Resolution 1999-22716J2 P,t!S()I.t;TIOX NO. 9U-227 ,.\ RESOI.UTION OF '1'I tt! t~().,\RI) ()F ('OUNTY ('()XIXtlSSI()Nf I,.'.5; )1 COI.LIER COUXTY. FI.OP, II)..\ AI'I'ROVIN(i TI ti! ISSt.'..XN('I: ()1. EDUCATIONAL F,.\('II.ITII~S RI~VI_:.NUF. BONDS IX AN ;\.x,l()l 'NT N()'I '1'() EXCEED S$,000J~HU HY TI IE ('()[.I.IER ('()I ;XTY EI)I '('.,VI'I()N,.\I. FACII.H'IES :\UTI tORITY \VItERtL-\S. on ..\pril 2IL 19UU 'a puhlic hcarilm was held hv thc ('oilier (',mm\ Educational Facilities Aulhoritv {thc "Authority") xx'ilS~ rcuard_ Io t[~c issu',mcc of thc ..Qutholitx's Educational Facilities Revenue BoHds. Series 1999 llntcrnational ('ollcgc. IHt lh'ojccl)iH :m aggregate principal anlotllll not I ~ exceed 55.1H )~ j H HI { Hie "Berets" 1: aml \VHERE.-\S. on April 211. lUUg. the .,\ulhoritv adopted ils RcsolulioH UU-I.II {lllc "At, lhoritv Resolution"). a copy oFx~ hich is altachotl hereto alld lllilt!C il pilF[ hul'uol~ said .. Resolution shov,'ing cm its Gcc that it was ;jdol~lcd al'~cF :1 l',ublic heal'iH:._.' tll'~ull ;lolicc gix ti: :Is scl lbrth lhercin ;.md ;.~s scl Jbrlh ill Exhibit l?, to thc ..\tttllorilv RcsoJulioH: :ukt \VItERF. AS. thc proceeds el'thc Bomls ~x ill bc tlscd by thc ..\utl~orltv Io make a International College. Inc. lthc "('oltcgc") to finaHcc thc acqu'isition, ami Ct~HSlrttclioH of educational Fac/I/tics tbr thc Collc?'s prix'ate fi~cilitios localcd xxithin thc Northhruok I'I within Collier C'ountv. Florida ami lo puy lbo cosls of isstmallcc of l}lc llontJs (i~ll t~l' thc financed with proceeds el'thc Bonds will hc ox\ ned alld el,el'areal by thc ('ollcgcl: aim \VHF. RF..-\S. thc Bonds ~ ill riel hc :in {~bligaliol,. oFlhc ('ou,,~tv. ',llltl ~.~. ill hc ixL,,ahlc I'F, UH Funds of the College: ;.lilt] \VHERE.-\S. purstKult to Ibc rctlttircmciHs of lbo lI~tcrnal I~.cx cnuc code o1' lUSh. as amended (the"Codc"}. as a prerequisite to thc issuance of lbo Honds it is necessary lhal Iht Board orCotllllv ColllHlissiOllCl's ~l'('t~llicr (',~tmty al~pr{~vc thc issuaHcc lhcFcol'a]'lcr said public hearing: and WI tERE..\S, the Fhxu'd of ('curtly ('ommissioncrs desires iSStl;.lncc et'thc Bollds solely lo satisI'v thc FCtJttircmcnls Of thc NO\V. TIIF. Rt!FORt!, 17,1! I'I' Ixl:s(' ' )l.\'l(l)t~5' Till! P,r)AI?,I)()t: ('('H 'N'I'Y COMMISSIONERS ()1: ('()t.I.II(R ('()t 'NT'F II I..\T: Section l. Thc Board ol'('ouFHv ~.'omlnissioncrs hereby approxcs Iht sstt:mcc o l'll'tc Bonds solely for purposes o1' Sccthm 14 7(I') oF thc ( Section 2. Thc Bonds shall Hot ctmstilutc it ttcbl, liahiiilv or obli,.,atiol~ ol'('olticr ('c~uHlv. ils Board of County (.'onmlissiollcrs. t~l)l¢c'i's, agents OF cHlplOvccs. OF thc Sl;Itc o1' Florida political subdivision thereof, but shall be pa.v:tble solely from the rex cnucs prox'idcd Ihcrctbrc. and neither the lhith illld credit nor any taxing ImXX cr ol'('ollicr ('OtlllIV. of tile 51zllc o l' l.h~ridu or any political subdivision thereof is plcttgcd Io thc paymcnl of thc princilxd o1'. prcn~ium, il' any. ;tlld interest on the [~ollds. No mcnlbcr of thc t~oiu'd of ('otmty ('tmlmissioncrs ,,[( 'oilier ('otn~lx or any officer, agent, or cmplo> cc thereof' shall be liable pcrsomflly tm thc llonds bx reason om' its issuallce. Section 3. l'his approxill shall in no \,.ay be deemed to ahrogmc any ~cgulatitms of Collier County, and thc Prqiect contemplated by this Resolulion shall be suhjcct ~o all such remflations, including, but not Itmited lo. lhe ('oilier ('ountv (irox~lh Nlan'agcmcnt l'lzm, all ct~lCtlWellCy requirements contained therein, thc ('oilier ('ounlv land [)c', ch*tmlcnl (Mdc, and all applicable impact IZ'c regulations. to be invalid or incflUclivc lbr any reason, thc rclnaindcr ol'lhis Rcsolutit,n sh:t}l c,mlinuc ti~ I'ull lbrce and eflbct, it bcillg exprcssl> hereby lbund ;md declared lJlat thc rcnxtintlcr oJ' this Rcsolulion would have been aduptcd despite thc in\ aliditv or incliZ'ctix chess ~ such sccl]t,]~. paragraph, clause or provision. Section 5. This Rcsoltni,m shall take cl'l~'ct inm~cdialcly up~m its atlopll,m. PASSI!I) and Adopted this I th ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk Dcputy Clerk Attest sl~q~ture onl]. ('()l.l.lliR C()I.'N'I'Y. FI.