Resolution 1999-310 16 A .15 KFSf)1.11110N NO l)r). 310 KI:SOI.l'II(lS (II. rill.: IHll\!tD OF {'()\'STY C'O:\lMISSHISI',J{S, (111.11I',l{ ('(UStY. 1'111HII):\. ,.\t'T110RlI.ISli \\',\l\H< ()J' ((ll{l{lJ Ilo;>.!,\!. r:.\Cl1IIILS 1\I1':\("T lTI.:S, RHiUJNAI. WAI'I'.K ,\:\I>'lJR SI-\\'I:I{ SYSII.'! I\lP,\{ 'I I-US 1 mIL\RY SYSlDl l\lI'A\ 1 F1'.IX "/\It",, i\NIl 10J 'RI'.AIIi lS..\1 ]-",\('II.ITIES IMP^('1 n':LS. I{(MIl 1~1I.t\( 'I I:U'S. E:-'IUHil:Sc"Y \11:01(':\1. SERVICES IMPACT F1:ES AS[) l:.lHiCArll):\:\1. l:\('11.1111".S SYSTE\\ l:\lI'/\(~l I,'EFS FOR OSI., IltHIS!", 1<1 HI: C()~SmlTn,1> Ill' lIAlllTAT FOR IlllMANITY OF ('OI.I.Il'R ('(>lINn', ISC. os lOT 14. nUl('K 5. N^,'LFS MANOR EXTESSll>N. ('(lIl IIJ{ ('(lI ';..,' r Y l.lORlllA \\,II,'.lU",\S. I ,,1I1\'r {'11l1l11Y 11<1' fI:cllgnil\.'u and ilUl'1l1P'l'd 1'1 addrl'~" II1\" I;ld;, IIf adl'quOlh: and al't'onl<lolc hllu"m~ 1", 11l1"!~l,I:" I"" .111.1 '~'I'~ ,1111\ l!\~tll11~' hllllM'h,lld" 111 \h~' (1l\IllIY ,llld thl' un'l! 1-11 ~'I\'.ll1\'l' ,mil 1Il111l\',ltl\'C prll}:ram" III ""'1-1 Ii, Ib.. j':"';"'''" .11' 'lj,'h hll\l'lnl; h~ mdlldmj.: "l"l.'r:l1 pl'll\'1"ll.n... III ,he' ('I1\\ll'l ('nunly (irowlh l\.1anagcml'nll'l;lJ1 1l1,'ha\II\~: ohl"\:\1\1.: ] ,J, pullc)' 1,.1,1: nhll"C!IH' I (, policy I~~, pHllc~ 1 ~ J, pobey 1,5";, pullcy 1.5.5, pullc)' 1.5.1' Ilh\\','II\\" 1.1" !l,'h,')' 1.11.,\: uhJ\."I:II\'C 2,1, pullc~' 2.1 ',pnlley 2 1.2, plll1..:y 2 I J, PUIKY :!,I,~. oml pnla;y 2,1,(, III' II1\.' 111l\l"lll~ 1',I\'lm'lll. and \VIIFRh\S, ('nlh\'r ('lIllllly 11<1" r\."c\."I\'CU I\mum~ pUrSIl;1ll1 In Ih\,' Slatl" Ilml"l1ll! 111111all\I.''' 1'.lrllll'rslup l'rtlgralll "1.'1 lorth III ""~'~'''''II .t~II'IO~ l"t. "~'\I, l'lunda SI,lIlll,'" alll! ('b:lpl~r l)1',17, 11"'lIb ,\.I11\\llhtn\II\1" ('odl'; :lml \\'III',IH':\S, 11\ ;1,l''1,LIIlLL' \\1111 ('Illll\'!' ('IUtlllY (l,dlll,lI1l.'\,' "u "li,]'l, lh~' ('l1l1ll\~ I" "lI\hon/~'d 1\1 11M,' fUl\umg rrl1rtl tlll' S1a\c Ib'lI"lTl;': 1Illlla\IH'" 1';lflncr"hlp ISIIII'II'ro).'r;1I1l1nr \\'all\'I" "I (1,11'1.'1 1 <11111!)' ll1lp;,CI k'c,,; and WIII:RI ..\S, Hah11;I! l\lr Ilum,1I111)' nfCnlhcr Cmml)', ilK, I' "l.'I.'km~ a wal'w of nllJl;!l'1 rl.'l."; and \VI1ERI..\S, II;lhlla! for Illllllalll!Y nf('ollll.'r ('llunly,lIK \\IIIl'on1<Ir\II.'\ lmc (lllllrl'l'-hl'drolllllllnl1 (!he "j)wcllll1~ t :"11" Inn 11Il l.t, IU,,\'~ ~. ~;ll'lo \Janor F'l;l~'ll"lCll\ wh1l.:11 I" pr\lpm~'d !O '1,'11 fill 1'llrty.SI'l; I hu\l"alll! F,ve J111ndn:d 1)1I11:1r" 1'-4/',"1111 IItlL ;II'.! \\'IILHI',:\S, 1111." lhldlln-..: 1'1:11 \'111 h~' pllr~'h""l'\t h" d \~'n Ip\I' llK"!1W 1l"1I,,\'Il10ld ,\'llId\ ," I\'qlllll.'d III 1I1\'l.'''\ <l lllHllllllllll ,,1' (1\\' "IIIII<lr\,.I1 ~rlll] ho'lll''' nl 'OS" ,';11 l'lIllli:," hdl'l\' T! nhlalll" Il1k Inllw h"lIw: ;111.1 \\'III,I<!:,.