Resolution 1997-172 This instrument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney Office or the County Attorney 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 (941)774-8400 Property Folio No. 00058440007 ttt 2160428 OR: 2296 PG: 1384 ttt UCOUlIlI Gillem UCOUI ,f COIIIJI COIITI, II. 1l/ll/ll.t 11:1l11 DmIT I. 11OCl, CIIU UC nI 1.11 COPIlI 1.11 I.to: CII[1 TO m IOlD ~:::Ia III 11001 MAR 1 8 1!l!l7 BATISFACTIOIl' OF LIEII' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLiER COUNTY, FLORIDA waa the owner and holder or a certain Lien against: Merry C KeUey 810 Taylor Terrace luunokalee, Fl 33934??oo The Lien waa recorded on the 22nd day of September, 1994, in Official Record Book 1987, Pages 1514 through 1749, in the Office or the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Uen secures the principal sum of One Hundred and Three DoUaro and Two Cents ($103.02) plus accrued interest and pcnaltietl, if any, and impose. certain obligations against real y~u~rty situated in Collier County, F1orida, described as Collowa: 364628 N 200FT OF E 200FT OF SEI/4 OF SW1/4, LESS W 30FT R/W .78 AC OR 1781 PPG 1586 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 00058440007 63000 107 Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in full satisfaction of the Uen and hereby cancels Lien. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the official Records or Collier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. ~. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners of CoUier County, Florida, acting through ita Chainnan, directs execution and reco~.., '. . of this Satisfaction of tien, by action of the Board this ~ay of ~,~./ ,1997. ~ . .,., :: l. ". ,I ;.', . , "" ATTEST: '.. DWIGHT E. $~k .~~,d~ @e!.. , .' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CO~ By:' ~W O'THY. COCK, CHAIRMAN ;... \l,'; " " ~ I "p'" This instrument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney Office of the County Attorney 330 I East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 (941) 774-8400 Property Folio No. 01144680000 ttt 2160435 OR: 2296 PG: 1391 ttt UCOIllII fa Glllelll UCODI .f COUIII COIITI, II. Il/lllll at 17:5111 KIIZl I. 1IOCl, CIIU uem 1.11 copm 1.11 Ilu: CIIUTOmJO.lU Iml'Jrna 4IIP1OOI m 7211 MAR 1 B 1997 llATIllFACTIOIl' OF LIEII' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLiER COUNTY, FLORIDA was the owner and holder of a certain Lien again.t: Donna Shelkofski Star Rt Box 194 Ochopce,i<133943oooo The Lien was recorded on the 22nd day of September, 1994., in Official Record Book 1987, Pages 1514 through 1749, in the Office of the Clerk or the Circuit Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Uen secures the principal .um or One Hundred DoUaro and Seventy-Four Cent. ($100.74) plus accrued interest and penalties, if any, and imposes certain obligations against real property situated in Collier County, Florida, deecribed as follows: 215230 N 100FT OF S 600FT OF E/l/2 OF E1/2 OF SE1/4 LESS E 100FT 1.29 AC OR 1561 PO 1097 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 01144680000 63000 4404 Collier County, a political subdivi.ion of the State or Florida, hereby acknowledgca receipt of payment in full satisfaction of the Lien and hereby cancela Lien. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the official Record. or CoUier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board or County Commissioners or CoUier County, Florida, acting through it. Chairman, directs execution anV ~g or ~ Satiafaction of Lien, by acticr., of the Board this ..a. day or ..."..... ,1997. .~ ATTEST: _, :' DWJOHTE.BROC~ .~, 2?L '- -'t)~ ../ . . . , . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: a;, ;':../ Xh'1?"