Resolution 1997-173 This Instrument prepared by: 5hlMey Jean Mceachern Assistant County Attorney omee 01 the County Attorney 3301 East Tamlaml Trail Naples, FloMda 34112 (941) 774- 8400 ttt 2160400 OR: 2296 PG: 1355 ttt mOIllD 10 OlIIClll oecu. .f COlllll comr, n. Ulllllllt 11:1111 DlICIlI, 11OCI, CUB oem I,ll COIIII I,ll IllI: mil to m IGlD Imloma In 11001 1IT11ll MAR 1 8 1997 PropeMy Folio No. 32482840001 SATISFACTION OF UEN KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder oIa certain Uen against KeM Lynn Jacobs 882 Bluebird 5t. Na~,Fl 33942??oo The lien was recorded on the 1 fI" day 01 September, 1994, In OfficIal Record Book 1988, Pages 788 through 942. In the omee of the CIer1< of the CIn:uIt Court of Conler County, State of Florida. The lien secures the pr1ndpal sum 01 One Hundred Donars and Seventy-Foor Cents ($100.74) plus acaue<llnterest and penalties, ff any, and Impoo.. certain obllgatlons against "'01 propeMy snuated In Collier County, FloMa, described as fol1ows: FLAMINGO EST BlK D lOT 5 OR1472 PG5 1951.52 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 32482840001 81000 37400 , Conier County, a politicalsutxflVislon of the State of FloMda, hereby acknowledges receipt 01 payment In tun satisfaction of tfle lien and he",by cancels uen. The Cieri< of the Circun Court Is he",by directed to record this Satisfaction 01 lien In the ofIlclal Records of Conter County, FloMa, to acknowledge that the lien ceases to exlst. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Board of County Commissioners of Conlar County, Flo<1da, acting through HI Chairman, directs executlon~ng of this s~on 7' by action of the Board this . /, day of ",-", ___. 1997. . I '. 'ATTEST~ :. , DWIGHT E: BROCK. Cieri< :/':. C" ~>?C BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COlliER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~ _/ xi .;'1"/ TIMOlliY,{. HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN ttt 2160406 OR: 2296 PG: 1361 ttt UCOIllID 10 omelll UCOJJI .1 eoulll camt, n. U/lI/lllt 11:1111 DIlCllI, 11llCl, CUB oem I,ll COlliS \,11 This Instrument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachem Assistant County Attorney omee of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamiami TraH Nsples, FloMda 34112 (941) 774- 8400 PropeMy Folio No. 38507600001 I,U: CUB to m !OlD !mllnIi:I III n.ooI m 1m MAR 1 8 1997 SA TlSF ACTION OF UEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain lien against: Ann Ward Ftt8 4060 39tf1 Ave NE Naples, Fl 339640000 The lien was recorded on the 1ft" day of Seplember, 1994, In 0fIlclal Record Book 1988, pag-. 788lhrough 942, In the omee of the CIer1< of the C1n:uIt Court of ConIer County, State of Florida. The lien secures the pctndpal sum 01 One Hundred DoI1ars and Seventy-Foor Cents ($100.74) plus accrued Interest and penalties, W ftn'(, and Imposes certain obligations against ",al property sHuated In CollIer County, FloMda, described as fol1ows: GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 36 W 150FT OF TR 90 OR 939 PG 1000 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 38507600001 81000 72601 Collier County, a porl1lcal subdivision 01 the State of FloMda, hereby aCknowledges receipt of payment In tun satisfaction of the lien and hereby cancels Lien. The Cieri< 01 the C1rcun Court Is hereby dI",cted to record tflls Satisfaction 01 Lien in the official Records 01 Conler County, FloMda, to acknow1edge thatlhe lien ceases to exllt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Board of County Commissioners 01 Comer County, FloMda, acting through its Chairman, directs executlr recording of this s~.n of lien, by action of the Board this /. day of . ~~./ .1997. . , ATTEST:.. . DWIGHT E. BROCK, CIe . ~ . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COWE~OUNTY, FLORIDA . /.<( ../ ;:( , By. ~ . . 