Resolution 1997-051 RESOLUTION 97-~ RELATING TO PETITION NO. CU-95-16B FOR EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USB OF PROPERTY HERBINAPTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAs, the Legislature ot the State ot Florida in Chapter 125, Florida statutes, has conterred on all Counties in Plorida the paver to .stablish, ccordinate and entorce zoning and such busin... regulations _ as are nece.sary tor the protection ot the public; and WHEREAs, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Dav.l~t Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establish.. ~ehenaiv. zoning regulations tor the zoning ot partiCUlar divisions ot tha , County, lIJIong which is the granting and extending the tin period ot Conditional Uses; and WHEREAs, on J~nuary 23, 1996, the Board ot Zoning Appeals enacted Resolution No. 96-2?, which granted a conditional use pursuant to Ordinance No. 91-102, tor a church and child care center, on the below de.=ibed property; and WHEREAS, SUb.ection ot the Land Developllent Code provid.. that the Board ot Zoning Appeals aay extend the one (1) year tt.e period tor a conditional use which has not been ~nced; NOW, THBRBPORB BB IT RESOLVED, by the Board ot Zoning Appeals ot Collier County, Florida that: The written reque.t ot Terrance L. Kepple ot Kepple Engineering, Inc. representing JlIJIes , Allie Smith tor the tirst of three (3) permitted one (1) year extensions, in interest of the following described property: See attached legal description Exhibit "A" is hereby approved pursuant to Subsection ot the Land Developaent Code (Ordinance No. 91-102), and the expiration date tor Re.olution ~o. 96-27, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B", and all conditions applicable thereto, i. extended hereby for one year until January 23, 1998. -1- JAM 1 HJ97 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the ainutes of this Board and in the records of the Petition tor which the extension is granted. eoaaissioner Constantin. offere4 the toreqoing Reeolution and aoved tor its adoption, .econded by co..i..ioner lIIaelKi. , and upon roll call, the vote vaal ADS I Commissioner Constentine, Commissioner Mac'Kie, Commi.sioner Norris Commissioner Berry, and Commissioner Hancock '" NAys: "ABSENT AIm NOT VOTING: ., ~J:6I'fTION: Done this 14 day of January , 1997. . . . " I ' .. ~ . . '. '. I . . . ~ ~~ ~,' . I". ,.' .... I. " I . .. ," ".. "g.. '[''',,'1'''\,1 ~.." ('(1" ?WiGHT B:"BRocii. 'SiERK ; ",: ,", BOARD OF ZONING APPBAL8 :~~~ .' . '" " . .' .... '. "vEDAS TO\'~ AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ....... " ~! "..,., '. .", 1,'1",'1"'" : '<'.' _IijM.'Jiuo~~'.c ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY C.U. EXTENSION RESOLOTION/18723 '1 '5~ .~ ;Ii~ l!~J II" ,-Ill ...!il~ ->1 ~~i -c~m I!~ . ...;:1 -n ...~ r;;- .: a" -.--- CDlTlFICATlOIh I I€Rf!Y CERTIFY TO." , JAl1ES H. SMITH NCl AlLIE ItEllECCA 511lT1h THAT A IlOIJHDi.Ry SUlMY CWo TllACT.t7, couiEH G.\TE ESTATES 1Il1T' ACCOIlIlIIlC TO THE PlAT fH[R[Qf AS IlECORIlCl IN PLAY IIOOK , PACES n & 10 or n. PUIlLIC IlECIIlIOS OF COlliER COlJfTY, nORIDA WAS COlIPUTm LIClER In' DIIlECTIOIl 011 AUCUST 3, 19'35. rHtl ~_r r....Yr' IOCrrr rtC 11/>I1_ 'C~CAl. "__M re, rtIIItTH ., ,He I1.DIf/;;t 1OMf' or ~CSS/OHII4 SIAVCrQlllr IIIIJI -., ~~, m UCFlDf 47~7. rLD1f/1M sr"TUTCI MIll OfA/'rCII "Cl7-4 n.au;;t AMJNlSrltATlvC ~ rrlIIC. r.LA slJIrvcn CD/lI'. LI "" lit' ~/~ ' .., ---~ . ...