Resolution 1997-062 JAM 2 8 1997 . RESOLU110N NO. 9~~ RBSOLU110N BY nIB BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlEll COUNTY, FLORIDA. AtmlORIZING nIB DECLARATION OF A ROAD RIGHT-OF.WAY BASBMBNT. WHEREAS. Collier County Is cIeIlroua of encumberlna property currentIy owaecI by CoIllCIr County with. road rIaht~f.way _t cIeIc:ribcd u folloWl, to wit: The South 25 feet of the North 75 feet oCTract 96, Golden Gate Eatatea, Unit No. 4, u I_died ill Plat Boot 4, Paae 79 of the Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida, and WIlERI!AS, the cIescn'bed easement i. . neceswy element of the Golden Gate Boulevard IlxpaDIillll Project (Approved By Resolutillll Nmnber 96-396); and WHEREAS. the _t will allow Collier Collllty to proceed with the expaIIIillll project ill . timely fUbIon. NOW, llIEREFORE, BB IT RESOL VBD BY nIB BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlEll COUNTY, FLORIDA. lhIt: I. The Board of County Connniuionen, hereby spproveI the Declantion ofl!uemeat cIcIc:rIbed ill Ilxhlblt . A.. Tbls Resolution Idopted thi. g day ~ 199:L after motillll, ICCOIId ~ majority. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COllIBR COUNTY, FLORIDA "'''''' ", ......,. ~ .... . . ~ . . '. ", ......' :._ "I, ...... :' ., ATl'EST: <. ", ; --" : ;. DwiafrtB.,Brock, CttfJ<~ . .: ',.. . . . - :\~".~.b.__:g~ll) c!. ", ...:~CJcrk . . ".:',' ..~. r ,,' .....:... ."........ 'rT~~ Approved u to legal Conn and lIIIfficicncy: tLJ, 1 Aut,-__ Heidi F. A.ihton Aaiatant County Attomcy ,> PROJECf: Golden Oate Boulevard PARCBL: Max A. Huse Community ParklI28 JAM 2 8 tl97 DBCLARATION OF BASBMBNT nnSDBCLARATIONi.mldethl. >> daYOf~,"""'- .199...zbyCoUler Coanty, a polldcal IIIbdlvllion the State of Florida, havlna allin, ~ W' 3301 Eut Tamlaml Trail, Naplea, Florida 34112, hereinafter reCerred to u. Declarant." , Declarant I. the owner of certain real property situated in CoDier Countj', Florida, more ftilly de.cribed u follcwa, to wit: The South 25 feet of the North 75 Ceet oCTract 96, Golden Gate E!atatea, UnIt No, 4, u recorded in Pial Book 4, Pap 79 of the Public Recorda of ColUer County, Florida, hereinafter referred to u the "Property.. Declarant hereby declllrel that the Property is and shall 110 held, "-ferred, told, conveyed, u.ed and occupied In accordance with and IIIbject to a non-exclulive euement and prIv1lep to enter upon, conllruct and maintain road riaht~f.way, sidewalk, dralnqe alJd udllty facltltlca on the Property, herelnafter reCmed to u the "Euemenl. . The Buement, u lOt forth in this Declaration, .han bind, and the beneflll thereof than Inure to the Declarant and ill reprelClllItivca, agenll, IIICCCIIOTI and aulana. \ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant hu Cluaed thClC preaenllto be executed the date and year above written. " . .' , ..........., ........." ...... . (".' , \.,'". . " ;. . .,( '~-"""". , ," nJ.lrA)l: ~"..' ..: .' DWIGHT B. BROCK. Cleric , f t, , ~!:i 'i) ,i \r~ ..... '. 1\"'" ":. ' ,.b':'t~ :.' . ill ....r'BY. ,': '. ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONBRS OF COUJBR COUNTY, FLORIDA By.~ Ti m Chainnan Approved u to legal Conn md lIIIfficiency: lJc, tL j-)Yi1 /V- Heidi P. Aahton Aaiatant County Attorney , ..........-... EXHiBiT Peoe "AVo of '. .