\:-', \11 lil;nk, ( SIII11I!. \'1":" Pr,'",dClll 01 !l"htlal 1"11 111ll1laml~' ,,1' ('olll\,'r ('O\lI1l)', Ine.. "unmll1l'd 111llw (11'1",,'1,' "I 11111l"1Il'..! alld' :111:111 11l1pfll\"'IlWn! ,111 ,-\Irlln!;!h\\- IIlllhlll~ :\pph~'a!llIll dat,'\I r-,lar~, 11)1,lJ (or" \\'III\l'r of II11P;l"! 1\'\" !Ilr !h~' ~'llll"trllClllll1l1f a hnll"~' on lUl l.t Blud: .~, 'apk, \LIl1111 1',\ll'l1"lIl11, i\ ,'liP)' o( :;.aiu apph"al1l1l\ I' on lik III :h,'II""'II1~ d'ld Ilrh;l!lll11pr"\~'T'I~'llllkp;1IInH.:1l1: .mll WI IFI< I.,:\S 111 ,I\.~', 11.1.111.. c' \\ Ilh S~'~'IIIlT1 .I.I).t 01 thl' \ . II f~,..'IIIl!Jdl l'al:ll1ll\'" Illlf1;ll't In' { Ildlll;\IIl'l', ( lalm.lIKC No ')l}.~1: SI'l'\I"l1 : 11,1,,1 Ii..: 1",,"'''l1al "'aln and Llr :-'1'11,'1 ...~ ,1~'111 I 1ll1"1\.' I 1 ,'I.' (In\II\;\]',,', (Jl'dll1an~\' ....", 9X.('<); S~'ction ,i.lt.t Ill' Ih..' I ,1'1,11\ S:,'I"'111 hnp,l(t 1'1:..: Ihdlll:II1l'~', Ilrdlllil11n: ~1I :-is.')7. ;1' ,1Il1\.'I1,kd: SI.'~'!lun .l,lI.! or Ihl.' POlrk~ and Ih'<:n':tll"ll;ll 1:1(111111'" fmp,lcl I'~'l' ()rdlllllnn', I ,lnllllanc,' ~ll, cJll<VI; Sl'~'\llllI -"ll.lllf lhl' l<o;l\I1rnp;lcI Fcc OrdinanCl', ()rJlIldn":I' ;-';", '12-2~, ,I' :lllwndc,i: Sl',,!um .' /)~ ,,! 1 hI' Llllcl'~cney \-Il'(heal Sen '''l'~ Sy"ll'm Imp;lc! Fcc Ordmance, OrJIOaTl,'(' ;-';1\ '11--: I, .,,, ;Il1ll'ndl'd: anu Sl,,,t\llll ,lO~ of th\,o Ldu\'";llwnal F;\~lhll~'" SY"ll'm Impllcl Fcc Urdin,mcc, Ord1l1al1<:l.' "'. 'l~".l .\' ;lm,'IHk'd, ;111 ;1ppl1~'.lnl ll\;IY nbl,1I1l " W;Jl\cr ot' IInp;\l'1 1\:1.'" h~' qllahrYlll~ for a waIver: IIlld l6 A . 15 \\'lll',I~L,\S. 1 bhl!;I! t'IIT r fUllli1lltlY nrCllllll,.'r Cnllnr~'. rl1~' h:!... qllallfn.'d 1'111 :in IlllP;ll"l fl.:l' W,l1H'r ha..cd Ill'll," the follo\\. In/-l rl'pr""l'!l\;II'''Il- Ill,llk h\' Hahnal fur '11l1l1;11lIly \lfl"lllhl'r I '1I\l1l1~. IT1\. ,\. 1'11" I h\l'lllng \ "1l1l ..h.l1\ h..: snld 10;l nr~t-llll1l' hllme h\lwr II I hI.' I hll,I\'Ill! "llll ..\w\llll.' ""id to a htlU..t:lulld \\'llh ;1 \lor)' hl\\ 111~111m' levl'l ;j.; Ihat ll.'flll " dcnnl.'ll 111 thl'\pPl'ndl\l,." III rhe fl"Pl'CII"," Impact h:l' (Inhn;lIlu:" and IlK' tlll\l1lhl~' p;lynWll1 In pmCh:1Sl' \he lll1l\II\(I'1 hl, \\ llhlll th..' ;lIlunl.lhk lmuSlnll !,!llldchm..'" l....whll..hl.d III II1\' ,\pl't'llIll\':...s IIllh..' rCSpCl:tl\'C lmp;ll'lll'l'IJIIIIll;ll1n'", C I hI.' IhH'lll11~ l'l11l ..hall h...' lhe IlulTll:stcnd nflhc llWl1Cr. I> Ihc llwclh!\!! 1:11\\ ..hall rem,lln nl'fnrduhll' fnr fifteen (151 Yl'lll" hom Ihl' dOlt\' lhe I;l'r1lli"atl' Ill' "~~'lIp.lTl~", I' 1"lll'tI SO\\' 1111!Ulql'! 111 JI HI "rll\TIl 11'..' I111 Ilfl\!O, /11 ((II "I" ((I:'II.\IlSSIIlNU<S 01; COI.I.JH< ('{ J1'~1 y, 11 I H<IIJ\, 11':11 II:~ \lIl,H'd ,01 'nlllll~ C'lImnHS'illl11cr' hl'ld.~ Ollll!lllrllc" 111\, 1'l1l1l1\\ \lHI1;q,:~'r 10 1'>.'IK' ;111 \11\11111"1/:111"11 I'''T \\;1l\l'1' IIi' lmp.l\;t fees to Ilahl!;!! lor 11""l:JJltty lit ('lI)lll'r ('Ollllly, llll', I'll! HIll' (I) hl1l1'l' \\ll1l'h ...Il,dl he l'1ll\~lrUelelllm 1,111 l.l, BII~li 5, N"pk, \l;ll\llr I',.'len..lon, ('olhn {'oullty, 1'llIrJda 2 \ 'pllll rl.',I'!)'