-...--- DATE . ..., CUIlTOIIII. fIllS All. P.L.S. I2C51. JOHIl G[MEVRIIlO. P.L.S. 'C08S , '. JAM 1 " 1997 IlmAL ~PTIOO ..-.c . JIG ClDIT1F1iItAfDiI . . .-:I CM.T rea IIC UfilI Ksn.... .. . ... . ClDITWlCAfDI " n1\L JCMIC. ~1. . nUJQIt . ( A.~ .. CDTIrItA.... II JG1' v...... IM.CU 1aifC. IT lie ...-aaI ,.. ~ VlfJI tIC ..vcnJl"S lI'1GSU. 1tM... ---- --. t ~. .~~ n.a.a...... 1...-. i ~.~7 ~ · Ii: i.~1:iro- . t.:::=_ 1:.'.~tn4 !=':~=.. D: r: :u..CP&C ..... "I~ ~iff~ &.i. ....... 1IfQ.L. _.ICilI:.~. ,.. .- e." . ..- " V6TCIL II. rOIl . 11IM CDCaiCTt 1lOUC1If. ~.... -..:r - ;0: ~ '.?:.: _ .... " Inr.~~~~= ...~ I.Id1..... 'Ie ~ .....~rIIlfoQ~ 3P-"--L ... fIC . ..... .. ~.~ ... PCP . ~ CIIil'''' ..... _,.. '-" IF .....-.u.._ 41,.......... ....PU."V1~~~ ft............ ~ oM. .. . ,.,.. .. Boo l 4J. ... . PlII.ICI I'O.L .... ... . ...., c:r ~ CUhoC. ~ ::-..~. ~-:f~ =..~ ,..r>I .I4~tI. oJ.'" (j'J-'1)- l,,-?- '" -..- . ~'U _ rr ..-rr-. ..-............. ou._ .....,........ WM. . . .. . MLJIIiIf ...c. .. IIC . "CCI ...... ~. ". bill . III 1114 NI.L _lie. .C1__ , ......"'_........... La '5' ........ ..... ...,....~IDO.... .....,......... .. A". .......'fU PlI4.. ...h4.~"" ......-lP-- ... .,.. . ... IIQ.Ul4tC m""'- AI. VI ..., .. ... ..IQ,'", ...~.....nn....ICQIIlILI~. .. e Me "In .. 1l'i.A" '" _I.... .... ..... _ .c..,... WI&&:a ~ ..... .. =""r.'._. "X" nOOQ~250 "JI8' _,. m .....-.c.-r.'C".....,.........Ilo.. .. ~ ...._-= n ..." ....... _. _. I ... .,.... ~ .. :C-=-''::'''~l.'= ~.lDa\.'" ,... ..... Lacs ..... _ ...... . IEIICt ..... .. ...... _~..IC ec 1IC1lI""".s..cc... __._ n. .-c . '""" __ _ ...... .. ..... -.ell -- 0ft0Q .. ca....... _ ..... !:.. ~ Me .. __ ...... n. y- .. -;... J.:...-V-.... .. .... . -- _ .. ..-cr _ -:: ~),. ... ~_._ ..-. .... ... __~ ~ IMIC& "' _ J .. . --c. ... IJIDICa c.:D'I -.. ._ 1._..uDaC~_. ......... ___ __.-a ... ~ --- . .... .. .. -.c . DaPt' .-c _ -.._-.- _ lID .. ...... ~ ....,. -'G _..... __ _ __..... c.......... ..... .. - ..-................ -.,...-... .... - . .. ...... ... _ . .... .... .. -.Ka ...u11' flU ~. FINSTAD, surveyor in transition to, F. L. A. SURVEYS CORP. LB 6569 I'RQFCSSIONN. LNtR SI.ftVC1DRS & I'/.ANNCJiS 111;>> IICv _rrrNfr av. ... CDiIIP'OIltlC SI1uMtC ..va AllIe UI F'. IfrC14 'LDlIM. ~, 1f1/II'I.r%. ruMtM 2n'fl ."-,,,."U .,;"'<4'-311I1 lQ.rI/lllRr sl.Rvcr TRACT 97, COlDEN CATE ESTATES UIlIT '. AtCORDIIlC TO TIt[ PLAt THEREOF AS RECOAOED IN PLAT BOOK , PACES 79 . eo OF THE PUBl.IC RE~ OlLLlER COIJITY, FLORIDA. ".-, ~ " f 5- Iurl:Jit/$t."'L&Ii/UVN&Jft IJArc. AUCUST J, SCAL.C. 1" . 80' , 1995. ~\.IG ? ~ \99~ U 9 R "'1'-'6 R~JtA SI11TH U , liEP.'l\C 1'.1/., /'G., I'/lC EXHIBIT "A" RESOLOTIOH 96--2] A RESOLOTIOH PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CHURCH AND CHILD CARE CENTER CONDITIONAL USE IN THE -E" ESTATES ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.2. 3 . 3 . 1 AND 2. 2 . 3 . 3 . 3 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature ot the state of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land , Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive . Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of I Conditional Uses; a~d WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission, being the duly appointed and constituted planning board tor the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing atter notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of Conditional Use "l" and "3" of Section in an "E" zone tor a church and child care center on the property hereinatter described, and has found as a matter ot tact (Exhibit "A") that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection of the Land Development Code for the Collier County Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in a public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters present~d. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida that: .-.,-----~_._-,._---_..._--- ",nit I . Iv....' . The petition filed by William L. Hoover, AICP ot Hoover Planning repre.enting James M. and Allie Rebecca Smith with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein be and the same is hereby approved for Conditional Use "1" and "3" of Section of the "E" Estates zoning district for a church and child care center in accordance with the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit "C") and subject to the following conditions: Exhibit "D" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reterence herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. C01IlIIissioner ,Mac' Kie ottered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by commissioner Hancock and upon roll call, the vote was: Commissioner Norrie Commissioner Matthews, and AYES: Commissioner NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Mac'Kie, commissioner Hancock, Commisisoner Constantine Done this E day of~1~'7 , 1996. 'f'~";>.~.. i.i.~,~ '. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA '~&'H"::-' C. NORRIS, CHAIRMAlI , '".' ~: ....1 ~ "U 0 r'.: . A1:FEST: "'.", 'Ct_. DWIGHT E:"BJ:l.O~,. CLERK ..' .,.. . .. !j) {I. ~. " , AP~' 'VED AS TQ:;FORK AND LEG~;,~UFn~~:: . ... . - . ~O~~~~d(1,;t ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY CO-9S-l6 RESOLUTION/IS341 .: ~ FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PETITION FOR PETITION NO. CU-95-16 The following facts are tound: JAN 1 " 1997 , 1. sections , ot the Land Devlopment Code authorized the conditional use. . .. 2. Granting the conditional use will not adversely atfect the public interest and will not adversely atfect other property or uses in the same district or neighborhood because of;: A. Consistency with the Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan: ~ Yes /" No B. Ingress and egress to property and proposed structures thereon with particular reference to automotive and pedestrian satety and convenience, trattic tlow and control, and access in case of tire or catastrophe: Adequate ingr~ egress Yes No 'C. Affects" neighboring properties in relation to noise, gl~ economic or odor effects: ~No affect or Attect mitigated by _____ Affect cannot be mitigated D. compatibility with adjacent properties property in the district: Compatible use Wi~~istrict Yes No - and other Based on the above findings, this conditional use should, with stipulations, (copy attached) (should not) be recommended tor approval l, l...,,1 f . CHAIRMAN,_e~4 !11-~/ DATE: , I 'i/f~ / / FINDING OF FACT CHAIRMAN/15344 Exhibit "A" .. - ..... ...."--'.,.._"-'~,,~'''-.