Resolution 1999-264 RESOI,UTION NO. 99-264 ..\ RESOI.UTION APPOINTING V1CK[ A. CI.AVEI.O TO TIlE (;{)I.DI:.N (;A'F[,; COMMUNI'FY CENTER ADVISORY C()M,MITTEI,L Wl tKRI~AS, there is currently a vacancy on this Committee: WI II~I(EAS. thc Board oF ('ounly Commissioners previously provided public nolicc N()'~. TtI[~RiWORE. lie IT RESOLVED BY I'IIE I~OARD ()F COL;NI'Y COMMIgSION[~RS OI: ('()I.I.If~R ('OL[N'TY. FI.ORIDA, Umt Vicki A. ('lcvclo is hereby appointed t(~ IbC (kddcn Gate Community ('cmcr Advisory ComnliUcc fl~c vat,mt ICftu. said Jcrm to expire on Dcccmhcr 3l. 1909. 'lh~ l~csoluliOn mhq~lcd after motion, second m~d majorily vole. D/,,'l'[i[~ .lunc ,q, 19~)') ,,\TTt!.ST: DWIGttl E. BROCK.('Icrk Attest a~ to Ch~ir~'$ signature Appro',,cd as h) form ami legal su f!]cicncy: ,! /, .4 -, X ' ,, David ('. Wci~cl ~ I)('\t',kn