\ h~ :11\' I '''''''Ill!,: ,md tlth.111 Ill1pnl\'l'm~'1l1 1)lll'elm ol .m ,lj!ll'~'I1K'Il\ I'm waiver of impact Il'l" "1j!IH:d h,\ II;lhlt;11 lIlT Ilumamty ot (1I111l'r ('PUllt}', lill.:.. .11\.1:01 till' plln.:h>lser, IIr IIlher d"\'lIIl1~'l1t,ll"1Il ;Il'l'qlt,lhk 1'1 the ('ounty :\llnrlll'\, Ilw 1l1l,lrd 01 ('II\lt1t~' ('''ll111ll'iSllltll'r' Ill'rd,y :nI1I11111/l.... Il1l' l':I~'llll'nt h~' ['oilier ('nunIY Ill' Ihe 111110\\ lllf.!. Il11pal.:l kl" frol1l Ihe t\llnrdahk 11tl\ISlll~ Trust hmd, Fund t PH I, 1M Ihe fullowlng amounts for 11l1' um: (I J hou~l' to h~' hlJlIl nn l.ol 14, B!ltl'k 5, ~;Ipk, \bnnr 1',\ll'mlnl1 hy IIuhltul for I hlmanlty uf\ 'olh~'r ('Illlnl~', Inl: :\ I Ihl';rr~ 11ll1l;1~1 I'n' '\. I ~(J ,~~ II 1<1l~llllmp;li.:l h'~' l"lrk-. 111:1,,1( I I ~'I.: I'.\IS 1111\,:K': ! L'~' 1',II;':;lthll1;111.,Il'11111~" s~',t~'11l ..~i'I) 01) ~ 20 ,\-j " 1.1 fll) III ql;IL-l I \'~' ,7'SOO ,!'i; on j7~ nO I, \\ ,Il~'r [mp;l<.:tl'l'l' (; :-'~'\\ l'~ II11P:I\.1 I'n: ( ,'rrnll"ll:111 ~h'\llll~" 11l11';Kl F~'~' .__--..ll.-:-~)~ S7 ,I.lO.J~ II n )['..\1. I.\II',\("T FEES 3 1 h~' P,IYI~ll'llt III lI11P;Il'( floe, hy ['oll'l'r ('IlUlll~ " ,uhle~'t III 111\: l'\~'nllIOll ,IIHI rn;llrd;rliotllll' an :1}.:r~'~'ll1~'lll j;\1 \\,11\ l'r Ill' 1 'nlher ('<111111\ [mpllCl h'l'~ lwl\\'l'l'1l tlw p'''l'nlY (lWlIl'!' and/or purrh:lwr ;md Ihe ('OllIlIY. 2 1 S A -15 r hI' 1{~',,,11I11I1I) ;ldpPll'd alkr millIOn. wnmd ant! lll.ll";'lly \lIll' \;\\l>rl1lj.! ,:ltlll' "^TEIl Ck ,-'<~4 /)~? ArrES1: DWleillll:, IIIH)( 'K. ('kr'k IHMIO){ l!. I 'r II J~.'"! Y ('j )\1\IISSI1 l:'\:IJL'\ {( )1.1.11',1{ (( )l:~ IY. l'IHUll:\ -4: -c.~_0-luy;<J(] Attest .s tv .::-,oinu,II':, 5f~.tIIrt 001,. Appro\'\.'d 3S In form and lc~iJl sufl1cll:nc> Ily __/ /~i ,~__ ;' I, ...._ C.../ 1','tMF!,\ s ~1,\( 'Ul. ('lI,\l!{\\"O\I.\'\; , I r~idl F. "~hlon :\~sislanl ('ollnly ,\l!lIrJll'\ JII c",np\cs ~l;H\"r 1'\I~'n'llIl1 r,',,, J - 1.6A 15 EXIIII1IT""" U:C;,\l.la:snUI'Tl0.'\ 10] 1~. B1.OCK S. NAPLES MANOR EXTENSIOS. A< '('( JRIlI:\( j If) TIlL l'r.AT IH)()K TIIEKHlF. AS RH'()RIlEI) I~ PIA I H( X)I\ '. XI 1':\( il': I)S. OF TIlE PtJBI.H RH URPS ()F t '/ II I ll-H ('f Jl '~' 1 Y I JI mlll..\ 1117' Uz..5 h7tifn (/fC EXTJENSlI()N /?8. Nt! V 1- 93' . J A 15 ACKNOWLE:DGMCNT ,/ I I , , I .,,!:.c:...T", T_T T__ ."'10.... .u......l:" """"C ~"" 0" ...,..c: ....c...'O"" ;p T""t: ........c "'0 "II:. . ....ow..." .......e> DOC' .'...."TV^.... UJC or .,.......; .......~,..uU........o I.........ca II ""...C...CCV .,....C T.......... ."0 ....,"U. .)CI,),<:" ,..,0'" :.'0""'''' .. "". .,.,. CO". TC:.T,"O .., IT1I ..,Co. ~....O. "".0 .....,. '-0';..,.... """,'1..0"'''' _Co ..TATe. or ,....0..10... C.O........T'" Or' c:OI,....IC" "' ...Vlc,...."etlllT.,"'; 'f''''AT O!"i "'1",,1" ,.....TC 1t..,.01lle. ....c. ..,.. -.0...,.....1..... .......C.....CO "JIll, .....Cl..,.... ",....0' ... ....