()I~,ll)..\ I~,'~' 1'1% II()..\RI) ()I: ('()t 'N'I'V ('()XI.MI,SSI¢)NI!I~5 . K,;hei:, ,,:,,/ [SL:AI.] Approved as Io lbnn and legal sul'lic;cncx: David C. \\'ci,.z'cl. Cotlll~/.'\tlorllc.V 16J2 RI-2N()I.['TI()N N(). 90-01 :iN lN1)t'C'liNlli.',,l RI!S(3I.t'TI¢3N ()1: t'1t1.i ('()1 1.11..I,~ ('()t;NTY I!I)t('..NTI()N..\I. F.\('II.ITII'.N P,F. GAI),DIN{; 'I-It['2 ()FFI('IAI. .,\("I'I()X (}1: l'llI-. AUTtI()I{ITY \VII'II P,I!,SPI'f'*I' l'{) 'l'ltli ISSI.*.,XN('I'2 B'~' 'I'l II! .,X[' I I I()I{1TY {)l: ITS I~l)I FACII.I'I It~ I~I~VI'.N[ 'I~ t~(}NDS AGGI~I~(]ATt'2 t'I~IX('IP:XI...XXI{}['N'T N(}T I() S~.I)fHUH)() ["( )t~ ']']t[~ I'I~ I N'( 'I P..X t. 1'[ '1~1'( )SI' ()]. IN'I't~I~N:X I'I{)X:XI. (*()l.l.I'.{~l'2. IX('. {]'III'. *'COR POf~ATI{ }N" } IN ('{)NNI~("I'I{}X ~VI'I'] I ACOUISITI{)N'. ('{)NSTI~['("I'I(}N :XNI) ('tH~T:XIN HI}['{'..X [I{)X:XI. I:.-X('II.I'I'I[~S: TttE I~XI~('(."I'I{)N ANDI)IH.IVI'2I~Y ()FA PI~t~I.I~IIX:XI~' .XI:X'I'TI~I~S. %VllEREAS, llncrnat~ol~aI ('ollc~c. Inc.. ~ I:lorMn m~t-I~r-prt~l~t c~rp~r',~l~m "Coq>oration") has applied to tl~c ('ollicr ('ountx [(ducationz~l I::~cilitic, .,Xu~horitv issucdasmuhiplebondsoroncbond)l~)rthcprincipaIpurposcof financing thc Bonds to thc Corporation t]tll'stKillt [o ('laaptcr 24). [':xrl I1 l:lori& btnttitcs, t~r such provision or provisions of Florida I:~xx :ts thc ,.Xu~ht~ritx m:~v dcIcl'llli~lc :Rix is~blc (thc in order to accomplish thc fi)rcgoing purposes: XVIIEREAS. thc issuance ol'thc l:lomts ;md thc Corporation to finance thc costs {~t' tl~c Pr(UccI umtc~' loan be at least sufficient to pay thc princitxtl oJ'illltI inlcrcst and Authority. will assist thc C,:,rl'~oralic, n arm I'm. mlolc Ibc pul'die purpo.,;e.,; i)rm'idcd i~ ~l~c .,\el: and WiiEI~,I']AS, thc ('~,rl',.m~tion has submitted iht I'rcliminarv .'X~rccmci~l (thc I r~llllll~ary ,,~grcClllCll{ ')I'CJ;ltlll~ {o thc ~tl;lllCC o{'[J1¢ J~oH~{~. ',l[l;icJ~c~J Iici'cio ;1~ I.Lx hih~ ..~. alia WI IEP, EAS. in order to, .'.;atisl'v certain of thc rCcluiremcnts c,l' ,"4o,.'ti~m 1471 l) ,,~t' thc Internal Revenue Code of 19,%. ;is ;.uncritical (thc "('ode"). thc/\uth,.',rilv dM ,m thc d'alc hereof hold a public hearing oct the propc~sed issuance of the Ig,.'mds lhr lh$ purl'x~.c:, i~cl'cin stated, which date is more than 14 days following thc t]rsl puhlic',x~i,.m of nmicc of such public hearing in a ncxxspapcr of general circttlation in ('ollicr ('ountv ami xxhich tmblic hearing was conducted in a m',mncr that prox'idcd a reasonable opportunity I~r pcrstms xx ilh dil'l~ring views to bc heard, both orally alltJ ill xvritin~, on thc issuance of'tile J/~mtls and linc location and nature of thc Ih-t!jcct as more Ixlrticuhu. lv tlcscribcd in Ibc m~ticc {,1' imhlic hearing attached hereto as ILxhilqt B: and XVItEREAS, il is imcndcd that this l(csolt~tion sh;~ll c¢msliltttc t~l)]chll aclitm h,xx ard thc issuallcc of thc Bonds within lJlc mcanin,2 of thc applicable ['nitctJ 5tillC~ 'J'rcHstll'v RcguhHions in addition ti} HI1V other action that n~av h;txc hcrctolk~rc t~ccn hLkcn hv tt~ Coq)oration; NOW, 'I'IIEi{I.:I:Oi~,E. lIE IT l~,i.:5OI.X,'El) IIY Tile ('()I.I.IER ('()t'.NTh' EI)UCATIONAI. FA('! i.iTi I-:S ..\ UTi 1() RIT'F. TI IAT: SECTION !. ..\['TIIORIT'~' I.'