Resolution 1997-222 AM 2 2 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 87- ..lll.. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSED 19116-1997 COLUER COUNTY. FLORIDA GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADOPTED EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT AND/OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER DIRECTED AMENDMENTS FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNllY AFFAIRS WHEREAS, the Local Govemment Comprehensive Plenning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 (Section 163.3161 el seq., Florida Statutes (1995)) and Chapter 9J-S, Florida Administrative Code, Minimum Crileria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Detemination of Compliance, require that In the event a Ioc;al govemment considers end adopts Comprehensive Plan Amendments, that such local government submit those Amendments to the Department of Communrty Affairs for review and comment; and WHEREAS, Collier County has prepared Amendmenls to its Growth Management Plan in accordance with the Evaluation and Appraisal Report, adopted April 9, 1996 and/or in accordance with Board of County Commissioner directed amendments, and nas held public hearings to provide for and encourage public par1icipation and comment throughout the Plan Amendment "reparation process; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has considered the proposed Amendments to the Growth Management Plan and has recommended approval of said Plan Amendments 10 tha Board of County Commisslonars; and WHEREAS, Collier County must subm~ the proposed Plan Amendments to the Department of Community Affairs for preliminary review; and WHEREAS, pursuanllo Subsection 163.3184(6)(a), Florida Slatutes, Collier County may request that the Department of Community Affairs review its proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of Collier County's proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments, the Department of Community Affairs must, within thirty (30) days, notify Collier County, In writing, of its Intention to conduct a review regardless of whether a request for review has beon made by the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, any affected person or Collier County; and WHEREAS, upon receipl of comments from reviewing govemmentalagencies, the Department of Community Affairs shell have thirty(JO) days to review comments from the various govemmental agencies and to transm~ to Collier County its written comments rwgerding lh4I proposed Plan Amendments which include any objections and nKXKnn18ndationsfor~ffication;8nd WHEREAS, In accordance with Section 163.3184, Collier County, upon receipl of the written comments from the Department of Community Affairs must edopt, not adopt or adopt with changes, the proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments within 120 days of said receipt; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs, within forty-five (45) days of AIC8ipt 01 CoIierCounty's edopIed Growth Menegeme.d Plan Ametod.,...,ts, must review end dehn".... If lh4I Plan Amendments are In comproence with the Local Gov..........,t Comprehensive Planning and Lend Development Act of 1985, as ,. '0 j~, c(, ~~. ~J>h -"\'" i( ~'t i~ AM 2 2 1997 amended; th. State Comprehensive Plan; the Southwest Florida Regional Policy Plan; and Rut. 9J-S, Florida Administrative Code; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida that: The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves tha proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibn A for the purposa of transmittal to the Departmenl of Community Affairs and requests that the Department review said Plan Amendmants thereby InitJating the required Slate evaluation of the Growth Management Plan Amendments prior to final adoption by the Board of County Commissioners and Sle1e detennlnation of compliance with tha Local Govemment Comprehensiva Planning and Land Devalopment Act of 1985, as amended, and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, Minimum Criteria for Review of local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion, second and majority vote this .;I."::" day of ~ 1997. ......,...... . , " ".'ArrEsT' i"'",. , ...., DWIGHTE,jlROCK, CIert< (/: ~~".~"':~_~0).C' \....,~~"_ ,"_~ 7 ", "', ,"' ." ", . - . .....-. . .~ ....,. '. ," ApProwd .. 10 form end legal sulflclency. 1r'c,";t".U... ?/1 ,Qt,,,,,,, .,.( MARJO EM. STUDENT Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNlY, FLORIDA BY: 1997 GMPfEvaluation and Appraisal Report Transmittal Resolution