<tOoa.. ,-CTT.c: ..IIIIC ~IOC:NT . ........0 .CC"'C.T...~... "C.~t.CY'y~V' 'or T........... ocvc;L.o"C:"" ....C, ... 1;.0" I"O......T 10 !"'I ""NDC;" . "..C; .......,. or n..o'"'lC.t..., '1'0 ""C:. ,I't""-O>H"" "0 .C 1"l1L ~c '" ~..." W,",O C...C.c.uTC.P .Tt"tC ,.o"C.OO_Q oc.o,C;..... TIO.... .......0 ,...C'" ...,r\""O.......cOOC.O. 'To<. c...~c;uT1C'.. Or' ".......c: "0 Pc. "0<'" ,.roCe. ....".... ...,..0 oc..:.o .... .....0 c,.rl~C:"~ "0" ,....c. uS," .......1) "U""O,"'1o T..C-'C- ...CNTIOI.CO .......0 "'......" ......,.c Dt.O,C......,IO.... '" r...c. ....t:.T .....'.0 aCCO 0" ,.....,"" oCvc.O,.,.... ....r. ,....0 Cj.,..u......, IQ..... ~~~~. ~t"'T~. ...cc..- T..'....., ,..............0 c.... T' _ .-.,.- ....,,.....c.;...~ c;;o......'c.. ".eO ...... .,""NO .........0 o,.r'G'...l,.'fCA"":7" .......,....r.~, co......"''''. 'I-O#r'O..... ,....I"!)fl!:i....' o~. I '_u L~ ! ...6~:;Zorl...O.IO... ..., ......,..OC ,.' ."" . ,.....1 pnc.::..--'" --";r--- ..- " [l .. I~' II \,\ .... "\(;IU:E,\IE\T HlH 11111':';' \\'''\l\'EI~ OF COI.I.lEI~ COU\TY 1.\11',\('1 FEEJ. 6 A This :\gn:l..'I11L'l1l !',)r 11h: \\'ili\.L'r or Imp~H.:t (-'t.:cs ~lllL'rr..'d illtn this.3':t(v tlr~. 11)1)1), hy ilud hl.'lwCL'n Ihe B(1ard l,j" ('IHlnly ('oll1l11issiollt.:rs or Collier County. 1:lorid;!. I1crl'lIl;d"CT n:l"crrcd In ~s "C01'\'I'Y" ,"111 I Lilll!.11 r"r II11111'1I1il\ nr C"lliL'r (''''lllIY, Il1l'" IiL'rL'1I1<1lkl' rL'l'LTr~d 10 <IS "O\\'\ER" 11'1 I \ I: S S I: I II \\'IILRI :\S. ('\l11\~! ('nllllt~ Urdinanl'(, ;\11. l)t).S~. 1111..' ('(lIIIL'I" ('IIUllty ('orn.:'clHHlal Faci\itlc~ I111P;\\,:t i'"l:L' ()rl!in:lIlcc. ('\,l1ll'r Coullty Ordinance i'll, I):O-;.()I), tlll: ('ollil'r ('Ollllly RcglOnal \I"lIel' 'lI1d l'r S~\\ cr SysI~ms Impact Fcc Ordmancc: ('"IlkI' \ 'ollnly ()rdin:1l1cc \0 88~1)7. .1:-' d!lh.'lllkd. Ill\.: ('pl1llT C\ltlllty I.ihrary SySIl.:1ll Impact h.'L' ()rdin:IIICt,:: ('pllil'l' ('ilUI11~ Ordinalll'\.: '\11 I)I}_.~\J. llli.,: ('\)111l:l" ('\l\lnt~ P~lIl:-; ;llld Rl'crl';It\llll.d 1';ll'lllll\:~ 11llp;ti':1 h.:t.: Ordin.IlKI.,:; t'ld\II.:r ( 11\llll~ ()nl1n,llln: \0, ()l. '"71, as .1l1lL'lldl'd, 1 hI..' ( I.1111LT ('Olll1l:-,' Fl1lCrgl'tlCY Mcdical Scn.icL's SyslLIll Impact Fcc Ordin.lllcc; ('{)IIIL'r COllllt:-. ()rdill;lIH'I..' :\'ll. 1)::!:<~2, :lS amcnded, the ('"Il,er ('ollI1lY Road Impact Fcc Onlil1an<,~: and (,oilier ('011111\' ()rdill;lI1c~ No, 92-:13, as :lIllClllkd, IhL' ('oil".,. ('''lInl\' l:dllcaliol1al Facilltlcs SYSIl'm 11'111':1<'1 I'~<, Ordill<lI1<'C, ;IS they may ht,,' (urllh.:r ;l11l1..'I1\kd fl"l)1l1 l111l1.: tl) lillll' hL'rl'II1;Il"tL'r C(111cl'tl\'t,,'I:-. J"L,rL'rrL't! to ,IS "llllpillt FcC' Ordillilnct,,''', pro\-Ilk (nr \\-:I1\"1,:I'S nr impacl feL's I~lr 111...'\\ O\\llL'r.Ol'Cllpictl dWl'lling llnlt 4t1alifyill~ ~IS ~Illl.)nl;thk 1111llS1l1g, ;1l111 \\'IIERE..