()R Tills RESOI L'TI()N. 'ibis ' I 'm - I,.csoJuti~m is adopted ptlrSth:.lllt tO thc prox'isions el'thc ,,\c! and other al)plicablc pr{>visions of Jax~. SECTION 2. PREI.I.X, IIN.-\I{5' S'I'..VI'E.Xil'~NT. This l~csolul/{m is cntcrol into to pcm~it thc Corporatic)n to proceed with thc fin:racing el'thc costs of'thc {'rWccl ;~m{ to provide an expression ol'illtcntion by thc/XtltJlol'jl)'. [~rior Io lilt is~tl;lncc el'thc J3oll~J~. h, issue and sell the Bonds and make thc proccc(Is thcrcol'availablc fi~r .qtch {~urj)oscs. all in accordance witt~ and subject to thc provisions of thc Act. thc ('onstilution and (dhcr Jaxxs of thc State of Florida and lilt ]~lx~ S el'thc t'nitcd 5talcs ol'.,Xmcrica, inclmlin~ thc ('t,dc. ~ml this Resolution, but sub. jeer in :tJl respects [t~ thc terms el' thc I'rclin~in;trv ..{grcctl~cnt. SECTION 3. ..\i'i'I{()\'..\I.()I."I'ilE I"IN.,kN('IN(;. 'Ibc I~n;inclnu,~l'thc COSt.'.; ofth¢ Project by thc ..Xutht~rit~ lhrt~tlgJl thc i,suancc ~H'IIlc will improve educational o{){)orltlililics I~H' Ibc cit//cns will promote thc economic dcvch)l)mCnl' prosperity, health and xvcJl~H'c Collier County. will promote Ibc general teem)mit sti'ucttn'c of ('oilier County. and will tllerebv ser;'¢ thc public pttrp,,~scs of thc Act ami is hereby prelimin;~rilv ;q~prt~x cd. st~h. jcct. ho,,,, ever, in all respects to tile ('orporation nlCCtink~ thc ¢omlitions .,;ct forth in thc I'rcli;nimtrx Agreement to the sol,: satislhction of thc :\Ltthoritv. SECTION4. EXE('UTI()N AND I)EI,IVEI~,'V ¢)I:I'I.~I.]I,1511NAI,I'~' AGI/EEMENT. The Chaiml',m c,r thc Vicc-C'hairmzm is hcrcbx' ;nlthori/cd ;tmt directed It~ execute. Ibr and on bchal fo[thc ..Xuth¢~rity. thc Ih'climinary :Xgrccmcnt. in thc fi~rm Zlttz~chcd amount dctcmlincd by thc Authority and thc Corporation it, bc llCCcSMIl'X 1o ;~ccemq,lisJ~ thc foregoing pu¢oscs. SECTION 5. ..\I.'TII()I~.IZA'I'I()N ()1-' TIlE B()NI)S. 'l'l~crc ishcrchx authori×cd to be issued ;tnd thc ..Xutlmritv hereby determines tt~ i:;suc thc rcqttcstcd by thc ('oqvorzttiem ztnd sub cci in all respects to thc ctmtliti~ms set Bonds shall not exceed thc IllatXillltllll I'zltC l)Crmittcd by laxv. SECTION 6. GENEI~.AI. AUTllOIIIZATI()N. Ttlc ('llairmz~n z~mtthc Vicc-C'hairman are hereby fl,'thor at~thorizcd to proceed, upon execution {~fthc I'rclimim~rv Agreement. with tile undertakings provided fi)r therein on thc pz~rt of thc ..X tlllk~ritv z~ml z~'c fu~lhcr authorized to take sUCh steps and actions as may hc rcqtlircd ¢)r ;lcccsszlrv in t)rdcr to cause the Authority to issue thc Il(rods stdzjcct in all respects Io thc lcrms and c,,mlili,ms set froth in thc Preliminary ..Xgrccmcnt ;mth(~ri/cd hereby. SECTION 7. Oi-'i:I('IAI. A(;TI()N. l'hi~,r'cs¢,lutionisztnoflSciat~tctitmof thc Attthorilv toward thc isstzzlncc o[ thc 13tracts. as c{mtcmplatcd in thc th'clitnim~r; Agreement. in :~ccordancc with thc provisions of thc laws t)l' ibc Str~tc t~J' t:l~ri&l Liiltl thc applicable United States Treasury Regulations. SECTION 8. I.i.XlITEI) OIiI.I(kA'I'IONS. Thc florals :trot tile int,.:rcst thercon Shall not constitute an indcbtcdncss or plcct,,c~ of'thc~ucncralcrcditortaxin~, ixm'cr of C'ollicr County. thc 5tare ofl:lorida or any political st~bdix'isitm ~' ;~pc~cy Ihcrct)l'btit sh:~ll be payable solely J)'Olll tile rGVCllLICS pledged lhcl'Cl},r J)tll'Stl;lllt It~ gl Jo;lll /I~rCcIIICIII ¢)I' OlJlCI' tinancing agreement entered iI~to bctxxccn thc Authority and thc ('(,rporiititm pritfi' It, or conlcmpor;meously ;vith thc isst~ancc of thc Bonds. '1 hc .,Xutht,ritv h;ts nt~ lltxing p~>xx cf'. SECTION 9. 1.1511TI']I) ..\lq'I{()VAI... 'Ibc approval gix'cn Ilcrcin sh'all not be construed ;is ;.111 approx';~l or Cll(Jt)l'SClllCll! OJ' apprt)val of Jill~, I1CCC.