Resolution 1997-059 RESOLUTION NO. 97-59 JAM 2 11997 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CHARLES HUTl'lNGER TO THE CITY/COUNTY BEACH RENOURISBMENT/ MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, City of Nlples Idoptcd Resolution No. 91-6295 c:reaIiDg Ibe s.:h R.aIourl~.""""....... Committee to provide rcportI md ......uw.......otlQIII to Ibe Bo.d of County CommluIOIIC'llI COIICaIIina plaol, priorities, md economic _ to ~ Ibe "-b, provide beach RD011IiIbment, IIIIinteuance, md improved atonn protection of beacbea in Nlplea 11III the tmincorporated area of Collier County; md WHEREAS, City Raolution No. 93-6853 amended City Raolution No. 91-6295 by iu........ Ibe IIIIIDber ofmcmben oppointed by the Boan! of County Commiaiooen from (I) 0DIl JllGIIIbcr to (5) memben; md WHEREAS, the BoanI of County CommluIonen of Collier County Idoptod Raolution No. 92- 656, recosnizing Ibe City of NIp!es' Beach RenoIllilhrnentlMai Committee .. . ....JmVo,.I Idvitoty committee to formally advilc the BoanI of County CommiIIiOllC'lllIllll the City of NIp\ea; md WHEREAS. there iI CUI1'ClIlIy . vacancy on thia Commillee; md WHEREAS, the BoanI of County CommluIoncn previously provided public DOtice IOlicitins Ipplicationa from interested parties. NOW, lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that CharI.. HuttiDger iI hereby &pilointed to the CitylCounty , RcoouriJbment/M.inten.",..e Committee to 1Wfill the p.m.;"""\" of Ibe _ tam, Aid lam to expire on February 28, 1998. ThiI Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: January 21, 1997 ATTEST:" ..oWtGIlT ~: Bll.OCJ{, CLERK. .~J;.." .< Jd' ";" ,- ...... ~. ~ . ,.,..." ( . . ~ ,,:[i?" ,:(;.:!;/,.'.\,{~ . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA B"~~ TIMOTHY . HANCOCK, CHAlRMAN .( . .J'; ..:!:~;::!',(~;:~.~:::'" Approved .. to fonn and lep1l111fficiency: I.:d~; ~~~~ tfL County Attorney DCWIkn