Resolution 1997-053 RESOLUTION 97-~ A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURStJAJIT TO SECTION 2.7. 3 . 4 or TIm COLLIER COUNTY LAHD DEVELOPMENT CODE AFFZCTIKC ORDIKUCJ: 87-9 ALSO DOWN AS THB PIn RIOOB CENTER PUn, REQUIRINQ THB SUBMl:T'1'AL or A PUn AMEIfDMENT; AND PROVlDINQ U IUJl;CTIVB DATE. " .' WRBREAS, the Pine Ridqe Center POD, Ordinance 87-9, adopted on Karch 24, 1987, is subject to the provisions ot Section, ot tile Land Deve10paent Code (LDC), Tille LimitIJ tor Approved PUn lI..ter PIau; and 1fII1rDtu, the Board ot County C~issioners has revi_ed the PUn and bas deterJlined that the current POD Zoninq is inconsistent with certain provisions ot the Growth Manaq..ent Plan and the Land Develo~t Code; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board ot Zoninq APPeala ot Collier County, Florida that: 1. The above recitals are adopted herein by reterence as if fully set torth herein. 2. This Resolution shall constitute evidence ot co.pliance with the review requirements ot Section of the LOC. 3. Pursuant to said sectien of the LDC, the property owner or aqent shall submit an ..ended POD to the Planninq Services Director prior to June 5, 1997. This Resolution shall become ettective immediately upon its approval. BI IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the .inutes of this Board and in the records ot the Petition tor which the extension is qranted. C~issioner Norris ottered the toreqoinq a.solution and moved tor its adoption, seconded by commissioner ...,.....4. , and upon roll call, the vote was: JAM 2 1 817 . AYUs DYS: USDIT AND NOT VOTINQ: Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Mac'Kie, Commissioner Constantine~ Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Hancock ,. ABan;.."&lOlfI Done this , 1997. day ot " ".........y '-I BOARD or COUNTY COIIIIISSIonRS COLLIER COUlC'l'Y, FLORIDA BY. ~~ Timet L. UaftCock, CIf~ , -'di! ~ .t" 1,'1'. .' .' ~ ..... ~. ~ ~~ 1'; .~ . ~l '. . . ~~lf""'" . ,;_t, '(', '. ....'.. ,..... I..,.' ..' ... .' "" l' " .~ . '. . ',:.~I ':.' "~'. .., I, {,. '" t:-/ ;'; 'hAft'lria ...,......: .(: "', ~'l""'__ 'B. ':BItOCk/ ,ci;Jmc t....,,~ .,~.,.;", t';) t', .~, ' . ,.. t.. t', c. .:. : "r ~.' I '. ,....\~....: f.it , .+;~ . r ~-: ~ -'" ".,.. ~i .' ,"",f, .... . " '.,AS' To.';o.,. AND LEGAL lIuI"nCIBNCY: '. .. ." '. .' ,........... ,\."" ,.....-,......... , . .'....:.:..'. ,;..,,....... ".' .. I, ''''1' ,.' .. '.~ .1,. . I', ~ ..; "';. '; .j' . ASSIftU'l': COUNTY, ATTORNEY , . PIn RIDGB CENTER PUn/lt066 ,.;. . '.\,,", '0'_11 ;. ,