Resolution 1999-282 I 88 4 within the boundaries of the Unit. street sign replacements within the mcdi;m ;lrCilS. landscaping imrrOVClllcnts within the houndaries of the Dislrict, hmdscaping illlprO\'cmCnls to lhe U.S. 41 entrances within the boundaries of the Unit. the mainlcmmcc of the water lllanngcl1lcnt system. and hCilutification of recreation facilities .\lId median areas, during Fiscal Year 1991).2000 between the COUllty .lOJ each property owner of land within the Pelican Bay Municipal Sl.'rvicc Taxing and Bcnclit Unit will he held on Thllnday. Septemher 9.1999 at (dID P.M. at The Foundation Center, 8962 Hammock Oak Drive, Naples. Florida. O1t which lime the Bnanl of COUnlY Commissioners will hear ohjcclions of the owners of the properties within the Pelican nay Municipal Service Ta.x;ng and Bellclit Unit or other persons interested therein. to the adoption of the preliminary assessment roll (non-au valorem assessment roll). Thl: Clerk shall keep a record in which shall be inscribed, lIt the request of allY person. firm or corporation ha\'in!; or claiming to have any interest in :m)' 101 or parcel of land within the Unit, the name and post office nddress of such person. fiml or corporation. togelher with the bricf llescription or design;;Jlion of such lot or parcel. The Clerk shall entlse the notice of sueh public hearing to be publishcd one lime in the N.lples Daily News, a newspaper published in Collier County and c;rcul;'l1ing in the Unit. not less than (wenty (20) days prior to said dlltc of the hearing. Notice of such public henring to consider the adoption of (he preliminary assessment roll (non-"d \'alorelll assessment roll) shall nlso be mailed first class mail to nllthe property owners 011 the prdiminary ilssessment roll (non-au valorem lIssessment roll) lit lhe address provided for on said roll. SF.CTrON rOlJR. Notice of such hellring shall be in suhstllntiillly the following fonn: NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the BO;lrd of COllnty Commissioners of Collier County. Flor;d~, willmcet on Thursdny, Scptcmhcr 9,1999 ;It 6:00 P.M.. The Foundation Center, Sl)(l2 Hammock Oak Drive. Naples. folorida, for the purpose of hearing objections. if allY. 0f a\1 interested persolls to the adoption orthe preliminary assessment roll (non-ad vnlorcm assessment roll) illlocating the assessable costs including Capital Reserve founds. for the mainlenance of conservation or preserve areas, U.S. 41 herms within the hOlmdaries of Ihe Unit. street sign replacements within the l11etlian areas, lanuseaping improvements within the boumlarics of the Unit. landscaping improvements to the U.S. 41 entrances within the boundaries of the Unit, the maintenance of the water management system, and beautification of recreation facilities and 8 B 4 1l1t:di:lll art,:iIS within \h<.: Pclic.m Hay ~l\lnir.:ip:d Service T:lxing ;l1ld iknclit Unit which l.:oll1priscs and lIlcllIth:s those Iilmls described as flllh)\\T ^ Iract of hmd hcing in portions of Sections J2 and 33. TOWllShip 48 South, R:l11gc 25 East; together with portions of Sections ~. 5. S allll I). Township 49 Soulh. Range 25 East. Collier County. florida. hcing one and the S:J.Il1C as the lantls encompassed within the Pelican Bay Mllnicipnl Service Taxing ami 13<.:nclil Cnil. thl.;' pcrimclcr houndary of S:llllC more paniculnrly descrihed as follows: Commencing :11 the Southeast comer of said Section 33; thence South 8') lkgn:cs 51) min\ltes 51) seconds \\'es\ along the South line of Section 33 a distance ll[ 150.02. fecI III a pnint nn the West righl'llC-way line of U.S. 41 (Stilte RO:1u 45). said poinl also hL'ing. the Point of Beginning; thcncc Southerly ;dong thc West right.of-way line of said U. S. 41 (Slate Roml451lhe following CO\1rses: South 00 degrees 58 minlltes 3(1 sec(1t1ds East ,I distancc or 2.49 feet; thence Soulh 00 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds East :1 dist:111Ce of 121R.21) feCI; thence South 01 degrees 00 minutes 2l) seconds East ~ distance of J2IS.5() feet; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes O.l seconds E;lst a uistancc of 2(J2(1.21 reet; thence South 01 ucgrees 00 minutes 18 seconds East;] distance of 2555.75 feel to a point on the North right-of-way line or Pine Roa1l3s rccordeu in D.B. SO. Page 4()O. :mlOllg Ihe Puhlic ReL'ords of saiu Collic:r County; thence dcrarting Solid U.S. 41 (State RO:ld 45) South 81) degrees 09 minutcs 45 seconds West along said Nonh right.of.way line :l dist:\llce or }()62.61 feel; thence South 00 degrcL's 51 minutes -l-l seconds East a distal1cL' of 70.0() feet 10 a point on the Nortl1line of Se~g<lte Unit I as reconJcLl in Plat Bonk .1. Page 85 among saiJ Public ReeorLls: thence South 8lJ degrees DC) minutes 