Resolution 1999-298 13A 1 I(I'SO!.UI.IOS NO, ')')-298_ In:I.ATIN(i TO "HITION N\lMBER V.Qq.07. H)I( A VAI(!.\NCE ON PROPERTY IIElmNAFTER DESCRIBED IN CO!.LlER Cllll"TY. FI.ORIDA, \\'IIEREi\S. Ih<.:: 1.I,.'gi:-;lalllrl' llr Ihe Sl;ih.' of Fh'rida in Chapler 125. Florida SIal utes. 11:1s conh:m:d (Ill all Cll11Tllk's III Fh1rlda Jill' po\\,(.':r hI cSlahlish. coordimttc anti enforce zonin!!, and such hU5illCS~ n.:g.ul.uillllS as an: lll.:<.::cssary for the rrntcclion of the puhlic; and WI 'El~ f::\S. the ('\1l1111Y pllfsll,ml lhl'rcln has adopted a Land De\'elopment Code (OrdindlKC ;-";0. ') 1.1 j I~) which L'slahlisl\l:s n.'~ulaliol1s for the zoning of rarticuhlr geographic divisiolls of 1111.' ('Pllllly. at1long \dnch is !lIe !-:filllling. (lr \'arianccs; ~nd \\'IIEREi\S. thl' Huard llf /llllillg Appl':lls. hl.'il1l; the duly elected constituted Board of the urea hcrehy ani:Cll'd, 11;ls held ;1 puhlic h~afil1g alh:r notice .IS in SOlid reglllations made ~md providl'd. alld ha~ l'tlll~id(.'red lh~' ,Hhisahilily nf;l 5,S.foOI "Iler-the-fact variance from the required ~idc ~'aHl l.n.:' kLt tu 1.7 rl'L'1 as showl1 nnthc attached plOI plan, E.xhihil "A", in an RMF.() Z0111.: for Il\\.: pn1p1..'rly hCl"1..'malkr dl.:scrihcd, and has found 4\5 n matter of fact that sJlisf:u.:lnry pr()\'i~I(l1l and arr:lll!;l'lllt..'111 han.' ht.'ell made concerning all applicnhle malleTS rcqtJircd hy s,lrd rl.'!:~lIlali()I1S :md in ;lccllrdancc with Section 2.7.5 or tile ZOlling Regulations of said I.and I k\'L'lllprnl'111 ('odc for IhL' uninctlrpornlcd ,In.'a of Collier County; and \\'IIEHL.\S. ,ill il1tcfeslL'd p;1I1ies l1,l\'c hecn gi\'cn opportunity to he hC;lrd hy this Board in puhl1<: 1ll1.:..:l111:; assl:ll1hkd. and Ihe Bn.ml h;i\:illg considered all matters presented; S()\\'I I III!I'H>I!!: Ill, IT RESOI,\'E]) IlY TI IF 1l0ARD OF ZONING APPEALS nfC\lllil,:r ('Ollllly. f'lorid;1. Iltal' Till' 1\:111;011 ".1)1).07 (d~.tl h~ .\nlh,)JJ: P. Pirl.'s. Jr.. Esquire. of Woodwnrc.l. Pires & Lomh.lnln, 1'.\.. rl.'pn:s~'Dli\lg Charh.." ;\"d Shl,:';la P\.'ma. ,....ith rcsp<'c\ In the property IH.:n:inalln dl'~<:l"Ihl'd ,IS: Lot J(J. Blurt.; 17. Napks Park Ul1il 2. as fL'conlcd in Pial Book 2. Page 107 of Iht.: Oflici;ll Rectlnls ofColli...:r Cll\lllty. Florida hI.: and till' SillllC herehy is apprll\l'd rllf il 5.S-fool ;lIkr-the-fact v<lri.mcc from Ihe required side y'ant or 7,~ Ii.:~'l tn J.7 Ji:d a~ shll\\tl nil till' ;ttl;H.'hcd plOI plan. Exhihit "A". of the RMF-6 Zoning I)istnrl \\kn,:i11 said properly I" l11l.:iltl'll. !'llhjl'l't 10 the following conditions: ["his \';lri;lllt.'l' IS lilf tlh.' l'\I:->llllg Willi screened enclosure combination, as dl'pil'tl'd IlII l:..\hihn ":\", :lIltl .~hil\l nnt cnt'l\k the applicant to ilny new additions or COl\SltW,:llll11S wilhilllhc: rl'qulretl sid!.: Y:lnl sclhack. \- 13A 1 recorded in the minutes of this Doom!. BE IT fH-.:S0LVED Ih.at this Resolution rcluling to Petition Number V~99-07 be This Resolution ;adopted .