Resolution 1997-091 RESOLUTION NO. 97- -2l FEB t 8 t997 ~ A RESOLUTION OF TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO CREATE AN EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND FOR TIm EMPLOYEES' ADVISORY COMMlTIBE TO BENEFIT MORALE AND ESPRIT OF COLLIER COUNTY EMPLOYEES OR TO BB USED FOR OlHER ACTIVITIES AS RECOMMENDED BY TIm COLLIER COUNTY EMPLOYEE ADVISORY COMMITIBE. WHEREAS, the Collier County Employee Advisory Committee (HAC) Is comprised of twelve County emplor- who have been nominated and elected by their co-wo.bn ftom CKh of the four County Divl.lon.; and WHEREAS, a primary objective of the EAC I. to obtain improvements in worlting conditions to benefit all emplor-; and WHEREAS, the Employee Advisory Committee has been approached by several businesses encouraging their puticipction in fund rai.ing activities; and WHEREAS, the Employee Advisory Committee Is desirous of organizing fImd raisen and collecting donations for the improvement of employee morale and esprit or other lCtivities; and WHEREAS, the Employee Advisory Committee i. acting on its own behalf,and is not authorized to IOliclt money or act on behalf of the County; and WHEREAS, the money collected shall be voluntary donation. ftom Collier County Emplor- or oCher donations and shall remain the seperate property of the HAC; and , WHEREAS, the Employee Advisory Committee desires to deposit any "!Ioney colleeted In a trust fimd to be maintained by the County and dlsbuned for employee related morale and esprit IICtivities in lICCOf'CIance with the desire of the Board of County Comm issionen after recommendation by the Employee Advisory committee. NOW, TImREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: I. The Board of County Commwionen hereby creates a oeparate trust fimd to be maintained by the County FilWlCC Department which shall be an interest bearing llCCOUIIt or invested pursuant to County In_ent policies and procedures. 2. The Employee Advisory Committee ahallsubmit eaah deposib to the Finance Depu1ment ftom t1me-~t1mo. 3. The deposit of money into the trust fimd .haIl be d_ed an 1<(~J'llou"" of tho doDatlOllIn trust by tho Board of CornmISlllonen. '" FEB t 8 1997 4. The principal and interest on deposit in the trust account shall be used for employee esprit " and morale and other eml'loyee related IICtivlties on a eue-by-caso buis u directed by the Board of County Commissioners by Resolutions. At or before the public hearing regarding use of trust funds, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the recommendation of the Employee Advisory Committee. S. The County Administrator, Assistlllt to the County Administrator, Chair and/or Treuum of the Employee Advisory Committee are authorized .ignatories for funds to be expended. 6. The Resolution .hall take effect Immediately upon its adoption. :, J~,.ResoI~on 8dopted this d day of .r:L'7 .1997 after motion, second and .m.~Of'tlY VoIO faVoring same. .~ ':~', (:'\.:.~f ',' :~. ,",' '"'I.. . "': .~'.., ,..;.,.. .,......, ..... ...... ~... \...' ',"., I '.' l~ ~ i~/. .'. '. I....' n" ' ",. I, c."'" :f:~.r,f 'D=~.BR~~~erlt :; '.. '1'~ :" .: _. . '-;t"'~~'Y: , '" . ' t".," ..... '. .t' ~,.\ \:.., ", _' ,) Clerk' . 'tf ....:' ,:" ~..' ~'. ,';'; ~ "; ,-." ;.It ~ I.~,.., ;"', ' .' 'A~'ut.;formand IopIsuftlelcney: :rL... (~ ful Thomu Palmer Aulstlllt County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COL OUNTY. FLORIDA 0c!-'