':. 83"10'0"" EiJ"t 1300,00 fent.; t.hence southe,1sterly 1187,52 feet along the arc: of n circular curve concave sO\l\:hwnsterly having a ,~~ ~~f:l Iadius of 1260,00 feet through a central anglfl of 54'00'00" and being s\lhLendec. by i\ c:hord 'Which he<lrs South 5(jo~O'04" F.,1st " ll',I,,06 [l.!et; thcm;c SClIlloh 29""0'04" Ear.t 1073.38 feel; thence soul.hnilstnrly t,1S,41 feet. illlJllg lohe nre of a cirr.ul?r c:urve ',/) concilve northeasterly havillg il radius of )1)40,00 feet through a cnntral <Ill'] le of 1,'1 r: ' 07" and be j no;; .subtendncl oy a chord which beilrs South jS'18'08" Eilst 411,62 feet; t.hence South 41056'11" ,~-:" .";"~ ',~i ,,>~ East 4"1,81 feet; thence Nort.h 48'03't,9" F.ast 90.00 feet; thence ,C';" nor'lherly 122.72 [eeL along the arc: of n' circular curve concave :,J,( west.p.rly having" tiloiufi of 125,00 feet through a central angle ..1.'.....); !1,':" . 1 I o[ ~6.15'00" nnd beinl] subtended by il chord \.Jhic:h bears North 190~Ci'1'J" E,\st 117,!lS feel'; I.hence North Oaoll'11" W,!!;I', 70,00 f I II 'I th r.1"11'J1" West 70,71 feet lhcnc:e North ee ; . rl!llCe I or. ;) Page 2 DC 6 f i':' ~.;> 'r!. ~", r' l. >;;~~ 'r" 1" , I t~ Y'> '" ,'1. 7~ I ., I,; t t:, ',""': ',~' '~: '"':;~'" , " .j,~ OS"ll'll" We...!. 7.00,00 f~(H,: thence Nonl, r .......-. .'. , 9 8 NOV 2 5 ~J' ,.JiIl fll"4S'49" ~~Gl 170,00 " feet; thence SOllth Onoll."l1" "",.t, 100,O(} fnnt th 'C ,. tl t.n_ ....; el. e ,,011 1 Al"4B'49" We!:t 3~,OO feet: thence South 00011'11" East Va.nn fcr:\;; \.hcncc ,;ollthnT ly 7.0fi ,17 fee\. ...1011<] the arc oC ;J circu1ilr curve concav~ wA~\~rly hnvlng A ro'l~iU9 ol 210.00 feel. through a central all'11c of 5(j"J5'OO" and hcill<j 5ubtendcJ by il. chord which nAil.rr. SOHth 19.5(,'J9" West 197.99 feet; thence SOHlh 48003'49" \.Ie5t 90,00 fl~~t; thence South 41056' 11" East SH1, 14 feet; \.hence sOlllheasterly, e;Jsterly nnd nor\.!1p,a!;l!H1y 35,94 feet il.10ng the il.rc of 01 circIIlo'lr curve concave northc:l'! hu'linq il rildiuf, of 25.00 feet 1.1Irou'1h il central angle ot 82"22'19" and being snlJtcnded by a chQrd which benr5 5uutll 83007'21" Eil5t 32,93 feet; thence North 55"41'30" Eo1:it 518,58 feet; thence northensterly 4)9,82 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave northwesterly having a rildiu5 of 560,00 feel through a central ilnql~ or 45000' 00" I\I1r1 being fi\lbtp.nc1!'lc1 hy i\ r.hoT,1 'Which bears Norlh 330J1'.10" East 428,61 feet; thencn llonh 10011'30" Ei!5t 208,40 frel; thence northeasterly 393,40 feet along thn arc of a circular curve concave r.oul:hp.il.:.terly hi'iving 0'1 r"diu5 of 715,00 feel:. through a central angle of 31011.'30" il.nd heing