Resolution 1999-2761 '7 P RE.gOI.UTION NO. 99- 276 P, ESOI,UTION I:OP, PETITION VAC 99-11u7 TO VACATE A 12' WIDE PLA'ITED DRAINA(H~ EASEMENT AI,ONG TIlE I,OT LINE COMMON TO LOTS 22 AND 23. ~W.()('K (', ACCORDIN(; TO TIlE PI,AT OF "GOODI,AND ISLES FIRST ADDITION". AS RECOF/DED IN PI,AT BOOK g, PAGES I AND 2. PUBLIC RE('ORDN OF COLI.II.:R ('OUNTY. I.OCATIH) IN SECTION IS. TOWNSHIP ~2 S()LFI'I~ R,,NNGIi 27 EAS'I AND TO A('('EPI' A Ill' WIDE REPI,ACEMENT [)RAINAGI[EASEMENF WI IERILAS. [)urstNiill Io SCCIiOll 177.1Pl. Florida StaluJcs. Jay McMiJlcn. as agenl Ik~r the (;ordou IL ('ulcer and Conrad I,cc ('ulcer. docs hereby rcqucsl ll~c vacalion of a 12' wide plaucd Eascmcnl along thc Iol linc common to Lots 22 and 23. ~l~k C'. according to Ibc plal of "Gomlhmd Isles First Addmon". as recorded i. I'la~ Btx~k x. I'agcs I and 2. Public Records of' Collicr County, t~alcd i, Sccmm '['o~nslnp J2 South. Range 27 I':asl and lo acccpl a lo' widc Drahlagc []ascmcnl as n rcplaccmcnl cascmcnh and WI IEREAS. lhc Board has this da~ held a publm hearing Io consider ~acatmg said Dramagc EascmcnI as morc FuJ/N dcscrH~cd bcJo~. ;111(} ilolJcc oJ'Sald ptlbJJc Jic;IrllJ~ IO NacaIc ~as Si~cll as rC(luJrcd by Jaw: mid WJII!R['...NS. lJic Br;mlmg oF IJlC Naca[ion ~lll nol ad~crscJ) aJ]gcl Iht (mncrshJp or riBhl oF COll~Ci11CllI N()W. 'IllERKI:()RI~. BE IT RI~S()I.VKD BY 'I'tlE I$OARD OF ('OLJNTY COMMISSIONERS ()F COIAJER COUNTY. I:I.ORIDA. IJml Ibc Ibllm~ mg bc and is hcrcby ~acalcd: Scc Exhibn "A" allachcd hcrclo taxi mcor~ralcd hcrcm. IHL I I t I.:RTIIIiR ILILSOI.VILD IW TIlE BOARD OF ('OLJNTY ('OMMISS1ONERS OF ('OI.I.IER COUNTY. FI.()RIDA. dml Iht lO' x~idc I)l'amagc Eascmcnl. morc particularly described m Exldbh atlachcd hcrclo and mcorporalcd hcrcm, is hcrcJb acccplcd as II~c rcp]accmctll cascmcm I~r Ihc [)ramagc BE FI' I"LrRTI IER RESOI.VED. IIml lllc CIcrk Io Ihc Board is hcrcby dircclcd lo rccord a ccdificd copy oF this Rcsolulkm m linc Oll~cml Rccords of CoIHcr ('O.,l>. Florida. and Io makc prol~r nolaJion ol' dds vacalmn on H~c rocor(lcd phn :is ~cl'c~c.ccd abmc TIds Rc~ohm,m adopicd aJ'lcr inoIion, stOOled Cllld ill;ijor H) Nolc I}Jvormg same. DATED: q--)-~ '~'" Afl'EST: DWIGI tTE. IW. OCK. Clerk ~lgn~tur~ Oniy. Apgro~cd ~s io J'~wm mid Ic~,,al sLill~cJcilc~: I lcidi F H(),.\RI~IISSIONI{RS [~y: · 2496916 OR' 2563 OR: 2563 ?G: 0537 DES(. RIPTION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED .,\ 12 FO()'[ DRAINAGE EASEMENT t. Y1NG o FEET ON EACH SIDE (')F THE PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN LOT 22 AND 23. BLOCK "C". GOODLAND ISLES. FIRST ADDITI()N. AS S}tOWN AND DEDICATED IN PLAT BOOK 8. PAGES I AND 2 OF TI-IE PL'BLIC RECORDS OF COI.LIER COUNTY. FLORIDA DENNIS M PORTELLA SR., PLS ,e,4504 DATE: MARCH 2, 1999 Not vMid unless signed and sealed with embossed ~eal OR: 2563 LE]T ~1 BLOCK ..i PALN WATERWAy ¢.T c7 iqLFJCF 'r" N ~7"53'43' W A7 57' r~ ,5 PALN AVENLJ[ 60' ~,/W D(SCRIPTII3N 