Resolution 1997-055 JAl2 1 111 RESOLO'1'ION 97-~ " A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OP COmrrY COMMISSIONERS OP COLLIER COmrrY, FLORIDA, PUR.StWlT TO SICTION 2. 7 . 3 . 4 OP '1'BB COLLIER COOI'n LAIID DEVELOPMENT CODB APPBCTIJrQ ORDIJWrCK 91-55 ALSO KNOWN AS SAD1\T.I!iIIl~ VZLLAGB POD, BX'l'BNDING THB ctJRRJlHT y,-'D APPROVAL TO OCTOBER 30, 1998; AND PIlOVIDllfG All EPPEC1'IVB DA'l'B. ;+~ . . ... rr. . , , ~': WBIREAB, the Saddlebrook Village POD, Ordinance 91-55 adopted on June 25, 1991, is ~ject to the provisions of Section, of the Land Devel~t COde (LDC), Tiae Liait. tQr Approved POD Zoning Distri~ together' with their respective Master Plana; and WBIREAB, the POD va. adopted consistent with and under the provisions of the Collier county Growth ManagQl8J)t Plan; and "t.; . .~'. " " .4-::; ~i , ~ .~l " ','';'' , WBIREAB, the Board ot County eo.aissioners bas reviewed the POD I and bas det8r1lined'to extend the current POD Zoning for two years, until October 30, 1998; and NOW, TBERBPoRB BB IT RESOLVED, by the Board ot Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Plorida that: 1. The above recitals are adopted berein by reterence as it tully set forth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidance ot co.pliance with the review requireaents ot Section 2.7. 3 . 4 ot the LDC. ....,.:. " ~"'. ,', ,'! " 3. Pursuant to _id ~ion of the LDC, the currant POD approval is bereby extended to October 30, 1998; at the end ot vbicb tiae the owner shall subait to the procedures in LDC Section 2.7. 3 . 4 . This Resolution sball becOlIe effective i--diately upon it. approval. BB IT .rUK'.l'IIAK RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the ainutea of this Board and in the records ot the Petition tor vbicb the ateDaion is granted. JAl2 t _ eo.ai..ioner Norris offered the tor89oinq Resolution and aoved for ita adoption, .econded by eo.ai..ioner Con1!lt.ant:.ln. , and upon roll call, the vote va.: AYES I Commissioner Norris, Commissioner constantine, Commis.ioner Mac'Xie Commissioner Berry, and Commisisoner Hancock DY81 AB8D'.r AJfD IfO'1' VO'l'IJIGI . '.~ - :..~. " AB&t-j.....~.10ll: , Done thia 21 day ot January , 1997. 0" BOARD 01" COOllTY COIDa88IUII~ COLLIER COOllTY, PLORIDA BY: T~~-!~ tSlTDQ. .:~; ".L ~i ,', " ,. '. ., .... '. ,.,..........." . &~..AfIN.-l,..~C'im~, . ~_.~;.~;"'.CLBRJC :" ..' ,,' '" 0.' ;'0 -.'-... ........ .... ',:. ..". (/. t(..' "" ~ . 'J "","T..~"'l '. . ';.~':" /11 A ,.;,tAL ~ ,,',')'. .: : ". ~ . ..', ".' .. ,.. .'''- , AS' TO : f'ORIJ' AND 'LEGAL 8tJl"1I'ICIBNCY: \~~~'>'.. ......, ....:)..:'...../ ~ ~~~:: SADDLEBROOlt VILLAGB PDD/19072 i ...:-" " '"