Resolution 1997-040 RESOLUTION NO. 97-~ JAIf f 4 1997 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF DEEDS AND AGREEMENTS BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR mE LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY, TO BE EFnCTIVE DURING THE CURRENT CHAIRMAN'S TENURE ONLY. WHEREAS, Collier County lCquircd . twenty (20) 8CI'e site by WIlnIIIty DcecI daIed December IS, 1964liomJ.C. Turner LumberCompIDy IIld reconIcd in \be Public Rcc:onII of Collier County in O.R. Book 180, Pqe n3 on December 21, 1964, Cor DID... pub1lc cemetery Icoowu II \be LIke TrUTord Memorial Gardena Cemetery; IIld WHEREAS, !be Board of County CommiuiOllCl1Il1opled Resolution No. 12-1OS 011 July 27, 1982, wbich govema !be rights of intennent, IIlIminiIIntioa m.lnt-1IId development of!be Lab Trafford Memorial Gardena Cemdery, aid policy inc:Iudina \be diIposition of indigent de< led; IIld WHEREAS,!be Board of County CommiaIOIICI1Il1opled Resolutloa 87-224 on September 22, 1987, which revilCll Resolution No. 82-IOS repnIing \be operat!oa of tbe cemetery; IIld WHEREAS, !be Boan! of County CormniuiOllCl1Idoptcd Resolution No. 90-214011 April 17, 1990, which I'CRrVCII lClClioa in tbe V~ Section Cor \be ........-of providinglmemori.a1;1Ild WHEREAS,!be Board Idoptcd Reaolution No. 90-242 on May 1,1990, which revilCll!be rulca IIld regulatiOlll which govern !be odmlmotoUioa IIld ~ oftbe cemetery; and WHEREAS, there ~ I benefit 10 !be County IIld 10 tbe public iltbe acIminialrIliw procedUl'Cl c:oncerning Deed.1Ild AgreeJJIC/Ib for Deed 10 Right ofL..l&......d Cor tbe Late TrUTord Memorial Gardena Cemetery are expedited, while maintaining tbe aaCesuarda of IIaff IIld legal COWllCI review of IUCh documenta; IIld WHEREAS, Ihe Board of County Cormniuionen recognizea rtJe benefit of reducing time for Board approval on reviewed IIld approved Deed. and AgreeJJIC/Ib for Deed 10 Right of Interment NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: 1. The Board of County CommilSionen does hereby authorize tbe Chairman of Ihe Board of County Commiuionen to exec:ute Deed. and Agreemenll for Deed 10 Right oflntermenl for Ihe Lake TrUTord Memorial Oardcna Cemetery, ptImJalItlo Reaolution No. 90-242 dated May I, 1990,and Ihe County'llldminiatration of that Reaolution, wba ~"I^'U tbe DcecIa IIId Agreementa for Deed to Right of Interment have been previously reviewed and approved by Ihe Real Property Management Department and !be County AIIomey's Office. 2. The aulhorization oflhe Chairman 10 execute Ihe DcecIa IIld Agreernenta for Deed 10 Right of Interment for !be Lake TrUTord Memorial Oardcna Cemetery hereunder sbatl extend solely for !be teuure oftbe current Chairman. . ....t.., . f' JAI 14 197 . . , Thid~CIOhIIion adopl.ed lhia /d day O~- -7~ .1997, aftermotioa, ~I ...,.ecooa'aa4majoritywte. -'r- .. ..... 0:' Ij 1.1 "" ..... . f:o": .'.~..... .. I '1" .."" 0'" f ,'" ~ " . ':' ,"'1 '.. ' ( .; , .., : ,..... If "I'. ..' " e. ~ : ~,,:) ,;ATrBst:"-_ :-. ~ : <,'"' ',n 'Q ~:'~,~,;"&v " :,., : si~"',~l,-:--' .- ;. .;;.:..... :,.'-, ~ ~, I~ - ' ..... "'-:'''tIf' ,'1''1 '-:I;, "~.:,. ,,- ,.,..., I~i "'.. (I:' i._. . ,~;' ,.,4./ I.~"":'-'I' ,....,',.. 'f', -..... ,"', . " ~'/. ., ....') ~,. ,,\ f...' . i... -!J;.." . ~.~. . ...". ~ ',,:' 'f"U",I"" r I ", :' , . ;".~ - " " .; ; " ~ Awa.:.ved aID form IIId Iepl~ JiF.U A~__ ,A";"- COlIIIty AtlDmcy ., .~. ," , '.ii :.r: ~{~