1"'/ TiMOTHY'L. HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN (!, '. " This Instrument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney OffIce of the County Attomey 3301 East Tamlaml Trail Naples, Florida 34112 (941) 774. 8400 ttt 2160401 OR: 2296 PG: 1362 ttt lICoun I. OlIleIlI UCOD' .1 COUIIl conn, n. Illllllllt 1l:11U DIlCllI, 'IOCI, mil oem I,ll COIIII I,ll IIU: nmnmJOUJ ImJOlIli:l III 11001 mll4l MAR 1 8 1997 PropeMy Fono No. 39390120001 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW AtL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was tfle owner and holder 01 a certain lien a9alnst Scott Demaris Jeanette M DomnaMs 160 20th St SE Naples, Fl 339640000 The Lien was recorded on the 1ft" day 01 Seplember, 1994, In otlIc:IaI Record Book 1988, PagM 788lhrough 942, In the OffIce 01 the Cieri< 01 the CircuH Court of Conler County, State of FJoMda. The lien secures the pMnclpalsum 01 One Hundred Don"", and Seventy-Foor Cents ($100.74) plus acatJed Interest and pef1alties, ff any, and Impo... certain obligations against real propeMy sHuated In ConIer County, FloMda. described 8S follows: GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 51 N 150FT OF TR 97 OR 1503 PG 1841 FoI1oNo. Project No. Account No. 39390120001 61000 75006 Comer County, a porotical subdlvlslon 01 tfle State of FloMda, hereby aCknowledges receipt of payment In tun satisfaction of the lien and hereby cancels lien. The CIer1< of the CIn:uIt Court Is hereby directed to record this Satlsfactlon of lien In the ofIlclal Records of CoIl'oer County, FloMda, to acknowledge that the lien ceases 10 exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board 01 County Commissioners 01 ConIer County, FloMda, acting through Ks Chairman, directs execution ~Ing 01 this s~on of ~' by action of the Board Ihls , /, day 01 ,,"" .1997. '. . SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLI;ifOUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~ , '/;(/..:7 TIMOTHY L HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: " ,: '" DWIGHT E. BRqc;:K. Cieri< ).: " .,;: .,~ '.: ~ .,;.: .' ,.' This Instrument prepared by: ShlMsy Jean Mceachern Assistant County Attorney omee of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamlaml Trait Naples, FloMda 34112 (941) 774- 8400 ttt 2160410 OR: 2296 PG: 1365 ttt ucolOn II onlClll UCOIOI ,f collIn comr, n. Il/ll/llltll:llllDllCllI,IIllCl,mu DC nJ I,ll corm 1.11 IIll: CUll to m !OlD ImlOnIa III 11001 MAR 1 8 f1I1 mlll1 PropeMy Folio No. 56942520003 -. SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: Thst the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain lien a9alnst: Cheman & Ralanl Thangavelu 4343 W Bancroft Sl Apl2K Toledo Oh 436150000 The Lien was ",corded on the 1ft" day 01 Seplember, 1994, In OfficIal Record Book 1988, Pages 788 through 942, In the OIl1ce 01 the Cieri< of the ClrcuK Court of ConIer County, State of FloMda. The lien ...cur.. the pI1nc1palsum of One Hundred Dona.. and Seventy-FOOl' Cents ($100.74) plus accrued Interest and penalties. Wany, and Imposes certain obligations against ",al propeMy situated In ConIer County, FloMda. described as follows: MARCO BCH UNIT 4 ~LK 127 LOT 15 OR 924 PG 290 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 56942520003 61000 98656 , Col11er County, a political subdlvlolon of the State of FloMda, hereby acknowiedges receipt of payment In luG satisfaction of the lien and hereby cancels uen. The Cieri< of the Clrcun Court Is hereby dI"'cted to ",cord this Satisfaction of Lien In the ofIldal Records of Conler County, Flo<1da, to acknowledge tflal the lien cea...s to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board 01 County Commlsslone.. of Conlar County, FloMda, acting through HI Chairman, directs execution and recording of this Satisfaction of Lien, by adIon of the Board this /<;1' day 01 ::7'<pL../ .1997. . ') ... