Resolution 1999-320 16B15 RESOLUTION NO, 99-320 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMIT REDUCTIONS FROM FORTY.FIVE [',tILES PER HOUR (45 MPH) TO THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR (35 MPH) ON BAYSHORE DRIVE FROM US 41 TO THOMASSON DRIVE FOR A DISTANCE OF 1 5 MILES. WHEREAS. Chapter 316. Florida Statutes, permits the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to alter established speed hmits on roads under its jurisdiction: and WHEREAS. Bayshore Drive falls under the jurisdiction of the BCC; and WHEREAS. ~n accordance with Section 316. Florida Statutes. the BCC may alter such ex~stmg speed i,'mts ;Is may be appropriale upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation; and WHEREAS. the results of such engineering and traffic investigations for Bayshore Drive determine that a reduced speed limit is reasonable and safer under the conddions found to exist and it conforms to criteria promulgated by the County. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. lhat: The BCC coos hereby establish a thirty-five mil,.~s per hour {35 MPH) speed I~mit on Bayshore Dave from US 41 to Thomasson Drive for a d~stance of 1.5 miles, and does hereby direct the County Transportalion Services Depadment to erect appropriate advance warning "REDUCE SPEED AHEAD" signs and speed hmit signs giving notice Ihereof. 2 A cooy of th~s Resolutiot~ shall be forwarded lo the Collier County Sheriff's Office for proper enforcement of the estabhshed speed Iirn~t for Bayshore Drive, respectively. within the designated segments 3. The effective date of lhe speed reduction shall be after written notification of the speed limit reduction is dehvered 1o the Collier County Sheriffs Office and upon posting of s,gnage 16B15 This Resolulion adopted after motion, second, and majority vote favoring same this ~ay of ,1999, ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Clerk · Deputy Clerk At,est ~.?~ t'~ slgn~urt Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: '. ,,z...~_' J Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER C, OUNTY,~ FLORIDA ,