$.q{Irv I'e/olli[l~ applications nor for any other regulatory permits rclzmng to thc }h'ojcct and thc At~tht~ritv shall not be construed by reason of its adoption of this resolution tt~ have waix'¢d any riul~t of Collier County or cstopping Collier County from asserting any rights or responsibilities it may have in that regard. SECTION I0. EFFECTIVE I)ATI,:. This Resolution shall t',tkc effect immccliatclv. ADOPTEI) this 20th ,,l:.t',.' of April, 1999. 16~2- ATTEST: ~st Sccrctary C()I.I. IEI~ COUNTY I'.I)U(A I 1()~ :%,1 FACIIATIES AUTIIORITY /,qt'' 't I'REI.I.~IINAIUf ..\(;I(EE.XlENT !:01( ISSI::\N('E ()1,' PI~.IV..\TE ACTIVITY I~,EVENUE B()Ni)S This Agreement bctwccn the Collicr County F. ducational [:acilitics ,,\uthorit.v. a public body corporate and politic (the "Authority")and International College. Inc.. a Florida not-for- profit corporation (the t orpc~at~on ), WITN ESSETli: I. Preliminary ~talemcnt. An~ong tile lqqatlcrs o1' i~lulual undcr,~tandin~z a~ltl inducement which have restlJted in tile e×ecution oF this ,.\?'cc;nc~t arc thc I'~,ll~>xN illg: (a) The Act provides that thc Authority may issue revenue bonds and loan thc proceeds thercofto 0110 or mOl'C pOI'StillS, ill'IllS Of private corpol'aliOllS, or t~sc sucJl proceeds. to dclkav the cost of acquiring, by l~urchasc or construction, certain quail I?ing educational facilities. (b) Thc Corporation is considering financing thc costs t)l' thc acquisition. construction and equipping of educational Facilities l,* bc owned illltt t~F)Cl'illCd by thc Corporation. (c) Thc Corporation has applied to thc ..\uthority to issue a series of its private activity revenue bonds in the initial a==~u=atc' ,,{, ' ',,' · principal amount of not to cxcccd 55.111111.11111) (the "Bonds") fbr the principal purpose of linancing a portion el'certain cosls ol'acqt~isition. construction and equipping of certain educational lhcililics (thc "Project") to bc OWllcd alld operated by the Corporation and paying costs associated with tt~c issuance of thc }hinds. (d) The Authority considers thc issuance and sale oFthc ttonds, fi~r tilt' puq~t,scs hereinabove set forth, consistent with thc objectives of tile :\ct. This ..\grcemcnt ctmslitulcs official action of the Authority toward thc issuance of thc Bonds in accordance with tile purposes of'the Act and the applicable United States 'l'rcasurv Regulations. 2. Undcrtakinus (3iq lhe Part ol'tllc At~thoritv. Subject tt~ the tcrn~s hcrcol', thc Authority agrees as folloxvs: (a) The .,\uthorhv will. subject to tile terms; hereoF, at~thori/c thc isst~ancc el'iht Bonds. in one or more series, in thc a-,,ro,atc~.= = principal anqoulqt necessary and sut'lqcicnt lO finance the cost oft~cquirir~g, coi'lstrueting anc~'~lt~lpiMng ! %'o. jcct as tilt: ..\ulhorilv and tilt.' Corporntion shall agree in writing (inclutiil)g costs off issuance off such I~onds). I)t~t i~) events, the principal amount off stroh Igonds shnll t~c,t exceed thc lesser t)l'(i) thc dctcm'~ined by thc ,,\uthoritx ~md linc ('orl)oration to bc ncccss;)rv to ~ccomI31ish foregoing, or (ii) (b) The Autl~oritv x,, ill coopcrntc with tl~c ('Ol'l)orntion and with thc t~tlcvv, ~'it,:~'s. placement agents or purchasers off thc [~onds and thc JBond ('ounscl t,l' tl~c ..Xt~lht~-itv respect to the issuance and sale ct'thc [tonds nnd xx'ill take such l't~rll~cr :~ctio~ ired tl:e execution of such documents as sh:~ll be mutu~tllv szttisl~{clo~'x' to thc ..Xtllllol'ilv illin thc Corporation for thc autl~ori/ation, issuance '~/~ld szttc off st~c}~ lgt~tts z~l~tl thc proceeds thereof to finance thc cost ol'const~'uclit~g, z~CCltii~'i~g illld ctlt~il,l)i~g linc {%'t~.jccl