Resolution 1997-200 .!/JJUJ un: 'JVO r~; VJLi oemn 1. O!neIll oeOIDS If COUlII conn, n Il/lllll .t 11:1111 mm I. 100, mil oem 11.11 coml 1.11 RESOLUTION NO. 87 -20lt1: cuuTOmlO1U PETmON AV 96-003. JOHN W. FAGER mH~~L~!l w.~ MARTHA. MARK AND DARLENE iIIll(gh, OWNER. REQUESTlNG VACATION OF ALL PUBLIC INTEREST IN A PORTION OF A SIXTY FOOT (601 ROAD RIGHT-OF.WAY KNOWN AS 10TH STREET NORTH. PLATTED AS FIRST AVENUE ON THE PLAT OF BAD AXE SUBDMSION. PLAT BOOK 4. PAGE 10. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. WHEREAS, purIU8Ilt to SectIons 177.101. 338.01 and 338.10, Florida Statutes. John W. APR - 8 !197 Fager and Char1eI W.. Mar1ha. Mark and Darlene Miller. owners. do hereby request the vacation of a por1Ion of FirII Avenue as shown on the plat of Bad Axe SubdMsIon In Plat Book 4, Page 10, of the PubIc Recorda of CoIIler County, FIor1da; and WHEREAS, the Board has !his day held a pubRc hearing to consider vacating a por1Ion of said plat as more My _ below. and notice of said public hearing to vacate was gfven as raquIrad by law; one! WHEREAS. the granting of the vacation will not _Iy affect the ownership of right of convenient ac:casa of oIher property owners. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. IhaI the following be and is hereby vacated: See ExhIbIt "A" attached hereto and Incxxl><xalad ~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. IhaI the Clerk is directed to adve~ the adoption of !his ResolutIon once In . paper of general clrcuIaUon In the County within 30 days following I1s adopUon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT the Clerk is hereby dlreclad to record a cer1lfled copy of !his ResolutIon. \he proof of pubtk:aUon of !he noUce of pubRc hearing. and proof of pubRcaUon of the noUce of adoption of IhIs Rr1oIutIon In the PubRc RecoId. of CoI11er County, FIorkfa and to make proper lpOl<ollo...!,,1hIs vacation on said pial '0" t.-'.'.."...-.... .t .....~.. 'Th.is.~.adopIad aftarmo1lon,l8COOd and majorftyvota flMlr1ng same. .'. . ,;":L< ~ ,1 , /IjlATED: $'/f)r7;' ';. \ ~ ATTEST: . '. ".~~' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~:f.\GHT E,BR~ ~ CO FLORI @.t. By: . ApprO\oad as 10' fem, and legal suf!ldency; ~ Heidi F. Ashton AnIl1ant County Altomey RCIf4I\.~_,.,~oa.o:D