\S, OII",I:R has '1J'pll~d 1(,1' a \\:lI\'cr "I impacI i'ccs ,IS rcqlllfL'11 hv Ih~ In1pal'l Fcc OrdJl\:lIlCl', ;\ (\111)- \ll''iaid ;lppl1L'~ltinll hL'lllS nil lik III thl' \lni(l..' of Iln\lsillg ;tlld l.:rhan Impron:Illt,,'nl: and \l'111:I<I:\S, Ihc ('''llllly "\dIl11111,lr,,lol' "I' I", ,kSl~II~C h:1S 1\'IIL'\\ed tl1c ()w:sn;R's applicallon ,llld 11,1."; rl11llHI thaI il CI.)I11]1III..'S \\ llll 1111,': rL'~llIlrClllt,,'Ilt." Il,r ;1Il arJilrdilhk hOllsing w:II\'CrOrll1lp:t1'1 r....l...s ;IS '~'SI:lhl1:.;li('d inlhe Illlpal't I.\'l' ()rdl11:lIlcc: ,Iml \\'11 F R F ,J\S, the 111lP;ll'[ ft.:e \\;\l\'t"T sh:i!l hL' 111'l..'se!ltL'd in hell or p,l~ 1lll.:1l1 or tit...: requisite impacl fces suhjl..'L't 11.1 ~,\llSr:lL'tlnl1 Ill" ;111 nikn:l III the I lll]1dL' I h:I..' ()rdlll:ll1L"l..' l]lIj,\\iI\ill~ Il1e prnjl..'l't as t,,'ll~~lbk lill" ,Ill 11l1l'dl..t rl..'L' ',\;11\\.:1', ~lIld \\'1I1-.1(F.IS, tl1~ CO! .\TY <lppru\~d a """IL'" ur Il11pact kcs I.ll ()\\'\I,R cll1bodiL'd 111 at its rcgular mceling '" a: '1('.Z:- ~ Resolution :-Su ,)()"",3/0 I')'l(): and 15 ,.",.. ;:Q 1-"" 'co, no , . , , n. rt ,., ~.. 11' , ~ ~~~ ..., " , ::: ~-: fl.... ,... ;~: ," ~ :'~ ;.: '. .' " '" ;~: " L. , " :" : ~: "" '" ~ Ln ~ ~ .-. ~ r,,,,' Ln " <> "" .. CT\ ." ;-,: Ln ,. n ~ ;: C> 'J " ::0 ~ (G ;;-; ~ ~, n " a "" - ~ ~? Ln .n ~ -.J ... '" 00 co '" n '.1 <> ~Cl ~ ." G') 2 ~. ,.-. ~ n ~ ,~ "" c Ln "" Ln ,~ '. ~ ;! t') ~u <> - ~n ~- .,.- - ,,, -..I ,.. .~ = <> c WIIEREI\S, tile Il11pael Fcc Onlim1l1cc reqllires Ihat the OWNER ent)' iQ, ~, ' 15 Agrccmcnt \\1111111" COt ''\TY, ,\()\\',IIIIRI'HlRL. 1I1C\111,_idcrall\1n "I' [lie t,'rc.t:\1n1t: rC'('II,ds,llIc' parlles C<lvc'nanl and agree as l(lllo\\~: I, RECITA\.S I'\CORPORATE\), The f0rq;llin!, recitals arc Ir1\e alld ellrrecl '111<1 shall h(' illcorpnr;ltcd hy reference h..:rcill. , II',(,,\\, IJ\.S('I{II'TIO!\:, The Ict:al d"scripll\111 \1rlllc' dw.'111I1!, 11111t (11Ie "Dwelling I ll1t" I ,llld "II\..' p\;\I1 ;lfL' ill\;lCh..:d IH..:rC(() .IS Exhihlt ":\" ;llHlll1l'orpllLlll.,:ll hy n:f'I.:n:ncc 111..'1....:111 :1 T\.R:>'I ()\\''\loR a:;rees 11);\1 the Dwelllnt: lIlIil shall rel11al11 '" aIT\1\'1lahlc lIo1\sing and shall he "tTered 1'\11' "dc' in accordance wilh thc slamlards set I<>r1h III the appendices to the Impact FL'L' Ordll1:lIlcC 1~l!' ~1 IK'riod 01' liftC'L'll (I ~ l years COllll1lCllClIlg (rll\ll till.:: d;ltL' the CCTlitic'ltc of occupancy IS 1-':",lll'd rill' thl..' D\\'L:1111l~ Lilli. 4 RI'.I'RI SE'\TXll0'\S .'\,\1) WARR/\NTIES, OWNER represen" and warrants the following a The Dwelling Unit shall hc sold 10 a hOllscllllld wl1h a \W\ I"w inc\1l11c as d.,t',ned in thc appendices t\1 tile Impact l'Ce Ordinance and lIis/ller 1l111!llhly 1';1;,llll..'lltS 10 purchase I Ill' ()\\-cl1in~ I 1111 s\1;dl he- within the o :::<:> ;1t'(\1rd;lhh.: IhHISlllg ~lIid<.:ll1h':s c~tahlishcd III thl..' ;ll)pcmIICL'S In the Impact \' 1,,:1.' (>rd i IWllc\.?; ......., U'1 -.J ex> ""C> G"> h TII.' D\\'elling l'nit shall h.' snld to a lirsl-lime hnmc' huyer: e, rile D\\'elling Unit shall be Ihe hnmeslead nro\\'ncr: ......., U'1 U'1 U'1 d, TII.' 11".'lllIlg lni[ sllall rem'lin as arrmd;lhlc hOllsing rnr lineen (15) \\';\1:' (rtll1l \Ih: d~ll\.: 1111..' cnll1il.:alL' ni" PCCllpalll'~ I~ 1:-;~lIl..'d Cor lillo.' [)\\'L'IJin~ I till, ;\11d ".'