13~ D~AINAGE EAS'EI,~NT TEl ~ VACATED A 12 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT LYING 6 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF TI-fiE PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN LOT 22 AND 23, BLOCK 'C', GDDIA. AND ISLES, FIRST ADDITIDN, AS SI-tDWI',I AND DEDICATED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES I AND 2 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER, COUNTY, FLORIDA. VAC 9~-007 L[JT 24 flLOCK 'C' ! / / / / D~nn s M. Portello, Sr. PLS Not volld unllIl milt"lid end with emboased ~eal, 1119135 I ~(,gLgV~ OR' PG: 0539 [)RAIN,,\{ ;F. v,\c 99-0,07 I Ills l!..\Sli.'vlENT, granted this o ,-,.,_~_~ day of ~. ~_...~-, ~_ 999 between Gene Culver and Conrad Culver as GRAN'I'OR. COLI,IER COUNTY [3OARD OF COMMISIONERS OF COL[,IER COUNTY, FLORIDA, its successors and ~ssigns. as GRANTEE. ".VI TN E SS F.T}{ That the {;R,,\NTOR, lbr and in consideration of the sum ofTEN ($10,00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration paid by the GRANTEE. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Hereby conveys, grants, bargains and -sells unto the GRANTEE. its .successors and assigns perpetual, non-exclusive easement, license, and privilege to enter upon and to install and maintain stormwater drainage facilities, on the following described lands being located in Collier County, Florida. (See attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated by reference herein) T() lb\VI< .\NE) TO l t()hl) thc same unto said (iR,.\NTEE and its assigns. tt~gcthcr with thc right to cater up~m .,~lid land. excavate. ;md take materials for the purpose ol'constructing, operating and nmintaining stormwater drainage lhcilities thereon, (;RAN'I'()R and (;R,.\NTL'I:, arc u,~d tbr singular or plural, as thc context requires. ~bo~ 2 of 3 VAC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GP~ANTOR has caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: inted Name W~n~ s-S Prihted Name STATE OF COUNTY OF C~nrad Lee Culver Whose Mailing Address is: 13010 Azealea Dr. Seneca SC 29678 ~he,%foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of ~,~- , 1999 by Gordon E Culver and C~n-~d-Lee Culver~. .They a..re p~rsonally ~ngwn to_~le, or produced as identification and did not take an oath. NOTARY PU]~LIC . Printed Na~e My Commission Ex,ires ~2~ o'1 VAC 99_--~? ~.or FSLOCK "C" /~' .......................... " ',750' , -~o~'s '~:( ~ ~' '~) . ~ ' . / ~ESCRIP~ OF 0~AIr~AG[ EASE~EHT TO BE DEDICATED, ~ / FOLLOWff,JG DE.SCRIBED CENTERUNE; COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNE~ OF LOT 25, ~LOCN "C", GOOOLANO ISLES, FIRST ADDITION. AS RECORDED IN/ PLAT BOOK 8. PAGES 1 AND 2 OF TH~ PUBLIC RE~OR~S OF COLLIER. COUNTYI FLOPIOA: ;NENCE RUN S 37'53'4? E ALONG THE )OU,H LINE OF SAID LOTI 25. E~LOCK "C', FO~ A DISTANCE ,'SF ~7 5' FEE F~O ~E PDNT OF BEGINNING ~ / HORTH 02'OG't?" EAST FC, R A D~SMNCE ()r V5.