Resolution 1997-199 APIl - 8 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97.221- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING OFFICERS FOR THE COLUER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND EXPOSmON, INC. FOR 1SS7.118 WHEREAS, on July 20, 1976 the Chartar and Artldes of Ir1COI'pOf8llon of the CollIer County Agricultural Fair and Exposition, Inc. were filed with the Secretary of Stata; I and WHEREAS, the Chartar and Artldes of Incorporation of the CotIier County Agr1cu1tunll Fair and Exposition, Inc. provlde that the officers of the Board of Directors, with the exception of the Immediate Past PresldanL shan be appointed annuany by the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on March 15, 1Sll8 adoptad Resolution No. 88-52 salling forth the proceduras fOf appointrner.ts to the Cofroer eo..rty Fair Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Rasolution No. 88-52, the Nominating CornmiUM has subrnltWd Ita list of recomn"'"ded nomlnaes, specityfng t8COln"..i1ded persons fOf Ji' )'1 par1lcular positions to the Board of Directors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the folIowtng indIvlduaIs .. hereby appolntad as the 1SS7-118 officers fOf the CoIJier eo..rty A\lrlcuIIl.nII Fair .,.. Expos/Uon, lno. Board of Directors; TanyWolfson HanIc Oougtas Pat Cookson John Yonkosky Jim Mansberger Taylor Baker Duane Wheeler HoUy Chernoff Randy Riner j?r{ , ThIs..ResoMlon adopted this Prwsident Vlc&-Presldenl Secretary Treasurer Securtty Educallon CMc Attomey Agricullunt , dey of 0.... -, jl . 1SS7, altar . :.~:~.,.. majorftyvota. ,.',(., . i"lI I"~ ~ ....... ". ~ t:"', t .," .....~' ATrEsr:.;'.. "! .,~.. . ',.f ;.,';': ~G!if~~9.<J!<. CLERK ~,~'r,~" :~.' :I'.~~~,';}'~ ~.. '\'-;'. . ... ....~c;;.::... . I .... ....":-'l ,..". ..... ",. " "~"'~~'~';;r' tJ ~ C. Welgel 2> eo..rty AlIamey (!. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLUER COUNTY, FLORIO-' BY: ~~~~/ 11MOTHY Y"A CHAIRMAN j j ~ j I , i I J J