Resolution 1997-203 F i ! [ t , r [ t ~. f<. . ,,:' .)i, . :.iy .,'~ :'." t:i/:,:- , ):,-,' .~~/; .~j{,r f"'/, 4~~\,'_ '_,\1:(: APR I 5 II!l7 RESOLlITION NO. 97. 203 A RESOLlITION OF COLLIER COUNlY, FLORIDA OPPOSING SB 1368, HB 1699, AND PORTIONS OF CSIHB 715 DEALING WITH RATEMAKlNG FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS FOlt THE 1997 REGULAR SESSION OF TIlE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature is considering bills being proposed to affect the felling of water snd wastewater rat.. by n:gulatory agc:nci..; snd WHEREAS. these bill. include SB 1368. HB 1699. and portions ofCSIHB 71S; and WHEREAS. the effect of these bills is to intrude into the n:gulatory process snd significantly increaIe customer rat..; snd WHEREAS. the bills allemplto shift the cost of a utility's excess capacity from utiliti..' investon to present c:ustomers; and WHEREAS. these bill. will have a .ignificant impact on growing eomnllmiti.. on the rates paid by present c:onsumers of the Iffected utiliti... NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. by the Board of County Commissioners as follow.: I. The Boord hereby proclaim. its opposition CO each of the n:fcrenced bills. 2. The BOard requests its Legi.lative Delegation to oypose III of the n:fcrenced bills. 3. The Boord hereby authorizes the Florida Association of Counti.. to utilize this Resolution as it deems appropriate to oypose the mcrenced bill.. 4. Staff i. hereby authorized to deliver I copy of thil Resolution to the County'. Legislative Delegation in Tallah...... to the Florida Association of Counties, and to such other persons as appropriate to oypose the subject proposed legislation. TInS RESOLUTION ADOPTED Ifter motion, aecond snd majority VOle thi. Alday Of~--:J .1997. \ f'c,~ , . " . ATTEST......: . ""': . DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COllIER COUNTY. FLORIDA <.,r'f;,":f#;..p.c App.;wod u to form snd legal sufficiency: ~J 1l.~, r. Thomas C. Palmer Asaiatant County Attorney RaoI~IorWIlllrIlldW___.S)'JtemloTCP BY:~~d Timo [;. ancock, Chairman