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY::<< _7 #.rL TIMOTHYL HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN This Instrument prepared by: ShlMey Jean McEachem Assistant County Attorney OffIce of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamlaml Tra" Naples, FloMda 34112 (941) 774- 8400 ttt 2160411 OR: 2296 PG: 1366 ttt oeollln \l 0lI1C111 DCOIllI .f como comr, n. /l/lllll.t 11:1111 DlICIlI, 1I0C1, Cl.\U De na I,ll COPIlI 1.11 tell: Cl.\1110mJOW ImlOma 11111001 Ilflll1 MAR 1 8 1997 PropeMy Folio No. 622lJ5.4SOOO7 SATISFACTION OF UEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: T'1at the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLliER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of. certain lien against PatMcla E Tems 5250 Holland Sl Naples, Fl 33962??oo The lien was recorded on the 1 ff" day of September, 1994, In Off1<:Ial Record Book 1986, pag.. 788!hrough 942, In the OffIce of the Cieri< of the Circuit Court 01 Collier County, Stale of Florida. The lien sscur.. the pr1ndpal sum of Ons Hundred Dona.. snd Seventy-FOU' Cents ($100.74) p1U1accrued Interest and penalties, Wany, and Impooes certain obIIgalIonI agalnst real propeMy sHualed In Collier County, Florida, described as f_: NAPLES MANOR EXT BLK 7 LOT 29 OR 1111 PG 2283 FoIo No. ProjecI No. Accctri No. 62205460007 61000 111203 , Comer County, a poIItlcaI subdivision 01 the SWle of FloMds, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment In f\dI satisfaction of the lien and hereby cancels uen. The Cieri< of the CIn:uIt Court II hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien In tho ofIldal Records 01 CoIfoer County, FloMda, to acknowledge tflat the lien ceases to exlsl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commlsslone.. 01 comer County, FloMda, acting throUgh ItJ Chairman, directs execution a~ng of tflil Sf of lien, by action of the Board this . / day of ~/ .1997. ,;'ATTEST: . j DWIGHT E. BROCK. CIe SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: /} ;/ XI" TIMOTHYL HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN ,(. '"./ This Instrument prepared by: ShlMey Jean McEachem Assistant County Attorney OlIIce of the County Attorney 3301 Ea.t Tamlaml TraR Na~, FloMda 34112 (941) 774- 8400 ttt 2160415 OR: 2296 PG: 1370 ttt OCODD II omClll oeCUI .f C1lUlJI comr, n. ll/ll/l1.\ l1:lll1 DIlm I, 11OCI, CUB oem I,ll COIIII \,11 \aU: mil n m IGlD ImlOnta III 11001 MAR 1 8 \9!l7 mll11 PropeMy Fono No. 88S8OO80006 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW At.L MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain lien against Juan Becenra Et Ux 306 S 8tfl St Immokalee, Fl 33934??oo The lien was recorded on the 1ft" day of September, 1994, In OlIIclal Record Book 1988, Pages 788 through 942, In the Office 01 the Clerk of tfle Clrcun Court of Collier County, Stata 01 Flo<1da. The lien secures the pMnclpalsum of One Hundred and Three DolIa.. and Two Cents ($103.02) plus accrued Interest and penalties, ~ any, and Impose. certain obligations against real propeMy sHuated In Comer County, FloMda, described as follows: PINECREST BLK A LOT 2 OR 0183 PG 84S ForlO No. Project No. Account No. 668B0080006 81000 132305 , CoIner County, a political subdMslon of the State of FloMda, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in tun satisfaction of the lien and hereby cancela lien. The Cieri< of the C1n:uIt Court is hereby directed to record tflis Satisfaction of lien In the oIflcIa1 Records 01 CollIer County, Florida, 10 aclolOwledge that the lien ""....10 exlst. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board 01 County Commlsslone.. of comer County, FlorIda, acting through Hs Chairman, directs execution p recordlng of this S~ 01 lien, by action 01 the Board this / day of ~./ , 1997. , - ,. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. Cieri< 1J..d!