Resolution 1997-054 RESOLUTION 97- 54 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOhRD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2. 7 . 3 . 4 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LMD DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFECTItfQ ORDIIfANCE 91-67 ALSO KNOWN AS lfORTlfl'RflOaal PLAZA POD, EXTBHDIlfQ THE CURRENT POD APPROVAL TO OCTOBER 30, 1998; AND PIIa\r1DDlQ AN lU"A.'i'~YB DATIl. ~1P1lS, the lforthbroolte Plaza PUn, ordinance 91-67 acSopt:ecS on Jaly 30, 1991 b subject to the provisiona of section, of the I.aDcI oevelos-nt Code (LOC), Tiae Limits for Appr~ed POD Zoning Diatricta toqether with their respective Master Plana; and tfRlnI.BAS, the POD _s adopted conaistent with and under the provbiOll8 ot the Collier County Growth llanaq.-nt Plan; and 1fJIBRBAS, the Board ot County coaaissioners bIw revietMd the POD and bas deterained to extend the current POD Zoninq for two yeara, until october 30, 1998; and NOW, THBREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Zoning Appeals of Collier County, Florida that: 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reterence as if fully set forth berein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence of c~liance with the review require.ents of Section 2.7. 3 . 4 ot the LOC. 3. Pursuant to said section of the LOC, the current POD approval is hereby extended to October 30, 1998; at the end ot which tille the owner shall suba1t to the procedures in LOC Section This Resolution shall becoae effective iaaediately upon ite approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the ainutes ot this Board and in the records of the Petition for which the extension is granted. .' . :~ l' . f-.~ JAN 2 f 1997 . coaais.ioner Norris offered the toreqoinq Resolution and .oved for its adoption, seconded by coaabsioner "ac'ltie , and upon roll call, the vote wass AYBSs Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Mac'ltie, commissioner Constantine, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Hancock MYSs AB8IHT AND NOT VOTDfGs ABS'l'BlfTI0lf s Done this day of 21 Januarv , 1997. . " . BOARD OF COUNTY COIOaSSIUII_ :~~~. of th . Bancoclt, CSATVM1>U -) , -, ; .. ," _......';. . " ' . c,,:. ~~ " oll,f,.:'o:."". ". .' '..r;.; . ,"'(... ~ ~. ;.... '. '1" t.r.. Ii ,.' .", ..,' ., .' , . J . ',~ ; .. ..'.' ".1'1" t', o. "'..:.,... '...... .... .,..... '*. ~ . -..:LoAD'"..:a: '. /. l' :. uriCilll'l"J~" BROCK'. ~ . fT. '. ::/A '::~: ~/I -: :., ': '......... ':.t/( . ", " '. ' : . .AS': TP, rQRM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: . 'I",. ;.. i-t'~ ~ ....' '; . ~ ... . .... . .," ~ '. , ;.. .,.,,,.,.... .. ~.~.J~.(.~ ASSIS'l'AJIT COUNTY' A'l"l'Ol<ftKi IOR'.l'BBROOItE PLAZA PUD/19079