/ TIMOTHY i/.HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN This instrument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachern Asaistant County Attorney Office of the County Attomey 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naple., Florida 34112 (941) 774.8400 Property Folio No. 60030441006 ttt 2160441 OR: 2296 PG: 1397 ttt ucouo II onm.u UCODS ,I COlun CIIOTl, II. 1l/ll/11at 11:1111 KI;rr I. 1IOCI, CIIU oem 1.11 coPln 1.11 lata: CIIU TO m IOlD ImlOrna III 110OI Inll41 MAR 1 8 1997 SA TIIlF ACTIOII' OF LIEII' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA waa the owner and holder of a certain Lien again.t: Loui. E & Wilma C Engelke Box 37301 PAC 0585 Washington DC 200 13??oo The Lien WlUl recorded on the 22nd day of September, t 994, in Official Record Book 1987, Pages 1514 through 1749, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Cot4rt of Collier County, State of Florida. The Uen secures the principal sum or One Hundred Dollars and Seventy- Four Cents ($100.74) plus accrued interest and penalties, if any, and imPO""'1I certain obligations against real property situated in Collier County, Florida, described as follows: MENTOR PINES Wl/2 OF LOT 8 OR 1320 PO 187 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 60030441006 63000 20569 CoUier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in full aatis!action of the Lien and hereby cancela Uen. The Clerk of the Circuit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the official Records of Collier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceuea to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board or County Commissioners or Collier County, Florida, scting through it. Chairman, directs execution and re~ or~thi Satisfaction of Lien, by action of the Board this 2{d;.y or '~"'__ ,1997. . . .. '. ". ~. "..... I' . g/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~.:. ~. _/ ?/6- w/ T1MOTHY-L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN ;':' This in.trument prepared by: Shirley Jean McEachern Aosistant County Attorney Office or the County Attorney 3301 East Tamiami Troll Naples, Florida 34112 (941)774-8400 ttt 2160443 OR: 2296 PG: 1399 ttt moulD la DmeUl UCOUI .f comn COQIl, n. Il/2l/l7 at 11:5511 ImIT I. 11OCI, CIIU IICm 1.11 COIIIS 1.11 Iato: ellll III m IOlD mnGllla In !lOCI mllll HAR I 8 1997 Property Folio No. 66880200006 BATlBFACTIOIl' OF LIEII' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLiER COUNTY, FLORIDA waa the owner and holder of a certain Lien against: Juan Fonseca ET UX 312 S 6th St Immokalcc, Fl 33934??oo The Uen was recorded on the 22nd day oCSeptember, 1994', in Official Record Book 1987, Pages 1514 through 1749, in the O:!ice of the Clerk or the Circuit Court of Collier County, State of Florida. The Lien secures the principal sum or One Hundred and Thrcc DoDaro and Two Cents ($103.02) plua accrued interest and penalties, if any, and imposes certain obligations against real properly aituated in Collier County, Floridlil, described as follows: P1NECREST BLK A LOT 5 OR 490 PO 663 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 66880200006 63000 26026 Collier County, a political subdivision of the State oC Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in full satisfaction of the Lien and hereby cancela Lien. The Clerk of the Circuit Court ill hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the official Recorda of Collier County, Florida. to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Commissioners oreallier County, Florida, acting through ita Chairman, direct. execution an~ r~. . of ~. Satisfaction of Lien, by action of the Board this .Ld- day of ~ ,1997. '.