/I, -, ~ 'I LJ/. ( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COWER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~.'. /' #.''1''/ TIMOTHY ,L HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN tt* 2160419 OR: 2296 PG: 1374 tt UCODn II olllem UCODS .1 comn comr, n. . . 1l/2l/11lt 11:1111 DllCIlI. 11OCI, CIoIU . uem 1,\1 COlIII \,\1 This Instrument prepared by: ShlMey Jean McEachern Assistant CountY Attorney OlI1co of the County Attorney 3301 Esst Tamiaml TraM Naples, FloMd. 34112 (941) 774- 8400 IIU: ellIt to m JOUI ImlOTlla III 11001 mllll MAR 1 8 'B97 PropeMy Folio No. 545502B0009 SATISFACTION OF UEN KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner .nd holder of a certain lien against Belen G Adame 201 DIxIe 51 Immokalee, Fl 33934??oo The lien was recorded on the 19" day of September, 1994, In OfficIal Record Book 1988, Pages 788 through 942, In the omee 01 the Cieri< of the Circuit Court 01 Collier County, State of FloMd.. The lien secures the pr1nclpalsum of One Hundred .nd Three Don....nd Two cents ($103.02) plus accrued Interest and pen.ftles, If any, .nd Imposes certain obflllatlons against real propeMy sHu.ted In Collier County, FloMd., described as fol1ows: LA VlLlIT A EST LOT 7 OR 257 PG 770 Fono No. Projecl No. Account No. 54550280009 81000 152987 Cclner County, 0 polltIcalsubd'lVislon of the State of FloMda, hereby ocknoWledges receipt of payment In tun satisfaction of the lien and hereby cancels lien. The Cieri< of the Clrcun Court 11 hereby directed to record this Satisfaction 01 Lien In the ofIlclal Records of Collier County, FloMda, to acknowtedge that the Uon ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of Comer County, FloMda, r;:Ung through no Chairman, dlrecll execution r recording of this S...~. of lien, by oction of the Boord this _ / day of 1 _ ,1997. , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COllIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: -;:;, . 7' /{lcL.. TIMOTHY ~ HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN This Instrument prepared by: Shlrely Jean McEochem Assistant County Attorney OffIce of tf1e County Attorney 3301 East Tamlaml TraH Naples, FioMda 34112 (941) 774-8400 tit 2160420 OR: 2296 PG: 1375 ttt UCODn 10 OnIClll ue01llI .f collin covm, n. " 1l1l1/l7 II J7:1111 DllCIlI, 100, CUU ' uem I,ll COPln 1.11 I,U: mu to m \4.W Iml1lnIa III 11001 11I7211 MfIR 1 8 1997 PropeMy FoRo No. 35983240004 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder 01. certain lien against Joan H Fletcher 4724 25tfl PI SW Naples, Fl 339990000 The Lien was recorded on the 1ft" day of September, 1994, In 0fIlclal Record Book 1988, PagM 788 tflrough 942, In tf1e OIIIce ?f the Cieri< of the Circuit eo...t of CollIer County, State of FloMda. The lien secures the pMnclpalsum of TMnty-F1ve Dona.. end Seventeen Cents ($25.17) plus accroed Interest and penonles, W 8/rf, .nd ImpolM certain obligatlons against ...., property sllu8ted In Collier County, FloMda, described as fol1ows: GOLDEN GATE UNIT 3 BLK 83 LOT 7 OR 1420 PG 1988 FolloNo. Project No. Account No. 35983240tJ04 82000 9454 Collier County, a porrtlcal subdivision of the State 01 FloMda, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment In full satisfaction of tf1e lien and hereby cancels lien. The Cieri< of the C1n:uIt Court Is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of lien In the oIIlclal Records 01 ConIer County, FloMd., 10 8cknowfedge thollhe lien ce.... to exlst. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commlllloners 01 Comer County, FloMda. acting through no Chairman, directs executionp recording of this Satisfaction of lien, by .ction of the Board tflls /. day of ~'--:;./' _ . 1997. , '.:' ," "', ..' ATTEST:" '. DWlGHT'E:B.RPCK. Cieri< <~.