. 0\\"\ ER is Ihl..:' 0\\ 1\l..:'f (,)1' 1"L'L'l)rd n( tIll.; Dwellill~ t )"it and uwes impact li..'l':-i III the tnlal amollllt or S7.140._,4 pllrsll,llll to the Imp;lL'l FL'e Ordinance" In n:tllnl ror thl..: waiver or the impact rees owed hy O\VNER. ()\\"'.TR cn\'CI1;ults ;11ld ;I~n..",,,~ tn clllllply \\"illl the atrnrdahk housing - ? Impact ke wai\'er ql1alilicatioll nih,.'ria dt:l<ilkd in lilt: 1.6 A Il11p"rt Fl'r 15 ( )rd111allce, " SlBSF(H 'F'\T TRA'\SITR, IrO\\''\FR ,l'Il, Ihl' 1)\I,'II"l~ \ 1111 ,,,hle,'llo Ihe impact fee \\;\1\"('1' III ;\ suhsequent pllrch~,ser. the D\\'elllllg I 'nil sh;dl hl' snld tllll:-- to hOllsl'iltllds meelin~ the rrilena 'el forth in the Impael Fcc Ordinance, h ,\!HlRD:\BI.I: REQUIREMENT The D\\'ellill~ \ 1111 11111" hl' "Iil'/ed lill' alToT\lahk h')(1S111~ ror a lirlccn (15) year period after the date the (,'nil',eal,' or O(ellp'1I1(\, i, iss\led: ~lI1d if tht: Dwcllin!;; I init ceases 10 he tIlili/cd for that pllrpo...~' dllril1~ ;..lll'h pI".'rlod. I Ill' impacI ree, ,hall he 1I11111edl;lll'1y repaidl() Ihe COI '\T1', , LlL\ 'I he- \I ,11\ cd imp"el rees shall he ;1 Ilel1 "1''''1 Ih,' I)\lell",~ 11111 Oil Ihl' cffccli\'c dale or this l\g.rccmcnt: which lien may ht: rtHeclnsed upon 111 till' L'\'t:tll or non-compl1anec \\il11 the requirements of this Agreement. ~. RELL:\SL OF I.IE:-< t,ipOIl satisfm:lory compk\\tlll tli' the :\~rL'l'mCIlI requirements and liltccn (I ~l :~\,,"';lrs at'ter tile date or \ssl1;\11\..:e (If till' (l'r1ifIC;lh,: \11' tll'l'lIp;lllC~', \11' IIpOIl p;IYI11Cllt or the \\"1I\ed "lIp"et kes, the (,()I'\TY ,11,111. ,,1111,' "\I"'ll<e "I Il1e ('(Ji''\TY, record 3ny necessary lhH:umCl1tatinn e\'idcncing the termination llr \!W \11..:11. il11'lwling, hut nut l11llilCd tn, a rclcasl.? of Jicll, 'J, BI\[)):\Ci ITFECT, Tl1is t\grecll1enl sl1all he h"ldlll~ "1'''" Il1e panics I" this o ::0 Agreement and lh~'ir rl'slh..'(li\\,~ lll.:irs, pcrsollal rcprcsl'1l1dl1\'CS. ";IICCI.."..s\lt'" and ;lssiglls III Ill.: "-' <..n --> 00 "'0 ~ Ci:\SC llfs'-lk or tratl"I'er h\' g1n nrlhe 1)\\'l'\lll1g { 1111. till' lll'\~lll;1I CJ\\'\] !{ ....11i11l 1'1..'111:1111 Il;lhk Ii}!' the,1mpact rCl'S \\;tl\~'d until Stl1d 1mpact i'ccs arl' p;11l1111 full or 1111111111L' ciltldlli\lIls set rurth 11l Ihe IlIIpacl Ie" Ord""",,'c arc "1Ii,licd, 111 add1li"", 111"'\~rCell1"111 \11,111 r"" \I nl1lhe 1"lId a"d "-' l.n <..n 0-. shall rema1n a hCll ~q;;,t1tlSt the D\\'ellJ1lg L'lllt until tile pnH IsiollS of Sl'l'\llll1 S ;Il'l" satislicd. 