--~.._.~-~~.,.._..__._"---"----_.._.~- "'1.' i'. ...~ .. ;If!. '.' . 'W ':l1;i' (.7l; ,. :'~::" ...... ,.:'i~ , , '.. .. ~,..~. ....'t.. ~-:. ;II~ !~I il'" Ii-III ..20 ->i ;~i Bg", ~lil~ ...... ::;!:l r;;- I: i'" , CVlTlFICAT 10th I J1[Jl[llt CERT In TO. JNltS N. SMITH,.,., AlLIE IElECCA SMITH. TH/IT A _AllY SIJlI'I[y Of.TIlACT.~!, COI.J)[N CATE ESTATU UIlIT _ ACaIlIDINC TO THE !'\.AT THEREOF AS IllCORDEll IN !'LAT IIOQI( , PAC[S n , 10 or n. PUIl'C IllCllllDS OF COUtER COUfTT. FUlIII~ WAS COIt'UTED IHlOI MY DIIltCTIOIl 011 AIJCIlS T 3 I I9'JS. THU DJNPMfY ~Ulfvr:Y IfCCT~ T.... IfPtJ_ 'CC_CAe. S'_M SCT rDIITH 6T r~ rLlJlf/M _II or ~CSstONAL SUlfvcr/JlfS ANII 1fIII'1'CIfS IVtSWWT TO seer/a< 47Z-Ql7. TlDtf/M STArllTCS MIll CIWTCIf '/GJ7-' TLDlUM A/1IfJNlStltATlVC I:tl COlIC. r.LA SI.IIVCTS CD/ff'. U "" 'It' ~/~ ' It ___~ ~~--' OAT[ '" CllnTO" W. FI"5 AD, P.l.S. '2453, JOHN GE"EYRIHO, P.l.S. '4085 NTt . t1CI crnWICATIDI 111 lit WID CM..'f rat he .... lestal." II IS MJT ,. a.1Jr1CA1Dt ". tnU,. I:DMK lAstlCll'" III "a:o. "VCI-_NCl:S. lHIl CUflf'lCAtDl D 1101 VAf.... I,M.,(U SKI<, IT nc IUtVCYDI Ma ~. \fITM 1.c: ......CT.... lJIlOISlI It..... ""IICT .... ...lIt'tCa ..... ..,a . " ....... a. .,. M'rlQllll"Lf' ta.u:. ...... a ...t1t~ ... _....,,~1OiG. ..~.- t . ~CotIALAfU, & . CafOl........ . .. R.CllIf'''''' .Qoe.~...-...c. ao..OGllt. "OJ.~ nJCL a. 01 . COGCK IiIOIUCJI'. to&. ClIH: . eooc:.rc. .. c:rv . ~( f1KWU. .. CrY . tMrwC .rea. "... 1tCa. =: ~~ ~~. ti...-...... CJ.w . nCCl'1t .-. \IO.L (go . CICe .. ..e"<I'CoCIiff. CDt . tIGl " lQilIla ,&. ~ -near" ".'01. n '01 . ,~ aJClII'C1C JOlIlICIl1. ...,a .,...~... 1'- ,. . ,.. ...__r. ""..""'IIIQIIt~ ~ J:":::: ~ - \ftn. (.<110: tL,.... ........ )a. arc . coca..... 1C1.D'oOC ..... e~:~~. ...-.tUlJllCll:C<ICUCJIt. ..-.--." :11........, tlK....C. ,. .. . ~ .....u LaC. n.,. ,...,. ... PC . ...... " QIhoI&n-. fL PO . ~r ICDl'CL ....... a& ,. . .... " ......--._ 4,........... ... flU . I'G'CU'1DIIlIIL. ...... .....aca n....~.~ ...,......,.1 1- 4'."'.~P'ILL _1IW:.....,Cl" ~~. ;: ::-..~~':r~ =,.~ 0- JAM 1 ~ 1997 u""...r4 .11.;,,,,. .Jtt#" S 8'3-9~- t~ ... -~- . _'P .... "r ..u~ It.... ...""" A... ....,., ..... ......" ....,. _....~PK. .......T'n--. ". ,... .. lfltILL ICLL : ~ : :1':' ... WIIIf CIf'. La "" ...... IC1 ....... "''''.~KIlOt-. ...-......... .... u . . .....'0 IlK. ...,....~--. .. ... 0 ...... _ .... .... "" . _to ~ "'.. u. VI . .'0 ... ... .-10.'" "' ~.c .. rut "". IIItCMIlLI JlClIlIar. ,. __.... Me .... .. A.Af. k "t.::-::a-a .... .... .. ","v.a. """11 Inc::I'VtIt ..=..~;_. "X" 1~-ll'250 513/16 -., ~ nCDt D<< . .... "C". ..... , ... _ .. . ......rtl ~ ~""'~oIIICU n.u. ~ ~__ .1."""'1..... VIIMIlt' ~,.. .... ......,..... ~ ...." ..., N'f . DtII. ." ,...~....:: =,=".;:.-.:;--.r..ftC~~ .. ....... .. .tII....c8 .. lit .. ... .. ....., .. u:c... ItSCW'DIo "' ...c . '"" .. ,........,.. .. ...... -.aI ......-.. .-ell N. 1.6.-.... Me ..... ~~ . MIC I'D IIUIIIICI lII\..d ...--.. , n. .....,.. uc ...., ..... .. .. __ . -........... ,."'" .....cwn... .IC...,..~_~. .... __ m.a~_ ~ ....c.. ft. . . ......".,... -":!!'i"':' ' . .. .. .... ~ CaICIOIII. ..... .. WIlrI. ..... ......, WX ..-0 '* 1UlVCG. ...... .. - . MJI[ tIC .. w-.c 1 J" 1 r. ~ ... .. ~ .. ... 'Ut twwa. .. flU ,. .. ...., ~ ...,. 8IIOYtK IIOfQ. . __ ....... ...,..., "",-'-o.'