~/U BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ;:?4 ./ IJt , ,;"-L By: / TIMOTHY L HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN This Instrument prepared by: Shlrely Je.n Mceachern Assistant County Attorney OffIce of the County Attorney 3301 E.st Tamlaml Tran Na~, FloMd. 34112 (941) 774-8400 ttt 2160422 OR: 2296 PG: 1377 *t oeCUII II OlIICJll DenDI ,I mUll conn, n. . ll/llllllt 1l:11IlIllCllI, 1IOCI, CUB Dem I,ll COIIU LII IIU: CUI( to m JOID ImIlma III n.ooI mllll MAR 1 8 1997 Property Folio No. 39265880007 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of. certain lien against Edward M Keith Jr 160 12th Sl NE N.p1pes, Fl 33964??oo The lien was recorded on the 1ft" day of September, 1994,1n Offlclal Record Book 19as, PagM 7aslhrough 942, In the OffIce of the CIer1< 01 the Circuit Court of Collier County, State 01 FloMd.. The Lion secures the principal sum of Twenty-F1ve Dona.. and Seventeen Cents ($25.17) plus accrued Interest and penalties, W any, and Imposes certain obligations ag.1nst real propeMy situated In ColI'oer County, Florid., described .s foliows: GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 49 BEG SE CNR OF TR 76, AlG S U OF TR 76, N 59 DEG W 368FT, N 36 DEG E 189.82FT, S 69 DEG E 272ft, S 150FT TO POB 1.14AC Folio No. Project No. Account No. 39285860007 62000 16500 Collier County, . political subdivision 01 the State 01 FloMd., hereby .c:kJ IOwledges receipt of payment In full satisfaction 01 the lien and hereby cancels lien. The CIer1< of the CircuH Court Is hereby directed to racord tflls Satisfaction 01 lien In the oIIIcI.1 Records 01 Comer County, FloMda, to acknowfedge tflat the lien ce.... to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bo.rd of County Commissioners of CollIer County, FloMd., acting through Hs Ch.lrm.n, directs executi") r racordIng 01 this S~ ~' by a~~ the Board this d.yof ATTEST: DWIGHT E: BROCK. Cieri< '~~-".r;:: 12e BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:;t J /'r/ -/ TIMOTHYL. HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN ttt 2160424 OR: 2296 PG: 1379 tt oemn 10 OnIOO DCODI of coum conn, n. . . Il!ZI!llllll:1l11 mOlT I, 11lICI, CUB oem COIIII This Instrument prep.red by: Shlrely Je.n McEachem Assistant County Attorney OffIce 01 the County Attorney 3301 E.st Tamlaml Tran N.pIes, FloMda 34112 (941) 774-8400 PropeMy Folio No. 57191?4OO009 let.: CUll to m \OlD Iml1lnIa III n.ooI mlZU MAR 1 8 1997 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: Thai the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder 01. certain lien against En & Virginia Panzare"a 941 Scotto, Marco Is!, Fl 33937??oo The lien was recorded on the 1ft" day of September, 1994, In OffIcial Record Book 19as, Pages 7aslhrough llo42, In the omee 01 the Cieri< 01 the Clnoun Court of COnler County, State 01 Florida. The lien IIIcureI the principal sum of Fifty DoI1a.. .nd ThIMy-Slx Cents ($50.36) plus .ccrued Interest and penalties, Wany, and Imposes certain obligations against real propeMy sHualed In Comer County, FloMd., detcribed .s follows: MARCO BCH UNIT 5 BLK 88 LOT 10 OR 918 PG 283 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 57191400009 82000 24358 CollIer County, . poIitk:aIsubdMslon 01 the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment In tun _action 01 the lien and hereby cancels lien. The Cieri< 01 the C1n:uIt Court Is hereby directed to record lhIs Satisfaction of lien In the ofI1cI.1 Records 01 Conler County, FloMd., 10 .cknowledge !hat the u"n ce...s to exlst. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bo.rd 01 County Commisslone.. 01 Conler County, Florida, acting through Hs Ch.lrman, directs executior recording of lhIs Satisfaction 01 lien, by action of the Bo.rd tflls / day of 'l-~~.- .1997, . I;' ATTEST: . : DWlGIfT ei .BROCK. Cieri< 1;l.~M '.J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ./ .J!. _,-/ t'/. .../ Ift"- ~.....