Resolution 1997-066 JAM 2 8 197 RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ A RESOLOTIOIf OF THE BOARD OF COllllTY COMMISSIOHERS OF COLLIER COllllTY, FLORIDA TO CORRECT A SCRIVENER I S ERROR IN THE WOODLAIlIlS DRI DEVELOPKEIlT ORDER, DEVELOPKEIlT ORDER 96-2, IIBICH AJlENDED DEVELOPKEIlT ORDER 86-1, SBCTION 5, 'l'RANSPORTATION, RELATING TO ADDITION OF A ROADlfAY SBGKI".... FOR MONITORING PURPOSBS AND TO CORRECT LBGAL PARl'ICIPATION BY THE DBPARTMEN'l' OF COIOIllllITY AFFAIRS IN ANY NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGB PROCESS. ","",'lB, the Board of County ccmai..ioner. of COllier COUnty, Florid., .d~ ~.01ution 96-482/Develop.ent Order 96- 2, (th. sDevelOpMent OrderS) on October 22, 1996, which aaen4e4 the Deve1op.ent Order 86-1 for The Woodland. DevelopMnt ot -, Regional IlIp&otl and llIIERBAS, the Florida Depart.ent Of COlIIIIUnity Attairs (the sDepartaentS) notitied COUnty .taff and the applicant that the DevelopMnt Order ~nt a. adopted did not contain certain chanqe. that had been agreed upon by applicant, COUnty .taff, and the Deparblent II and WHEREAS, it va. di.covered that the agreed upon chanqe. that had been reviewed and approved by the DeparbNnt, Sout.hvut: Florida Regional Planning Council, and County .taff wre inadvertently DlIIitted frDlll the a.ended Developllent Orderl and WHEREAS, said correction constitutes a .erivener'. error. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COllllTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COllllTY, FLORIDA, that: 81C'l'IOII 0IIIl1 8C1.n _'8 ERROR AJIDIDKBllTI TO TRAIIIl'OIlnUOll 81C'l'IOII Section 5.b. (7) (Hi), Transportation, is hereby nended to read a. tollow.: .LUil. The atltllicant shall file a Notice of Chanae vithin .i~v (601 days trom the data the County creat.. an 187 ~:.sl.au,,":. aD~~fici.:'; ~~:~ie.ae~.~~a~:atf'i~:C\1:: :~: Motica of Chanaa. a current. traffic analv.i. and a~~ informa~ion .tt.m~tina to establish ~at the DRY i. n~ havina a aubat8ntial illmact QDon t.he Dartinant:. 'I""'fUI" 8ea11lAnt. Dr other 1uat.itlcat.ion of t.he County'. exclusion of the DRt trOll the ASI.. If an AS! i. ~'tabli.had tor any deticien't road .~.nt: If..t=...t in. ~ion !5 of' this Develotllllent order that doe. net inll.ll.'de the Woodlands DR!. the DRI shall not atltllv for or b, i..u.d any further Certificate. ot Public FaciIJ'ti,e. Ad8auacv until: (1\ the Notice ot Chanaa decision i. lIade bv Collier Countv. it DCA did not -1- Words anderfincd are addilions. words SI'" Ihl'8l1gh Ire ddc:tionl. JAM 2 8 1997 submit written ob1ections to Collier County Dursuant: to Subsection 380.061191 If I. Florida Statuta. and the chanoe i. adoDt.ed bv Collier County. as DroDos.d! or (2\ until any aDDeal ot such decision to the PIerids Land and Water Ad1udicatorv Commission is resolved. 8BCTION DO 1 8eRn ...IlK' 8 ERROR AKEJlIlMBllT8 TO TRA118PORTATIOII SECTION SECTION 5.B. (7) (VI), Transportation, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ If DCA does not submit written ob1ections to the Notice ot Chanae Dursuant to Subsection 380.06(19\ (f\. Florida statut.es and the chanae i. JIldoDted bv Collier County as DroDo..d. the ORI may be issued Certificate. of Public Facilitv Adeauacv fcllovina the Countv'. DeveloD1l.ent: Order decision. If DCA submit.. written ob1ections Drior t.o the Dublle haarina. t.he BDDlicant: shall not BeDlv for or be issued Certificates of Public Facili~v Adeauacv until the deadline for anY aDDeaI of the: Col1iAr County decision has exnired Dursuant: to Section 380.07. Florida statutes and no anneal has been filed. 8BCTIOII Tl!RD 1 8C1..u .......' I ERROR AJIDIDMBIIT. TO TRANIPORTATION S,CTION SECTION 5,1.. (3), Transportation, is amended by adding the following road 'segment to those road segments in Collier County i significantly impacted by The Woodlands projact: CR 951 - Immokalee Road to Bonita Beach Road Except as specifically modified hereby, Development Order 96-2 shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the lIIinutes of the Board. THIS ~!iPLOTION ADOPTED after motion, vote. this ~ day Of~' 1997. ...,........... t I ~EScrl:' '!"" i .> QwfGII'l' . B. '. BROCK, Clerk r' ....:.. _: . (". ." ...~. {~': ,.....(~~,~. -:: '.., ~ I: \:";~:":" ". '::..... .:';.~ j";', :"'\ Apprqye~. aiJ >t:?" form and '~pgal .u~tiQ!.ncy: - .." ,.-- -'-' ,.' .f . '".to ,..", second and lIIajority BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~~~~n tZ)/! /1~m.~d Mar e K. stu ent Assistant County Attorney ewtf.JR.olueicD'WoodIandt Ic:riWDII"ll Fnor -2- Words underlined are addilions. words stmelllhfl8\tgh are deletions.