stJbtendcd by il chord which bears Horth 26"2'}'1:;" J::ast 38B,46 fect; thence Horth 4201)'00" Eil~t 11(',91 feet; thp.nr.r. norlhr.il5tp.rly, northerly and northwAstarly 37.43 fent along the arc oC a circuln( curve concave wp.sterly having a radius of 25,00 feet through a central (Ingle of ASo 47' 21" <lnd beinc] !;uhl:nnclnd by il chord 'Which bears lIorth 00.40'4}" West 34,03 feel to a point of reverse curvnture; thp.nr:n nrJrthwefit;(H1y OO,OS fc~r!I' "lollg 11In o'll'C nr il cirl:lllar curve concavR northeasterly having a radius of ]405,00 feet through a Cf!111 [,,1 anrl1p. of 0,1.37' 24" "nil br.ing r,\lbl'p.ndeci by a chord \.ihich P;l,nn 1 nr h ~';. ..1..". ..1:: "'/- 'f ., I..'...... " , " ,. 1.\"" .:~ 'If' ~ . r L r '~~ ~ , <. , -~, .~ NOV 2 5" 1991 .', h~;jrr, Porth 'ol^~S')!J" IJP.r.t. nli,B~ feet; thellce along ;j nOn- -'" tilnqenl.iill I illl~ tlorl.h 50"03'0)" E",;\. 1r,O,()O fenl; thence $ollth )')",(,','1" F.dfit 85,(,] feet; thence southe<ls!:p.rly ~B~,]6 feet along " the .\re of a circular clltve conCilve northei\ster:ly hilving a r:a,lius of 1067,]8 feel throuc;h" c:~nl:rill ilngle of 26"00'00" rtnll br,;.nl] r.\Ibtenc:\ecl by d churd which beats Soulh 5?056'57" Eilr.l ~80,22 feet; thence SouLh 65"56'5'/" Edst 1470,00 feel.; l.hl")nc:r. '"asterly ]O'),S~ feet along the arc DC " c:irc\llnr curve conCilve norl~nrly havin'l a radi\!r. of 765.00 feet throllgh il cenLr;j] ;jllUl'! of , 23011'1]" ilnd bc:.in~ sublcnc:\ecl by ;1 churu which bears South 77"1/.'14" F..i\:.;l ]{\'J.t,A (p.ct.; thr~llt:e SI'l"lh OgoOR'10" F.;j~,l GI6,5n [eel; thence easterly 170,84 fp.et along- the ~.rc of Cl circular curve conCrtVI~ !lorLhor]y havinq iI t;jdillr. of 'rig, 00 feet through a cenlral angle of I?O)]' 54" CIne! being subtclltlcd by a chord which bears North 81.31'51" F.,,~t. 170,~9 feeL LO il point. or revp.rsc cUI'Vrtl1nc; thence casterly 1G3.38 feet: i\lOllY Ll1p. rttc of a cirC:lll;jr CIUVC cuncave r.oul:her:ly having iI rildj\l~ of '/45,00 feet through <I central ancile of 1?0)]'S1" and b(d.ng !;\Jbtenned by iI , chord which bears Norti! 84034'5]" East 163,0, f,~el; thencc South f\~OOIl'10" East 16,92 [(~r1L; t.hence eil~;tnr.Jy ]6],38 feet along the ilrc of ,~ circuliJr curve conc:avc ::;ollthp.r.ly hilvinq a radius o[ 74:,.1l1l ("CI, throu'lh il cp.ntriJl ull'}1p. or )2033',,1" and being subtcnclccl by u chord which benrs South 82051'}]'' En:'.t 16),05 feet to il point of reverse curvulurn; thence easterly 110.84 fent along the arc of u circuJrtr curve coneilVc nl'lrthp.r.ly having n rilclius of 7'/9,00 feet I,hr.ough a centtrtl. ;jngle of 1/.'33'51" and bp.