to pay costs related to thc isstt;~ncc of tl~c (c) Such actions ~md documents mz~5' permit tl~c isstt~t~cc I'r{~m time It~ lime i~ linc lizture of additional bonds on ~crms which shall be set l}~rlh thcvcil~, xx hctl~cr t~:~ri i>:~sxt~ x~i~h other series of bonds or othcrxvisc, l~)r thc pt~rposc oI'11 I dctS';~)lng thc c~,st of ct~ml)lt, ti~. enlargements, improvements alld cxj)illlsiolls t,J' lbo J~l'(}iccl. t)r lilly 5CglllClll lhct'ct~l'. ,~r 12) rcfimding all or a po~qion c)t' tho [tonds. (d) Thc loan agreements, trt~st illdcnlttrcs. (collectively. the "lrinancing .,Xgrccmcnls") bctxx cch thc ..Xt~thoritv ;t~tt Iht ('t)rl>~,~'i~tio~ shal I. under terms agreed upon by thc ill,flies, t)rox'idc in such SLIMS aS shall be ncccss',~rv to t)~t)' lilt :tm{~tmls rcqt~ircd t~dc~' thc .'XCI. i~clt~tti~g thc principal of and interest al~d redemption t)Fcmittm, iff ireS', on tl~c I~onds. ;~s ;t~ltt xx }~c~ thc same shall become duc ~md pltytll~le. (c) In authorizing any isst~rmcc off thte 13o~tls pu~'st~nt t,~ this ..Xg~'ccmct~t. thc Authority will make no warrant5', either expressed o~' implied, that thc t)~'t~cccds ol'thc Ig~tls will be sufficient to pa5' all costs ol'aCClt~iring, constructing ~md cxt)it~ttit~g thc I%'o. jcct or lhat those tS~cilities encompassed by thc ['rc~jcct will be suitable li)r tl~c pttrl)oscs or ~cctts of tl~c Co~oration. Thc t3onds shall spccilicatlv proxidc that tl~cx' afc i,ayal~Ic solclv tT{~m tl~c revenues derived from thc f:inz~ncing/Xgvccmcnts between tl~c .-Xt~tho~'itv ',~nd thc ( constitute an indebtedness or pledge off thc gcl]cFi~l credit t~l' ('oilier' ('ot~,~tS'. thc Nta~c Florida or any political subdivisio~ or agency lhcrcot~ ililtl stroh Ii, ct sh',,ll be l~lai~l>· on the tinct ct'each of thc Bonds. 16J2 (g) issuance of thc Bonds [)5' thc Authority shall bc contingent upon of all ortho provisions hereof'and all provisions of thc Internal amended (thc "Code"). and thc regulations promulgated thereunder, inclttdi, and desirability by thc Authority to issue obligations to thc approval by thc Board ol'Cottntv Commissioners ol*('ollicr ('ounlv in ;tcc¢~'d'ancc the provisions of Section 147(t) of the Code, 3, Undcilakings on tile Part of thc ("orpt~rati{m. ,'qub. icct h~ thc tcm~s hcl'ct~l', thc Corporation agrees as £ollows: (a) Tile Corporation will use reasonable c['lk~rls h) insure that ibc [hinds in thc aggregate principal alr~ount as stated above are sold: provided, however, tlml thc Ici'ms such Bonds and of thc sale and delivery thereof shall be mt}lu;lllv s;llisl';lct{,cv h, lilt Authority and thc Corporation. (b) Prior to thc issu:mcc ortho l.lomls in thc principal amounl slated i~l~,)x c thc Corporation will enter into thc Financing Agreements with thc ,,~ttthoritx', {l~c which shall be mutuatly agreeable to thc vNttthor Iy and iht ('orpt)raliol~. i)l'ox-idinu fi~l-thc loan or usc ofthe proceeds of thc Bonds to finance thc costs of thc l'rqjcct. Nt~cJl Agreements will provide that thc ('oq)oration will bc obligatctl to pay thc ,.Xuth{~ritv (~ulUvct to ally assiglllllC[lt ptlrst~aHl ti) thc [:inancin~ Agreements, as thc cz~sc may be) sums ,t~ in the a,mrc,,atc~ e to enable thc ,AtHhoritv to pay thc principal {~famt interest and premium, ifany, on thc Bonds. as and when thc same shall become dtlC :lllcJ payztblc. :llltJ all other expenses related to thc issuance :md delivery of thc (c) The Corporation shall, in addition to paying thc amotl;~ts scl Ibrlh in thc Financing Agreements, pay ;ill applicablc costs of Ol)cralion, ma;nrc,anco, taxes. governmental and other charges which may bc assessed or levied aura;nsf or with respect to tile Project. (d) To tile extent not othcm ;sc paid from 1total proceeds, thc ('ol'porz~tion hcrchv agrees to pay (i) tile Authority Brmd Issuance Fcc. (ii)all of thc ()ul-oILpt~cket expel]scs ~(~' Bonds and (iii)all t'ccs and expenses ot'I)onald ,,\, lhckxx'orlh. I).,,\.. ('oui'~scl Il, thc and ofNabors, Giblin & Nickcrson. I'.,,\.. ltomt ('ounscl, (c) Thc Corporation will hold thc Authority of any mortgaging or other disposition of thc (f') 'lhc Corporation ~1'¢¢s to indemniI\' and ciciL'nd ibc .,Xulht)riIv and the Bonds and thc ('orpornlion's undcrtaki~,,~ thcrc{>t', or in rmv. xvitv .