*"' ATTEST: Dy.'IOHT E. BRC)CK, Cl &, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~, ;/~ .W' TIM L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN . r:~ ,. This instrument prepared by; Shirley Jean McEachern Assistant County Attorney Office of the County Attorney 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 (941) 774-8400 Property Folio No. 68342120004 *tt 2160444 OR: 2296 PG: 1400 ttt UCOUD la OII1C!1lIlCOUI ,( comll COIITI, II. Il/ZIIlI at 11:5511 nIGIT I. 1IOCl, CIIn oem 1.11 COIIII 1.11 lato: am TO m IOlD ImlOrna III 1101I1 m 111I MAR 1 8 1997 BAn8FACTIOIl' OF'...... KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY, FLORIDA waa the owner and holder or a certain Lien again.t: Randall Seyler 1055 Bald Eagle Dr. Marco laland, Fl 33937??oo The Lien waa recorded on the 22nd day of September, 1994, in Official Record Book 1987, Pages 1514 through 1749, in the Office or the Clerk or the Circuit Court of Collier County, State or Florida. The Lien secure. the principal sum of One Hundred Dollars and Seventy-Fcur Cents ($100.74) plus accrued interest and penalties, if any, and imposes certain obligations against real property situated in Collier County, Florida, described as follows: PORT AU PRINCE LT 57 OR 1215 PO 1069 Folio No. Project No. Account No. 68342120004 63000 27070 Collier County, a political .ubdivision of the State of Florida, hereby acknowledges receipt of payment in full sati.faction of the Uen and hereby cancels Lien. The Clerk of the CirC\lit Court is hereby directed to record this Satisfaction of Lien in the official Records of Collier County, Florida, to acknowledge that the Lien ceases to exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board or County Commis.ioner. or CoUier County, Florida, acting through its Chairman, directs execution anPr re~ of this. Satisfaction or Lien, by action of the Board this LL day or . -:"" "" .1997. . "'" '. I ", ". ATTEST: ;r-<-7l;:fX BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: a' y _/ #;,.-d- TIMOTHY t. HANCOCK, CfWRMAN This Instrument prepared by: Shirley Je.n Mceachern Chief Aaalllant County Attorney omce of the County Attorney 3301 East T.miaml Trail N.pIes, Florid. 34112 (1l41) 774-8400 Property ForlO No. 41930481004 ttt 2160446 OR: 2296 PG: 1402 ttt llcomt II Grmm UCODt .f CllUm conn, n Il/ll/ll It 1l:IIIlIllGIT I. 1IOCI, am oem 1.11 COlllI 1.11 lito: CIIU TO m IOlD ImlOlllO III 11001 In 1211 MAR 1 8 1997 SATISFACTION OF LIEN KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: That the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, flORIDA was the owner.nd holder of a certain lien agalrnrt: Steven 1 Richardson EmilyRlchardJon 1941 0a1ccs Blvd Naples, A 339990000 The lien was ,oeo<ded on the 22nd day of Seplember, 1ll1l4,In 0flIdaI Record Boolt 1987, Pages 15141hrough 1749,1n the 0tIIce of the Clerk of the CimJII Court of CoII1er County, Slate of F1orida. The lien oecureI the pr1ndpat sum of Fifty DoUan and Thirty-Six Ccnlo ($50.36) piua sccrued Interest and penalllea, Wany, and Impoaeo certain obllgatlona against re.1 property situated In CoIIler County, Florida, deaaibed as fol1owa: GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 97 N 134FT OF TR 9, LESS SIFT, 2.27 AC OR 1528 PO 1955. OR 1521 PO 2237 Folio No. Project No. Acc:ounI No. 41930481004 83001 2749 CoIr1eT County, . po4itIcalsubcftvlslon of the State of F1orld., hereby ad<nowtedges receipt of payment In futllallafactlon of the lien .nd hereby cancels lien. The CleM< of the Circuit Court to hereby directed to record 1hIa Sstisfactlon of lien In the oI!lcIal Recorda of CoPier County, Florid., to acknowledge that the lien ce.... to exlal IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Bo.rd of County Commlulonerl of Collier County, Florida, 8ClIng through Ita Chalrmsn, _ exllC<Jtion and ~ of this Satisfaction of lien, by Bellon of the Board this .L'L:3ay of ~ 1997. . ' ..... ." , . . '. ._1 "'. ATTEST"' , . ;' ,":'~' J DWIGHT E.BROj:K, CIe <de.. /' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COlliER COUNTY, flORIDA By. '$'-/;/ ?f6-d TIMOTHY L COCK, CI-WRMAN \,....:. .'.