Resolution 1999-27917F RI!5OI.I FI'ION NO. 99-_2.79.- RIiI,ATIN('i 'FO PETITION NUMBER V-99-5. FOP, A \"A R IANC[:. ON PROPERTY [tEP, EINAF'['FJ>, DESCRIBED IN CO[,LIER ('O[ !N'I'Y, F1,ORII):\. \\,'III!RI!AS. Iht I,egisl~m~rc ,:,l'lhc St;lie of Florid;~ in Chaplet 125, Florida SlatUlcS. has ctmfcrrcd on all cotmlics in I:lor~d;~ [}lc power Io establish, coordinate and cnf~wcc zoning and such business regulations as arc necessary Ibr thc protection of thc public: and W[II[REAS, thc County pursuant thereto has adopted a [,and Development Code (Ordinance N(). 91-IO2)which establishes regulations For thc zoning of pa~licular geographic dixisions ol'thc ('otHily. ilmollg which is thc granting of variances: and WI II~RIL,XS, Ibc Bt)ard of Znning :Xppcals. being thc drily clcclcd COllSliltllcd Board of Iht arc:l hcrchy affected, has held a puhlic hearing after m~liCc as in said rcgulalions nmdc and provided, and has considered Ibc advisahilily of' a 5(blbot variance From thc required 75 fool I?olll setback Io 25 i)el as shown fm thc attached plot plan. Exhibil "A", in a PUD Zone liar fl~c property hereinafter described, and has Ibund as a mailer off hcl that satisfi~cmry provision and ;t~T;H~gCIHClll h/IrC bCC~ m;Idc concerning all applicable m;~tlcrs required by said rcgulalions ami in accordance xxiti~ Section 2.7.5 of thc Zoning Rcguhltions of said l,~md Development ('ode fi,r thc tmincorporatcd area of('ollicr ('ounly: and WIIEREAS. all interested parties have been given opportunity lo be heard by lifts Bmml in public meeting assembled, ami thc Ilo;mi having considered all mailers prcscnlcd; Nr)W TIIERI~FORI~ BE IT RI~SOLVI~D BY TIlE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier ('orally. Flor/da. lha[: Thc Petit/on V-9%5 filed by Gary Kraft, representing Quail (/reck Village Foundation, Inc, w/Ih respect to Yhc prnpcrty hcrcinal~cr described [,~xhibit bc and thc same hereby is aplwovcd fiw a 50-}kmt variancc tkom the required 75 feel to 25 l~et as shown on tlm attached plot plan. I~xhibil "A". of thc P(JD Zoning Dislrict wherein said properly is located, subjccI to thc Ibllowmg condhions: 1) This variance is fbr Ibc cncro~chmcnl depicted in Exhibit ()thor cncroachmcl~ts shall require separate variances. 21 In addition to required landscaping, five trees (or pahn cquiva~cnls) shall hc h)catcd within twenty lkct ol'lhc pavilion. These trees shall be a minimum o1'14 Ccd in hcighl, 7-~bot spread, 3-inch caliper and Florida FaHcy grade. BE IT RILq()I.V'F.I) thai fids Resolution relating Io Pcdfion Number V-99.5 hc This 14csolulion adopted after nmliOn, second and nlajorily vole. :VI'TI{ST: I)\VI(}IIT E. BR()('K, /~l~JJ;/~dhs~l~l~t~rm and l.cgal Suflicicncy: Assistant ('oun y ,&ltm'r~cv -2- Exhibit "A" :hunt.: ~ou~h ]O'-DO'-O0' ~nst ~,~ ~eet tO ~ Doln~ on Cu~'/¢ concave to the southeast, h~'z In9 a ~ad~ui o~ 910.00 ~eet~ ~nrouqh ~ cqntca~ =ngle o~ ~'-]b'-%5' and be~n9 sub~ended by a cho~) ~hencc HO~Lh 45'-00'-L9' ;test '00.49 te.