\ficr motion. second ami majority vote. Done .his ,")J. rJ2 "'Y ore:;) ^ , , 1999, I\TTEST: DWIGIIT E, BROCK. Clerk ~ (~ ~~illc Attnt u to Chlll'lllll'S SI9llItllr.onll. , . ,\pprowd as to Fonn and Legal SUrliciCIlCY: II... '....... M:lrjoric M. Student Assistant County A!1omcy ~'~d""" "a' \ .'/'1_11; 1(1-"( JI \ '"t If J~ nOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER ORIDA . P ~ -2- I- ;j:J,,,,- ~~,..,."...,,!...; ".t': 3'''.' \.....:. ~r..Y\'",jjjl'; j if..,' ..~,\,(, ,". \l=",\)E. """'~""I' '<.:V,'i"!':'}, '-, ~j'\,.. I",""",-,"':'~ 'r.<t<..~,v.., ';oj",},~, ,'-'~~:"'t '~'!~\Ji -,:;:\.-.-; '. . ,- ';"',.." ',0'." 4.1>""'" \ "." . ,I (;:',;;::",\:-r.-'- ~'$ ,'.,1' · '1I;')'1t';i " .')',! ",lIl:'^1 ..-.... \ "1\.;::...1!._'J'~'> "::. , 'IJ,IrI'I""i~ ',:.~ ~'-,__ _"~'~\ ' . ,':,: I" ". J't'lr t"'ll'I, :~r" .J Iltl'ql.t~red Idlll! :;ul'J~:Yl)r .11 I1w Stltle lI{ I Florid. btrlttly <<'lliC.,. to flMllllCfIN FU~NCIAt. 5Ltl\'l!.:t:s, 1IJ:'" Hit SUC"C~lI80r "'Id ...19nll, MltwI"~~'T Tin,: ..,JAIWfI"I!:II: en. or rLORID.\, OMaMF'AI:n1 [RlO Trn.F: HlS; CO.:: "'1'<' '" "'MII.I'_<'; ~ ~rr-:"., H. Pr:fll'1.\ IMl fhl' f''''''I'''ll'l ,,11,t l...pti:>UO"m~ 4'".'JrvPy of the [ollWlrq described pr~,~;.t wr l), 1lllf,'I( 17, NAI'I.FS PAnK, LNfT Kl. 2:6~.~:;:,,~~ .l~ [...r-r.j....j U\ I'lill IltJ.lK 2 rd9" 107 f\Juli"; [Ir~td~. collipr COllnty; rlottda. ti\at a l!:urvt'Y ,,' ..ho:;o <"ltxM,\':J~:-l' :n", .::..... r ~~\-""..'I .."'~ Il'o'i'l.. UtKJ"'T tt'/f dlr('<"tl!':n .l'I[ I.",,, tl" '11111M\,I.l It'';;'hnli,;41 !;itand4rd:J dS per Chapler :1 IUI.6it.~'~~ tl . . 'd "'-":nl:;trdtl~'e (erje. lhCilt. 4IItft no ."':rtlo'l,.tllllJnta :;.thor than "'JCWll, no bou'1dI:ry Bne dlllp.lt.., eaSOI!mtnt '~r~ ~ -::i1l~ ~f '~.)S~'flts of \o1l1ch "',. ha.... Jma...I"!'dQfO. 110 t~tl. It' itch twll Lx>el) ,~ ~ lI\ICV4')'Ot:Ii"I"' ' c~ j .. . , ~. , t.,. l' 11,' _lte 'l.e.V.u. nJll ;.n""[~t< -2-14 <. I. '.{' J." ~.~~~;..::;;~;~,t7t.t~. 6~1.~,~.'O,~~~~"1~~ 'r~ QJ !"flf'A""t\.~,~~,'$~ It:A 1:41':,,<:" .Do.4rt ..~..... -,,,:-;f'rOI"" /... .1tL!lO:Iitl,1i"" !\t" ',~"..: ,_~ V""'~e', ~"~'I(lII"""'-1I', '('ll:)-,;( io I'"I/.\!.I ",,' h' 't:', ;i \~_ . :";,'" . 'i.',':~!:__:_; "',', ". ~~. --4-_~.Pt.:..~ "'1'11'\ M. I~'tt"'l.... ~I, PI:; 'Jj~O"o,' )~,~",f ....--~~'..:,...lU-t4 ~, ,>~ 1.'.', 'I"'~"-<"'- I "~,,(W'._fll I ^, II. 0.' .... hill '). 1'1 h'~ 1 ~'~ l'l,t I \h: :~:f~~~:l~"ft , 11'.'1.'\111 L._"u """..-0;:-,.." . ~ ~I . '~'l";l" ,,' Iln: :~t:f~;.' :' ltt, ", ,..... ...... ((~: ::t::~: '~" H' It'.\I"" ---:~h.., . '~~l """j-:. ',;f:,'- ,"_ !', ,,' '." ,,,.. l:,,:t ;c.' "fi~; ;:iI_,_ _ .' ,"" .'~ :'.... 'fr.' t ;, ~* "i'~ 'Ji; \\'AI.I. ,\XI> SCIlI,;t:N EXCI.OSUII~' ., , !j:.'V.:f ' 'It. .". , , _ ;~ ,i .' "." '.......r: . 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