~ ..,.. c.a.IOQff'1 ,..., _ .., ~I .. .... IJIUl .., ... . ,... II ltC .....c ca;an . .... ...... ... _ . .... .. .., . IIIIlJtC1 .-un flU f'\.Ar. FINSTAD, surveyor in transition to, F.L.A. SURVEYS CORP. LB 6569 I'IlOI'CSSIONM. l.AI<D SI.IIVCrDltS & I'&.ANIICRS II'" #tIC", 6IIJrT.", av. 4_ CD/fI!/'OIAl' stJuMtC AVA tulle,. rr. ""ItS. '1.1/II184 ~1 MI'\n TLlMIIM _ .,'.11'5",", .>-4.,~hIIl 60UItlJARY sl.IIvcr TRACT '7. COWEN CATE ESTATES I.tlIT '1 ACCOIIDINC TO THE !'\.At TIDtOF AS RICORDED '" PLAT BOOK , PACES 7' 10 OF THE I'UBl.IC III COlliER COI.tlTY. FlORIDA, \ ,.l:- 1/14 re. IAIrCit/SI:L.I.t:St/u'rt/r&.'1ft AUCUST 3. 1995. SCALE' 1" . 10' 1'.J1.' 1'(;., '..-. ";. PRD.ICI:T 10 " 950'. .'~~ , Exhibit "B" - . '~"-----';-~~"'--'-'~~-'"-'~"-'-'.'-~-"~~-"<~'-~'-' GOLDEN GA TE BL VD. CHURCH JAN 1 It 1997 Voconl Wooded Estoles Lots Vocanl Wooded Esloles Lots Property ----------------- ~~ Co/dM Col" 81vrJ. eMIMiIl=! /00' R dwo osemenL_ - ~. Top.. . 100' Tum Lon. r;;;.~=~-. ~";;;~;:, ~~":( P~~9~-- Spour may h ,,-an No tUfal ."acn p'" s.ttJon 2.~4.2 o( the Land D.~. Cod.. Area 2. Th. /tIoturol knr. Iypkt#y 11".,. . mt..tutw 01 Slrnh !'in., and C~, VHS. '..tIl. Ih, or",. to lit d.""opftl or. primOI'll' ,J~ ", haw pr,dontinon- II)' Slosh Pinn rftth oN)' on occa.iond Cp.,.. J. P".im.,. Buff.,., .. be pt'OWdft/ .IC'P' wh.. locotH ..it";,, NtJh"a/ Antn. rrth".. aJ(f,c.,' lCI"..ning ..ht.. 4. Phau , Limit. or. II ',250 Sq. n 0._ ../h (I mo.1mtMn 0' t 7' Seo,. oM 0 2.fOO 5q. n Ooy Cor. ..ith a jJo.imvm of '26 srur:lenls. Proposed County Park on Estates Lot For Chtoi. of Proposed Port C" tranc. ROOd In fstatu Community Parle: Phose 1 Vo,.lof1ce "ost". Plat'! Dated 4-J-9' ~ :;- Cl " " " 'll Cl Cl Cl. N *d' W}'~E s --" , .. _. Ala' , - __ 5lIwo :un _ c..,.. .,. _ n >>HZ ,...,. SH-nu rn "'-'>>7 0.,. "'__ : '-21-'S NoturO/~reo 0.1. ,,_ ,-IJ-15 0.1.,,_ __ IZ-IJ-15 Property Boundary <: Cl ~ a Natural .... ~reo - ... -... ,j.f - ... ... -+ Chureh - He Foeli/in - - He /0,000 JoT Sq.Ft. - - J.f ~ ., .. o H 7 _-In! Todd"',/ or / d/ / / / J .... -+ Child Core oclil 3.700 Sq.FI. He JoT J!__ o I I I I Scale: 100 I 1st Aven,e .g.W Cen terline 0 6 ROW Proposed County Pork With ~cti"" RttCrtlOliono/ Focliti" on Esloles Proptlrly . Site ArtlO - 4. 92 ~c:res Proposed Counly Por/c Itfth ~cti... RttCrlJOlionol Facilities on Estates Proptlrty EXHIBIT .C. _r~ _II. ..... -- ~ _ Cot. -...... _n~ ~: ..,-..s-.., ~"_~"'" 8' 11$ s..t . J . ,.. 7S $II.... (C1tw<It) ~ . I,.., 7 CmpIo,... .. . I ,.., 10 sr.,_,. . I , 7 Cmtr/. . '/'10 : , IZf S"," . IJ fDo7 Cln) . " ,,_ ~4~ IJtriIMI "fJJk:':. - , llOSHI .J- '10 *-' //,."f;It) :. , ,.., , ,.,...... ., , ,.., 10 S_,. . , . . Cmtr/. . 1/'10 , 'M) S"," - "(Dq Cln) . '47 If~ hcWhf s ~ PtrIrhI Pi ... : ,., s,.... ~ 5",,_ Single-Famly Hame on Wooded Estolu Lol ~'''-''. Fronl "0' Sift 25' ,,_ n' r""" It s. Cdgo of Cold." Cat. awL 110" ond ,,_ It .... N. Cdg_ of Isf Aw. . [J{L~,J; .JPr\ AGREEMENT JAN f It 1997 I, William L. Hoover, as authorized agent for Petition CtJ-95-16, agree to the following stipulations requested by ~e . Collier County Planning Commission in their public hearing on January 4, 1996. PLANNING: a. The Planning " Technical Services Manager may approve minor changes in the location, siting, or height ot buildings,' structures, and improvements