- By: /". TIMOTHY L: HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN This Instrument ~pared by: Shlrely Jean McEachem Assistant County Attorney omee of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamlaml Traft Naples, FloMda 34112 (941) 774-8400 PropeMy Folio No. 62575320004 ttt 2160425 OR: 2296 PG: 1380 UCODn I. 0II1C111 UCOIIII .f COIIIII COGIII, n. . : 11/ll/!! It 11:3111 mCllI, 1I0a, ruu lIem 1.11 COIIII 1.11 letl: mil to m \Gl\I ImlOlIICI 1lI1101l1 II!UIl MAR 1 8 1997 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: ThBl the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain lien against Harrison M Scoone Jr 621107th Ave N Naples, Fl 339630000 The lien was recorded on the 1ft" day of September, 1994, In OfficIal Record Book 1988, Pages 788 through 942, In the omee of the CIer1< of the C1n:uIt Court 01 Co!ller County, State of FloMda. The lien secures the pl1nclpalsum 01 FIfty DoIIar1and ThIMy-51x Cents ($50.36) plus accrued Interest and penalties, Wany, and Imposes certain obflgatlons against ","I propeMy sHuated In CollIer County, FIo<1da, desaibed .. fol1ows: NAPLES PARK UNIT 2 BLK 20 LOT 20 OR 1759 PG 15804 FolIO No. Project No. Account No. 625753.0004 62000 26202 Collier County, a poIItlcaIsubdMllon of the State of FIorlda, hereby acknowledges reeelpl of paymenlln tun satisfactlol, of the lien and hersby cancels lien. The CIer1< 01 the C1n:uIt Court II hereby directed to nooord thll Satisfaction of Uen In the oIfIdal Records 01 CollIer County, FloMda, 10 acknoWledge thai the lien ce....lo exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commllsloners 01 CollIer County, FIor1da, IIcIIng through HI Chairmsn, directs execution ~ racordIng 01 this S~... oIJ"" by ~~ the Board thll / day 01 , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST:' DWlGtfT E. BROCK. CIer1< . '. 1J(- ..~~a'. ~ -/ if( .:;L. By: . TIMO'rtiY L HANCOCK. CHAIRMAN This Instrument prepared by: Shlrely Jean McEachem Assistant County Attorney OIIlce 01 the County Attorney 3301 East Tamloml Tral Naples, FloMda 34112 (941) 774-8400 ttt 2160426 OR: 2296 PG: 1381 tt _II 10100 UCOIII'! COUlII conn, n.': ll/ll/llll 11:111I mGft I, 1IOCI, CUB uem 1,\1 e01Il1 1.11 I'U: CUB to m !OlD Imllflla III n.ooI m llll MAR 1 8 1997 PropeMy Folio No. 80472503605 SATISFACTION OF UEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain lien against Sunben Partne.. POBox 420179 Naples, A 339420003 The lien was ,ecotded on the 1ft" day of Septomber, 1994, In Offlclal Record Book 1988, PagM 788 tflrough 942, In the OIIlce 01 the CIer1< of the CIn:uIt Court 01 Conler County, Stat. oIFloMde. The lien secures the prtnclp8f sum 01 Twonty-F1ve DoIla.. snd _een Cents ($25.17) p1U1accrued Interest and penalties, W sny, and Imposes certain obIIgatlons against real propeMy sHuated In ConJer County, FIoMda, delCtibed as fol1ows: VILLA FONTANA UNIT ONE LOT 28 OR 1584 PG 837 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 80472503605 82000 376G4 Conler County, a poIiticalsubdMslon of the State of FloMde, hereby acknow1edges receipt of payment In full satlsfadIon 01 the lien and hersby cancels lien. The Cieri< 01 the CIrcuIt Court Is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction 01 lien In the oIIlclal Records 01 ConIer County, FloMda, 10 acknowledge that the l.len ce...s to exlst. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commlllloners of Collier County, FloMda, acting through HI Chalrmsn, d1rectI ex~nd recording oIthla s~ ?n, by a~lo~~ the Board this / day of , . . , :: ;.' ..... ATTEST; ",..-:.' 1 \..' . 'OWiClHT .E:.B~K. CIeri< ." :::." ~ .;. ',~:f . ,-".' ( ....... t.,. , ..,-",' "".~ J::;i :,;!";",:,.: .~:>:. . . r, '1/- .If ,~.,f' . .... . ~ ..~.~ I",~ ...,...:", ".. .- '" .~. "I! ' '.: ;:).> :.... " ,.:J' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By: ~ ./ Iii :-:L TlMO'fH'0.. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN .,.......