Resolution 1997-039 Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 97- 39 A RESOLUTION OF tHE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR tHE ACCEPT ANCB OF ALL CONVEYANCES MADE TO COLLIER COUNTY, A POunCAL SUBDIVISION Of niB STATE OF FLORIDA, AND ALL CONVEYANCES MADE TO tHE COLLIER COUNIY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, WInCH ARB HBREAFI1!Jl MADE IN COMPIlANCB WITII niB DEVELOPMBNJ' COMMITMENT RBQllIREMl!NI'S OF ANY AND ALL ORDINANCES AND AOREJ!MENTS OR AS ANOOBORAL PART OF CAPITAL 1MPROVEMENI' PROJECTS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Cornmiuioncn i. the SovcminS body of Collier County" political aubdiviaion of the Stale of Florida, and in addition i. ex-officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Wider-Sewer Ddtric;t (hereinafter collcc:tively referred to as "Collier County"); and WHEREAS, variOUl intereata in real property mUll be conveyed to Collier County for public use as . requirement of certain development commitmenll stipulated by Collier County ordinancca, in fulfillment of obliptiolll which may now or in the future be contained in agreemenll between Collier County and any JegaI eotity, and as an infesraJ part of capital improvement projccta; and WHEREAS, the formal acceptance by Collier County of auch required conveyances is important in that infrutructure maintenance responsibilities II'e thereby ~JiIhed., and the public right to utilize rights-of-way becomes documented through such ICCeplance; and WHEREAS, the srowlh of the County necessitates an increaainS numberofauch conveyancea year a1kr year; and , WHEREAS, the number of conveyances has caused County ataITto brinS an incrcasinS number of separate "accqrtancea" befon: the Board of County Commiaaioncn vi. Executive SIIIJl/II8l)' and Reaolution; and WHEREAS, it i. desirable and in the beat intcreat of Collier County to reduce the ataIT time and paperwork which i. sencratcd by the formalized acceptance process. NOW, tHEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEn that all inlcreats in reallhul"'i'ly which may be conveyed either to Collier County" political subdivision of the State of Florida, or to the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County, Florida, and as ex-officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Wider-Sewer District, and which II'e conveyed to eitbcr entity as . development conunitment requirement punuant to any County ordinance, or in fulfillment of any obliption which may now or in the future be contained in any agreement between Collier County and any other legal eotity, or which II'e required as 11\ indispensable function durinS the completion of. capital project which has been approved by the Board of County Cornmiuionen, II'e hereby accepted. JAM f 4 f!I97 AND IT IS FURtHER RESOLVED that in order to document the aa:epIance of any such conveyance of 11\ intcreat in real property to Collier County, the CIat to lbe Ikwd is bcrcby authorized to affix to any such conveyance u...b.......d, prior to .......diug in lbe Public R.ccords of Collier County, FIorida,'1lamp orsea1 attestins to aa:eplanceon bebalfofCollier County. Tho Real Property t.f~ Director, or her deallIJICC, IIIa11 provlcIe wriltal DOtification to the CIat of Conrt lbat lbe conveyance was requited by the Board of County Commissioncn in fblfin..- of an obliption on behalf of the conveying catity or to comp1eto project as approved. . AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the present Cbainnll\ oftbe Ikwd of County Commiuioncn, or any ~ Chairman, is bcrcby autborized to execute all do.;,,"...11. .... tiu..d to the acceptance of any such conveyance or the c1carinS of the lien of any eocumbrance from any such conveyance. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED lbat staft'is autborized to f'oUow proper real eIIatAl cIoaina ~.. aDd record all such dnr.....-. in the Public R.ccords of Collier County, Florida. . nns RESOLUTION ADOPTED on Ibis d day;5J - ;;r' 1997 after motion. second ',and majority vote. ......:':~r..::....~.:.~.;"'" .AT:rEsT'... " ',. //'. ,',' I '."./.~../;. ?~,' ;' ;: .~YfIGHT H.'BR<;>Ui. CLERK ~ ~ .'~; ..';.~- . " ~t:;:;. }.:: '. :'. '~.<.:::.,~::;?>:~:':~" BOARD OF COUNTY coMMIssIONERS OF B"ro~~ Approved as to form and legallUfficieocy -lid. f MAA/'-- Heidi F. Ashton Aaistant County Atlomey