~'{~xx il~,,= ottt resulting from this Agreement including, without limitation, nil CoStS illld cXl¢CllSCs t,l' thc Authority and reasonable nttorncvs' t~cs incurred in thc CIII~I'CCIllCII[ t~l'[lll} ilpI'Ck'IllClII Corporation contained herein, but cxcludin,, anv claims. It>sscs. liabilities t,r resulting from thc :kuthoritv's or ('elliot ('otHllv's gl'ess negligence or willful In thc event that thc Bonds ~u'c ~t~l issued and delivered, this indemnity M~all surx ixc thc termination of this (g} Thc Corporation ,,','ill lake such fttrlhcr action as m:~v bc required I~ is~plcll~cul its afi~rcsaid undertakings nnd ~s it may dccn~ at)t~ropriatc in [)tll'Stl~lllcc thcrc{,l'. 4. General I%'ovisio~,;...\Il c~llll~'lilmcl~ls el'Ibc ,.\t~lh~rilv til~tlt.'l' and ot' the Corporation ui'~dcr Section 3 ]lcrcof ill'C st~bjcct to thc ct~ntlitions IJlilt ;ill (~I' thc following events shall hax'c occtll'rcd llot Inter than .J;~ltlu;Arx' I. 211{)11. O1' NHch ~)thcr dltlt: its shall bt: mutually salist'i~¢torv to thc ..Xttthoritv and Ibc (a) The ..\t~thoritv shall bc lax,.l'ullv entitled ~,, issue Ibc I/oncls as tlcrci~ contemplated. (b) The .,\uthoritv and thc ('orf,t~rali~,n shnll hltx t: :~gFcc~t {~l~ n~t~tt~i,llv :~cccl>titl~lc terms ti>r thc Bonds a~d thc snlc and dclix'crv lhcrcol'and mt~tuitllv aCCCl,tnblc tcr~s illltJ conditions of any trust instrttmc]~ls or i~stt'ttmc~ts in rcspccl thcrclt~ iltld ;~x' l:it~:t~c~t~g Agreements or other agreements incidental Io Ibc 15~it~ci~g ~t' Fcl~'rFcd tt~ it~ Nccti{,~s 2 i~tt 3 hcrcol~ (c) RtiJiIlgs s:ttisl'~icI,~I'x It~ thc ('t~l'l',,~FitliOll illld Ibc ..Xtllhoritx ~l~ t{) stlch ~,lllcls with respect to thc Bonds. Ibc t'l't~iccl, thc Financing .'[grcclllCllls illltt illlV olJlCl' Ii'iisi obtained t~om thc Internal I{cx Cl~tlc SCI'X iCC illld t~I' tl~c [ 'nitctt NI',IIC5 l'~'c;~stt~'x' I )c[~;~rl~ct~t and shall be in li~ll lbrcc illld cl'l~'cl itt lbo time of issuance of thc l~ond~. (d) Such other rtltings, apl'~r~vals, ct~nscnts, ccrlilSctJtc.,, (~l'ct~plia~cc, t~l~inions oJ'cotHlscJ ired other illStrt~mo~als ~J~tJ proceedings sati%l}lclo~'v Io IJlC ('oVJ~or',~tio~ illltJ lJlc 2Xuthority as to such matters with I'CSpccl Io thc J~tHlds. Ibc t'ro. jcct. thc I:i~',incing zXgrcemcnts and any other trust i~strumc~t or instruments, as shall be spcci lScd by thc Co~3>oration or the/Xuthority, shall have been ~,btaincd li'on~ such gt,vcrnmcnlnl, as well llOll-govcrnmclltil], agencies and ctltitics as may hilV[' O1' ilSScl'l Ct~llll)CtClll .jt~risdiclit~ ~,vcr 16J2 or interest in matters perlincn! thereto aim shall be in lhll three and tilL'ct ',~t thc time issuance of the Bonds. (e) Compliancewifl~;lll applical~l¢ provisions of('haplcrs 243. I Nu. 21~ and 21S. Florida Statutes, and lhe Aulhoritx s guidelines and procedures rclalin~ l~ Ibc issu',mcc t~t'lhc Bonds, the interest rates thereon. Iht type of purchasers of thc t3onds and thc terms ,m x~ hich thc Bonds may othcmise be issued. (f) Notwithstanding any other terms hcrcol: nothing contained herein sl,~ll bc construed to create a bindin~ commitment by thc Authority t~) issue Iht I3on& until st~cl~ time, if ex'er, as thc Authority shall