1(1 I<I'('()RDI,,(! rl1i, ,'\greell1el1l ,11;111 he rC'l'o"lcd h\ ()\\''\I'I< ,,11h,' e\I"''''e "I' O\\':\ER 1n till" OniCI;ll 1{'~Tnnb (lr (dl1icr t Iltll1t~', l:lnrid;1. \\ltl\lll li(kl'll II:') d;,ys al'lcr CXC,cutioll ofth1s ..\~.!:rCClllL"lll hy the ('j);urlll<ln nfllle Ho;m!llCC'OUnl\' ('1111l111ISSI01h:r" II, DEF,\l'I:I, 0\\':\1:1< ,h,,11 be 111 dcrau\t ""Ihls ..\~rCe11lell( III "here OWN!'.R fails III sell ihL" Dwclling 1;llil in acclIr(\;,uH:t.: with till".' aITord;thh.: hOl1sing sl.lIldards ;llld qualilicJtion critcri~~ cst~lhlished in the Impact F~c Ordinance <lnd thl.:rl..';lltcr C;,ils hl pay the impaC1 fees dlle \\Ilhlll 1Im!\' (:HI) days of said 11011-Cl1l11pl"ll1ee, <If 121 \\ liere ()\\'~ I:R t'iQ,te~ ' 15 one of the allord"hJc hOllSl11g <j1l"lilication erileria ill tile' Il11pact Fcc (lrdlll'lIle,' Ii" " I'l'riod or lifteen (15) d"ys atier notice orlllC \'io1atiol1, 12, RE\IEDIES, Sho\lld the O\\':\I:R of the property 1;11111\ <'lIl11ply \\illitl1e said qualiti..::ation cntl.:na;1I .1l1: lime during the IinC~ll (15) y~;\r p12ri\'d l'r ~jH1111d (}\\'i\FR \'inlall' any prO\ISI,lI1S (1f 11m ..\~reel11elll, the IInp"c1 fees """cd sliall he pa"lliI 111111>\ (1\\'7'FI{ "IlI\l11 tliirty (.11)) d,,\'s 1\1 "lid l11\iI-col11plianee, OW:-<ER agrees Ihal llie il11p''':1 Ices ","\'Cd shall C(1l1slit\lle a lien (111 the J)\\ elllllg Unit cOl11l11cncin~ on tlie elkctl\e d'lle 1\f IllIs .'\,:r,'eI11eI11 'l11d continuing. for nft~l..'n (15) years from the date of issuance nf the (cnilil';\h: p( OCI..'IIP;lllCy' or l\1llii repaid. Such 1ll..'1l '.,hall IK' superior and par~mounl 10 tht: llltcn:Sl III tilL' [)\\\..:lllll~ l illi! Ilt" i1IlY owner. lessee. 1\.'11;ln1. 1l1(lrtgascl..'. 0[" olh..:r person C\CCpllh.....lil'l1 for ('llllllly la\\"'s dl111 shall hI.: on parity "ith 1lie liel1 "I' '111\ slIeh '""\lllIy 1axes, Shl1l1ld llie 1l1I\1;,\{ he 111 dcl;'lIlt "I' 11m Agrecl11cnt al1d Ih,' dcrallll is not cured within (31)) days alier 1\rlllel1 111\liee III 1l\\''''I'I,- the Board may hriJ1t! a l'l\'il <lclion to enforce this agreement. In addition, Ih~ I!~ll Ill;!: h..: rOI"l':ClllSl.'d or otherWise ellforcl'd hy the COL:~TY hy ~Iclioll or suit III Lquity ilS r\)r 111...: 1\1I\.'dosun,: Ill" ;1 mortgage on re~ll pn1pcrty, This remcdy IS clIl1lulati\'l: ",ilh any ollll..'r ri~ll1 Ill" rl'llll'dy il\'allahk to Ihe COL:\TY The Iluard shall he en\illed to rc'Cl1\'Cr ;ill fces al1d ,'''SIS, 1I1Cllld1l1~ al1i\rIIe\'S o ::0 fees, incurred h: thL' Board in enforcing this agreement. pillS illtcrl'st at the statlltnr\' ratL' for 1\ \I'IT:\I:SS \\'HEREOF, Ihe "'lnies hale e.\ccIIll'd thIS \~,.el'l\1en\ 1,11' I\',"\e,. "-> l..T' -:J co ""'" C'l jlldgl11e11ls calclllaled oil a calendar day haSls until paid, of lmpact Ft..'L'S 11!l tilt..' d:ltL' ;llld year tirq ;lho\,(' \\'riUcll, \Vitness('s: [)\\'~I\{S' "-> l..T' <..n -:J Print Nallle ~~-------'-'''''<::''~-_':._--_'_- P" N "', , '" ,nnt 'amc ~:_-C: _;.