Resolution 1997-064 JAM 2 8 197 . . . , j J , , I RESOLUTION NO. 97-64 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMM1Tl'EE WHEREAS, the Boud of Co1lIIly CommiIIioncn Idoptecl CoWer Comdy ~ No. 91-10 c:rcatina Iho Comdy Govemment Productivity Committee; IIId WHERBAS, Ordinance No. 93-13 providca that the Committee IbaIl COIIIiat of 13 ~" me! :1 , WHERBAS, Iho terms of two (2) members will expire, cteItiDa WCIDCieI 011 this Committee; me! WHERBAS, Iho Boud of Co1lIIly Commiasionen previOUlly provided pub6c DOlice IOIic:itiDg applications from iDt<<estcd partiClll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER. COUNIY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Ednrd V. Olt g benby awv~ to the CoImty Gcr,..1II&RUl Productivity Cuwwi... tOr a two yar term, aid tam to begin February 4, 1997, me! expire Fd>._y 4, 1999. 2. 101m R. SchoarJ<< g ba'eby awuintcd to the Co1lIIly <m..1II&RUl Pmlhdi.il1 Committee for a two yar term, laid term to begin February 4, 1997, me! expire Fd._y 4, 1999. Tbia Resolution ~ U\er motion, IICCOIId me! .......1....... vote. , -, '1 , :~ ., , . . .' DATED: II1lW11'Y 28, 1997 it A'I'TBST...... . ',Lt 9wi~B.'~~R~ Clem '1t.'.\ . . . " /~~.:..:~., .' . ";"~('-i\' 'lJe.~- .~ ~ ~!. " ._:"~ - .; ~. ~ .~\~.: . ..., -. .j...'.t .' '-f : oJ \~f::'..';' :1; :'."::.~~/", ..~.tofOrm ..' ,,, '.. . 1 '." - ".. ,\ ..- .)..,~.. ~"~~~ ;..: "'~r~I'I"" ."~,, BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER. COUNIY, FLORIDA BY~ -, , ~4 , ADV. BD./kn