grant its final apl)royal ]k)r thc issuance t,l'thc Ihmtls ;~l~tl thc final terms and provisions of thc Financing Agreements. lgv cxccutitm hcrcol', thc Co~oration agrees that thc Authority may withhold ils final al,prov:~l oFthc isstmncc of lbo Bonds in its sole discretion and shall not incur any liabiliw xvhatst,cvcr as :~ result t)l'il not granting any such approval notxvithstanding any o~hcr pr~)x ision hcrct)l'. If the events scl lbrth in this Section 4 do not lake pl,cc xx ithin tl~c s .t fi,t'th ,,r any extension thcrcolk thc Corpc)ration agrees that it xx ill rci]nbt~rNc thc ..Xt~tht,ntx Ik,' nil Ibc reasonable anti necessary direct (~r indirect expenses which thc ..Xt~thoritv m;~x incnr ,t thc ('oq)oration's request arising t¥om thc execution ol'this Agreement and thc peril)finance bx thc ..Mlthoritv of its obligations hereunder, including rcastmablc Icg~Jl IL'cs anti CXl,CnSCs liar Counsel to thc Authority and 13ond Cotm~cl. 5. Binding Effect...\11 crux'chants and a~.rccnqcnts herein of thc Authority and the Corporation shall bind and inure to thc bcncl]t o1' thc rcspcclix c S[lCCCssors and assigns of thc ,,Xuthoritv and thc ('orpor, li(m whether IN WITNESS WttEREOF. thc parties hereto have entered into this.,\grccn~cnt by ti'mir oFfiCers thereunder duly authorized as oF thc 2~)th day oF .,\pril, 1'){)'). /Remainder o/pal4,' intentionally Iq/t hla.~. ~i.'..nantrc~ on/oll,,,~'in'4 I,a.~,c/ 16J2 ' '~ COI,LI ER COLINTY EI)U('..VI'I()N..\I, FACII.ITIES AUTtlOI~ITY INTEI~,NATIONAI, ('01.1.1';(;1';, IN(' lh'csMcnt A -6 16J2 EX}ti BIT B TO I,IESOI. UTION AFFil)AVrr OF PUIII.ICATION OF NOTICE (.)F I'Ulll, IC llEARIN(; NapLes DaiLy News NapLes, FL 34102 Affidavit of PubLication NapLes DaiLy Ne~s PICKIdORTH, DONALD P.A. 5150 TAHIAHZ TRL N #602 NAPLES FL 34103 REFERENCE: 01078~ 57857898 Notice of Public Hea State of FLorida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally B. Lamb, who on oath aaya that she servel the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Iiaples News, a daily newspaper published at Naples, Collier County, Florida: that the attached copy of Adverttatng uas published in said on dates Listed. Affiant further says that the said ,apres Daily iS a newspaper published at Naples, tn sa(d Collier County~ FLorida, and that the said paper has heretofore been continuously tshed in said Collier County, Florida, each and has been entered as second class mail Jotter at the post office tn Naples, in said Collier County, FLorida, for a period of I year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor pro~tsed any person, ftre or reparation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the of securing this advertisement for tcatton in the said newspaper. oN: 04/05 SPACE: 138.000 INCH ..... .... s- 16J2 ' ........................... Notice of Public Hearing Notice Is herebv given that the Collier County I ucotlonal Facilities Aulhorlt¥ the "Aulhorlt¥") will Conduct 0 specloI meeting and public hearing nn 20, 1999 ~ 10:00 a.m. In the Economic Developmen~ Council of Collier Cotlnfy Conference Room 305q North Horsesl~oe Orion Stllt~ 120 N(:pl~% [Inter~tlonal College~ Inc. ProJect), .Series lg9q tn amount not to exceed ~S 000 000 to be ii,ecl to fin(mca I. P~OJECT OESC~IPTIOH: Con~h'uction al a tw(, - ~. PROJECT LOCATIOri: T~oct J]"ol the 3, INITIAl. n~ATO~ and OWHER: /4epics, Flmido 34104 able for inspection and Copying al the office nf the nomJc Oevel~menf Council Set lorth SHOULD ANY PERSO[I DECIDE TO APP[AI Ally DECISIOH MADE DY THE AUTHOB~TY RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONS:O~EO AT HEARIIIO, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A ~t~C()~P THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FO~ THAT PURPOSI, SUCH PEaSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT VERBATIM ~ECORD OF THE PROCEEDIHGS IS /2ADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIf~qO~l Ar4g EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL tS lO ' BASED. worth General Counsel at {941) 263-8060 no later thc:l~ '5/ aeneid A. P~ckwo~h Naples Daily News Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication Naples Daily Ne'.s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTN: TO~YA PHILLIPS PO BOX 413016 flAPLES FL )4101-3016 REFERENCE: 001230 #912501 578672~z, 91-102/PUD~99-02 t~T State of FLorida County of Collier Before the undersigned authority, personally appeared 8. Lamb/ ~ o~ oath says that she serves as the Assistant Corporate Secretary of the Naples Daily Ne~a, a dotty newspaper published at Naples, tn Collier County, FLorida: that the attached copy of Advertising vas published in said newspaper on dates Listed. Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily Ne~s ia a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said ne~apeper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, FLorida, for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor proefaed any person, firm or coporation any discount/ rebate, coemissfon or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for pubttcatiun in the said newspaper. PUBLISHED 0~i: 04/25 AD SPACE: 147.000 INCH FILED ON: 04/26/99 /. Signature of Affiant /~/- / ) $~orn to and Subscribed befc~ .e this~,~f --d.y of./~ ~9~ 91.102/PU0-99-02 NOTIC~ OF INTENT TO CONSIOER Nc~ce b I~ere~y that on TUESDAY, C~II~ ~ T~I~I Trail. FI~I~, ~e ~d of C~n~ Commissioners will c~l~ ~e en~- ~e. T~ ~1~ writ com~ ~ ~ ~ ~no~e Is m f~l~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE 91.102~ ~ C~LIER COUNTY LAND DE- VELOPMENT CODE ~HICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHEN- ~ 2ONI~ RE~- LATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIE~ COUNTY, FLORIDA BY A~DING THE OFFIO~ ZONING AT. LAS MAP NU~ED 9~2NS; BY ~NGING T~ ZONING FtCATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PR~ERTY LO- CATED FRO~ "A" RU- RAL AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT ~L~NT KNOWN AS VENE- TIA~LA~ F~ ~O- FESSIONAL OFFI~S AND LI~ CO~R- CIAL U~S, L~A~D ON VANDERBILT ~ACH RO~ [~ 1/4 ~E ~ST OF AIRPORT-PULLING RO~ (~ ~I).~N ~C- TION 2. TOWN~IP SOUTH, RANGE EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, COt4SISTIHG OF 6.02 PR OVtDIN~' AN - FECTI~ DATE. Peflt~ No. PUD-~2, Kenney Schryver, os Tru~ee f~ L~ T~t 9~40L r~i~ ~ r~- cu~e to "PUD" P~ Unit Development to be knovm os Venetian Plaza for Professional offices and light cornmerclal uses, motored on Vender- but Beach Rood (C.R. 862) 1/4 mile ~ of Air'pact-- Pulling Rood (CJi. 31) Ordinance ore o~ file with We Clerl~ to the Board or,d ore ovolloLfle for tion. All Irrterested porlies ore Invited to ottencl be heard. NOTE: All persons wlsNr~ to ~oeok on c~v o~e~ Item must regis- ter wlff~ file p~RiO~ o~t; minlstrator ~o item to be o(~clre~sed. be limited fo $ minutes o~¥ Item. The ~elecflo~ of behalf of an or grouD is e~. It recognized by Rle Choir. mon~ a ~ookes~erso~ for a g~ouP or orgonlzalto~ may be allotted 10 min- utes to seeak o~ a~ Item. Persons wishing to have writlen or grc~hlc materials Included In the Board agenda packets mu~t aura-nit Sold o minimum of 3 weeks i~'lor to ~e resaecttve public hearing. In any case, wrlflen mofee'ialS In- tended to be cm~sldered b¥ the Booed shall be sub- mitred to the Courdy st~t a minimum gub~lc hearln~ An materi- al used In ~-eses~otk~s before tt~e B4:~rcl will be- come o perrnonenf po~'t of ~ re~3r~ AnV ~ ~ d~e¢ld-