45 seconds West along said North lin~ of Scagate Unit J anti the South line of said Section 9 a distance of 24C)6.67 feet to the Sout!nves\ comer of saiJ Seclionl); thence continue South Sf) dcgrees Of) minutes 45 secomls West a distance of 225 feet more or Icss to a point 011 the mean high water line cSI:'lhlished M:lY 15, 1%8; thence a Northwesterly direction along s;lid mcan high water line a dist:111Ce 15716 feet marc or less; thencc departing said menn high water line South 80 degrces 29 minutes 30 seconds East and along the Southerly line of V:ll1uerhilt Beach Roau (Slate Ronu 8(2) as recorded in D.B. 15. Page 121 alllong sait! Public Records a distance of 7385 fect morc or kss to :1 roint on s;lid West right-of,w;IY line ofU. S. 41 (SI:lle Road 45); tllellce South 00 degrees 5:\ lllillules .'(1 seconds East along said Wesl righI-of-way line <l distance or 2574.J() f(;e( (0 tile Pllinl or 13cginning. " copy of the preliminary Jssesslllent roll (nOll-ad \'JlorL'1ll assessmcnt roll) for each lot or parcel of land 10 he as~essed is all file at the Clerk 10 Ihe Board's articc. COllllty Gll\'enllllL'nt Center, Administration Building, Fourth F1C1or, 3301 East Tnmiami Trail. Naples, Florida ,llld in the arlices of the Pelican I3ny Ser\'ices Division, 801 L~lllrcJ Oak Drive, Suite (]05, ;-.Japlt:s, Florida. and is or!.:n III the insrl.'cti(ln or th!.: PllOlic. :\11 affected property owners ha....e:l right to ;Ipre:tr :JIHI he he:ml :ltlhe puhlic he:lring and 10 file written objections to the al!ortion 01';\ resolution up proving the preliminary nSSCSSll1ent roll (lHllHld valorem aSSl.:Slinlent roll) wilh the Boan..l Within 20 days ot'this notice hased upon lhe grounds ih~t it contains items which can llllt he properly assessed against propeny, that thl.: computation of Ihe speci:11 assessment is incorrect. or there is iI ddault or defect in Ihe p:lssag.e or chilraeter ofll1e resolutioll, or the preliminary a:-;~CSSl1lellt (IlOll-;ld \.;.lon:1ll :lSS!.:~SI1ll.:nt) is n,id III \'oidable in whole or part. (Ir that it exceeds the powcr nr (he Board. At th(.' completion lJr the ~ 88 4 hearing. the Goard !ihall either nnmll or sllstain or modify in whole or in part the preliminary ;'\ssc~srlH:lll (non-ad v:lIon:m asscssl11cnl) ;IS indic:llcd on sllch roll. eiLher hy confimling the rrclilllinary assessment (non-ad valorem ilS!;CSSlllcnl) <lg;lil1st :lIlY or lIlIlols or parcels described t]H:rcin or hy canceling. incn:nsing. or n:uucing the same, according to the special benelits which the Board decides each sllch 101 Of prlTt'C! h:1s received or will receive on accollnt or slIch improvements. The assessment so moule shall be final and conclusi\'e ns to each lot or parcd assessed unless proper sIers arc taken within twenty (20) d:I)'S wilh a court of compclcnt jurisJiction 10 secure relief. The Bllard will Ie\')' a srcci:1l assessment (non-ad valorem a~sesslllcnt) for opcrati\)l1s and llwintenance oflhe W<ltcr nlan<lgel11cnt system <lnd the beautification ofthc rccrcation;d areas illHlmcdian are.lS, ami maintenance of conserv41tion :lnd prescrve "reas utilizing an Equivillent Residcll!i;:J1 Unit based mcthoJology. The lotal asscssment for maintenance of lhe water m;1J1agCIl1CrH systcm. he:nllillcatiol1 ofrecrciltionaJ facilities, :Jilt! Il1Cdlilll areas. and maintcllill1ce of cOllser,';l\ion or prescr\"C areas IS which cqtlales to S 2204.0.1 per EqUivalent ResiJel1ti~1I Unit baseu all 77.1~.82 Jssessilblc ulIits. The DoanJ will levy .1 SPCciOlI ilSSeSSl11cnt (non.ad \':l1orem assessment) for the estahlishment of C:Jpital Reserve Fumls for the maintenance ami rcstor:J,ion of the cOllser\':tLion or preser\'e areas, U.S. 41 hem\ impro\'ements within the Unit. stret:t sign repl.1CCl11ellt within the median ;Irea~. l:mdscaping improvcrnent~ ilnd U.S. 4] entr;mce impro\'cments within lhc t;nil. lllilizil1!; an Eqllivalcl1l [{csidclllial Unit huscd mcthndology. The [olal :lSSCSSlllCllt ror these CarlW! Resen'e Funds for the l1luintenance :1I1t1 n.:storation and landscaping impro\'ements is S~J-I.700.00 which eqtWles to $56.2U per Equivalent Residential Unit hased 011 773-1.82 assessable units. The special ,1ssessment (non.~d \'alarem assessment) will hc collech:d hy thc Collier Cn\lnty Tax Collcctor Oil the owner's ad \'alon:rn 1:1.'< hill pursuant to Scetioll 1117.~(J.'2, Flnrilla Statutes. Failure 10 pay thc special assessment (non-ad valon.'m assessment) ;l1ld your jlrnpel1y taxes will c.l\lse a t;lX ccrtilicate to be sold against the rropcrty which mOlY result in a loss (I1'tilk to the property. Any person who decides to appeal a decision of the Doard will need a record or the proceedings pertaining thereto and therefore Illay lIeed to ensure th:1' a \'erhllirn rl'conl of the ,