___' I 1.,\ III I '\1' FOR III \1.,\~rl Y Ill, ('01.I.I,''y('()1 'Ii, I'\', ' , I' -.'\ IlY'i;j, .' ~-Y" . .': ~ .A--4... ~i_ ,-- '~r , ;"los ( ,Sllll!~ 'e I'r,'s\1c111 STATE OF Flonda COU7'TY OF Colher ,. , The rOrt;g(lln~ 111~trUll1l:nt \1, liS aCKnowledged hCrnfl..: me llw, d;IY l,r , I'll)!) hy eh.1rlcs C. Sll1l1h, \'I(e President ,,1' llabital Ii'r 111"11'""1\ ,,1' {",IIIlT ( '''''''1\, I"" 111,',' 6iS peArsllnal~ 5 known to me 1 ["OT,-\RI:\L SF,\II , SI;:nal"rc of PersC\n 'T'ak;;~;;-;\;:-k-1;,)~\;:~i;;\l1;" ... ____._.__.~.._~____._.t...__:_. _ ';'''11e ,,1' :\Ckl111wlcd;:er T\'ped, Printed nr SI'''11llL'd ~_.......- b'~I",,(. . ...,. j(j,\,"'''T r'1..\1.BF' .,~.. \n~I,\4I.ol!~\III'''''(11)>o.1l ......(" 1\""."E< 1 XI'lk~\ ",......';:1".' I ~", , '. ", ~ ,', !',", _./ ...... ''<oM ,t It....' _" I ' DATED: ~-4 iI,l)7 ATTEST: DWIGHT F BR( )(,K, lkrk IlO,-\IW ()) ('Ill '\ I \ (()\I\IISSI();'-iFRS ('(}I.IIIR ('01'; I \, 11,111(111,\ ~Jdt~p ,,~,p (l Att~~t i;, t~ :.r:~1rmAn'~ Sf'Jfldturf CiCo)). Approved as IC\ Il)l111 and legal 5ufficicllC;. By: ,_ P,'\\IH,", S, \1.\( .. K 11, ('I L\ IR \\'{)\L\" t' .,.' C> :::<:l Heidi J', :\5bt0I1 Assistant County :\tl(lnh:~ "-> Ln -..I ex> ..", C":l Ill!": n;ipll's lllJI~'lr .h!d:\ ,l;":!:l' b~.; ~1'111-1 "-> Ln Ln ex> 16A-15 EXIIIIlIT "A" LEGAL IlESCRII'T!O:" LOT 14, BLOCK 5, NAPLES MANOR EXTENSION, ACCI >IWIN!; TO TilE PI.AT BOOK TIIEREOF, AS RECORDED \:-; PLAT BOOK .1, AT PM;E 98, OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COI.I.IER CO\ INTY FLORIlJ,\ c ::<:: "- U' = '"'" G: '" U' U' '-J: - 6 - - ~~ ~ .. ':l\ ,,:'~~' f.::.~~S,..;'('::...;...: ~r.t~~~'" .~.~~ ';hJ..~~~.~t..~.~; '4~;'I,a...;:::.::.::;"-:..r~'r:.5-""'~'l":: .. .' '.....~.... .\.' . '.. ". .... \ ~'" :" 1.6 A 15 1437 *** '1::*:-: ); i 8 "- . ~~ II" v., , PG' , , /J1T7 (-e":::/3;t!9n c:JfC JE X TJENSJI{)N T [--" "?' ~ . <--...~< ':;:-^: ~.' .~'(. ,.,:\ ~ IL, 11 D.1 0 0 Q " ..( 10 ~..:... \ \~. 'I \ <<\>. / _ ;;yo \....J.- . I, '11 ~ ~t,I//" . " / A "",,,,~, , "'-"<"' / ...... / ....:: 1.". ~~ r.,. ( .... "',... / -~',I' ~ ..... _~ c.. ... / " /' . ... :;A'. "Co ", ~. / '\ .... ,,~ .1 .'.., ' .;. // ,. ,,^ '(',' .., .... '--../ . ", '" ..~/~\ 'q "'" '\. ". , " /' " . ~A" 10 N .....c...c ."'~SC....T'!... T..,...... ........... .O....-u...T'O- ........Oc.... ~c. 0""....(,..'\ or "'0-< _c."'(.0.... c,.........,CC" TI-OC ............c: "YO b(. .'TT(.C ....,. '...0......,....... .......0 OOC) T....C ..",...[."T\"I....... lJ'C: Or 'T"o-f't .TIlltCC~.A~'~.Vc..~..........O L..........Ct .....'.,......1:. 1"$ """....C~cor .,....c. ..,. ........\.,. ..., c......v"CO ~...,' ,)CU,C'." .,.,0'" .,. "'...C...oC.....,. ~ ,..t:.' ."T.... <" 0"' -CO" 'f')'TTC.,,,CO W'" IT'1I "tce- 0" (~~",,--,JL *' 0 ~60 ....."T ......"r,,~ ,.....0,.. ".,...... 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