Resolution 1996-266 ~-"""_.~.",-~,,,~'"',-'''-''-''''''~~''''~'''''''''''-''' ,-""--,",,-,,,,,,,,""-"~'--"--~" ._-,~,-_._~--,,,-;-.-,"-,,~-,,,,.., ",-~._".,"~'''.''~ ~ 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS JUN - 4 1996 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 33962 (813) 774-8192 .' PROJECT NO. PROJECT PARCt\. NO. TAX PARCt\. NO. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) L~GAL DESCRIPTION The Easterly 60 feet of the following d i parcel: escr bed Commence at the Horth",est Corner ot Pine Ridge Second Extenalon, as recorded. in Plat Sook 10, Page 86, of the Public Records of collier County, Florid.a .aid point of commencement being on the West Line of section 3~. Township ~8 sou~~, Rang_ 25 East: thence run alon9 .aid West Line of section 34 NOD. 59' 24.W 30.53 feet to the W.st Quarter Corner at Section 3~, thence continue along said West Line" 01- ao' ~O" W 7.47 teet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described: thence continue H 01'OO'40"W 292.00 teet: thence leaving saId West Line HI8.59'18"E 10.00 t.et: thence along a line lying 10.00 t.et east, as 1Il8u:ur.d perpendicular to, eaid Host Lin. ct Sect,ion 34 SOl'aO'40"E 299.49 het: thence SOO'~9'24.E 5.5~ t..t, thence H81-46'OJ-W 81.05 t..t to the POINT or BEGINNING. Containing 23,881 squa~. '.et or O.5~1 Acres more or less. 13asi5 ot: Sea rings is the West Llne of the Northwest- Quarter ot: Section 34 being H01.00'40"W. Prepared ay (,-777 C/ Ilj"/~,, ~o~qe R. Richmond, P.L.S. 2406 collier county O.c.P.H. 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Flcrida 33962 GR/pag{S979 . . D""'-"" 2fbHlrt. H. HILHt.lONU CATE: PROF'ESS10Noll LAND SUF\VEYOR '2406 orneE or CAPlTAl. PROJECTS COlUEA COUNtY COVERNMENT COMPLEX JJOl E TMlI.AUl m.... NN'L( n.ORID^, JJ9G2 nLJIG..: SHEET OF SOLE: ORAWN BY: CHECKED BY' FILE NO: R(V1SEO: &OO~ _......__n__~__ __~_ _"~_ ...-~ ~^i!IBIT "A" PAG,~ 2 of 2 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS JUN - 41995 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 33962 (813) 774-8192 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION I I N.88"59'18"E, 80.00' . EA~"'LJt:.L.'( G;o' ~ ~ ;... ~ '" '" N VI 2. o .N ;0'" '0 ~ b p (5 :i o '" << > w -' is .lD -' :;: !: jE '" o Z .J :;: !: :; << :; << >-- 23.881 50. f'T. 0.548 ACRE5 '" V>t5T 1/4 COR, N.00'59'24.W. 30.53' N.8I'45'03'W. 81.05' 5.00'59'24't. 5.54' 5.00'59'24'E. 25.01" 80.01' 5.89'OO'35'W. HICJ<ORY ROAO (50' R/W) . GtNERAL NOTES J) P.o.C. Indica. tt'S Point or Conne-nCl!'nt'nt 2) P.o.B. Indlcatll's POint of hglnnrng 3) Sec. indiCa. hs Se-c-tlon ..) Twp. Indlco.t.S Townshrp 5) Rge. lnd1cates Range 6) R/\I "'dlco:bs'Right-of-...ay 7> AU distance'S are In fell't and de-Clno.ts thflre-of S) BOosls of bll'Oor1ng IS th. \Jut Un. of th, Northw.st Quarhr of Section 34 b~lng ttOt.OO'.OIV. c;!) Not valid unless slgne-d and Sfated with th. .;'bosnd seo.t of the proFrssionol IOond surveyor THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH on-._n: "-'''''' VB-Ct 96 SHEET 2 OF 2 -.....-.'~-~,~,-"-_...""'~-----,,,._,,,-.,.~,...,'-_.-,.._-'-'--~