Resolution 1997-188 "25. RESOLUTION 97- 188 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DAY CARE CENTERS AND SCllOOLS CONDITIONAL USES "2., "3" AND "4" IN THE RSF-2 ZONING DISTRICT FOR CHURCII AND RELATED USES EXPANSION, DAY CARE CENTER AND SCllOOL, PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 48 80UTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Leqislature ot the State ot Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws ot Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conterred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zonIng and such business regulations as are necessary tor the protection ot the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive Zoninq Ordinance establishinq requlations tor the zoninq ot partiCUlar qeoqraphic divisions ot the County, amonq which is the qrantinq ot Conditional Uses; and . WHEREAS, the Collier County Planninq Commission"beinq the duly appointed and constituted planninq board tor the area hereby attected, has held a pUblic hearinq atter notice .s in said requlations aada and provided, and has considered the advisability ot Conditional Uses "Z", 0"3" and "4" ot Section in an RSF-2 zone tor church and related 'uses, day care center and school on property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact (Exhibit ftAft) that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerninq all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Sub..ction ot the Land Oeve1opeent Code tor the Collier County Planninq 'l:olIDdssion; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be \eard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having wnaidered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ot i oIlier County, Florida that: -1- PlAR 2 5 1997 The petition filed by Roqer Dale representing Our Savior Lutheran Church with respect to the property hereinatter described as: Exhibit "Bn which is attached hereto and incorporated by reterence herein be and the same i. hereby approved tor Conditional U... "2", "3" and "4" ot Section of the RSF-2 zoning district tor church and related us.. expansion, day care center and school in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (EXhibit "CO) and sUbject to the tollowinq conditions: a. The Planning , Technical services Manager may approve minor changes in the locati~n, siting, or height of buildings, structures, and :.mprovements authorized by the conditional use. Expansion of the U8~. identified and approved within this conditional use ,application, or major chanqes to the site plan submitted as part ot this application, shall require the submittal ot a new conditional use application, and shall comply with all applicable County ordinances in etfect at the time ot submittal, includinq Division 3.3, Site Development Plan Review and approval, ot the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102). b. All elevated liqhtinq tixture specitications shall provide tor directing illumination to the surtace at the parking lot only with shielding to ensure that there is no horizontal illumination on the adjacent property. c. Arterial level street lighting shall be provided at project entrances at the time saId entrance, 1. constructed. d. A lair share contribution toward the installation of the trattic siqnal system at the intersection ot C.R. 31 and CUrlinq Road shall be required at such time as a siqnal may be warranted. It shall be the County's sole determination as to whether or not such a signal system is warranted. Any such signal system shall be owned, operated and maintained by the County. e. Turn lanes may be required at the entrances to Curling Road to alleviate potential operational problems at project access points at the time at any site Development Plan submission. t. Compensating right-ot-way shall be required lor development at required turn lanes when deemed necessary by Collier County. q. Entrance desiqn shall be consistent with the requirements at the LOC. h. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic-free) plan for the site shall be submitted to CUrrent Planning Environmental Review staff for review and approval prior to final site plan! construction plan approval. -2- --------::~~~-~~~-r_--------- ----------------tt-i:- "t'vm I , I - - -......... , , " n " ' " II ' , , , Il. '"...,*!I, '. . I ,. . '\' v" . ,. \ W'I JI;:iri ~ ;;&ii ~ ~ \ Y I IPoI i!f,1I I \ " \ ~I I:'ill/ ill?Jl '\;, I III F'I;" ,:n I I : I In , ij! ' , iii' ! .J I ' '~IJI~1 ~ :'Ij I' .'tt'l I 'I" . !I'I i \'\1 ~Ir. fflI! ! I m',!'ll!1 j !ll!d'lI l !Il,' '! I III1 -...r!!!'~ I! if II !H II I il . 1p1 . I I , I , I I . ~ CCIOflICIIM... .-rI:1'\M ." " ..'" If"~:~~ , DU/f Ul'1"'" WTHrAAIf CHUltCH MAR 2 5 tl97