Resolution 1997-083 FEB 1 8 1997 RESOLUTION NO. 97- 83 RESOLUTION OF TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AurnORIZING WAIVER OF REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, REGIONAL SEWER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, LmRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILmES IMPACT FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IMPACT FEES AND EDUCATIONAL F ACILmES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE HOUSE TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY,INC., ON LOT 3D, BLOCK 13, NAPLES MANOR LAKES, NAPLES, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, Collier COlDlty has recognized and attemptcd to address the lack of adequate and affordable housing for moderate, low, and very-low income households in the County and the need for creative and innovative programs to assist in the provision of such housing by including several provisions in the Collier County Growth Management Plan, including: objective 1.4, policy 1.4.1; objective 1.5, policy 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, policy 1.5.4, policy 1.5.5, policy 1.5.6; objective 1.6, policy 1.6.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1.1, policy 2.1.2, policy 2.1.3, policy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of the Housing Element; and WHEREAS, Collier County has received funding pursuant to the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program set fonh in Section 420.907 ~., Florida Statutes and Chapter 91-37. Florida Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 93-19, the County is authorized to use funding from the State Housing Initiatives Panncrship [SHIP] Program for waivers of Collier County impact fees; and WHEREAS,lmmokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. is seeking a waiver of impact fees; and WHEREAS, Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc. will construct one (I) three.bedroom unit (the 'Dwelling Unit') on Lot 30, Block 13, Naples Manor Lakes which is proposed to sell for Forty.Si. Thousand Five Hundred Dollan ($46,500.00); and WHEREAS, the Dwelling Unit will be purchased by a very low income household which is required to invest a minimum of five hundred (500) hours of 'Sweat Equity' before it obtains title to the house; and WHEREAS, Mr. Charles C. Smith, Vice President of Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc., suhcnitted to the Officc of Housing and Urban Improvement an Affordable Housing Application dated October 25, 1996 for a waiver of impact fccs for the construction of a house on Lot 3D, Block 13, Naples Manor Lakes, a copy of said application is on file in the Housing and Urban Improvement Dopanment; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 3.04 of the Regional Water System Impact Fee Ordinancc, Ordinance No. 90-86, IS amended; Section 3.04 of the Regional Sewer System Impact Fee Ordinance. OrdilW\CC No. 9O.g7, as amended; Section 3.04 of the Library System Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8g.97, as amended; Section 4.05 of the Parka and Recreational Faeilitiea Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8g.96, as amended; Section 3.04 of the Road Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92.22, as amended; Section 3.05 of the Emersency Medical Services System Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91-71. as amended; and Section 3.05 of the Educational Facilitiea System Impact Fcc Ordinance, Ordinance No. 92-33, as amended; an applicant may obtain I waiver of impact fees by qualif);ng for a waiver; and -,-~...-~~_._._.- ,--_..__._.~,~"--<-'"---~-_....-""'-,._,,._,,-~~---"".._._.._.." _."'~-- tt:ll 1 1l1!l97 WHEREAS, lmmokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc. haa qualified for an impact fcc waiver bued upon the following representations made by Immokalee Hsbitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a first.time home buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit shall be sold to a household with a very low income level as that term ia defined in the Appcodicea to the respective Impact Fcc Ordinances and the monthly payment to pun:hase the unit must be within the affordable housing guidelines Cltablisbcd in the Appcodices to the rcapcctive Impact Fcc Ordinances. The Dwelling Unit shall be the Homestead of the owner. The Dwelling Unit shall remain affordable for fifteen (I S) yeara from the date the certificate of occupancy ia issued. NOW TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. that: I. The Board of County Commissioncn hereby authorizes the County Manager to isaue an Authorization for waiver of impact fcc. to Immokalcc Habitst for Humanity, Inc. for one (I) house which shall be constructed on Lot 30, Block 13, Nsples Manor LakCl, Collier County, Florida. Upon receipt by the Housing and Urban Improvement Director of an agreement for waiver of impact fees si'gned by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc., and/or the purchaser, or other , documentation. acceptable to the County Attorncy, the Board of County Commisaionen hereby authorizca the poymcnt by Collier County of the following impact fccs from the Affordable lJouaina Trust Fund, Fund (191), in the following amounts for the one (I) house to be built on Lot 30, Block 13, Naples Manor LakCl by Immokalcc Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact Fcc $ 180.52 B. Road Impact Fcc 1,379.00 C. Parka and Recreational FacilitiCl Impoct Fcc: (I) Community Parka (2) Regional Parka EMS Impact Fcc C. D. 2. D. E. 399.00 179.00 14.00 Educational Facilities System Impact Fcc 1,778.00 F. Water Impact Fcc 900.00 O. Sewer Impact Fcc 51 340 00 TOTAL IMPACf FEES $6,169.51 3. The payment of impact fees by Collier County is subject to the execution and recordation of &II agreement for waiver of Collier County Impact Fccs beIwcen the property owner and/or purchaser and the County. FEB 1 8 1997 Thla Resolution adopted after motion, 8CCond and majority vote favoring same. ,. . DA.tto:,M# "'1"~ftlPt'o' ;-" Q'(11"'''' ..., .~Dwi~ H. BRoCK, C;lcrk f(1ft .. > ~~V'J.t_ < '-' ,. '. ", f.~ ~,.' , . .:" ""..,:.\,. ".....,., ~utoiormand IepIlllfliclency: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :~~ imothy L. ancock, Chairman ~ HeidI F. Ashton AAiItant County Altomcy jdlplllciDapleo Dl8IlOr lakeIIreso FEB I 8 1!l97 EXHlBITMA" LEGAL DESCRIP110N LOT 30 OF BLOCK 13, NAPLES MANOR LAKES, ACCORDING TO nIB PLAT BOOK nIBREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, AT PAGE g6, OF nIB PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA.