Resolution 1997-144 I'U:. arur'MIClD IIIIJOf'rQ In flOOR mllr ; "lCm "fIll 11.\1 1.11 16A neoD" II tit rrlliCI,IJ, nCOG' of COlLIU count n 1I/I1Il1.tll:\l1I111\:ITJ.II<<I, ruu RESOLUTION HO. 97- 144 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COU/<TY 0 ~ISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR :'HE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ,CCORD~{CE WITH ORDINANCS 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, tht direct costa of ab'tement of certain nuisances, including pre8Crl\~d administrative co'~t incurred by the County, shall be assessed a(' 'iost such property; an'- I WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as t ~ each parcel shall be ca ~ulated and reported to the Board of County Cr missioners, together wi~ h a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, , 'lid and binding ob' igation upon the property against which made \' 'til paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due anI!, payable thirty (30) da" ~ after the mailing of Notice of Assessment af: er which interest sh .11 accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0\) er annum on any uni ''\id portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD 'F COUNTY Cry:~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that t~l property described as f.ollows, and having been abated of a public ntll S3nce after due and pr' per notice thereof to the owner of said prope' y, is hereby assessed th' following costs of such abatement, to wit: IWllI..l LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ I Lot 66, o~ an unrecorded J".at o~ $245.00 PORT-AU-PIUNCZ MOBILE BC>>D'" \ SUBDI~SIOh', being aore p' ticularly de.cri.bed a. t'ollow: Tho '~a.t' h.lf' o~ the Za.t h.lf of' the He' th...t quarter o~ the South",..t q \a..rter of the SO' th...t quarter ot S.etion 15, Town.hip S1 Soutl,', Ranq. 26 Z..t, Co.11.ier County, J'lorid.a, 1... the Korth 150 t..t '\nd South 450 t..t, l.f'~ 60 t..t tor road right-ot-way. Jo/" Lui. Cat.t. Cal,," Lueila 66 t.l. St Thoma. NaJ l..., J'L 3.3961 RIIl\&iliG.l' 60119-079 168342480003 The Clerk of the Board ahall mail a notice cl assessment of lien to t;he owner or owners of the above described preJ'lerty, and if such o~'~r fails to pay such assesoment within thirty '30) days hereof, a ce',1:ified copy of this Resolution shall be recorc'''d in the official rel,'Jrds of Collier County, to constitute a lien 8' ainst such property act >)rding to law, unless such direction is stayeel by this Board upon 'apI ~al of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DA~' 'm:' Macch 4,. 1997 . . AT! '~ST, ?~JlHT E. BROCK, ..CLERK ~. ~ ._~-*'~, C3~ API 4.0VED AS TO 'FORM . J\NJ) LEGJ\L.SUFPICIENCY, ~,' 11,.1. f J ~A-1 "- fiC~,:.'-DA\ [0 WEIGEL cot hrry A'T"TORNEY BOARD OF C0UN11 COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY FLCRIDA BY, Z/~.~~ ~' COCK, C'HAIRMAN C$(.~ 11 - 1/97 M1'~__~~.~ ........ ~. ~ w.~ -.-- . w~_~"'.'._TI')..,..~~.-..,...,,, -- ., ~-~.~~ ~._.--~_.,"""---_.......,~-~.-.,,,-~~,,-,"_.---_._-_..-_.".,,. 2