~,. :;ot]h 90'-f,O'-C,g' ~:cst :").71 (eeL; . ~:'~ 2~ ~eeL ~long hay ::,,~ ~ c~dius o~ ~05.80 ~ee~, ~hrough a c~n~:~l ~ngle 56'-2'0'-00' ;~est lb~ .t2 ice'.; ,:u~vc concave to Che ~cSt, having ~ radius O{ 4]~.~'~ i~et, ~hrough ~ cv~,~cal angle O~ 33'-00'-00' and he~ng S~b~eltO~ b'~ ~ Cho~ which thence Ilocth 14'-O0'-Ob' ~t ~O.~Q (ecL; thtnce south~astcrJy ~nd ~outhue~t¢~y 7~.90 a L~ngenClnl cLtculaC curve concave to the SouthwesC~ having F',' EXhibit "$" I~ .~eln9 subtended by a chord ~nlth beat's South 31'-30'-00 L'ast 61.17 ~emce southerly ~4. ~0 fe~C ~lon~ ~he ~fC ~ ~ tanqent ~1 c~rcular~ a ctnt r:l anq!e of ¢0'-~0~-00' amd bc~r,g !uDten~e~ hy a ChOrd ~ears South 6'-00'-00' 'Cast 117.76 fee:; thence South 14'-O0'-00' West 79.00 feetl curve concave fo (he east, having a rJ~lu% cf 34~.70 feet, through a contra! an~le of 35'-00'-00' and beln~ ~uD%enoe~ by a Chord which Dears 5ouLh 3'-]0'-00' EaSt 20~.91 feet: ', :hence southerly 118.85 feet along the ~rC of s %enqentlal circular r-~ La/ a centsal anq!e of 47'-00'-00' a:,d De;r,9 ~ubtet~ded ~'/ = chorJ ~hich "" ~3 9ears ~Outh 2' ]O' 50' West ''~ :r ~ curve Cancave tO the east, having a r~dlus Of 168.99 feet, through ,~ cent:al angle ol l~'-'~O'-O0' and ~¢lnq subtended by I c~ord ~e~rs ~outm 3'-30'-C0' we~c ~9.)~ ther. cc sOuther~y 19,$.12 f~et a!on9 the ~:C cf a t:n?ent~al r:rcular curve c:nc~ve to thc ~est, ha'~tng a radius o[ ~89.05 feet, through a cer.~s~l angle Of ~'-00'-00' and being subtended ~y a chor~ ~hic~ ~ears South 5'-00'-00' East ~8~ :4 ~eet: x-~ thence southeasterlT, ea~terl'/ and nort:leastecly 523.G0 fe~t along the arc of a tangential circular curve conc:'.'e to the north, a radius of 150.00 feet, througm a central angle Of 200'-03'-00' c~ r-~ and being subtended ~y ~ chord ~h~ch bear~ t;orth 89 -(lO'-Od' East ~ C~ :hence HURL:, 1 l'-OO'-5~' Ii,si :~'.59 :urve concave t~ the e~s:, hav:~,q : red:us of 277.3d ~[eet, through '. a central ,nqle ol 29'-00'-00' ,~nd being subtended by a chord ~hich ~hence ncc~herly 239,72 feet along the ~rc of a tangential circular a central angle of 55'-00'-00' and belnq ;ubtended by a chord which bears tlorth 0'-30'-00' Eamt 230.62 feet; ~hence northerly 104,20 feet alan9 -the arc of a tangent!al c{rcula~ a central angle Of 52'-00'-00' and being subtended by a chord which Lhencc :/or:h 25'-00'-00" iaSC ~b.00 feet: circular curve concave to the northwest, havtn9 a radius of 225.54 feet, through