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 23, BLOCK "C", FOR T~E POINF OF ENOING. NOT A BOUND~Y ~R~Y OR' I)I.:.N('i(IPTI()N ()!~' I)I~t,,',,INA(;i': F:ASk:i~,'II':NT TO l~,t: VA(;,~,'I'I.:I) 2563 PG: 0542 17'g ,,\ 12 FOOT I)RAINAGE E/\SEMEN'U I,YIN(i 6 FE[':T ON E,ACtt SII)E ()l" l'l I1'.' I:'I~O}:'EI'L'I'Y LIN[! B[iTWEEN L.O'[' 22 AND 23, t3I.()(~K "(~", (-iOODLAND ISI.ILS. FII~ST ,,",I)I)I'I'I()N, AS StlOWN AND I)F.I)I('ATI:.I) IN PI.AT I~O()K 8. I~',,",,(i[ZS I AND 2 OF TI I[': I)UBL[C I~.ECOI~.DS OF COL. LII£t~ COUNTY, FLOI"',.ID.,\, Lz .....'~ '--; -- . LEli RI HLI]CK 'C' ) NFJ 5/8' PALM 61,57' (M) 67,.'i' WATERWAY NAIl A 18 ii]ItT t)RhlNAGE EASEMENT LYING 6 FEET BN EACtt %IDE [)F THE ~R[)PERIY LINL BEl~[.[N LUT 22 AND 23, ~L[)CK 'C', GU()Bt. AND ISt.E'.~, FIRST ADI)IIIUN, AS SH[1WN AND DCDIChT[D IN PL. AI H~[1K 8, PAGES 43 Exhibit "A" Sh,.'el 2 of 2 VAC 99-007 N I~L[]CK 'C' 6 7,,%' / HOT A BOUNDARY Not valid unless signed and mealed wHh embossed seal. _ r ~, t.~!')/:).__J_~ .3~6%~)v0- ~t~?s~a ~t-~ _ I)RA1 N,,\(;I.i I:.ASt.~M l.~rqT 2563 PG' E~:hil"l "l V' ~h¢cl I of 3 ",',,kC' 99-007 0544 Tills IiASIiMI!N'I'. grained this ~ ,'-,_9q day of_&/_.,Z~:,t_._ .... . 1999 hct,.vecn (;cnc ('eh'er and Conrad (.'ulver B(),,\I~,I) ()t" C()MMISI()NI£1~,S ()1.' ('()I,I.I[{R ( ( [JN I x~. t:L()IUDA, its successors and assigns, as GRANTI:,I'L x,k I I N l'.S.$1'. I II That thc (.;R/\NTOR. lbr and in o.:,nsideration of thc sum ofTEN ($10.00) I)()I.I,,\RS and other good and valuable consideration paid by lhc GR,¢NTt~I:~, reccipl of x~,hich is hcrcbv i~cknowlcdgccl, l lcrcby conveys, grants, bargains and lolls unto thc (iRAN'I'I!I'L its successors alld assigns perpetual, rmn-exch~sivc casement, license. :.md privilege to enter unto and to install and maintain storn'm,'aler drainage [hcilitics. cm thc Iblk~wing described lands being located in Collier County. Florida. (Sec attached I':xhibit "A" which is incorporated hy relbrcnce herein) TO I IAVi{ /\NI) TO t tOl.l) thc same unto said GRANTEE and its assigns. together xvith thc right to enter unto said land. excavate, and take materials Ibr thc purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining storm~vatcr drainage thcilitics thereon. ()RANI'()I{ and (il{ANTl{l': arc used lbr singular or plural, as thc context requires. OR: 2563 PG: 0545 VA£' 99-OO7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: STATE OF /'~ / ' COUNTY OF ~(~ C~nrad Lee Culver ' Whose Mailing Address is: 13010 Azealea Dr.. Seneca SC 29678 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~'~ day of ~ , 1999 by Gordon E Culver and Conrad Lee Culver~ ?__he~_p~_~ona~!y ~D_q~_~._.~o..me or produced as identification and did no~ take an oath. NOTARY PU,~LI C Printed N_ a%ne MY Cm~tr:lss;on E:<~res 3.24-2008 -i [- l i:" ¢) F. xhibi! "1Y' Shcct 3 of 3 V..\C 99-007 t/OR/It O?'OG'I7" F'A:;T f','ff,~ z, [)K;FAIJ(.F OF' (~%QO FEI r TO fltl: t. IORTt~ ~ ',z' / / NOT A IIOUNDARY SURVEY