Resolution 1996-159 RESOLUTION NO. 96-159 MAR26'S!1 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CHARLES D. METS AND REAPPOINTING AUGUST W. ROCCO, TO TIffi CITI/ COUNTY BEACH RENOURISHMENT/MATNTENANCE COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, City of Naples adopted Resolution No. 91-6295 cr<aling 1ho Ilcad1 RmourishrncntIMaintenancc Committee to provide rcporu and recommcndations to the Board of County CommiJSioners eoncoming plans, priorities, and economic means to pr<sen'O 1ho lx:acl1, provide beach rmowishmcnt. maintcnancc, and improved stann protection ofbcacbcs in Naples and the unincorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, City Resolution No. 93'{)853 amended City Resolution No. 91.{)295 by in=asing the nwnber of membcn appomt.d by the Board of County Commissioners from (1) one member to (5) mcmbcn; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissionen of Collier County adopted Resolution No. 92.{)56, . recognizing the City of Naples' Bcacll RcnourishmcntlMaintcnancc Committee as a technical adviIOI)' c:ornmitt<< to formally adviJc the Board of County Commissioners and the City of Naples; and WHEREAS, the tcrnu of two (2) membcn appointed by the Board of County Commissioners c:xpiml 00 February 28, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissionen previously provided public notice lIOlicitins applications from intcrcstcd parties. NOW, TIffiREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIffi BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Charles Mc:tz is hereby appointed to the City/County RcnourishmcntlMaintenancc Committee for.1hn:e year term, said term to expill: 00 February 28,1999. 2. August W. Rocco is hell:by reappointed to the City/County Bcacll RcnourishmcntlMsinlcoan Committee for.1hn:e year term. said term to expill: February 28, 1999. This Resolution adopted after motion, accond and majority vote. DATED: March 26, 1996 ,_ ..,'" .....,., i, 'A1TEsT:, '. " "'.. . D)vJGfIT E. BRocK; i;LERK '~~).L'~,. "-;\<< .....;. ,.<l>- r~. . '. ~, .." ,. ,\\ ..... . ApJiiovcd,M.to.fo,," and . . IcgaI sufficiency: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B~~ C. NORRIS, CHAIRMAN I.i~ t~ vidC. Weigel County Attorney 1001 nOD Pl',[ - 94