authorized by the conditional use. Expansion ot the uses identified and approved within this conditional use application, cr major cha~ges to the site plan submitted as part of this application, shall require the sub~ittal of a ne~ conditional use application, and shall comply with all applicable county ordinances in effect at the time ct submittal, including Division 3.3, site Development Plan Review and approval, ot the Collier county Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91-102). b. That the church facility be made available for use as a poll .sit,e .b.t the superv!~o.l;, ot Election~.' '. c. Ah'" - excitlc. vegetation' removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic-free) plan for the site shall be submitted to Planning , Technical Services Environmental Review Staff for review and approval prior to tinal site plan/construction plan approval. d. An eastbound right-turn lane shall be required as a condition of the issuance of a Certiticate of Occupancy or Compliance for Phase I. e. A westbound left turn lane shall be required under the two-lane condition should the County, in its sole opinivn, de~er~ine that operational or sate~y requirements require it. Such turn lane, if required, shall be in place prior to the issuance of any per::lit for Phase II. t. Under the four-lane condition, the County rese~ves the right to determine the need for and the desira~lity of a median opening to serve this development. It such median opening is deemed necessary or desirable, the entire cost of providing the median opening shall be borne by the benefiting property owner(s}. There shall be no right to any such turn lane vested in this development under any development order arising out of / EXHIBIT "D" -1- I , q. any conditional use, rezone or buildinq permit qranted to the property owner. The project .hall be dev.lop.d in two pha.... The first phase limits the church to 6,250 square f.et and the day care facility to 2,600 square teet. The second phase or buildout limits the church to 10,000 square feet and the child care to 3,700 square teet. The second phase can not be initiated until Colden Gate Boulevard is 4 laned fronting the project. JAN 1 It 1997 ';. . V..;/~;,... y % t. 7~ ) PETITIONER OR AGENT . " STATE OF FLORIDA CoUNTY OF COLLIER ....-.- .. - The foreqoinq ~-.J.h day of is personally e~nt Sheet was acknowledged bet ore me this ~t'\..'L/Y , 1996 by JllJ/i ii?l t. I.L,~vo-e... , who own to 1IIe or who has produced . as identitication. ~~~ (S gnatur ot Notary pUblic) .' r--.'- .....;.-:.:: . ..~-,' _..~ NOTARY PUBLIC . '. : . !:.:",....... ......... :0 ~! :. _: ... commission # l._::! :;. ::. ::t~:: . My cOllllllission Expires:" . . ._- . - -., .. ~gtdMt ,I/&.~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIE~ ~he_ foregoing U::::' day of is personally A~eZllent Sheet lOas ackncl}lec.c;ad. ce~ere:, me this .. :";":". ,lSS6by .\.,.;;:"", .-......... , Icnown to me or-I.... I."", k'rcCuced whe .'- -- ---- as identification. , p' ~~ '_ /} I -:to_ , / t.~. /-I-r . ~~?~~ .' ~, ~ (S~C;llature of Notary public) /.. {~", .4 Il. 7" u) ,,- NOTARY PUBLIC cOllll:lission # (} I! .5! IS 7 7';" My commission Expires: tl ~ ~.j9(. - '. Y$ NOl.\tA A 1OO.'o'i seTAl"( P\;JUC 5rAn; OF fLOIIll COM1ollSSlON 1'0. o:::nsm MY COM:>llSSION EX? AUG. 2l.19l6 / 1.5343 -2-