a central angle o: 25'-00'-00' and be lng subtended by ~ chord ~hlch De,ri Horth I~'-~O'-00' E~st 97.63 feet; thence r~rthea~Cerly 93.27 fee: along the arc of a tangential circular curve concave to the no,,tt, eaSt, hnvtn9 a rndlus of 305.36 ~eeL, thrOUgh a central angle $f 17'-)0'-00' and be~nq suOteoded by a choTd ~htch be6cm Horth 8'-45'-00' East 92.91 ~eet~ thence I;orth 17' 30'-00 tamt ~ .er thence noctherly 197.07 feel al,~ng the arc of a tanoentlal circular curve concave tO the west, having a cadlus o[ 4~0.4& geet, thcou~h a centca[ anqle o[ 2~'-00'-00' and b~ln~ tubtended by a chord-~hJch beors Ho~th 5'-]0'-00' East I~.C) centrel angle or ~'-30'~00' ~nd beln~ subtenOe~ by a chord ~htch '' thence :;o~tr, 5~'-00'-00' [~st ~5.0~ feet: a chord -h~ch b¢~r5 )larCh ~9'-'30'-,,,~' 5~S% 19).19 !ret; c~rcuJar curve COnCaVe %0 the ~ourn~es%, hav~ng ~ r:d:u$ o~/ 66.~4 :~¢¢, ~hrouqn s cen~ca~ angle c( ~'-gO'-OO' ~nd be;ng subtended thence HOrth 60'-00'-00' '4est %%4.'.'6 :eet; thence llo~th ]O'-O0'-OO' East ~64.~} {~et; cuc'~e concave %o th~ ~es%, ,eying a radius o[ 5~O.gO ~ret, through a central an9~ O~ %0'-00'-00' and being subtended 5ou:h 5'-55'-5~" ~est %~4.:;0 feet: Cur'~ concave %0 the -cSt, having ~ ~aC~s o~ 570.00 through a cen~r~J angle ~f %O'-O0'-OO' and b~nq: South ~'-04'-02' East 340.00 f~et; B) Southerly 15~.~9 fe~t &long th~ arc o~.a tangentta~ c~rcu~a~ Curve concave %o thc ~em%, having a ~ad~us o~' ~')O,O0 through a cen~r~ anql~ of 11'-40'-00' and being mubtended (Si South 1G'-35'-58' West %3].00 I~O) Southerly 3~B.01 fcCt ~ong thc 6t¢ Of ~ tangentJ, i~ ¢ircula~ curve concave to the east, having radius o[ B]O.O0 Jeer, through a centcnI angle o~ 23'-20'-00" en~ being subtended by ~ chord uh{ch beets 5ouCh 1'-01'-02" Cast 335.6a feet; (111 SouLh 12'-44'-02' Cast 1 ~2.00 curve concave ~0 the uest, havLn9 a radius o: '}70.00 feet, through 6 c~ntral anglo of ~'-40'-00' and be{nq subtended by a chord ~h[ch bear* South ~'-5~'-02" E~t %5G.52 Ieee; Continue on page 4 00; ' South I -04'-02' ~ast $50.D0 f,et: ?sEcular curve to :he noc:h~e:t, hay!ag ~ r~dtus o: 5(5.00 ~ee:o through a centre! angst O: S0'-1~'-20° and ~e:~g su~tendeO b)' a chorO ~nlCh :ears South 2~'-02-)]' west S~uth ~9'-09'-18' west 147.92 ~eet; Southwester ]? Z62.~? ~ett a].~n~ :' t ~rc o~ a kz~e~t :al 9)0.00 :eet, :hcdugh central s~qle b. 16'-~0'-5a" and ~esng subtended by ~ chord ~hich he,rs SOuth $1'-03'-49' west 261 .~0 ~eet to a ~oin: on ~a~d curve ~nJ t~e ?o[~t C~ ~cgtnninq of ~he ~scce~ herein dcscc;~ed. part o~ $¢c:~on 20, To~nsh:p 48 ~OuCh, ~anoe 26 £~$t, Co~IIor F~or:da; ~o e~sements ~nd ~est~c:ions o~ record; ~:~:n:n~ ~4.:~ acres more or ]ess. ..,, :.0. 71999 {GGG:m$1 ~c~: SL-?IX