\ng sllbtcnded by" chord which bear:s Soull! H?'51'1)" En5t 1'/0.4'1 fnel; thene:" f.outh fl9"Ofi'10" E;1!,t 23:',00 feet 1:0 il poi.nl: on ll,,~ proposed WCO"l nrly rlqh\ -of-~Iny line of r, n. 951, 151(~ ~'C , '~~""" l(" ,;;J> . , i t:,. t r t 'ir~-,.,,- I ; , I , >~;: .' 'f . .J"'- * a.. , .', g-,." NOV 251997 C,lpri Rone; l.hp.IH':f: run illong l'nid propor,ed T iqllt-o(-wilY till!! in ~ t.hp. followir1CJ LIlI(!e (]ld(!!il:rihed t.:O\II!;e,; lH.'ing pilralJel wi.th and 7.5 feet wp.st.erly of t.he p.xistinC) right-oE'way of r.,Il. 951; 1) South 00H'1 '41" WF1l;t 2']A '7 feet 2) ~otl'h~rl 169C]' E ~ ." ',," ; ~ ~.. y :.l, '- . e e t along the arc of a circular curve concave westerly having 11 rildius of 2789,93 feet through a central nnglp. oE 31040'50" and beillq $ubt.enrlcc by a chord which beilrs Sout.h 111"16'10" West 15(,9,36 feet; 3) SO\lth 35010'39" West 5513,51 fp.p.t. tD il point on t.he norlll',..Ie:;terly line of Lhilt: l.'lnd df!!)cribct! in 0, Il, Rook 124. , pdqc 459; t.hence lc.'\ving t:ilid rlghl"o[-WilY lilH! nnd il]ong the noI:lhcilsterly Unl! of r,ilirt lAnd. North 54"20'21" \;re:;t 194,91\ feet; t.hence along t~e northwe:;terly line .of said land, Soutll 35040'39" West 219.95 feet to il point on thf! northca5tcrly rlght-of-''''ilY linp. of V,S. 11, Tamiami Trail; thence 11]ong r.aic'l riC]ht-of-way line North 54"20'24" Wf!"t; 325,00 fcel to the SOlll,he rl ymor. t. corner of lhil t land described ill O. R, Book 117], pilge 709; thence along the :;outheasterly line of said lanel, Noeth 35040' 39" l':il"t. :n5,Oo f.ef!t; thence along the northeaslerly line " of said land, North 51"20'21," West 170,00 fp.et; thence along the nonhwp.sterly line of said land, South 35.~0'39" West 275,00 feet to a point on the northeasterly right-oE-way line of o,s, 41. TAmiami '1'rilil; t.hf!ncp. along said right-at-way line, North 54"20'21" Wf!"l: 95'l,l7. fect; thence continue along liilicl righl:-o(- way line North 54"25'09" Wel't 3328,63 feet to a point on the north anu south 1/4 "ection line ot saiu'Section 33; thence along said north and south 1/4 l'ection line North 02"O'7.J" E11St 320' A4 f t t the 110rth ]/4 corner of :;ait! sCC:lir;n 33; thence r.. ~ Cl~ 0 illonq t.he :;outh linf! or said Section 2A, Norl'h A9"33'Ol" West. 2G2G.P." f:cpt to the Point or Beqinning; contnining lSJA,1'7 i'lc:r,,~; Page 5 of 6 F "i,:' \"':1' .p~ . '., .,.:," ',,":, ,. ~~ ':",. ~'. '.' .( ,. ,. '.\, ;;< " Ji'" :,:;1, ~.., .<< murt.' Or' )rHi!'.; 1iutJl~CI 10 n'I~OIlIp.ntG ilnc.l rl!!il.ric:t.ior1!; or r.(H~or'(j; " bCdrinlj:; ar'.' 1>3""" 011 tl1'! 'W'1l'l. 1111<1 of :;<lid Sp.I;l.iCll\ 7.1. hrdl1\/ .y~ :;,~" North 7..~6'09- rn~t, : ~li. ~. ..":, ,';-. ,". . ':i , ." ..' .,',,> J;:; '"J ~....,